June 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • katharmonic
    katharmonic Posts: 5,720 Member
    Date :::: Miles :::: Cumulative
    06/01/20 :::: 3.5 :::: 3.5
    06/02/20 :::: 3.3 :::: 6.8
    06/03/20 :::: 2.4 :::: 9.3
    06/04/20 :::: 3.4 :::: 12.7
    06/05/20 :::: 3.2 :::: 15.9
    06/06/20 :::: 6.8 :::: 22.7
    06/07/20 :::: 5.0 :::: 27.7
    06/08/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 30.8
    06/09/20 :::: 3.1 :::: 33.9
    06/10/20 :::: 5.0 :::: 38.9
    06/11/20 :::: 6.0 :::: 45.0
    06/12/20 :::: 3.0 :::: 48.0
    06/13/20 :::: 10.0 :::: 58.0
    06/14/20 :::: 3.6 :::: 61.6
    06/15/20 :::: 3.5 :::: 65.1
    06/16/20 :::: 4.4 :::: 69.5

    I went to an "official" speedwork group today! Semi-official anyway. With our running coach, though the full program is not up and running yet. It was a small group and our entrance fee for today was to donate at least two food items that he brings to families that have been really hit by the economics of the COVID 19 situation.

    So the workout today was 1 minute intervals with 1 minute recovery in between, x 10. We did this in a park by a lake with a wide path for running/biking/rollerblading etc. It was not terribly busy so we were able to do our out-and-backs without being in the way of anyone. I like this workout but I really prefer doing it on a track so you don't have to turn at 30 seconds.

    It was tough! I felt like either I've gotten out of shape or I forgot how hard it is. Likely both are a little true, and it was pretty hot. We followed up with 6 sprints. I also did 15 minutes of warmup and 10 of cooldown to get to that total for today.
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    @katharmonic that sounds like so much fun! We have a track here that I, funnily, have never been to. The running store where I am a regular now (haha) has a running group that meets a couple of times a week. I always think I should be more social and go just to see, but between everything else, the time I get to run is my only alone time. I do think I probably am lacking in some progression and improvement because of the lack of community.... but then again, who needs real life bodies when I have all of you?

    @avidkeo right there with ya. I have been doing a lot of strength and PT exercises to try to get all healed up and ready for the next run. I am really so impressed with how you've held back and listened to your body.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @katharmonic in this case the virtual race was done by a gal in our local running community so I knew every dime she didn’t need for purchasing medals, labels, envelopes and postage would go to the charity. I also look at the virtual races for that info because they have to post it, I have friends that say it’s a great cause and like $2.00 of $40 goes to the cause, hhmm write them a check direct and buy yourself a $5.00 medal ha ha
    @AlphaHowls great runs as usual. I hear the Chirps Eat Bugs products are really good, do you like them? Well I guess you do since you use them. If I didn’t love you before I certainly do now

    Generic Schedule:
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - I work at a paying job. My hours, private practice. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor.
    All other time/days and my very being belongs to my mother. I am her caregiver.

    My running is based on feeling. I am slow and I do not 'race'. I do not do tempo, speed or any other things many people do. My bladder has never held very long. I have to be conscious of where I can reach a bathroom. I have kidney problems, gout, osteopenia, back pain, muscle aches, piriformis syndrome. Any time I have free, I am out in the yard working. I will be 50 this year. God willing and God Bless, I just want to run.
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,940 Member
    @AlphaHowls great runs as usual. I hear the Chirps Eat Bugs products are really good, do you like them? Well I guess you do since you use them. If I didn’t love you before I certainly do now

    I have IBS - C and the crickets do not cause gas or bloating. My brother introduced me to crickets last September. I do love the crickets. I also use the cricket flour to protein up my oat/banana cookie.

  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    AlphaHowls wrote: »

    @AlphaHowls The ones in bold are my favorite ones. :)

    Okay so your log is actually inspiring to me. What do you do for fuel when you're running crazy consecutive days like this? I have never done what I am about to do and between the regular nerves and working to heal IT Band injuries (AGAIN), I am kind of freaking out. The clock starts on June 27 and I have ten days from the start to cram in as many miles as I can. It's supposed to be cumulative but I emailed the race director and she said it doesn't matter how many miles I do on which days since it is fixed time. I am currently set at 132 if I follow the plan above. I am working around my two kids' needs, their summer schedule with their dad, and working 10-11 hour days, so my weekday runs can't be too long, nor can they be long on days I have the kids.

