

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Flea Yes, the diuretic. Your plan is perfect. Increase the total dose for the day by a half a pill and see how is cough is. Also count his respiratory rate when he is sound asleep. If it's over 30, consider bumping the dose up even more. <3
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride home 2 sumner station- 1hr 3min 4sec, 143mhr, 12.6amph, 13.22mi= 537c
    apple watch- 514c
    walk/slow jog sta 2 wrk, sprinkles- 7.32min, 128mhr, .53mi= 34c
    apple watch- 51c
    Jog wrk 2 sta- 4.30min, 10.01min mi, 148mhr, .45mi= 56c
    apple watch- 58c
    Bike ride dome 2 hm, RAIN, WIND AND HAIL- 20.14min, 7.7amph, 146mhr, 2.58mi= 190c
    apple watch- 159c

    total 834 cal
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,232 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    And this is similar to our Gratitude Calendar that we've done in Novembers.

    Coping Calendar: Keep Calm. Stay Wise. Be Kind.

    1. Make a plan to help you keep calm and stay in contact.

    Part of my plan is to stay home more days each week. I'm getting stuff done, spending time with my husband, and avoiding the crowds. :)

    Today I'm particularly happy because I've been able to spend the whole day at home getting a bit of extra rest, listening to classical music on ABC, and working on my uni homework while my husband has been busy doing stuff in the kitchen.

    In a hour and a half or so, I'll go downstairs to exercise. We would go outside, but it has been a rainy day so we've been cozy inside.

    2. Enjoy washing your hands. Remember all they do for you.

    They do a lot of typing ...which reminds me that I should also wipe down my keyboard more regularly. But I do actually like washing my hands. With my hot flashes, and with exercise, my hands are often quite damp. Washing with soap dries them up a little.

    Last weekend I also did my nails with 5 different pastel colours of gel nailpolish. :)

    3. Write down 10 things you feel grateful for and why.

    10 Things

    1. My comfortable home with its garden and view of the bay.
    2. My husband and the fact that, despite the severity of his brain injury, he has made a "remarkable recovery".
    3. The support of my parents even over long distances.
    4. University ... which is keeping me occupied.
    5. Work ... which is keeping me occupied.
    6. Cycling ... which keeps me fit.
    7. Music ... which I've been listening to a lot.
    8. Internet ... with which I keep connected.
    9. New audio visual system which is keeping us entertained.
    10. God ... who is still in control.

    4. Stay hydrated, eat healthy food, and boost your immune system.

    I have to drink a lot of water to keep my kidneys in good shape. I do try to eat a fairly healthy diet as well. :)

    5. Get active. Even if you're stuck indoors, move and stretch.

    Absolutely!! Every day! On that note, I'm up to 352 flights of stairs in March. Each flight is 20 stairs.

    Machka in Oz
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Hospitals in many areas new rules is only Doctors,Nurses,y Mama in delivery rooms due to risk of deadly infection to a newborn.Fathers can call hospitals ask in advance but may be told upon arrival take a temp sent home missing the birth. It’s not about our needs right now it’s about safety of newborns. So tell them to suck it up buttercup pack a bag for the Moms stay cause many hospitals will not allow anyone to bring you stuff. Important even if a week pregnant now to have a bag in case you get the virus to early delivery or even for them to stop preterm labors.

    Construction in many cities is still seen as important as a grocery store 🏬 due to the fact if a roof leaks a roofer has to patch it for the police department.An electrician still has to fix wires in a hospital for ventilators. Concrete worker to carpenter still has to erect new Hospitals 🏥 to put in X-ray room for them. Hubby has a few fixing Hospital 🏥 jobs coming up without him y his electrician friend they wouldn’t be able to add a new electrical system in a room being turned into a new quarantine room to new wheel chair ramps . Every city is different but city can tell you which job is still open.

    Emergency personnel is still needed to grocery stores. Things like clothing stores to churches shut down.

    Amber Tx
    Love you guys have a good night.
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Walmart ^9xein2qzeki5.png

    Good news Senior Hours for Walmart!!

