Senseless Shooting...It could have been anyone



  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    It is horrible that it happened in Oklahoma... crazy weird.

    With that said this all plays into the thug life that the media, music, TV, games portray that weak and feeble minded people will blindly fall into. Only when this thug life music and such stops being embraced and is no longer cool will things change.

    I play video games, violent ones, I listen to music, lots of angry death metal on one day, and on another I listen to rap music.Oh and I love porn. It does not make me a killer or a rapist. Stop blaming the media, the mediums and everyone else. Raise your children right and they will not be feeble minded. If anyone is blind it is the person that thinks their children won't be exposed to all of the above. Prepare them by doing everything you can to teach them right from wrong.

    I am blaming the WEAK OF MIND....that are simply followers. Raising children right is only an ingredient of how a child progresses into adulthood. You can be the best parents and have the worst kids, and vise versa.

    Like you I listen to metal, and play videos games and such. Though I am not weak of mind....

    Well yeah but the weak of mind are going to be a problem no matter what we do.

    that is the point. People hell bent on killing others will do so. If the tool is a car, water, a knife, firearm, baseball bat, hammer, etc. They will find a way.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    It is horrible that it happened in Oklahoma... crazy weird.

    With that said this all plays into the thug life that the media, music, TV, games portray that weak and feeble minded people will blindly fall into. Only when this thug life music and such stops being embraced and is no longer cool will things change.

    Are you being serious?

    yes. Violence on TV, Video games, etc has an affect on people. If it is an addiction, if it is desensitizing, etc. Hell look at the game candy crush and all the marriages and relationships it has broken
  • VeganLexi
    VeganLexi Posts: 960 Member
    It is horrible that it happened in Oklahoma... crazy weird.

    With that said this all plays into the thug life that the media, music, TV, games portray that weak and feeble minded people will blindly fall into. Only when this thug life music and such stops being embraced and is no longer cool will things change.

    Are you being serious?

    yes. Violence on TV, Video games, etc has an affect on people. If it is an addiction, if it is desensitizing, etc. Hell look at the game candy crush and all the marriages and relationships it has broken

    I must admit, my fiancé wasn't best pleased with the "candy hammer" purchases on his bill :laugh:
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    hahaha candy hammer.

    not to mention there are even songs about this sorta thing. One by goldie looking chain named " guns dont kill people rappers do"
  • TomTomato
    TomTomato Posts: 223
    We live in a culture that doesn't value LIFE.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    For those using this as an arguement for gun control...Guns don't doesn't stop crazy people from being crazy. And I have never discharged a firearm (other than a paint ball gun) in my life. For every senseless shooting, their are also tales of heroics like this...
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    It is horrible that it happened in Oklahoma... crazy weird.

    With that said this all plays into the thug life that the media, music, TV, games portray that weak and feeble minded people will blindly fall into. Only when this thug life music and such stops being embraced and is no longer cool will things change.

    Are you being serious?

    yes. Violence on TV, Video games, etc has an affect on people. If it is an addiction, if it is desensitizing, etc. Hell look at the game candy crush and all the marriages and relationships it has broken

    Yeah, lame excuse... if relationships are being broken up over candy crush there were underlying issues that only became apparent or realized with the game... same with violent movies and video games... my husband watches really violent movies and I'm pretty sure he isn't plotting to go on a murdering spree. I watched soap opera's as a kid and I'm pretty sure I am not inclined to sleep around for the hell of it or for revenge.

    Granted these are anecdotal and personal accounts... but like everything else... these things are not going to effect everyone in the same way.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Absolutely revolting. What is the world coming to? There must be something in the water, I swear. I really feel sometimes that the U.S. is in big, big trouble - things only seem to be getting worse. The few people who actually realize what's really going on are silenced when they speak up about/against it, which is scary - but the scariest thing is that most people are extremely ignorant and too absorbed in their own little fantasy worlds to give a crap.

    That's so true

    Pick up a history book every once in a while. The world isn't getting worse and people aren't any more evil in general than they were a thousand years ago. As a society (the US, Europe, Australia, etc.), we are actually much more compassionate and less violent now.

    Thanks for the suggestion - however, I'm already quite familiar with the general history of the world. It's quite easy to be "compassionate" and "non-violent" when you're living a seemingly comfortable, struggle-free life, but unfortunately, many people don't have that luxury.

    Oh, and I'm sorry - but the world really hasn't come that far since the Salem Witch Trials and Spanish Inquisition. Similar things still go on in the world around us, you just don't see it or hear about it. The media shows you only what they're supposed to show you.
    So then, is the world the same or getting worse?
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    We live in a culture that doesn't value LIFE.
    Bull**** this very thread is full of people that value life. Hell we have one person in here that says she cries over dead insects. The vast majority of people do value life. These *kitten* don't value life but they do not represent the entire culture.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    We live in a culture that doesn't value LIFE.

