

  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I did not realized this week is going to be a doozy. Friends in the medical field are asking for prayers because not only did we push our clocks forward there is also a full moon and Friday is the 13th. They all say there are spikes during any one of these events so they are all expecting long hours and lots of craziness this week.

    Barbara – My mantra since I started working is not to touch something twice. As we all know it isn’t always possible but simple, transactional-type of functions should be one and done. Lots of ego at corporate (we own you). It’s an interesting project where requirements gathering basically occurred during the last 20% of the project. I have thought more than once it is too bad I decided against working on a doctorate because the experience would have made for a great thesis. There are a few reasons why travel is not quite possible yet, the biggest being financial. I am still paying off the debt I racked up after my year of hell (losing MIL, Charlie and my job) and then ignoring it for almost a decade. The others include I really hate flying, enjoy being on the road, and most of my travel would require two weeks of vacation time. And, although never said, most of the corporations I have be employed by frown when a two-week vacation is requested or even suggested.

    Rebecca – Athena is growing so quickly. Enjoy seeing her pictures.

    Michelle – If you search “Impossible Pies” within the Bisquick site you will find many variations. Here’s the link to the search: https://www.bettycrocker.com/Search?term=impossible pies
    If I am using a deep-dish pie plate I double the recipe unless the recipe states it is for a deep dish.

    Sue in WA – It is so sad many of the deaths are related to those living in the nursing home – some of the most vulnerable.

    Karen – You crack me up! What flavor! My latest binge, besides those darn Robin’s Eggs, was Haagen Dazs’ Rocky Road. It was BOGO at the local grocery store. After enjoying both pints (not in one sitting) I decided it’s best for me to go back to practicing buying single-serve portions or not buy it at all.

    It is going to be a week of adjustment for me. I am looking at the clock and it is already 8am. I need to get meal prep done for the week and some household chores done. I would like to start wearing my sandals again (it hit 90 twice last week) and I am definitely in need of a pedicure. I do my own so it will be a perfect time to catch up with some recently recorded shows.

    Praying we all stay healthy and well during the ramp up of this virus. The first cases were recorded in China in December so we have some time of being overly cautious and heeding the smartest advice currently available.
    SuziQ – SFL
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all. Happy Sunday! Sitting here with my coffee and watching the sun come up. Time changes really don't bother me; but this does mean that my morning walks are in the dark in the morning (again). For the past couple of months, it would be dark(ish) when I started out, but then the sun would be coming up by the time I got home. This morning it was dark(ish) for the entire walk. I might try and switch my walk to the evenings for a while.
    Amber- Baby cages?!?! :o I have never seen/heard of that before. The sight of putting kids in those suspended high above the ground is chilling, for me! I love the fact that parents have so much information, literally, at their fingertips (online); BUT I think social media (especially facebook and the like) is horrible for parenting. It really puts pressure on parents (especially mothers) to do/have things a certain way, and because people only post the "perfect" moments, it tends to make every mom feel like a failure. I tell all new mommies that for peace of mind, to stay off facebook, or at the very least, take everything they see with a grain of salt. They are seeing the successes and not the failures of parenting.
    Happy Birthday to newgirl @Caledonia44 ! Welcome!
    On a side note: Is anyone else irritated with the piechart at the bottom of our food diary?! Ugh! I have long known that this site doesn't differentiate between good carbs/ bad carbs and good fats/bad fats; but the pie chart feels like it is putting it right in my face and I keep thinking I need to do better, (which there is some room to make better choices on some days, lately). Is there a way to get rid of the pie chart?
    In the mean time; I have put a time limit on my computer time, so I can have more "activity" time. So...tick tock goes the clock and my time is done. Love and hugs to you all! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :) I didn't sleep well last night which meant that I got up at my usual time. The dogs and I enjoyed the full moon during our before breakfast walk. We'll notice the time change when we go out after breakfast and have to walk in the dark again.

    :) My friend who usually wants to walk with me on Sunday mornings is in Texas so I'll the morning to spend at home doing tasks that have accumulated. I do a lot of my chores while listening to podcasts so that will be fun.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,433 Member
    Happy Daylight Savings Day to those of you who "spring forward" <3

    I am probably one of the few in the US whose brain never changed when we went back to regular time last fall. Still continued to wake up/get up at 3 or 4 am instead of 4 or 5 am, would go to bed at 6:30 or 7 instead of 7:30 or 8. So finally my brain will sync with the clock starting today, lol. A benefit of being retired-no longer need to to force my brain into schedule change to conform to the workplace clock. B)

    Got tomato seeds started a couple days ago, so need to set my plant shelf in the garage today. Once I see their little heads emerge from the soil, out they go to the garage nursery under grow lights, I set them up at "kiss" level, lol. Didn't start many this year, we'll see what pops up. Some of the seeds were 4 years old - I am always amazed at the germination rate of some of these elderly seeds, so anxious see if that repeats.

