Guys/Girls: What is your real opinion on..



  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    This was a big thing at work recently... Only a general warning at this point but supposedly if you are caught Googling fellow employees, the punishment is swift and harsh...

    It was mostly put in place for new hires... People here like to gossip and new hires are just fodder feed sometimes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    Personally, I don't care if anyone Googles me 🤷🏽‍♂️...
    And when I Google others, I'm not looking for personal info, just to see if maybe they've posted any good recipes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    If they have public presence I’m not really sure why it’s an issue. Gossip is mean and bad and bad for morale but public information is public information


    If its funny, I'll ask about it. If its serious, I will say nothing. If its dangerous, I will avoid that person.

    But if info comes up that easily with a simple google search, then its public info.
    You put stuff out on social media, and its fair game.

    Also, lots of shady peeps out there. Its always good to be careful.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    fstrickl wrote: »

    What should we call them, boobs, breast, melons, jugs, fun bags, tits, knockers? Or there very own pet name?

    What's your preference... 🤷🏽‍♂️, is it a regional thing?

    Seriously having this conversation rn with coworkers 😂

    Ha! What kind work do you do?

    With my girlfriends (I’m cis-het btw) I’d say “boobs” with my guy friends...I feel like they say “tits” but I’d be fine with “boobs/chest/breast” as long as they’re not being gross.

    Now I‘m off to think of some Knick-knocker names.

    I had to google 'cis-het'.

    I reckon that I'm now enlightened.


  • Thetwitchisback
    Thetwitchisback Posts: 462 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    Profiles are there to be searched for. If none of us ever did it, fb and ig would be abysmal failures. So with regards to profiles made public by the person, I see absolutely nothing wrong with looking at them.

    Having said that, There is a direct correlation between scouring someone’s profile and feeling angsty. I distinctly remember multiple occasions where I went through old posts on a guy’s fb account and what he said/did 5 years prior suddenly felt fresh to me. I was young and naive then and even confronted him about some of it, horror of horrors. He was pretty sure I was bat *kitten* crazy and honestly, so was I.

    Soooo my curiosity has subsequently waned. I feel similarly to others.. I just lack the urge to go looking things up anymore. Ignorance truly is bliss

    If I’m guilty of anything, it’s searching obits. But in my defense, I have lost five online friends very suddenly and in unbelievably tragic circumstances. One to an aneurysm just weeks after her baby was born. Two in a car crash that their two children survived, and two more in a plane crash their two children did not. Since 5 feels statistically significant, I search up the odd obit every now and then.

    Oh my goodness that’s crazy. I’m so sorry.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    Profiles are there to be searched for. If none of us ever did it, fb and ig would be abysmal failures. So with regards to profiles made public by the person, I see absolutely nothing wrong with looking at them.

    Having said that, There is a direct correlation between scouring someone’s profile and feeling angsty. I distinctly remember multiple occasions where I went through old posts on a guy’s fb account and what he said/did 5 years prior suddenly felt fresh to me. I was young and naive then and even confronted him about some of it, horror of horrors. He was pretty sure I was bat *kitten* crazy and honestly, so was I.

    Soooo my curiosity has subsequently waned. I feel similarly to others.. I just lack the urge to go looking things up anymore. Ignorance truly is bliss

    If I’m guilty of anything, it’s searching obits. But in my defense, I have lost five online friends very suddenly and in unbelievably tragic circumstances. One to an aneurysm just weeks after her baby was born. Two in a car crash that their two children survived, and two more in a plane crash their two children did not. Since 5 feels statistically significant, I search up the odd obit every now and then.

    Well then, it's okay if I stalk you?

    If so, can you leave some snacks in the bushes between your garage and the bedroom window ?

  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    Profiles are there to be searched for. If none of us ever did it, fb and ig would be abysmal failures. So with regards to profiles made public by the person, I see absolutely nothing wrong with looking at them.

    Having said that, There is a direct correlation between scouring someone’s profile and feeling angsty. I distinctly remember multiple occasions where I went through old posts on a guy’s fb account and what he said/did 5 years prior suddenly felt fresh to me. I was young and naive then and even confronted him about some of it, horror of horrors. He was pretty sure I was bat *kitten* crazy and honestly, so was I.