    Dude!?!?really............... thats the identity of the culture we all share? OR MIGHT It be just the culture of a small pocket of people who dont know how to act like human beings or be parents, have no control over their kids and who........... hell might even worse then kids!.....damn!
    Vicious cycle of lazy people..........
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I really think that some of the kids think that life is nothing but a stupid video game. I don't want to use violent video games as a cop-out but it all goes back to one thing....upbringing. If you're a "parent" who neglects his/her children, do all kinds of drugs and have a criminal conviction rap sheet yourself, we shouldn't be surprised if their children turn out the same way or worse. Unfortunately, we live in a world where people who make the worst parents tend to make the most babies. Those who would make great parents, tend to make fewer babies.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Video games don't cheapen killing more than violent movies do. I used to play FPS games for years; if you count the number of 'people' I killed in game they would be in the hundreds of thousands, because I was pretty good at it. This doesn't make me a violent person, the thought of actually killing a human being is still repugnant to me.
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    I agree Hexahedra but I will also add that if you are not prone to such acts of violence and still decide to play violent video games, watch violent movies, listen to hateful misogynistic rap lyrics, you will probably turn out to be an ordinary kid and then grow up to be a responsible adult and possibly parent. However, if you already have a propensity to violence and social deviant behavior while indulging yourself in these activities, you're probably more likely to act them out.. As I said before, it all goes back to upbringing. Who are your role models? have you set some realistic career goals? etc etc.
    BEERRUNNER Posts: 3,049 Member
    I agree Hexahedra but I will also add that if you are not prone to such acts of violence and still decide to play violent video games, watch violent movies, listen to hateful misogynistic rap lyrics, you will probably turn out to be an ordinary kid and then grow up to be a responsible adult and possibly parent. However, if you already have a propensity to violence and social deviant behavior while indulging yourself in these activities, you're probably more likely to act them out.. As I said before, it all goes back to upbringing. Who are your role models? have you set some realistic career goals? etc etc.

    Have you seen the picture of those 3 animals who killed that Aussie bloke? Im gonna go out on a limb and say their upbringing was lacking good parenting........................just sayin
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    It is horrible that it happened in Oklahoma... crazy weird.

    With that said this all plays into the thug life that the media, music, TV, games portray that weak and feeble minded people will blindly fall into. Only when this thug life music and such stops being embraced and is no longer cool will things change.

    Are you being serious?

    yes. Violence on TV, Video games, etc has an affect on people. If it is an addiction, if it is desensitizing, etc. Hell look at the game candy crush and all the marriages and relationships it has broken

    Yeah, lame excuse... if relationships are being broken up over candy crush there were underlying issues that only became apparent or realized with the game... same with violent movies and video games... my husband watches really violent movies and I'm pretty sure he isn't plotting to go on a murdering spree. I watched soap opera's as a kid and I'm pretty sure I am not inclined to sleep around for the hell of it or for revenge.

    Granted these are anecdotal and personal accounts... but like everything else... these things are not going to effect everyone in the same way.

    yes thanks for pointing that out. That is EXACTLY what I am saying there are weak minded people, or underlying issues.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    The first part of this makes my stomach turn, but I think this is a good thing for people to read in light of this discussion. I've considered buying the book, but I'm kind of afraid to read it:
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    obviously he was profiling them just like zimmerman. People don't just attack for no reason.
    This has nothing to do with the Zimmerman trial. It is a tragedy and it would be horrible to try and use this case to rejuvenate the extremely trite dialogues that were so prevalent in that case.
    Read an article this morning that showed what is possibly the facebook postings of one of the shooters.

    It is possible that this was done to earn some kind of "street cred" for a rapping career.
    This is why I hate it when people celebrate the criminal activities of people like 50cent. "Get rich or die trying." should not be a mantra to live by. Your life should be worth more than the money you are pursuing.

    This I agree with !
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    For those using this as an arguement for gun control...Guns don't stop crazy people from being crazy. For every senseless shooting, their are also tales of heroics like this...

    Think of what would have happened to those two women if the one hadn't of dropped the dirtbag.
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    On FOX news this morning they were wondering why the Rev. Al Sharpton, Rev. Jesse Jackson or the POTUS had jumped in to make statements about it like they did in the Zimmerman case. . . . .

    NOW!!! Watch this go downhill.
  • Thewatcher_66
    Thewatcher_66 Posts: 1,643 Member
    This is a good healthy discussion but not sure about how I feel having it under the menu of "chit-chat, fun and games." It's a hell of a lot more serious than that.