

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    edited March 2020
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Heather, Your comment about grands being fussy eaters reminded me of a book I read that you might like--" Hungry Monkey: A Food-Loving Father's Quest to Raise an Adventurous Eater " by Matthew Amster-Burton. The author is a food writer who was the at home dad raising and feeding his daughter and tells of their experience.

    :)Allie, this is a good time to me very intentional about spending money until you are safely in your next job. Good choice to stay home and take care of business instead of spending on an optional adventure.

    :)Katla, We set all our clocks ahead in the middle of the afternoon so by bedtime we were on the new time. Our phones, thermostat, and cable boxes all set themselves automatically. Have fun riding today.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA

    These wipes are for cleaning surfaces without using bleach... They do contain rubbing alcohol.. Looked it up again. You want at least 60% alcohol because that is what kill the virus. Products without bleach (Cloride)or alcohol are not as effective. In you are just looking for antibacterial vinegar is enough.

    Cut a paper towel role in half
    1/2 cup vinegar
    1/4 cup water
    1/4 cup rubbing alcohol
    1 tsp dish washing detergent
    10 drops essential oil optional

    put in container your choice. When towels are saturated remove center card board.

    Car clock sets itself because connected to a computer.
  • melaniecostello921
    melaniecostello921 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for the inspiration! I’m starting over... again. I need to set some goals so will take some time to determine what those should be. I need lose 20lb at least and that feels monumental. I’m glad I’m not alone and will be checking back here. Thanks for your vulnerability and openness in this forum.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Margaret- That’s a good one too Margaret!

    Carol- Yeah saw that . We just got 100 from a cruise ship. Definitely the opinion of it all changes .
    0 cases = Feel safe
    1 Case in your state= little nervous 😟
    1 case in your city = starting to become more nervous 😬
    1 case less than 15 min from your home = Darn Nervous 😩
    1 case in the neighborhood (0-3minutes from the house) = Not answering your door 🚪 hiding so they don’t know your home trying to keep a screaming 😱 2yr old quiet 🤫. (Saw ambulance 🚑 y hazmat suits 3 minutes from my house 🏡 we keep having medical helicopters 🚁 flying over not the norm 2 just went by while JR playing with me in the backyard .

    One ship is docking in Oakland California
    33states have Coronovirus but their still not counting the folks in the ship! They show them even on WHO,CDC,Many other sites as an island 🌴 by themselves on the number counts.

    DYI- (For those finding grocery stores empty of your items ..luckily my areas well stocked but seems their not delivering to my Dads area is why.
    Gloves 🧤 out of plastic bags

    DYI Protein Shakes ;
    Banana 🍌 peanut butter protein Shake (can add honey 🍯 or put honey 🍯 instead of peanut butter if need be)

    Optional can add protein powder but don’t have to/ Can leave out ingredients you don’t have



    Chocolate version🍫 Vegan 🌱 protein shake


    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Kylia Ohio- Calorie counting girl got me tickled she’s probably in sports 🏀. I didn’t know about calories until JR lol 😂. Before I always thought eat healthy foods don’t think about it eat all you want lol 😂. So with my old mindset milks healthy so down all you want lol even the gallon.How I wasn’t gaining up a storm had to be from demanding job to life style .

    Patricia Fl- When Birthday to Navy Daughter comes home we eat out. Took me awhile to learn it all.
    Type in the food y restaurants you are listed here!
    Read menu if it lists calories look for what’s lower calorie just tell the waitress will be awhile (they can just darn well wait! )
    Go skinless to non fried as much as possible.
    Vegetables 🌽 or salad 🥗 are good instead of having heavy calorie at these places fries 🍟 or mac y cheese .
    Fish y chicken are lower calories a steak higher calorie but not bad for you.
    Research the restaurant by phone 📲 or computer 👩‍💻 has f you can ahead of time.
    Portion size:Small Frappuccino instead of a huge one .As we know restaurants love to super size so expect to take home a doggie bag if need be.
    Meals before or after restaurant keep calories low or fill up on healthy low cal items before you go. Don’t be afraid to bring your own condiments in a tiny container .