    Soooo my curiosity has subsequently waned. I feel similarly to others.. I just lack the urge to go looking things up anymore. Ignorance truly is bliss

    If I’m guilty of anything, it’s searching obits. But in my defense, I have lost five online friends very suddenly and in unbelievably tragic circumstances. One to an aneurysm just weeks after her baby was born. Two in a car crash that their two children survived, and two more in a plane crash their two children did not. Since 5 feels statistically significant, I search up the odd obit every now and then.

    Oh my goodness that’s crazy. I’m so sorry.

    Just... stay safe out there ❤️❤️
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    Profiles are there to be searched for. If none of us ever did it, fb and ig would be abysmal failures. So with regards to profiles made public by the person, I see absolutely nothing wrong with looking at them.

    Having said that, There is a direct correlation between scouring someone’s profile and feeling angsty. I distinctly remember multiple occasions where I went through old posts on a guy’s fb account and what he said/did 5 years prior suddenly felt fresh to me. I was young and naive then and even confronted him about some of it, horror of horrors. He was pretty sure I was bat *kitten* crazy and honestly, so was I.

    Soooo my curiosity has subsequently waned. I feel similarly to others.. I just lack the urge to go looking things up anymore. Ignorance truly is bliss

    If I’m guilty of anything, it’s searching obits. But in my defense, I have lost five online friends very suddenly and in unbelievably tragic circumstances. One to an aneurysm just weeks after her baby was born. Two in a car crash that their two children survived, and two more in a plane crash their two children did not. Since 5 feels statistically significant, I search up the odd obit every now and then.

    This is pretty heavy.

    I've had a couple of college friends die unexpectedly and a former roommate die when he was trapped in a burning vehicle on the freeway (not the best way to go).

    kinda makes you think, if I wanna do something, why wait? amiright?
  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    Profiles are there to be searched for. If none of us ever did it, fb and ig would be abysmal failures. So with regards to profiles made public by the person, I see absolutely nothing wrong with looking at them.

    Having said that, There is a direct correlation between scouring someone’s profile and feeling angsty. I distinctly remember multiple occasions where I went through old posts on a guy’s fb account and what he said/did 5 years prior suddenly felt fresh to me. I was young and naive then and even confronted him about some of it, horror of horrors. He was pretty sure I was bat *kitten* crazy and honestly, so was I.

    Soooo my curiosity has subsequently waned. I feel similarly to others.. I just lack the urge to go looking things up anymore. Ignorance truly is bliss

    If I’m guilty of anything, it’s searching obits. But in my defense, I have lost five online friends very suddenly and in unbelievably tragic circumstances. One to an aneurysm just weeks after her baby was born. Two in a car crash that their two children survived, and two more in a plane crash their two children did not. Since 5 feels statistically significant, I search up the odd obit every now and then.

    This is pretty heavy.

    I've had a couple of college friends die unexpectedly and a former roommate die when he was trapped in a burning vehicle on the freeway (not the best way to go).

    kinda makes you think, if I wanna do something, why wait? amiright?

    Fine i’ll go out with you
  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    Profiles are there to be searched for. If none of us ever did it, fb and ig would be abysmal failures. So with regards to profiles made public by the person, I see absolutely nothing wrong with looking at them.

    Having said that, There is a direct correlation between scouring someone’s profile and feeling angsty. I distinctly remember multiple occasions where I went through old posts on a guy’s fb account and what he said/did 5 years prior suddenly felt fresh to me. I was young and naive then and even confronted him about some of it, horror of horrors. He was pretty sure I was bat *kitten* crazy and honestly, so was I.

    Soooo my curiosity has subsequently waned. I feel similarly to others.. I just lack the urge to go looking things up anymore. Ignorance truly is bliss

    If I’m guilty of anything, it’s searching obits. But in my defense, I have lost five online friends very suddenly and in unbelievably tragic circumstances. One to an aneurysm just weeks after her baby was born. Two in a car crash that their two children survived, and two more in a plane crash their two children did not. Since 5 feels statistically significant, I search up the odd obit every now and then.