    Welcome new ladies! Make it a great day B)

    SW WA State
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,371 Member
    edited March 2020
    Bea is here. :o<3 She did eat some pasta with pesto for lunch. Basically that is all she will eat, or pasta with Marmite. She eats fruit and biscuits. And pizza. Neither I nor my son can understand how he has raised such a fussy kid. Edie is just as bad, but different fads. Luckily Max is coming out the other side and will eat a lot more different things these days. He is really skinny, but has a huge appetite. :D
    It seems so ironic as we are all passionate about food.
    She and DH are out in the garden exploring behind the shed.

    We are no further with the cruise decision. I think they are waiting as long as they possibly can so everyone 'amends'. If we were to book now for the rest of this year they have announced you can cancel anytime, and get your money back. Grrrrrr! We still have over a week before we reach the point of no return.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    edited March 2020
    Coronavirus-confirmed case in Va,fort belvoir.I also see confirmed in N.C.My youngest daughter had H1N1 when she was in high school,she knew she was dying.Poor thing really couldn’t even get herself to the bathroom.On Halloween I had come home from work and she was boiling 🥵 105 temp.I picked her up and rushed her to the hospital.Obviously she survived,but it was scary to see my child that sick.I guess I am concerned but not to the extreme that some are.Taking the necessary precautions is pretty much all we can do.Its funny though,the weather here is fairly nice ,but you would think it’s summer the way the younger people are dressing.Before you know it,they’ll be sick.Never fails..Prayers,(((hugs))),love💕,and much gratitude for y’all.
    Debby in Va
    Happy International Women’s Day!!!!
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Michele ~ I think the couple you are helping would enjoy a big pot of vegetable soup and corn bread.

    Carol in GA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,822 Member
    Johnny and Bea ~ how adorable!! I know how much they enjoy being with you both ..
    my DGD had a sleep over birthday party last night.. not much sleep to be had, Tracy said thats the last time she does that lol..
    laundry done..
    going to make a small grocery list
    and then run to the store and then go visit my friend Bev later this afternoon.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: I already knew that alcohol wasn’t a good choice for me, but I was upset and angry. Fortunately, I had none prior to the fender bender in the parking lot. That misery was followed with a massive insulin reaction for DH. The paramedics came and gave him IV sucrose. It was the worst day in a long time. :noway:

    Caledonia44: Happy Birthday! :smiley:

    Barbara: Thank you for your good wishes. Today I get to ride Arrow. It is the first fun in a while. :flowerforyou:

    Lanette: I have just set my clocks forward. Too bad they don’t have the memo and set themselves—My cel phone springs ahead automatically. It is the only one that doesn’t need to be set forward manually. :wink:

    Sick children are our worst nightmares. Re Coronaviru--the west coast of the US has the most cases thus far. The virus appears to have been brought here on international flights from China.

    I have a riding lesson this morning! YAY!! It has been several weeks since my last ride and I’m looking forward to a good day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • pat30725
    pat30725 Posts: 12 Member
    I turned 76 yesterday and have been gradually gaining weight over the years. If I don't get ahold of it, I won't be able to fit into my Summer clothes and my Spring ones are pretty tight! I've heard about this site and thought I'd give it a try. Support from some other people age 70+ who have actually lost weight with this would be very helpful. I'm not sure it's possible but I know I need to believe I can do it.

    Caledonia44, you can do this. I know, I'm 76 and will be 77 in June. One day at a time! Happy to see someone my age on this line of posts. Pat, in Flintstone, Georgia. Yes, it's a real place.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited March 2020
    KJ Kelly- My Baby Doctor 👨‍⚕️ Dr Lovell told me the minute I was pregnant 🤰 his rule is No FaceBook or Social Media for patient with delicate pregnancies.He also asks not to be on it the first years of the babies life if possible.He’s all about no stress. I found I love not being on it anymore! No time for it. A doctor at the hospital suggested this app for after I heal up (1year 3months before healed enough to start exercising).

    Heather- So cute !! She’ll be very loving towards those who are sick maybe a future Doctor or nurse?

    Michele- I take a recipe make changes always. A little unsweetened if can find it Orange juice for sugar even I don’t bake with sweetnlow.