    I always carry fuel and water, every single run. That does not mean I always use it.

    In my pouch:
    GU CHOCOLATE OUTRAGE gel 100 cals
    GU ORANGE Energy chews 160 cals
    Black forest Fruit Snacks, Mixed Fruit (2 packs) 70 cals each
    Gatorade Fruit Punch Chews 100 cals
    Gatorade Green Apple Chews 100 cals

    Hydration belt 4 - 8 oz water bottles

    Depending on my timing and how I feel, my first snack is around mile 18
    Depending on weather/heat is when I sip/guzzle water

    Once I return to home base:
    Powerade Orange/grape/fruit punch if it has been hot
    20-40 fl oz water again weather/heat dependent

    Within 30 minutes of return from run:
    Chirps Eat Bugs - Vanilla Cricket Protein, 15 gram (I also use chocolate)
    Quaker - Rice Cakes Lightly Salted, 20 g
    Dole Banana - Peeled Banana 125 g

    If you would like to see my food diary, just friend request me.

    My runs are time based, I need plenty of time for distance. This often times mean getting up around 3:30 to 4:00 AM. I have spent the last 4 years building my distance running. (July 2015 - I started MFP and lost 100 lbs).

    Generic Schedule:
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - I work at a paying job. My hours, private practice. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor.
    All other time/days and my very being belongs to my mother. I am her caregiver.

    My running is based on feeling. I am slow and I do not 'race'. I do not do tempo, speed or any other things many people do. My bladder has never held very long. I have to be conscious of where I can reach a bathroom. I have kidney problems, gout, osteopenia, back pain, muscle aches, piriformis syndrome. Any time I have free, I am out in the yard working. I will be 50 this year. God willing and God Bless, I just want to run.

    @AlphaHowls so as it happens, we are not so different! Also, my best friend is an LPC. :) I'll get my masters in psych one of these days (maybe when I'm not in the middle of raising two high needs kids - accounting was hard enough).

    So a couple differences though. Crickets. Really? Maybe I should try that ....

    The water belt - I just got a handheld because the sun made me do it and I hate running with anything attached. Does the water belt ride up or bounce or do you find it otherwise annoying?
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    AlphaHowls wrote: »

    @AlphaHowls The ones in bold are my favorite ones. :)

    Okay so your log is actually inspiring to me. What do you do for fuel when you're running crazy consecutive days like this? I have never done what I am about to do and between the regular nerves and working to heal IT Band injuries (AGAIN), I am kind of freaking out. The clock starts on June 27 and I have ten days from the start to cram in as many miles as I can. It's supposed to be cumulative but I emailed the race director and she said it doesn't matter how many miles I do on which days since it is fixed time. I am currently set at 132 if I follow the plan above. I am working around my two kids' needs, their summer schedule with their dad, and working 10-11 hour days, so my weekday runs can't be too long, nor can they be long on days I have the kids.

    I always carry fuel and water, every single run. That does not mean I always use it.

    In my pouch:
    GU CHOCOLATE OUTRAGE gel 100 cals
    GU ORANGE Energy chews 160 cals
    Black forest Fruit Snacks, Mixed Fruit (2 packs) 70 cals each
    Gatorade Fruit Punch Chews 100 cals
    Gatorade Green Apple Chews 100 cals

    Hydration belt 4 - 8 oz water bottles

    Depending on my timing and how I feel, my first snack is around mile 18
    Depending on weather/heat is when I sip/guzzle water

    Once I return to home base:
    Powerade Orange/grape/fruit punch if it has been hot
    20-40 fl oz water again weather/heat dependent

    Within 30 minutes of return from run:
    Chirps Eat Bugs - Vanilla Cricket Protein, 15 gram (I also use chocolate)
    Quaker - Rice Cakes Lightly Salted, 20 g
    Dole Banana - Peeled Banana 125 g

    If you would like to see my food diary, just friend request me.

    My runs are time based, I need plenty of time for distance. This often times mean getting up around 3:30 to 4:00 AM. I have spent the last 4 years building my distance running. (July 2015 - I started MFP and lost 100 lbs).

    Generic Schedule:
    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday - I work at a paying job. My hours, private practice. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor.
    All other time/days and my very being belongs to my mother. I am her caregiver.