    This is pretty heavy.

    I've had a couple of college friends die unexpectedly and a former roommate die when he was trapped in a burning vehicle on the freeway (not the best way to go).

    kinda makes you think, if I wanna do something, why wait? amiright?

    Fine i’ll go out with you

    Sorry i get weird when things are heavy
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    Profiles are there to be searched for. If none of us ever did it, fb and ig would be abysmal failures. So with regards to profiles made public by the person, I see absolutely nothing wrong with looking at them.

    Having said that, There is a direct correlation between scouring someone’s profile and feeling angsty. I distinctly remember multiple occasions where I went through old posts on a guy’s fb account and what he said/did 5 years prior suddenly felt fresh to me. I was young and naive then and even confronted him about some of it, horror of horrors. He was pretty sure I was bat *kitten* crazy and honestly, so was I.

    Soooo my curiosity has subsequently waned. I feel similarly to others.. I just lack the urge to go looking things up anymore. Ignorance truly is bliss

    If I’m guilty of anything, it’s searching obits. But in my defense, I have lost five online friends very suddenly and in unbelievably tragic circumstances. One to an aneurysm just weeks after her baby was born. Two in a car crash that their two children survived, and two more in a plane crash their two children did not. Since 5 feels statistically significant, I search up the odd obit every now and then.

    This is pretty heavy.

    I've had a couple of college friends die unexpectedly and a former roommate die when he was trapped in a burning vehicle on the freeway (not the best way to go).

    kinda makes you think, if I wanna do something, why wait? amiright?

    Fine i’ll go out with you

  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,506 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    Profiles are there to be searched for. If none of us ever did it, fb and ig would be abysmal failures. So with regards to profiles made public by the person, I see absolutely nothing wrong with looking at them.

    Having said that, There is a direct correlation between scouring someone’s profile and feeling angsty. I distinctly remember multiple occasions where I went through old posts on a guy’s fb account and what he said/did 5 years prior suddenly felt fresh to me. I was young and naive then and even confronted him about some of it, horror of horrors. He was pretty sure I was bat *kitten* crazy and honestly, so was I.

    Soooo my curiosity has subsequently waned. I feel similarly to others.. I just lack the urge to go looking things up anymore. Ignorance truly is bliss

    If I’m guilty of anything, it’s searching obits. But in my defense, I have lost five online friends very suddenly and in unbelievably tragic circumstances. One to an aneurysm just weeks after her baby was born. Two in a car crash that their two children survived, and two more in a plane crash their two children did not. Since 5 feels statistically significant, I search up the odd obit every now and then.

    This is pretty heavy.

    I've had a couple of college friends die unexpectedly and a former roommate die when he was trapped in a burning vehicle on the freeway (not the best way to go).

    kinda makes you think, if I wanna do something, why wait? amiright?

    Fine i’ll go out with you

    Sorry i get weird when things are heavy


    it's a pretty darn good defense mechanism

    it also keeps most people at arm's reach
  • ermengarde22
    ermengarde22 Posts: 2,116 Member
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    This was a big thing at work recently... Only a general warning at this point but supposedly if you are caught Googling fellow employees, the punishment is swift and harsh...

    It was mostly put in place for new hires... People here like to gossip and new hires are just fodder feed sometimes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    Personally, I don't care if anyone Googles me 🤷🏽‍♂️...
    And when I Google others, I'm not looking for personal info, just to see if maybe they've posted any good recipes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    If they have public presence I’m not really sure why it’s an issue. Gossip is mean and bad and bad for morale but public information is public information

    but peoples property records are public information, do you think it’s okay to search and find out where people live?
  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    Profiles are there to be searched for. If none of us ever did it, fb and ig would be abysmal failures. So with regards to profiles made public by the person, I see absolutely nothing wrong with looking at them.

    Having said that, There is a direct correlation between scouring someone’s profile and feeling angsty. I distinctly remember multiple occasions where I went through old posts on a guy’s fb account and what he said/did 5 years prior suddenly felt fresh to me. I was young and naive then and even confronted him about some of it, horror of horrors. He was pretty sure I was bat *kitten* crazy and honestly, so was I.

