March 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,353 Member
    @katharmonic You have amazing mileage! I have thought about doing a streak, but I really feel like I need at least one day a week as a complete rest day.

    Great job @SassyBelle070707 ! Love you pup picture too.

    @skippygirlsmom Sorry to hear about all of the issues that have kept you from running. Are you allowed to run outside now?

    Congratulations to everyone who has made their March goal!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    March Goal: 90 Miles

    3/1: 7.62 miles
    3/2: 5.05 miles
    3/3: 5.02 miles
    3/5: 5.05 miles
    3/8: 7.60 miles
    3/10: 5.32 miles
    3/11: 5.26 miles
    3/12: 5.25 miles
    3/14: 9.05 miles
    3/16: 5.55 miles
    3/17: 5.35 miles
    3/18: 5.02 miles
    3/22: 9.02 miles
    3/24: 6.25 miles
    3/25: 5.52 miles
    3/26: 5.05 miles
    3/29: 10.03 miles
    3/31: 5.30 miles

    112.31/90 miles completed for March

    311.39/1000 miles for Run the Year Team Pavement Pounders

    5.3 miles this morning to finish out March with 112.3 miles. It was a nice, easy run. I'm really glad that I am still able to get outside and run. It would be much harder to deal with all of this stress if I couldn't. I was thinking about those who are confined indoors and I really am proud of you for sticking to your running, and running a HM on the treadmill (I'm thinking of you @eleanorhawkins).

    @hamsterwheel Great job on your HM! I love that you are wearing the bib!

    @noblesheep So sorry to hear about your relationship woes.

    I hope everyone is staying safe and sane! See you all over in the April thread!


    2020 races:
    5/16/20: Run for 57th AHC Half Marathon 🤞

    I'm totally with you on still being able to run outside.
    And thanks on the HM. I figured I should wear it to make it feel "real"....I did get some smiles along the way which helped.
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member

  • SassyBelle070707
    SassyBelle070707 Posts: 37 Member
    dewit wrote: »
    Hello all! 🙋‍♀️ I did run this month! 🏃‍♀️ Dreaming of a 6k or 10k. 😴 I'll run my own, if there is none this summer. Not even sure I want to run in a crowd... 🤔
    So here are my numbers:

    Total km ran: 31.
    3/11: 5.3k in 46.5 min
    3/13: 5k in 39 min
    3/18: 4k in 24 min
    3/20: 5.3k in 33 min
    3/25: 5.5k in 40 min
    3/27: 6k in 37 min

    I can also see progress! (first run does not count, I wasn't alone and needed to addapt my pace.

    Total 270 km (approx.) of biking:
    3/2: 25k, 90 min
    3/3: 25k, 90 min
    3/4: 25k, 90 min
    3/5: 11k, 40 min
    3/6: 5k, 20 min
    3/7: 7k, 40 min (leisurely)
    3/9: 27k, 100 min
    3/10: 12k, 45 min
    3/11: 12k, 45 min
    3/12: 27k, 100 min
    3/13: 7k, 35 min
    3/14: 14k, 90 min (leisurely)
    3/16: 25k, 80 min
    3/17: 5k, 15 min
    3/27: 3k, 20 min (leisurely)
    3/28: 20k, 90 min (leisurely)
    3/29: 20k, 90 min (leisurely)

    Running is not my main fitness activity, so I am still happy I do that as well. 🙂 Thinking of you and of reporting has been a motivator. 🌻 I also made good friends in this thread, which I am happy about. 🙋‍♀️

    Stay healthy and hoping you all can keep on running.🏃‍♀️ As long as we are allowed to do outdoor sports, I am not complaining! 👍 I could be worse!


    Looking great! I just wanted to say that all of the runs I have been doing went Virtual. So, You can run right around your house. Record with an app. I use Strava. Also, Run The Year is a website that now offers a virtual option too. If that helps. Have a great day. :)
  • SassyBelle070707
    SassyBelle070707 Posts: 37 Member
    Sorry catching up from last week, I gotta stay off TikTok it takes me away from important stuff like you guys.

    Great job to everyone meeting their goals and before the end of the month!!

    @shanaber just read your post from Saturday, BRAVO!!! I have a jacket from Skirt Sport and I brought one for Skip too and she loves it. I haven’t worn mine yet. I have like one or two running “skirts” and honestly I hate them, though they seem to look adorable on others and they love them.

    @Avidkeo my heart goes out to you, you are truly selfless, thank you for all you do

    @PastorVincent I don’t know about your weather but it’s 90 here one day and 50, then 75 every day is crap shoot. But ask soon as you get used to 80 it drops down again, it’s like MAKE UP YOUR MIND.

    @Elise4270 let’s hope we see that downward trend soon here.

    Hugs @noblsheep

    @AlphaHowls glad to see you haven’t slowed down in the last couple months I’ve been away

    @SassyBelle070707 Woohoo! Super job!!!! Sweet puppy too.

    @janejellyroll sorry about your marathon, keep training hopefully things will go back to some sort of normal and you’ll be all ready to sign up for another. My daughter signed up for a virtual half to keep her going.

    I so need to get myself together here with my running. I love to run, LOVE TO RUN. I feel like I was always hurt, broken ribs from a running fall, then screwed up knees from a running fall (do you see a pattern here), then Skip was very sick and I spent months running her from doctor to doctor test to test to find what was wrong with her. Thankfully we figured it out, she had surgery and is doing great, even ran her first full marathon in March. In October I had foot surgery that wasn’t going to be a big deal, well until he got in there and saw more wrong. Doctor said no running for 3 month WTF say what you said 6 weeks at the most. So I ran a trail race in November and could hardly walk for days, okay he said smart *kitten* and put me in a boot for at least 3 weeks, meanie. Started to run a little in December. But my speed and stamina was GONE (not that was a fast, but 58 year old mom fast), I gained lots of weight and basically miserable. So here we are in March, back in December the doctor didn’t lie, said it would be at least another 6 months for the swelling and pain to go away in my foot. It hurts after, sometimes during a run, and it’s still swollen. But it’s time to get myself together and get out there. So now I said it out loud therefore I must do it.