    My running is based on feeling. I am slow and I do not 'race'. I do not do tempo, speed or any other things many people do. My bladder has never held very long. I have to be conscious of where I can reach a bathroom. I have kidney problems, gout, osteopenia, back pain, muscle aches, piriformis syndrome. Any time I have free, I am out in the yard working. I will be 50 this year. God willing and God Bless, I just want to run.

    Inspiring on so many levels! You are so aware of your needs, more of us could use that!
  • AlphaHowls
    AlphaHowls Posts: 1,940 Member
    edited June 2020

    @AlphaHowls so as it happens, we are not so different! Also, my best friend is an LPC. :) I'll get my masters in psych one of these days (maybe when I'm not in the middle of raising two high needs kids - accounting was hard enough).

    So a couple differences though. Crickets. Really? Maybe I should try that ....

    The water belt - I just got a handheld because the sun made me do it and I hate running with anything attached. Does the water belt ride up or bounce or do you find it otherwise annoying?

    Crickets are love!

    Heat/humidity and kidneys force me to take care. I love this belt. My one issue, as it gets hotter/sweatier, it can wear a spot on my low back/middle if I forget my glide. I do not like anything in my hands, so the belt is awesome. I have a backpack one, it hurts my shoulders. Otherwise, I love my belt.

  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    edited June 2020
    Thanks @skippygirlsmom . It was really tough for the first few years. It has gotten a lot better. Still miss him sometimes though - especially when I am upset because he was always able to calm me down.

    @katharmonic Glad you got to have a small group workout with your coach. Sounds a little brutal to me. Love the entrance fee though.

    @AlphaHowls After reading the above post, I am even more impressed that I have been with your running.

    YEAH @Avidkeo . Glad the run went so well. Even in the rain and up and down hills.

  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    06/01-06/14: 38.3
    06/15: 3.2
    06/16: 3

  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,696 Member
    Awesome result @Avidkeo!
  • Camaramandy648
    Camaramandy648 Posts: 711 Member
    @Avidkeo your post made me smile ear to ear! I’m Hope hope hoping that you get to continue and keep building! I also love the way you wrote it- it felt like I was running with you! Congratulations!

    @noblsheep im so sorry. We are becoming a hot spot in my town, for my state. It’s for (in my opinion) obvious reasons and the school has already sent an email stating the kids can do straight online school or traditional but if we choose traditional they’ll have to follow covid19 restrictions, i.e. no water fountains or utensils, etc. i believe everything will be strictly shut down here too eventually.

    Anyway. I’m sorry to hear cases are rising and I’m excited for you that strength training is helping your pace!
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,696 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    noblsheep wrote: »
    So was looking through my stats for the past few runs, and noticed that ever since I've started intensive strength training last week, my pace has been inching up. The runs certainly didn't feel any harder, and I would've thought I'd be slower since I've been so sore from the sessions. (My trainer is evil, I'm sure of it.) Feeling a bit stoked right now. Perhaps there will be some progress this year after all.

    C-related stuff because I have to vent - you have been warned.
    Beijing is dealing with a second wave, 137 cases in the last few days. It's entirely normal and to be expected since we are a city with 20 million people and tons of unpluggable holes where things can go wrong. But I think the timing just gets to me - we've only gone down to a Level 3 10 days ago, and now we're back to Level 2. It's not devastating any more, just maddeningly annoying.

    My best friend is having a baby in another city. Her C-section is scheduled for next week and her husband (who works in Beijing and lives here during the week) had the premonition to skedaddle home yesterday evening - just before they put a soft lockdown on the city. Starting from midnight, anyone who wants to go out needs a negative nucleic acid testing result from the last seven days. Still, he'll have to self-isolate at home for 14 days, which means he can't be at the hospital for the birth, and he won't be able to see the baby until they come home. I was planning to visit too, now I don't know when I'll be able to.

    Several of my colleagues live near the point of origin and have been ordered to stay home until their entire community has been tested. All of our projects for July have been cancelled because it's too late to move them online. Schools are closed again - they've only been open for two weeks. I know in my head that it's only a small setback in the grand scheme of things, but emotionally it just feels like *kitten*.

    Well. At least I can still run.

    Hugs @noblsheep. We were all "celebrating" here because we thought we had eliminated it, but then yesterday we all came crashing back to earth because 2 people tested positive - first positive tests in over 24 days - and it turned out they travelled the length of the North Island. So a harsh reality hit I think about just how easy it would be for this to come back. Eating crow comes to mind.

    I know the experts kept predicting a second wave, and it's so hard. I hope you get through.

