Starting 30 Day Shred today - 7/20 - anyone in?



  • scrappymel
    scrappymel Posts: 107 Member
    i just started yesterday. excited to see the progress 29 days from now!
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    I was also able to to my second part of my workout. Cardioke, LOVE IT!!!!

    Is anyone measuring themselves? I should have measured myself before starting but the idea never occurred to me.

    What is Cardioke?

    And yes, i did measure myself when i started. I haven't re-measured but plan to this weekend.

    OH and WELCOME to our new folks!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Kanakake
    Kanakake Posts: 119 Member
    I was also able to to my second part of my workout. Cardioke, LOVE IT!!!!

    Is anyone measuring themselves? I should have measured myself before starting but the idea never occurred to me.

    What is Cardioke?

    And yes, i did measure myself when i started. I haven't re-measured but plan to this weekend.

    OH and WELCOME to our new folks!!! :flowerforyou:

    It's a fitness routine by Billy Blanks Jr. It is a mix of dancing and singing and other cardio moves. its really fun, but dont be mistaken. It really is a workout if you do it right. Google it, there are clips of it on youtube
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    I was also able to to my second part of my workout. Cardioke, LOVE IT!!!!

    Is anyone measuring themselves? I should have measured myself before starting but the idea never occurred to me.

    What is Cardioke?

    And yes, i did measure myself when i started. I haven't re-measured but plan to this weekend.

    OH and WELCOME to our new folks!!! :flowerforyou:

    Oh flippy, my new friend, good luck! :) Please don't be discouraged if you don't see drastic results immediately. It does take some time but is so worth it. If you find that you're not seeing the #'s change fast enough, maybe it will help to think about what IS changing with every workout (your strength, endurance, the emergence of your inner bad-*kitten* :bigsmile: , etc.)

    BTW cardioke sounds hilarious.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    So I have to admit I'm not sure I'll get in my workout today :ohwell: My boyfriend is coming to visit so I can't go to the gym after work, and I don't have weights at home. I think I may be able to use resistance bands to improvise, which is better than nothing I suppose.

    Leesey - You seem to be doing great! You are motivating me as well to keep with it :happy:

    Flippy - I wouldn't worry TOO much about not being able to do all regular pushups - I pretty much stuck with the modified pushups all through Level 1 and was pretty much OK yesterday on Level 2. But definately push yourself and do as many as you can!

    Smiles - I'm glad to hear that the workout is getting easier to complete, I know it was a great feeling when I was like "wow, I'm not dying today!" :laugh:

    On kind of a side note, I'm really excited to finally be back in a good exercise routine. While it makes me tired at first once I've worked out for a few days I have more energy but at night when I go to bed I sleep well - I'm not tossing and turning all night. Yay for Jillian! (but I kind of still hate her).

    I sure do find your energy and enthusiasm inspiring. And I agree, it does feel good to be getting back into a good routine.

    Like you mentioned about the modifications -use them if you need them. That's a great way to build up the strength to eventually be able to tackle the move in a hard core way. No shame in starting where you are and building up from there.
    Wow. After this pep talk, I may have to change into my workout gear and get my shred on. :laugh:

    Hope you're able to figure out some kind of workout that works for you today. It never hurts to mix it up a little!
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    L2D3...*sigh, i know some of you love level 2, but i am hating it with a passion. the planks are killing me! i feel like the devil personally conjured up level 2 and gave it to Jillian to torment me. I am going to keep at it & pray that it gets easier, because i am about to die! :sad:
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Starting level 2 in about two minutes. NOT looking forward to it!

    ETA: Just did D1:L2 ... back to yack land. :sick: The second set of lunges/rows in the first circut alone about killed me. I had to do the modified version of just about everything, and whoever created plank jacks deserves a special place in hell. So there. Here's hopin this continues to get better!!
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Starting level 2 in about two minutes. NOT looking forward to it!

    ETA: Just did D1:L2 ... back to yack land. :sick: The second set of lunges/rows in the first circut alone about killed me. I had to do the modified version of just about everything, and whoever created plank jacks deserves a special place in hell. So there. Here's hopin this continues to get better!!

    thank you, i hate it. i cursed Jillian the whole time. who the heck invented level 2?! i want to find them & push them off a cliff. haha, but keep going flippy we're going to look fabulous if we live through this! :laugh:
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Okay L2D4, i cant feel the plank exercises getting a little easier compared to day 1, so i guess i am getting stronger. The ab move in circuit 3 is still very hard for me. i hope there are no planks in level 3. how is everyone else doing?
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Well here's the weird thing... I was toast yesterday - jelly arms, sore legs, traps on fire blah blah blah. Honestly felt like I was gonna puke for a while after. But today I'm not sore. Anywhere. At all. :grumble: That leads me to believe it didn't do much. :sad: I think I'm gonna go this afternoon and buy a HRM. I need to either show myself I *am* doing this well, or kick myself in the *kitten* that I'm phoning it in.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Ill be L1D4 tomorrow. As long as there are no burpees in any of the levels I probablt wont curse Jillian too much. Burpees are evil
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Well here's the weird thing... I was toast yesterday - jelly arms, sore legs, traps on fire blah blah blah. Honestly felt like I was gonna puke for a while after. But today I'm not sore. Anywhere. At all. :grumble: That leads me to believe it didn't do much. :sad: I think I'm gonna go this afternoon and buy a HRM. I need to either show myself I *am* doing this well, or kick myself in the *kitten* that I'm phoning it in.

    you're body might just might be getting use to the stress you are putting on it. when i first started, i thought i would die shortly after working out & the next day i would be fine, and ready to do it again. & i still got results. as long as you know you are giving it your 100% then you should be fine.
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Just did day 2 of level 2! considering I've kind of slacked off on my diet this weekend it felt good to work out. I wasn't able to do it the past two days but I did go hiking and swimming yesterday.