    Soooo my curiosity has subsequently waned. I feel similarly to others.. I just lack the urge to go looking things up anymore. Ignorance truly is bliss

    If I’m guilty of anything, it’s searching obits. But in my defense, I have lost five online friends very suddenly and in unbelievably tragic circumstances. One to an aneurysm just weeks after her baby was born. Two in a car crash that their two children survived, and two more in a plane crash their two children did not. Since 5 feels statistically significant, I search up the odd obit every now and then.

    This is pretty heavy.

    I've had a couple of college friends die unexpectedly and a former roommate die when he was trapped in a burning vehicle on the freeway (not the best way to go).

    kinda makes you think, if I wanna do something, why wait? amiright?

    Fine i’ll go out with you

    Sorry i get weird when things are heavy


    it's a pretty darn good defense mechanism

    it also keeps most people at arm's reach

    Not the right people ❤️
  • slessofme
    slessofme Posts: 7,739 Member
    iMago wrote: »
    slessofme wrote: »
    iMago wrote: »

    but if you just mean like someone for a date? then imo you prob shouldn't be on the date to begin with if the trust issues are so bad. not saying they're a good person or you're a bad one for it- but even if they pass muster on whatever data you're seeking, who's to say they're just not hiding it really well. i mean everybody's got demons you know? and what would they say if they looked into your life? when does it stop? when would you be able to say "okay i trust this person" if you start out from a place of distrust?

    I'm hoping that anyone that is considering dating my recent ex will search him on the court's online site and see the no contact order I had to get... if they can even figure out his real name to find it.

    That's the only internet sleuthing that I am really comfortable with. Everything else is whatever a person chooses to put out as a representation of themselves and may, or may not, be accurate.

    i totally understand that, for women or men. world's crazy. and full of crazies.

    my concern is that looking into someone like that can become a snowball effect of self inflicted trauma at a certain point.

    say that person A looks up person B, and finds out they're a crazy person who had no contact orders and has multiple reports of dv then they need to be avoided and its a good thing to have found out beforehand.

    but now person A is going to be worried about that for the future, with this little horrific pearl growing inside their mind. and then they meet person C, who is a good person with maybe like a drunk & disorderly from a football game when they were 21 years old on their record.
    and person A is paranoid now, they find out that info about person C, and then cut them off entirely.
    but maybe person C would have just told them all about it if asked too, and how that one event helped change their life for the better and put them on the straight and narrow.

    hard to say where to draw the line on such a thing imo. everybody's gotta make that decision for themselves.

    I agree with that but I think there's a reasonable threshold. If a drunk disorderly/assault (not dv)/dui was 20 years ago, whatever. If it was in the last 3 years, I'll be a bit more wary. I do have the benefit of time because I'm in my 40s and only date men that are older. I probably wouldn't look in my 20s.
  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    This was a big thing at work recently... Only a general warning at this point but supposedly if you are caught Googling fellow employees, the punishment is swift and harsh...

    It was mostly put in place for new hires... People here like to gossip and new hires are just fodder feed sometimes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    Personally, I don't care if anyone Googles me 🤷🏽‍♂️...
    And when I Google others, I'm not looking for personal info, just to see if maybe they've posted any good recipes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    If they have public presence I’m not really sure why it’s an issue. Gossip is mean and bad and bad for morale but public information is public information

    but peoples property records are public information, do you think it’s okay to search and find out where people live?

  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    This was a big thing at work recently... Only a general warning at this point but supposedly if you are caught Googling fellow employees, the punishment is swift and harsh...

    It was mostly put in place for new hires... People here like to gossip and new hires are just fodder feed sometimes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    Personally, I don't care if anyone Googles me 🤷🏽‍♂️...
    And when I Google others, I'm not looking for personal info, just to see if maybe they've posted any good recipes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    If they have public presence I’m not really sure why it’s an issue. Gossip is mean and bad and bad for morale but public information is public information

    but peoples property records are public information, do you think it’s okay to search and find out where people live?

