Besides yourself and a mirror, who gave you a wake-up call?



  • TracyHarmon10
    TracyHarmon10 Posts: 16 Member
    Besides pictures that I see.. my job is what woke me up. I work for a cardiologist and seeing patients my age come in with diabetes, heart disease, heart failure, with their own choices playing a big role in these diseases...started to scare the crap out of me.. especially with a family history of all of the above. Really makes me want to take control of the things I am able to control.
  • jadey_lady
    jadey_lady Posts: 32 Member
    My biggest wakeup call was when I could no longer ride half the rides at theme parks that I used to. It's so embarrassing to have to struggle to fit and then you can't ride and everyone is watching. It has never left me. I cried for days.
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    My jeans ... When I had to go up again
  • acaudill042106
    acaudill042106 Posts: 108 Member
    My son! He's 6 so he's brutally honest. We just got cable after not allowing it in their rooms. He woke up one morning and walked in the kitchen said "Hey, Mom! I saw a commercial for creamer for your pimples! (Proactive! :/) and a machine called a threader climber..ya know, for your pounds too!" I laughed...but when a 6 year old says you need to lose need to lose pounds! LOL. Unfortunately the working out and eating better has done nothing for my sudden acne breakouts. It's just not fair to be this old and still get breakouts!
  • Apinget
    Apinget Posts: 41 Member
    Finally having a supportive partner who wants me to be all that I can be. He is always 100% supportive of me and helps me in anyway he can.

    I've had multiple yo-yo's of weight loss and gain. In August of 2013 I decided that I was tired of being tired and losing weight only to gain it back, I decided I deserve a healthy life and confidence in myself. Having someone to help me achieve my goals was just icing on the cake :)
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Mine was a mean evil ICU nurse who told me I was too young to be having the issues I was having and the majority would be fixed if I would lose weight. I got so mad at her when she said it, but luckily I had all night to lay there and think about what she said. Gave me time to rethink my first thought that I should report her for being insensitive, by morning I realized she was right When I was released got home found a site to start tracking calories, couple months later found my way here.

    I have since sent that mean evil nurse flowers for giving me the kick in the butt I needed at the time, and the belief that I could change my life.
  • lostmyreligion
    Photos and then my horse struggling with me :(
  • VFBloch0725
    there were several factors influencing my change. The very first was not allowing my picture to be taken; once I did, I hated it! The other is not being able to sit down and cross my legs or bend over to tie my shoes (I had to sit down with one leg to the side). I am going on a 30lb weight loss, just a few pounds shy, and feeling great. I think the most influencial factor is having the mindset.
  • BellaKaren89
    Family would tell me in a nice way to get on a diet and lose weight. My grandma even suggested I get weight loss surgery, and a school friend told me I should lose weight so my ex (father of my child who left us) would come back to me. It made me so mad that they would tell me things. Like I knew I was fat and did not need people commenting nor would that encourage me to lose weight.

    One day I realized how fat I really got and how depressed I was. All along I blamed my mood on other things such as a full time job, school, being a single mom. But no that day I realized I was so fat and I was always tired and *****y because of my weight. The most I ever weighed was 257. One day I just realized I needed to lose weight for my overall health because of how depressed I was about everything.

    And more than 80lbs later (I now weigh about 167-169) I feel sooooo much better. I still work, go to school, and still single but I am so much happier and with so much more energy. Looking okay not only gives me more confidence, but I also have a lot more energy to walk around, stay up, etc. I am in a good mood at work. I care about my appearance so I always try to look good at work.. I have noticed the increase in attention that I get from men. I am a more pleasant person to be around, and I also have no problem buying clothes that fits.

    I still hope to lose more weight and my goal is 135-140.

    I want to be a good looking mom that she looks up to, wants to be like, and will not be embarrassed of. I have always dressed my daughter super cute and get compliments. Now we both dress cute! And what I absolutely love is when my daughter (who is turning 4 next week) tells me "Mommy you're so beautiful I like your dress" or little things like that.
  • mmorpgaddict
    mmorpgaddict Posts: 1 Member
    My body did. I started having some warning signs / health issues, and decided that I had a lot to live for.

    I feel so much better now! I just moved over to this web site / app from another that I'd been using, to try to manage my diet and exercise even more thoroughly than I had been. It's getting tougher as I near goal weight, but I'm up for it. If I maintain about a 1.5 lb per week rate, I'll hit my goal this year :)

    Back to the question, though. It wasn't just the mirror. I have a large frame, and hide my weight very well. I'm also very good at denial :) I had a gall bladder attack, though, and thought I was having a heart attack. On top of the other annoying things about being so heavy, that gave me the push I needed to take the weight off. Additionally, I blew out both knees in my 30s playing basketball, and moving at my high weight was excruciatingly painful.

    I walk 5 miles per day, now. Life is good :)
  • rainynight3L33
    rainynight3L33 Posts: 35 Member
    It was me, my mirror, and my overly tight clothing that made me start eating well and exercising.
  • 20Grit
    20Grit Posts: 752 Member
    I asked my husband if he thought I had good muscle tone and he fumbled an answer.

    Don't ever ask your husband things like that! He'll stick a twix in his mouth!

    For me it was my own self image and low self esteem,When I was younger and thin I still had low self esteem, I guess I've had it my entire life. 1st marriage only made this problem worse. I went from 130 to 220 with my first child, got made fun of by my family mostly, it hurt pretty bad, second pregnancy was a little better, not a whole lot....
    I want to be proud of myself and what I have accomplished, I never wanted to be a woman who blamed her weight or flaws on having children...I want to be strong inside and out, and I want that confidence to rub off on my girls.
    I'm still learning.