    Amber Tx
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,591 Member
    Flea Yes, the diuretic. Your plan is perfect. Increase the total dose for the day by a half a pill and see how is cough is. Also count his respiratory rate when he is sound asleep. If it's over 30, consider bumping the dose up even more. <3

    Perfect! Thank you, Karen.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    We’re staying home because it is a smart thing to do. Our governor has requested that everyone but first responders stay home. There is an old blessing/curse, “May you live in interesting times.” I suspect that billions of people would vote for boring & safe.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I've recently read that several grocery stores in Oregon are planning early morning shopping hours for seniors. Safeway, Albertson's & Fred Meyer have been mentioned. (These three stores are under one ownership if I understand it correctly.) There may be others as well. I can't help but wonder whether any of them has TP.

    Katla, who loves reading books from my own shelves and from Library to Go.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,523 Member
    edited March 2020
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: invested 10 mins tidying office, two BB&B exercises, Freddie’s, picked up rx and library book.
    Bonus: nearly emptied gym/yoga bin and started a thrift store bag. Threw away two locks whose combinations were long forgotten.
    Get to do: 3/24 Make YouTube playlist to dance at home, invest 10 mins cleaning Master Bth, finish Aunt Elsie’s stove and test light oven, compile North County congregation contacts, make tacos, bake something for Joe, board meeting minutes, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, Reward: inventory seeds, plan garden, order replenishments.
    Coping Calendar Day 5: Get active:
    sorted through gymstuff, arranged yogastuff, practiced step up with weights on porch stair and dowel shoulder mobility, ordered torture bands, shopping wars.

    Margaret loved your mask inventiveness. Wondering if the wire supporting structure could be removed to make more flexible?
    Kiwi this from your area, very telling.
    How social distancing works: https://thespinoff.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/Covid-19-Transmission-graphic-01.gif
    Kylia thanks you gave me enough clues to find this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_HgvdHLhQc .
    Heather, now I want to be one of you and your DH’s grand kids like I want to be one of KJ’s kiddos. Would you share the treasure hunt? “You misspelled…” :laugh:
    Lanette Brava for persisting with the B12 and your DH. Your stew sounds delish! Thank you very much for the good news updates. Taiwan donating masks to the US, who’dve thunk it?
    Lisa Coronavirus Crash like crash of ‘29 = my biggest fear. Mama was 16 and Papa 24 in ’29. Have a stocked pantry and backups in the garage.
    Michele “…glad I asked Vince to drink some of the beer…” LOL! Lovely quilts.
    Beth Is NY state not on total lockdown? IMHO the best thing you can do for your pastor and congregation is to make clear your concerns, boundary and reasons for resigning. Then send him the social distancing video above and maybe he will start to get it. Our Pastor is allowing church council, then choir to meet in the sanctuary so long as fewer than 10 at a time and 6’ apart. One of our sopranos is a retired “public health nurse [who] believes in the governor’s statement “Stay home, save lives”. “ I will follow her lead.
    Karen in VA thanks for the WA post article with mesmerizing simulations. Is it true that once infected and recovered, can not be reinfected?
    Amber perhaps eBay took down the item because it was bogus? Can you get PayPal or your credit card to cancel or refund the payment? Frankly surprised the whole state of Texas isn’t on shelter in place. Prayers continue for your aunt and your family.
    Debby in VA, schools canceled ‘til next year? Next school year in September or until 2021?
    Katla hope Karen in VA’s video met your need to ride while quarantined 
    Sharon I’d love to meet you too, whenever the governor lifts her “go home stay home” order. State parks, rest areas and campgrounds here are closed, as are restrooms in city parks. This is really going to hit our many homeless hard, and imho could lead to another public health problem.
    Janetr ROTLMAO about your “elderly” comments. Exactly how I feel (except for the wolf whistles) but didn’t have the words to say. How did I get to be “elderly” don’t really feel a day over 19, or maybe 30. ;)
    Carol thanks for your concern for NYKaren and Barbie thanks for the update. Sending her and her family good vibes.