    I’m guessing she meant the info they put out themselves on profiles and such..
  • Mr_Healthy_Habits
    Mr_Healthy_Habits Posts: 12,588 Member
    hrichts wrote: »

    What should we call them, boobs, breast, melons, jugs, fun bags, tits, knockers? Or there very own pet name?

    What's your preference... 🤷🏽‍♂️, is it a regional thing?

    Seriously having this conversation rn with coworkers 😂

    Here’s my rundown:

    Boobs- funny word. It’s my default choice but I can’t really say it with a straight face

    Breasts- to my doc

    Melons- implies very large size

    Jugs- implies very large size AND belonging to a woman perceived as promiscuous

    Fun bags- suggests they are there to be swatted at

    Tits- size is not implied which suggests the person is indifferent to size. This is probably the one i use the most meself but not in casual conversation

    Knockers- again.. implies very large size

    Pet names- no. Nope. Can’t do it

    We shall call this the Boobictionary... 🤷🏽‍♂️
  • CacoEther
    CacoEther Posts: 2,465 Member
    hrichts wrote: »

    What should we call them, boobs, breast, melons, jugs, fun bags, tits, knockers? Or there very own pet name?

    What's your preference... 🤷🏽‍♂️, is it a regional thing?

    Seriously having this conversation rn with coworkers 😂

    Here’s my rundown:

    Boobs- funny word. It’s my default choice but I can’t really say it with a straight face

    Breasts- to my doc

    Melons- implies very large size

    Jugs- implies very large size AND belonging to a woman perceived as promiscuous

    Fun bags- suggests they are there to be swatted at

    Tits- size is not implied which suggests the person is indifferent to size. This is probably the one i use the most meself but not in casual conversation

    Knockers- again.. implies very large size

    Pet names- no. Nope. Can’t do it

    We shall call this the Boobictionary... 🤷🏽‍♂️

    I forgot boobies

    Because it’s a dumb word
  • Thetwitchisback
    Thetwitchisback Posts: 462 Member
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    This was a big thing at work recently... Only a general warning at this point but supposedly if you are caught Googling fellow employees, the punishment is swift and harsh...

    It was mostly put in place for new hires... People here like to gossip and new hires are just fodder feed sometimes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    Personally, I don't care if anyone Googles me 🤷🏽‍♂️...
    And when I Google others, I'm not looking for personal info, just to see if maybe they've posted any good recipes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    If they have public presence I’m not really sure why it’s an issue. Gossip is mean and bad and bad for morale but public information is public information

    but peoples property records are public information, do you think it’s okay to search and find out where people live?

    hmmm. Let me think on that.

    When I search properties in my area I think I’ve only seen most recent selling price, property taxes, and a description of the property. Also, I have to search the property itself and not the name of a person. But I might be misremembering.

    Maybe that stuff shouldn’t be public unless a person opts in. I grew up when the white pages were still a thing so maybe that colors my ideas. Though even back then people could opt out of being “listed.”

    I was thinking mostly of sex offender lists and profiles people make public themselves.

  • Thetwitchisback
    Thetwitchisback Posts: 462 Member
    hrichts wrote: »
    Okokok i got one.

    Under what circumstances is it ETHICAL to look someone up online?

    Are there rules?

    Have you ever been caught?

    Have you ever admitted to a person that you’ve done your due diligence?

    Being clear- I’m not talking about stalking, harassment, identity theft, or revealing personal information.

    This was a big thing at work recently... Only a general warning at this point but supposedly if you are caught Googling fellow employees, the punishment is swift and harsh...

    It was mostly put in place for new hires... People here like to gossip and new hires are just fodder feed sometimes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    Personally, I don't care if anyone Googles me 🤷🏽‍♂️...
    And when I Google others, I'm not looking for personal info, just to see if maybe they've posted any good recipes 🤷🏽‍♂️...

    If they have public presence I’m not really sure why it’s an issue. Gossip is mean and bad and bad for morale but public information is public information

    but peoples property records are public information, do you think it’s okay to search and find out where people live?

    I’m guessing she meant the info they put out themselves on profiles and such..

    Pretty much. Plus sex offenders