    Sue Wa- Were stuck in the same boat it’s in our city y my sons Godmother city she was our backup if Dad gets it. It’s also where Daughter is . So Motherinlaw went to Mexico to keep herself well just in case. JR can be sent/ picked up by her if the worse happens. My cousins are near Dad so he gets it they get it. Such a mess this stuff is.Stay safe Sue remember if worse comes to worse order food online. A Vegetable y meat mail to you sites to Walmart, Amazon,Costco,Sam’s Club, those delivery sites, petco, Walgreens,CVS, Aldi, clothing stores, pizza places (papa johns type) to fast food delivery apps, eBay (has freeze dried meats ,to MRI’s ,pet food ,potatoes pancake mixes to snacks even), etc etc . Restaurant hit low hours bring your own bleach Clorox or homemade wipes for the table,If you hit a store early or late at night (24hrs opened Walmart can even go 4am) theirs less people at some hours of the day look at google shows stores busy y low traffic hours. Hubby just came back from the store he hit ours at 7am this morning ran in fast no eye contact went straight to his destinations he said. Grabbed JR a bag of baked Cheetos y 3 boxes of chocolate teddy grahams. He got unsweetened almond milk 1 jug y ran to grab egg whites in a box a jug of his green juice y avocados in the bags.He only grabbed what he could barely hold ran to checkout used his card left.He came straight home showered. His biggest fear is JR getting it obviously.

    Got most floors vacuumed y all JRs bedding washed he let me wash pooh Bear 🐻 who was spaghetti sauced y 1 other Bear he likes I call it mommy bear hubby calls it grungy bear it’s so old .

    Today prepared chili soup for me plus snacks,egg prepared meals for hubby plus his snacks,spaghetti y quesadillas for JR with his snacks. Hopefully exercise. JRs clingy all night today too he grabbing onto me not letting go I can’t walk holding 40lb toddler only sit or a few steps. Might clean some more dusting? Finish my clothes that I need to try on (10-20 left for months sitting on a bed 🛌)? Not sure yet.

    We got a 3rd or 4th wave if cruise ship 🛳 passengers for quarantine we’re trying best we can here .

    Amber Tx

    Homemade Clorox wipes :smile:

    Paper towel cut in half or leave while depending on how big you want can fold how you like in a container too if you want separated already or not.
    Diluted bleach
    A container or ziplock bag (Keep your Clorox container to baby wipe ones if can or a big pickle jar cleaned out even.


    To clean toss in with cleaning rags in laundry 🧺
    A Rag or Washcloth you don’t mind ruining
    A ziplock bag of going out or container that fits in your bag.
    Bleach diluted

    Homemade Baby Wipes: Dont have to have coconut oil.


    If can’t find paper towels rags you don’t mind wasting toss in laundry 🧺 wash like we all have done with our babies cloth diapers
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :)Heather, Your comment about grands being fussy eaters reminded me of a book I read that you might like--" Hungry Monkey: A Food-Loving Father's Quest to Raise an Adventurous Eater " by Matthew Amster-Burton. The author is a food writer who was the at home dad raising and feeding his daughter and tells of their experience.

    :)Allie, this is a good time to me very intentional about spending money until you are safely in your next job. Good choice to stay home and take care of business instead of spending on an optional adventure.

    :)Katla, We set all our clocks ahead in the middle of the afternoon so by bedtime we were on the new time. Our phones, thermostat, and cable boxes all set themselves automatically. Have fun riding today.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

  • Maritill
    Maritill Posts: 146 Member
    Good morning everyone. Nice and sunny here in WV. Went for my walk and had hat and glove on. On the way home they came off as the sun made me hot. It was 40 min. worth of walking. I am doing a 1K on Sat. so I am trying to get a decent time. I can't run because of back issues.
    @Caledonia44:Welcome and Happy birthday. Lots of friendly chatter and advice. I received some great ideas on additions to my corn chowder. I have several bowls left so I get to experiment.
    Tomorrow is weigh in day for MFP so we'll see how this weekend went. Have to get some sewing done (baby gifts).
    See u all later.
  • kathsk53
    kathsk53 Posts: 58 Member
    I turned 76 yesterday and have been gradually gaining weight over the years. If I don't get ahold of it, I won't be able to fit into my Summer clothes and my Spring ones are pretty tight! I've heard about this site and thought I'd give it a try. Support from some other people age 70+ who have actually lost weight with this would be very helpful. I'm not sure it's possible but I know I need to believe I can do it.

    Hi I’m catching you up will be 67 this year and I’m hoping to lose the weight I have put on over the winter months, wardrobe full of cloths that are a little toooo tight
    Kath uk