    Hope this comes through and brings a giggle.
    Pluto the Dog and Pluto Living are the creations of NJ WIght. DO us a solid and please do not distribute without credits. Pluto's dog park can be found here: https://facebook.com/plutoliving
    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    March: better than February.
    daily: steps=5477 
    vits=21 log=23 CI<CO=15 CI<250<CO=9 Tumble & Shadow 5=8 mfp=23 clean 10 mins=17 outside=9 up hill=7
    wkly: BB&B x3=9, rx=3 dance=4 pack walk=2
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant= review 20for20=0
    bonus: AF=13 play=2 sew=0
  • LuciBThinner
    LuciBThinner Posts: 207 Member
    Not sleeping well – some worry over DH. The increased coumadin must be keeping clot okay as he is still breathing. I am definitely not enjoying this treatment plan. I appreciate the doctor wanting him at home. I would normally be sleeping in a chair next to the hospital bed watching the IV drip and keeping an eye on the monitors. I sure hope this is the right call. He is still either sleeping or resting with his leg elevated. Back to Dr today and then…who knows?? His fear of dying from clot this time is getting him to listen to me about washing more and using disinfectant. A shock to my system! He usually acts like I am from the other planet when it comes to germ concerns (farm boy). Today I am back watching Baby Iris. 😊 A wonderful distraction!

    Re: upbringing My Momma was a poor farm girl from a large family. She was a master at making everything from scratch with whatever was around. We grew up with plenty, so didn’t have to worry, but my parents still had the Depression experience and knew how to stretch everything. I had experience with it when my children were little, and I was doing the single Mom thing. We don’t have a lot now, but we don’t need much anymore. With the children grown, our needs are minimal…

    SuzyQ I was just using the “She tells two friends…” commercial to explain the exponential curve to my DH yesterday. Lol Web designer - lol

    Karen Horse with No Name was great!

    Flea I have cut my DH and DS hair for years. It took quite a while to get the hang of it, and there are still the occasional “slips”. Can totally relate to the stress eating. It’s a struggle!

    Amber Thank you for the 3 ingredient meals. Great idea!

    Annie I’ve increased meditation with the increased stress

    Pip Sweet Puppy with Bear!

    Sharon So glad you are okay!

    Michele Your quilts are beautiful!

    Oh Janet!! Your new GGS is PERFECT!

    Barbara Pluto was cute!

    Please continue to stay healthy! <3 Luci in WNC
  • Workoutahloic50
    Workoutahloic50 Posts: 391 Member
    Janet-Thank you for that beautiful ray of sunshine amid theses uncertain times.Congratulations!!
    I apologize for not being more clear about school.They are closed til next school year,September 2020.
    Debby in Va
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    Good Tuesday

    Yesterday morning was NOT one of my better ones. I basically had a crying meltdown at work. I am not an owner, but had everyone depending on me for answers to everything! Just totally overwhelmed. Sister in law told me to go home. Really?!? They couldn't handle things with me there! I am still stressed but have a plan in place. We are a grey area business. No answer from the governor yet. We are shutting down the showroom today. Curbside service only. I am hoping we aren't busy(that folks stay home) , but we will be available for those that "need" us. This will keep social distancing, conserve hand sanitizer, and still be available. We will do this until we are told otherwise. This is subject to change by either lack of business or the governor gives us an answer. I was going to say if really slow we might go half staff and each of us every other day, but Donovan and I are essential. The other mechanic and sister in law could stay home, but that isn't abnormal for her. (Oops -meow). Picked up meds from pharmacy last night. I wore my gloves going in and removed before getting into my truck.

    I am grateful for ALL of you ladies! Your advice, tips, laughs and struggles. I love the photos that offer peace.
    I am grateful that we have plenty to eat. I made fresh honey carrots for husband's veggie last night. I had roasted Brussels sprouts and squash. I did have a piece of dark chocolate caramel yesterday (oops) I know, stress.

    I put my wedding ring in safe last night. I keep taking it off at work because of gloves. Figured safer at home. Just gold band. Also thinking of the germs that could be hiding in the crevices. Yuck!

    Keep up the great work taking care of yourselves!

    Kylia feeling a little calmer in Ohio