    On another note, I feel like I may not be doing the last ab move correctly. I feel like it works my arms more than my abs! Is anyone else feeling the same way or has any tips to make sure it's effective?
  • leesey1
    leesey1 Posts: 104 Member
    Just did day 2 of level 2! considering I've kind of slacked off on my diet this weekend it felt good to work out. I wasn't able to do it the past two days but I did go hiking and swimming yesterday.

    On another note, I feel like I may not be doing the last ab move correctly. I feel like it works my arms more than my abs! Is anyone else feeling the same way or has any tips to make sure it's effective?

    I do think my knee reaches as far as theirs do. I feel nothing in my abs as hard as i try, so yesterday i did the oblique crunches we did in level 1, because i figured I'd rather do a level 1 exercise instead of doing a level 2 incorrectly & it is still working the same area. I did try though.
  • Hey everyone! I'm new to MFP and am going to be starting the Shred today for the first time. I just wanted to see what you guys are doing as far as listing it as "working out" in regards to calories. The default was listed as 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Did you include the Shred as 7 times a week, 22 minutes?

    I just want to get an accurate calorie limit down, with the Shred as my main exercise for now.
  • kpie11
    kpie11 Posts: 53
    I was out of town this weekend so I didn't get the chance to do my workout Saturday or Sunday. I think I'm going to do L1 today for the last day and switch over to L2 tomorrow morning. Today is L1-D7 (should be day 9 but I didn't do it Sat/Sun). For those of you that have done L2, how much harder is it and are there any jumping jacks? I hate them!! Even when I have to chest plastered down I still bounce everywhere! Ugh!!
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    Hi all! I did day 3 of level 2 today, and its still tough but better than day 1. I also did 20 minutes on the elliptical, as usual.

    kpie - there are just a few jumping jacks during the warm up, but thats it!

    oh and the move in level 2 that i hate - those V arm raises/squats on circuit 3. absolutely killer!
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Just completed L1D5,and will be going to spin this evening. Did the same yesterday. One thing I need to do is buy heavier weights. I bought mine thinking they were 2.5kg and theyre actually 2.5lbs.
  • katlynx6
    katlynx6 Posts: 68
    leesey - I forgot to mention that after seeing your idea of substituting the oblique crunches, I decided to do the same yesterday. Those plank twist things may be very effective if done correctly - but I'm clearly not doing them right and can't figure out how. And you're right that its better we do a level 1 move correctly than a level 2 move incorrectly since it will be entirely ineffective. Thanks for the tip :flowerforyou:
  • Flippy44
    Flippy44 Posts: 77
    Hey everyone! I'm new to MFP and am going to be starting the Shred today for the first time. I just wanted to see what you guys are doing as far as listing it as "working out" in regards to calories. The default was listed as 3 times a week for 30 minutes. Did you include the Shred as 7 times a week, 22 minutes?

    I just want to get an accurate calorie limit down, with the Shred as my main exercise for now.

    Welcome!!! I think many of us either use "Circuit Training - General" for 22 mins or we use our HRM (heart rate monitor) and record cals burned manually.

    For everyone:

    In that vein - I finally got a HRM. The bummer is that while MFP estimated me at 206 cals burned, my HRM tells me it was only about 180. :grumble:

    Here is my :sad: ... I'm thinking of quitting altogether. I have no idea what's going wrong with my plan but something is. So far I have been at or under 1200 cals for the majority of the past 30 days (with a very few slips - and at the advice a friend the past few days I've been targeting 1400 net cals instead). I've been doing Shred consistently over the past two weeks and will be doing D3:L2 in a few minutes. BUT... I still have NOT LOST ONE POUND. NOT ONE. No exaggeration - you can see my ticker. I realize I don't eat like a rockstar - some days up to 1/3 of my cals are from crap (sugar/carbs) - BUT I am doing better than some (no fast food, no convenience foods, lots of whole grains, etc) and at some point - even if I'm eating 1200 cals of Snickers each day, after 30 days SOMETHING should have happened. I'm honestly thinking of going in to talk to my doc just to make sure nothing is wrong (thyroid or hormonal). I just cannot fathom that this is the hardest I've ever worked and nothing is happening. After my first baby all I did was have salads a few days a week and the weight fell off - no exercise. So yeah, I'm pretty much ready to throw in the towel. You can only beat your head against a brick wall for so long. I mean I can either knock myself out and weigh 155lbs orrr I can do nothing an eat like crap and weight 155lbs. Gee. :angry:
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