Starting 30 Day Shred today - 7/20 - anyone in?



  • kpie11
    kpie11 Posts: 53
    Today will be D5 L1 for me and it does get easier. I usually do the dvd in the morning but I'm pushing it to this afternoon to give my knees a bit of a rest. They're really sore so I'm trying to give them some down time. Does anyone else have sore shoulders after the workout? I feel like my arms may fall off. :tongue:

    Keep up the good work everyone!
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    hi guys, today is going to be my first day of level 2. i would have normally done the shred by now, but i think i am scared to turn on the dvd player. haha, anywho i decided to check my weight & measurements after each level and i have lost 3lbs & i have lost a lot of inches. i measured everybody part on me basically. but here are a few.

    bust 46 1/2 44 3/4
    waist 40 38
    L thigh 27 1/2 26 1/2
    R thigh 29 25 1/2

    i cant wait until im done with the whole 30days to see my results!
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    hi guys, today is going to be my first day of level 2. i would have normally done the shred by now, but i think i am scared to turn on the dvd player. haha, anywho i decided to check my weight & measurements after each level and i have lost 3lbs & i have lost a lot of inches. i measured everybody part on me basically. but here are a few.

    bust 46 1/2 44 3/4
    waist 40 38
    L thigh 27 1/2 26 1/2
    R thigh 29 25 1/2

    i cant wait until im done with the whole 30days to see my results!

    leesey! girl! FANTASTIC results so far! i'm curious, are you doing any additional cardio?
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    hi guys, today is going to be my first day of level 2. i would have normally done the shred by now, but i think i am scared to turn on the dvd player. haha, anywho i decided to check my weight & measurements after each level and i have lost 3lbs & i have lost a lot of inches. i measured everybody part on me basically. but here are a few.

    bust 46 1/2 44 3/4
    waist 40 38
    L thigh 27 1/2 26 1/2
    R thigh 29 25 1/2

    i cant wait until im done with the whole 30days to see my results!

    leesey! girl! FANTASTIC results so far! i'm curious, are you doing any additional cardio?

    to tell the truth i have only been doing the shred up until last night I went to the gym, so that is all shred yay!
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    L2D1 all i can say is OMG! i thought i would be okay since i was breezing through L1 toward the end, oh no. i think i died in the middle of the exercise. too many planks! even Natalie was struggling a bit & she's advanced! I just have to remember I struggles in the beginning of L1 as well. I am going to try to make it through!
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    L1D5, down! i'm halfway through level one!! dunno how excited i'll be to move up to level 2, especially after leesey's post... so, i'll be watching for your L2D2-4 posts ladies!
  • jenism
    jenism Posts: 31 Member
    Day 2 Here! I love it, even though I'm getting my butt kicked.

    Fav part is the jump rope, I can feel that burn.
    Less favourite part is the push ups but I've always hated push ups.
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    So this is my 6th day on the shred, but the 1st on level 2! I was kinda nervous and was debating about doing one more day on level one but I'm glad I moved up. Level 2 was tough, but it felt good! I think I actually like level 2 better, I feel like the moves are a little more interesting than level 1. If you're comfortable with Level 1 don't be nervous to move up, it will be tough (otherwise it wouldnt be a workout) but you'll definately be able to do it, even if you have to do it at a slightly lower intensity at first!

    Level 2 has a lot of moves that involve a plank posture, like you're going to do a pushup. By the last ab section I was having problems doing the planks - 1: because they were hard. and 2: I was sweating so much that my hands kept slipping on my mat!

    Hope it went well for everyone today :smile:
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    So this is my 6th day on the shred, but the 1st on level 2! I was kinda nervous and was debating about doing one more day on level one but I'm glad I moved up. Level 2 was tough, but it felt good! I think I actually like level 2 better, I feel like the moves are a little more interesting than level 1. If you're comfortable with Level 1 don't be nervous to move up, it will be tough (otherwise it wouldnt be a workout) but you'll definately be able to do it, even if you have to do it at a slightly lower intensity at first!

    Level 2 has a lot of moves that involve a plank posture, like you're going to do a pushup. By the last ab section I was having problems doing the planks - 1: because they were hard. and 2: I was sweating so much that my hands kept slipping on my mat!

