Starting 30 Day Shred today - 7/20 - anyone in?



  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I'm just about to do Day 4. My abs have been on fire since I started several days ago. Jillian is evil
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    Hi, I've ordered the dvd but it hasn't arrived yet but count me in when it does if I'm not too late!

    I already do circuit training 3 x per week and I'm not sure what weights to buy. I don't want to spend money on weights that are too light and have to replace them.

    I currently shoulder press with 9kg weights and combine forward/backward/sideway lunges with a 10kg weight. I do squats with a 25kg bag, kettlebell swings with a 14kg and deadlifts with 32kg.

    Also, what other equipment do I need to get please?

  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Superpup - all you really need for the DVD is hand weights, and if you're doing the workout on a hard surface you should probably have some kind of soft mat (ex. - yoga mat) because you're on the floor sometimes (especially for the ab section)
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Way to go everyone!! I did not Shred last night (bad Flippy). But I'm back on track for today!! I WILL NOT give up on this!!!!!!!!

    For those of you struggling with the weights (and yes, those side lunges with arm raises are a KILLA) try using two cans of soup as weights for a night or two. That's what I started with. They're about a pound each. :wink:
  • psychicteabag
    psychicteabag Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks guys but I'm still not sure what size weights I should go for. I don't expect that I'll use the same weights as I shoulder press, but I'm not sure cans of soup will be enough for me as the equivalent of 9kg is nearly 20lbs.

    Any idea what would be a good weight for me to buy? Should I go for half of the 9kg - 10lbs?

  • LaughItOff
    LaughItOff Posts: 33
    ME! I'm on Level 2 starting today.
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Hi, if ya'll dont mind I am going to jump in here. I started 30 day shred last monday but took a day off during the week and I wasn't able to do it this weekend so today is day 5 for me. I have definatly noticed a stamina increase since starting it. It feels good. I use 3lbs hand weights and those are perfect right now.
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Thanks guys but I'm still not sure what size weights I should go for. I don't expect that I'll use the same weights as I shoulder press, but I'm not sure cans of soup will be enough for me as the equivalent of 9kg is nearly 20lbs.

    Any idea what would be a good weight for me to buy? Should I go for half of the 9kg - 10lbs?


    I wouldn't go over 5lbs to start. My hubby is a gym rat (we have a full home gym downstairs) and he did this with me Saturday. He couldn't hack it and had to stop multiple times. Its not like your typical strength training as you're doing cardio in between so your heart rate is up. And you work multiple muscle groups at one time. He was used to focusing on one at at time. He tried starting with 8lbs weights and had to set them down 1/2 way through.
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    completed L1D2 today. i didn't know if i was going to be able to make it through day two with these 5 lb-ers. BUT i have learned not to doubt myself, i actually made it through alright today! i repeated the stretching sequence this time, just doesn't seem like enough stretching at the end does it? then i hit the treadmill for a brisk 30 min walk. i feel great!

    oooh... favorite/ least favorite parts of level one:
    my fave is the punching. that's the easiest part, right? lol
    my least fave is the static lunge. because it kills me. but that's because i need it so much, so i'm ok with it.
    actually the whole first circuit is really tough i think!
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    completed L1D2 today. i didn't know if i was going to be able to make it through day two with these 5 lb-ers. BUT i have learned not to doubt myself, i actually made it through alright today! i repeated the stretching sequence this time, just doesn't seem like enough stretching at the end does it? then i hit the treadmill for a brisk 30 min walk. i feel great!

    oooh... favorite/ least favorite parts of level one:
    my fave is the punching. that's the easiest part, right? lol
    my least fave is the static lunge. because it kills me. but that's because i need it so much, so i'm ok with it.
    actually the whole first circuit is really tough i think!

    Smiles reporting in. I just did day 2, level 1.... and w0w - what you just wrote is what I was thinking too. Not sure I was going to make it through using 5 lbers, but did okay. Also, I agree with you - the stretching seems to be a bit short and I always repeat it just because it feels god. I also hit the treadmill this morning. Are we shredding twins? :)

    Hmmm... my favorite part: the chest fly. (AT least for now).
    Least favorite: the side lunges with anterior raises (is that what they're called?) BUT, I'm doing them anyway!

    Rock on shredders!
  • drward
    drward Posts: 10
    hi there!! I just started again today. Hoping my will power is stronger! I'm going on a ladies only no kids no husbands weekend trip so I need to be bikini ready or at least not bikini scarey :-0 I have until August 13th and would like to lose at least 10 of my 20 pounds. I'm in! My name is Deirdre 45 married 3 children
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    finished L1D3! Those lunges are still killer! I'm actually a big fan of the chest flies too Smiles.

