Just Give Me 10 Days ~ Round 107



  • tiabirdie56
    tiabirdie56 Posts: 4,097 Member
    ❤ Thanks Jackie!❤ @GrandmaJackie I'm glad to hear that you and Hubby got a chance to get away. I hope you both were able to relax. It's such a stressful time. A prayer will be said for your daughter's safety and your peace of mind. {{{Hugs}}}
  • Sophi_allheart
    Sophi_allheart Posts: 45 Member
    Round 106 (My 2nd round)

    Goals for 3/07-3/17
    1) Go for a walk everyday after work
    2) Stay in calorie range of 1200
    3) Go to bed by 11pm

    Starting weight, (2/01) 65.1kg
    Before challenge weight (2/28) 63.3kg
    Round 106 end weight (3/07) 62.6
    Goal weight: 58kg

    3/08 62.6 calories were 1640. Back on track tomorrow!
    3/09 62.5 calories were 1111.
    3/10 62. 5 calories were 1434
    3/11 62.7 calories were 207 3oops. This week is going to be high, I can tell. I'll try again tomorrow!
    3/12 DNW calories were 1828
    3/13 62.1
    3/14 DNW
    3/15 DNW
    3/16 62.6 calories were 1359
    3/17 63.3 calories were 1450 my weight jumped up a lot...im hoping it's from the amount of salt I ate the other day. It's hard to stay consistent, especially if I eat out!y goal for next round will be 62.2 hopefully the weight will drop down again tomorrow.
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,755 Member
    Any word on @GrandmaJackie and Round 108? I'm worried

    You guys are soooo sooo sweet!

    @kecward78 thanks for the PM, 👍👍
  • Hope_bay74
    Hope_bay74 Posts: 273 Member
    RND# 107SW: 183
    RND# 107GW: 179

    Track everyday, snack less and be more productive.


    03/08- 182.6 lbs:
    Productive day
    ☑️ Cleaned the backyard from winter (dog)
    ☑️Snack less
    ☑️family walk
    ☑️grocery store
    ☑️ full push ups (5)

    03/09- 182.6 lbs
    ☑️Night hike - 12.38 km
    ☑️Snack less

    03/10- 181.6
    ☑️Sore from yesterday’s hike but a good sore
    ☑️Dentist 😕 - last appointment to fix my tooth . Hopefully, it last.
    ☑️Snack less/ better choice - was craving nighttime sweets but held off
    ❌ Burger and fries for dinner

    03/11- 181.4
    ❌ Snack less/ better choice - stress ate sweets :(
    ☑️productive work / home
    ❌No spend (on personal items)- breakfast out
    ☑️ full push ups (7)

    horrible day: stressed at work. Will try and make today better

    ❌Snack less/ better choice-
    ❌productive work / home
    ❌No spend (on personal items)
    ❌full push ups (8)
    ❌More H20

    03/13- 181

    No tracking today
    Laying low at home
    ☑️Declutter (junk drawer)

    No tracking today
    Laying low at home
    Started cleaning store room

    PMs week
    Stressful work week
  • SarahG626
    SarahG626 Posts: 206 Member
    Round 107 - Just trying to stay afloat this round.

    Female, 42, 5’9”, Central Ohio

    1/1/19: 213.4
    1/1/20: 209.5
    UGW 170

    Round102: EW 203.7 (-6.4)
    Round103: EW 201.0 (-2.7)
    Round104: EW 200.7 (-0.3)
    Round105: EW 202.2 (+1.5)
    Round106: EW 201.0 (-1.2)
    Round107: EW 202.4 (+1.4)

    03/08: pet-sitting DNW; Saturday info: 1189 steps, 0 of 12, 11h39m (89)
    03/09: pet-sitting 201.8 (+0.8); Sunday info: 7734 steps, 7 of 12, 6h15m (75)
    03/10: pet-sitting 199.4 (-2.4)
    03/11: pet-sitting 201.2 (+1.8)
    03/12: pet-sitting 201.2 (0)
    03/13: pet-sitting 199.4 (-1.8)
    03/14: 200.5 (+1.1)
    03/15: 202.1 (+1.6)
    03/16: DNW
    03/17: 202.4 (+0.3)

  • merph518
    merph518 Posts: 702 Member
    A bit late getting this in, but I wanted to report in nonetheless.