    I’m in Alabama we are supposed to stay home unless we are at places like the grocery store, we can still do take out food with curbside service. All non essential places are supposed to be closed, nail salons, clothing stores, basically any place that doesn’t sell food. I’m going to work even though I have the option to tele-work, it’s just easier from my office than my kitchen table. There’s hardly anyone here and no one on my side of the building, I clorex wipe everything in my path ha ha. Skip is doing college from home and working. She works at a place called Chicken Salad Chick and quite a few of the employees are staying home per their parents instructions. We talked about it and she feels safe there is doing all she can to keep herself that way and wants to help keep her employer in business, so I have told her to do what she thinks is best as long as it’s within government guidelines. Except for running with me she has had ZERO social interaction, another good reason to be at work, let’s her see a face besides my own in person.

    Geesh I’m just going on and on. I’ll stop there, hope you all aren't sleeping

    Thank you! I did it virtually! You can stay safe and well and run outside right where you are. Go for it! Start again. There is always a new day, new beginning. You got this.
  • SassyBelle070707
    SassyBelle070707 Posts: 37 Member

    Thank you! I am so proud of myself. Life goal completed! Check!
  • SassyBelle070707
    SassyBelle070707 Posts: 37 Member
    My June marathon just cancelled. I know people are going through a lot of real life serious stuff right now, but I can't help feeling demoralized and upset right now. I'm going to give myself a hour of self-pity and then figure out what I want my training to look like for the rest of spring/early summer.

    They're offering a virtual option where we still get our shirt and medal. I'm thinking about doing it, at least that way I don't have to really change my training plan for the year.

    That is what I did! I did the PHX Pride series 13.1 Virtually. Should be getting my medal and shirt soon. Go for it anyway! You work hard to do it.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member

    @skippygirlsmom Sorry to hear about all of the issues that have kept you from running. Are you allowed to run outside now?

    @quilteryoyo yes he told me in January I could run now. I've been running but not consistently enough to make me happy.

    Thanks @SassyBelle070707
  • SassyBelle070707
    SassyBelle070707 Posts: 37 Member
    Great running @SassyBelle070707

    I am staying in doors as much as I can so my first run of the week. New PB for 10k at 58:20 which is well over a minute quicker than previously. I have no idea where the recent pace comes from however I will accept it with gratitude and see if further improvement come my way so I don't finish last in my age group when parkrun re-opens 😊

    Great job on the time for a 10K. When I was 18 I could run at that pace. LOL Now at 48 I started running again and I run 14:30 miles finally. Getting better.
  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,820 Member
    Now to get to work from my kitchen office lol (very dangerous for obvious reasons).

    I started working from home yesterday and deliberating set my office up in a spare bedroom upstairs away from the kitchen! Plus the views are better up here.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    My June marathon just cancelled. I know people are going through a lot of real life serious stuff right now, but I can't help feeling demoralized and upset right now. I'm going to give myself a hour of self-pity and then figure out what I want my training to look like for the rest of spring/early summer.

    They're offering a virtual option where we still get our shirt and medal. I'm thinking about doing it, at least that way I don't have to really change my training plan for the year.

    That is what I did! I did the PHX Pride series 13.1 Virtually. Should be getting my medal and shirt soon. Go for it anyway! You work hard to do it.

    That's what I needed to hear today. Thanks! <3
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    My June marathon just cancelled. I know people are going through a lot of real life serious stuff right now, but I can't help feeling demoralized and upset right now. I'm going to give myself a hour of self-pity and then figure out what I want my training to look like for the rest of spring/early summer.

    They're offering a virtual option where we still get our shirt and medal. I'm thinking about doing it, at least that way I don't have to really change my training plan for the year.

    That is what I did! I did the PHX Pride series 13.1 Virtually. Should be getting my medal and shirt soon. Go for it anyway! You work hard to do it.

    That's what I needed to hear today. Thanks! <3

    Yes although my attempt was not as I had hoped, I still finished and it felt good doing so. You will be glad you did!
  • SassyBelle070707
    SassyBelle070707 Posts: 37 Member
    My June marathon just cancelled. I know people are going through a lot of real life serious stuff right now, but I can't help feeling demoralized and upset right now. I'm going to give myself a hour of self-pity and then figure out what I want my training to look like for the rest of spring/early summer.

    They're offering a virtual option where we still get our shirt and medal. I'm thinking about doing it, at least that way I don't have to really change my training plan for the year.

    That is what I did! I did the PHX Pride series 13.1 Virtually. Should be getting my medal and shirt soon. Go for it anyway! You work hard to do it.

    That's what I needed to hear today. Thanks! <3

    ABSOLUTLEY! :) You got this! I cannot wait to hear when you are done. YAY
  • LoveyChar
    LoveyChar Posts: 4,336 Member
    Last run of the month = 3.2 miles + 2 mile walk and now it's time for strength training!
  • bearly63
    bearly63 Posts: 734 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 Truth! I am relegated to the kitchen table now that hubs took over the office....I am staring at the pantry as we speak and those Mediterranean veggie chips are calling me.....again. Not good.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    @shanaber Wow - great pictures! Hobbes looks like he is saying "More food, less bird watching!"