    Hope it went well for everyone today :smile:

    i kept slipping too, I think the thing that bothers me the most is the exercises in the plank position. i have no upper body strength, so it is super hard for me. I am hoping if I stick with L2 it will get easier for me like L1 did, but keep it up girlie, you are motivating me.:happy:
  • sarwood1
    sarwood1 Posts: 48 Member
    I did Day 14 today (D2 on L2). At first the planks are awesome; you can feel the burn. But by the end, I am shaking... but I am going to keep on pushing!! I think I may actually like level 2 better than level 1.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Im just about to go do L1D3. Im a little tired from the gym last night, but it'll get me going for the day :)
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Flippy - Just thought I would share that when I did the 30 day shred consistently in October, I didn't really see the scale go down... BUT, I got much more toned and things were tighter and firmer everywhere. That may not be much consolation to you... but to me it still was very much worth it.

    Did level 1 again today. It's getting better each time. :)
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Thanks Smiles! That is good to know. I promised myself I wouldn't measure until after completing L1 but I may need to just to see some encouragement.

    Well L1D7 down last night. I decided I would try the regular plank pushups (rather than the modified). Well THAT was a no go! :laugh: I got through about 5 of them and had to go back to my knees. But I'll just keep trying!!!
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks Smiles! That is good to know. I promised myself I wouldn't measure until after completing L1 but I may need to just to see some encouragement.

    Well L1D7 down last night. I decided I would try the regular plank pushups (rather than the modified). Well THAT was a no go! :laugh: I got through about 5 of them and had to go back to my knees. But I'll just keep trying!!!

    haha, that sounds like me, you might want to get use to the plank position because level 2 is full of it. I just did my second day of level two about ten minutes ago, and i hate it still. i had to wear sneakers because i was sliding in my socks on the carpet yesterday. Keep it up Flippy you are doing great!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    haha, that sounds like me, you might want to get use to the plank position because level 2 is full of it. I just did my second day of level two about ten minutes ago, and i hate it still. i had to wear sneakers because i was sliding in my socks on the carpet yesterday. Keep it up Flippy you are doing great!

    I know! I'm so worried about all that plank in L2. I mean I was dying after just 5 regular pushups. Argh! All I can do is keep trying, right!? :D
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    So I have to admit I'm not sure I'll get in my workout today :ohwell: My boyfriend is coming to visit so I can't go to the gym after work, and I don't have weights at home. I think I may be able to use resistance bands to improvise, which is better than nothing I suppose.

    Leesey - You seem to be doing great! You are motivating me as well to keep with it :happy:

    Flippy - I wouldn't worry TOO much about not being able to do all regular pushups - I pretty much stuck with the modified pushups all through Level 1 and was pretty much OK yesterday on Level 2. But definately push yourself and do as many as you can!

    Smiles - I'm glad to hear that the workout is getting easier to complete, I know it was a great feeling when I was like "wow, I'm not dying today!" :laugh:

    On kind of a side note, I'm really excited to finally be back in a good exercise routine. While it makes me tired at first once I've worked out for a few days I have more energy but at night when I go to bed I sleep well - I'm not tossing and turning all night. Yay for Jillian! (but I kind of still hate her).
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Well I took a day off yesterday and I was surprisingly upset at myself for it. Have I really gotten to the point where I like working out. Hmm, I dont really know yet. Only time will tell.

    Anyway todays workout was D2L2 (day 8 total) and I did better than last time. The planks were not as strenuous as before, but they still suck donkey balls. I was also able to to my second part of my workout. Cardioke, LOVE IT!!!!

    Is anyone measuring themselves? I should have measured myself before starting but the idea never occurred to me.
  • Rmeikel
    Rmeikel Posts: 35
    Have continued to work hard, but I have a question for your folks. Any of you large chested? I am having some soreness in my breasts, from all the bouncing. It's what has kept me away from serious cardio for years. What do you guys do to control the bounce. I am not going to let a little pain stop me, but I was wondering if any of you had any tips?

    Also, I am going on vacation. I am taking my computer and DVD with me. Wish me luck as I tackle Shred at my mother-in-laws house.
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    Not me but I have a good friend who is very large chested and she wears 2 sports bras to keep those bad boys down
    Have continued to work hard, but I have a question for your folks. Any of you large chested? I am having some soreness in my breasts, from all the bouncing. It's what has kept me away from serious cardio for years. What do you guys do to control the bounce. I am not going to let a little pain stop me, but I was wondering if any of you had any tips?

    Also, I am going on vacation. I am taking my computer and DVD with me. Wish me luck as I tackle Shred at my mother-in-laws house.
  • triciamarie
    triciamarie Posts: 70 Member
    I know its late but I just started today and its also my first day ont his site so I would like to join in and get SHREDDED with you!!!!
    D1L1 was great, got winded and had to put down my 5 lbs .. may switch to 3's but i def feel like i worked it :)
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