    Jillians actually pretty motivating, thank god :) whenever I feel like I'd like to stop I just remember, I did this yesterday, so I can do it today!

    I also went on the elliptical for about 20 minutes for some additional cardio - I've been doing between 30 and 45 minutes on the elliptical for the past couple months, so while the cardio in the DVD is great to get my heart rate up for the workout, it doesn't feel like enough cardio for my entire day.

    Hope its going well for everyone else!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    L1:D5 in the can!! YAY! Back on track baby! :smokin:

    Yeah I do my own stretching - I totally agree not NEARLY enough. I had a trainer once tell me you should never hold a stretch for less than 15 seconds. So for better or worse that is what I live by.

    Fav Part: Well... chest flies are the easiest for sure, but that probably means I'm not doing much there so I need to use heavier weights for that part. I'd say fav that actually does something is the jump rope at the very end... for some reason I can bounce way on up there by then

    Least Fav Part: Dear God those horrid side lunges with the arm raises. Kills my thighs, kills my neck/shoulders. :sad:

    And wow Kat - extra cardio?? You go girl. :drinker:
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    having this thread is sooo helpful! i love hearing how everyone else is mixing it up with their own cardio routine. i've been doing intervals on the treadmill. i do 2 min. fast walking (3.5mph), then jog for 1 min. (4.5mph). i used to dread getting on the treadmill, but right having my butt kicked by jillian i feel like i can do anything! i actually want to get on! i did not expect that.
    Are we shredding twins? :)
    sounds like we are! we're even about the same age!
    Fav Part: Well... chest flies are the easiest for sure, but that probably means I'm not doing much there so I need to use heavier weights for that part. I'd say fav that actually does something is the jump rope at the very end... for some reason I can bounce way on up there by then
    i <3 the chest flies too! i used 3 lb. handweights today, but while i was doing the chest flies i had the exact same thought... "tomorrow, i'm using 5lb-ers for this part."
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    just did L1D4! I'm glad to hear that everyone is doing well but that I'm not the only one who hates those lunges :tongue:

    Today was the first day that I could really feel a difference, and I feel great right now! :happy:

    Like a couple people have said I was feeling like I wasn't getting enough out of the chest flies so I grabbed 7lb weights for that part (but stuck with 5lbs for the rest!). I also started with 20 minutes on the elliptical beforehand, there's no way I would be able to get on the elliptical after having my butt kicked by Jillian! It also is a good warm up since the one in the DVD is rather short.

    On a side note, I love those couple times when Jillian says "okay 2 more.." I just think "yes I made it!" haha.

    am_lowe - that's awesome that you're wanting to get on the treadmill, I know that was a huge turning point for me when I actually started enjoying my time on the elliptical!

    Flippy - great job on finishing day 5! are you feeling any different during the workout? I think today is the first day that I do!

    I hope its going well for everyone!
  • L1/D5 Done!!! It was alittle easier today. It's hard for me to finish all the jump roping in the first circuit part but today I only had to take one 5 sec. break :smile: I still love it and look forward to doing it tomorrow! :bigsmile:
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    so tomorrow will be my last day of level 1. i told myself i wasn't going to weigh myself until the end of each level, so i cheated a little bit and measured my right thigh. When I started it was 29 in it is now 26 1/4 inches. i am excited!
  • so tomorrow will be my last day of level 1. i told myself i wasn't going to weigh myself until the end of each level, so i cheated a little bit and measured my right thigh. When I started it was 29 in it is now 26 1/4 inches. i am excited!

    That is GREAT!! :bigsmile:
  • fetish215
    fetish215 Posts: 5
    I'm trying to follow what you guys are talking about and I'm totally lost. I'm interested in doing this program also because from everything everyone has wrote, it works well. I'm doing ok with the cutting back on things but I really need to up the exercise and get myself more energy. I'm extremely tired anymore so I need a booster.

    Thanks a bunch!!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    I am actually sitting on the couch trying to talk myself into getting up and SHREDDING! ARGH :noway: I don't wanna. I'm tired, I'm sore and I wanna chill out. :sad: Soooooo that means this is when I REALLY need to get up and do this. NO EXCUSES!

    Oh and Kat I am definitely noticing a difference. I think for me it hit around day 3. But its still plenty of a challenge too!
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