    Round 107, 24th Round for Me

    39, male, 5'8
    Highest weight: 386.6 lbs (1/1/2019)
    R107 start weight: 272.0 lbs (3/7/2020)
    R107 goal weight: 270.0 lbs
    Long term goal weight: 186.6 lbs

    R107 weight change: +2.1 lbs
    Total weight loss: 112.5 lbs


    Sunday, 3/08: 271.0 lbs (-1.0) … A great way to start off a round and the third day in a row with 1+ lb loss on the scale. All this extra activity is really starting to pay off. I wound up going out on my bike instead of running today. I rode all the way around our local lake, something I had thought about doing last fall but wasn’t quite ready for. | Bicycling: 17 miles | 14,612 steps |

    Monday, 3/09: 270.0 lbs (-1.0) … Another new low, hitting my goal for this round on the second day! Let’s see if I can hold onto it for the next eight. Ran this morning and had my best pace yet at 12:00/mi averaged over 2.08 miles. No afternoon walk as I have a weekly weight loss group meeting thing at work on Mondays. Going to the gym after work to lift. | Running: C25k W7D1 | Lifting: Starting Strength workout A | 14,329 steps |

    Tuesday, 3/10: 272.4 lbs (+2.4) … Up a bit, but it’s likely not too severe of a gain in actuality. I made the mistake of weighing myself after my run yesterday morning and I had sweated out a lot of water weight during it. I struggle with not weighing myself after a workout sometimes -- it’s nice seeing those lower numbers, ha. I should really be more consistent about weighing after waking up and *before* working out so I don’t see such large fluctuations all the time. | Rest Day | 10,986 steps |

    Wednesday, 3/11: 273.1 lbs (+0.7) … I think my scale’s batteries were dying this morning. It measured me at 275, then 277, then 273.1 twice in a row after replacing the batteries. This makes my numbers for the past week or two suspect… so I have no idea if this is a gain or a loss in reality. | Running: C25k W7D2, Swimming | 18,823 steps |

    Thursday, 3/12: 272.5 lbs (-0.6) … Had a pretty good day yesterday. Ran in the morning, had a nice long walk with my wife at lunch, and then swam with my wife and daughter in the evening. That was the first time I’ve swum in public in about two years, or swum shirtless in public probably eight years. I think I’ve finally got over my self-consciousness about how I look enough to do that regularly. | Lifting: Starting Strength workout B | 13,330 steps |

    Friday, 3/13: 272.6 lbs (+0.1) … Yesterday went pretty well. Lifted in the morning before work and had a nice walk at lunchtime. I was pretty exhausted by the end of the day and wound up going to bed pretty early. Didn’t get my run in this morning before work as planned as it was pouring out and a little too cold for me to want to brave the rain. Planning on running tonight after work at some point. | Running: C25k W7D3 | 11,275 steps |

    Saturday, 3/14: 273.6 lbs (+1.0) … | Raking leaves 4.5 hours | 18,338 steps |

    Sunday, 3/15: 275.7 lbs (+2.1) … Took it easy today. I was pretty sore from my raking yesterday. | 4,204 steps |

    Monday, 3/16: 275.6 lbs (-0.1) … First day working from home full-time due to the COVID-19 stuff. I’m determined to stay active despite social distancing and my gym closing. My wife and I started walking over lunch break together, which is nice. | 12,252 steps |

    Tuesday, 3/17: 274.1 lbs (-1.5) … Had my yearly physical this morning. Doctor was very pleased with my weight loss success and said my exam was unremarkable, which is the best thing you can ask for in a physical. My bloodwork all came back within healthy ranges as well. Seeing some of this uptick weight fall off now -- I think it’s mainly been stress eating and less activity overall. | 10,662 steps |

    My jgm10d History
    R84: 319.3 (+0.5)
    R85: 314.7 (-4.6)
    R86: 311.5 (-3.2)
    R87: 309.7 (-1.8)
    R88: 307.8 (-1.9)
    R89: 303.1 (-4.7)
    R90: 299.1 (-4.0)
    R91: 298.1 (-1.0)
    R92: 297.1 (-1.0)
    R93: 290.6 (-6.5)
    R94: 291.0 (+0.4)
    R95: 286.9 (-4.1)
    R96: 283.2 (-3.7)
    R97: 283.6 (+0.4)
    R98: 284.0 (+0.4)
    R99: 289.6 (+5.6) maintenance round
    R100: 285.0 (-4.6)
    R101: 283.2 (-1.8)
    R102: 281.2 (-2.0)
    R103: 276.8 (-4.4)
    R104: 277.1 (+0.3)
    R105: 275.4 (-1.7)
    R106: 272.0 (-3.4) recommitted to running & lifting 3x/week
    R107: 274.1 (+2.1) stress eating, gym closure
  • mustb60
    mustb60 Posts: 1,090 Member
    Challenge #107
    Starting weight: 172.9 lbs
    Goal weight: 170.9 lbs
    End Weight#106: 173.7

    Weight lost this round: ( up + 0.8 lbs)

    03/08 172.9 lbs
    03/09 173.7
    03/10 175 lbs ( too much festive food) 174.3 lbs
    03/11 174 lbs
    03/12 174 lbs
    03/13 173.7 lbs
    03/14 173.7 lbs
    03/15 174 lbs ( stress eating!)
    03/16 173.7 lbs
    03/17 173.7 Not a good week with all the stress and not able to go outside to gym or walk. Doing work out at home but seems not sufficient. Hope to do better next week.

    Total weight lost so far Round #104 (- 1 lbs)+ Round #105 (-2.3 lbs)+round#106 ( -0.8 lbs) +round # 107 (+0.8 lbs)= (-3.3 lbs)
  • holli1ch
    holli1ch Posts: 673 Member
    Is there a link for round 108?