    Amber Tx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
    stats for the day;

    outside walk w/yogi- 60.19min, 4.15mi= 102c
    Apple Watch- 369c
    Zwift trainer- my bike- 25.52min, 15.8amp, 158mhr, 138ahr, 6.80mi= 254c
    Apple Watch- 262c

    total cl 631
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Heather- So true lol

    Amber Tx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Barbie: We also set our clocks before bedtime. Easy enough. :bigsmile:

    JanetO: I hope you’ve already gotten face masks for yourselves. They’re all sold out around here, so I suspect that is happening many places. :star:

    Kath UK: Welcome! Post often to give support and get support. :smiley:

    Heather: This is a difficult time to visit friends and loved ones if you need to use public transport. It is hard to imagine that busses and trains have been adequately cleaned & sanitized. I suspect that wearing a hazmat suit on the bus would garner a LOT of attention, and not so sure it would be positive attention. :noway:

    Rebecca: You’re transforming yourself! You look fabulous. Your progress between photos is clear and wonderous. :heart:

    I had a good time at the stable today. Arrow was a good boy for me during my lesson-which was all done with me on the ground getting Arrow to go where I wanted him to go. Then it was another person’s turn to ride, and my teacher let me ride her own horse. Tucker is a fabulous ride. He is sweet, responsive, and almost psychic at doing what you’re going to ask before you have actually asked him. :heart:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Noticed Texas got a new self quarantined individual lol 😂 was shocked 😳 to find out it was Ted Cruz!! https://youtu.be/PbvVGko2LmI

    Now how many lawmakers came in contact with Cruz?? Did the president? Heads of military?? So many questions on this one.

    Amber Tx
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1 part of Rockin Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to take the extremepump class.

    Today the Wii said I’d gained 2 lbs. Most of that 4lb loss was probably water weight. I seem to be having a problem getting water in and eating fairly healthily. Well, I think I just need to get back in the swing of things.

    Went to another WalMart store to get a few things. Also got another pint of milk. Made yogurt yesterday. A friend had given me this mesh bag for veges to drain my yogurt. She said that the only bad thing was that you needed two people to pour the yogurt into the bag. So, of course, I had to try it myself. She was right! So I’m making another batch. Put a beef roast in the crockpot so it was done in the a.m., cut it up and will have some next week and the rest in the freezer. Then made some biscuits for Vince.

    Update: I took the yogurt out of the IP with a ladle and put it in the bag. Then I just put the very little that was still in the pot into a smaller dish and then into the bag. It is now sitting in the refrig draining. I'll probably take it out tomorrow

    Well, my DVR in the living room isn’t as bad (full up) as I feared. Now I’m afraid to see what the bedroom one is like…. Update: it's really not bad in the bedroom either

    Made grits for breakfast tomorrow. I need to use them up. Instead of water tried using the whey from the yogurt that I made yesterday. Not crazy about how they came out. The whey gives it a tart taste. Fortunately, I added some cinnamon and yogurt. I probably won’t use it in place of water again

    Welcome everyone new and returning

    Kylia – I went to church last night and they still aren’t doing the sign of peace. They always stop around flu season, so it’s really not a big thing

    Patricia FL – I’ve had that happen to me. However, so many times I prelog and when I see I’m over see what it is that I can eliminate so that I’m not over. Yesterday I didn’t do that and went over by a bit. But that was still over. Had I logged something before I ate it, I would have seen that it would bring me over. Oh well….I know better but just didn’t do it. When I go out to eat, my hubby always laughs because I really interrogate the waiter/waitress -- "how is it cooked, are the veges from a can or fresh (so many places in FL have them out of a can), is there any sauce on the veges, can I get xxx without xxx or xxx or can I get those on the side? can I get the veges without the sauce?"

    Michele NC