    What’s maddening @avidkeo is this isn’t a second wave. This is two new arrivals from the UK, let out of quarantine early to go to Wellington as their parent has just died and not tested for Covid until they had driven the length of the North Island. Several balls dropped here. I am beyond angry. The quarantine people had ONE job. How the hell did this happen. I only hope they’re telling the truth when they say they didn’t come into close contact with people.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    noblsheep wrote: »
    So was looking through my stats for the past few runs, and noticed that ever since I've started intensive strength training last week, my pace has been inching up. The runs certainly didn't feel any harder, and I would've thought I'd be slower since I've been so sore from the sessions. (My trainer is evil, I'm sure of it.) Feeling a bit stoked right now. Perhaps there will be some progress this year after all.

    C-related stuff because I have to vent - you have been warned.
    Beijing is dealing with a second wave, 137 cases in the last few days. It's entirely normal and to be expected since we are a city with 20 million people and tons of unpluggable holes where things can go wrong. But I think the timing just gets to me - we've only gone down to a Level 3 10 days ago, and now we're back to Level 2. It's not devastating any more, just maddeningly annoying.

    My best friend is having a baby in another city. Her C-section is scheduled for next week and her husband (who works in Beijing and lives here during the week) had the premonition to skedaddle home yesterday evening - just before they put a soft lockdown on the city. Starting from midnight, anyone who wants to go out needs a negative nucleic acid testing result from the last seven days. Still, he'll have to self-isolate at home for 14 days, which means he can't be at the hospital for the birth, and he won't be able to see the baby until they come home. I was planning to visit too, now I don't know when I'll be able to.

    Several of my colleagues live near the point of origin and have been ordered to stay home until their entire community has been tested. All of our projects for July have been cancelled because it's too late to move them online. Schools are closed again - they've only been open for two weeks. I know in my head that it's only a small setback in the grand scheme of things, but emotionally it just feels like *kitten*.

    Well. At least I can still run.

    Hugs @noblsheep. We were all "celebrating" here because we thought we had eliminated it, but then yesterday we all came crashing back to earth because 2 people tested positive - first positive tests in over 24 days - and it turned out they travelled the length of the North Island. So a harsh reality hit I think about just how easy it would be for this to come back. Eating crow comes to mind.

    I know the experts kept predicting a second wave, and it's so hard. I hope you get through.

    What’s maddening @avidkeo is this isn’t a second wave. This is two new arrivals from the UK, let out of quarantine early to go to Wellington as their parent has just died and not tested for Covid until they had driven the length of the North Island. Several balls dropped here. I am beyond angry. The quarantine people had ONE job. How the hell did this happen. I only hope they’re telling the truth when they say they didn’t come into close contact with people.

    Yeah we are all watching it closely at work, we were so so grateful the lockdown worked, if this situation causes an outbreak, we will be beyond pissed, especially as it would mean back to level 4 again.

    Sounds like the duo aren't fully telling the truth, as latest news says they got lost and needed help on their way out of Auckland , including a hug and kiss to the person who helped them. If that's the case, how likely is it they didn't stop for fuel and food.

    Beyond angry, verging on crying.
  • ContraryMaryMary
    ContraryMaryMary Posts: 1,696 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    noblsheep wrote: »
    So was looking through my stats for the past few runs, and noticed that ever since I've started intensive strength training last week, my pace has been inching up. The runs certainly didn't feel any harder, and I would've thought I'd be slower since I've been so sore from the sessions. (My trainer is evil, I'm sure of it.) Feeling a bit stoked right now. Perhaps there will be some progress this year after all.

    C-related stuff because I have to vent - you have been warned.
    Beijing is dealing with a second wave, 137 cases in the last few days. It's entirely normal and to be expected since we are a city with 20 million people and tons of unpluggable holes where things can go wrong. But I think the timing just gets to me - we've only gone down to a Level 3 10 days ago, and now we're back to Level 2. It's not devastating any more, just maddeningly annoying.

    My best friend is having a baby in another city. Her C-section is scheduled for next week and her husband (who works in Beijing and lives here during the week) had the premonition to skedaddle home yesterday evening - just before they put a soft lockdown on the city. Starting from midnight, anyone who wants to go out needs a negative nucleic acid testing result from the last seven days. Still, he'll have to self-isolate at home for 14 days, which means he can't be at the hospital for the birth, and he won't be able to see the baby until they come home. I was planning to visit too, now I don't know when I'll be able to.

    Several of my colleagues live near the point of origin and have been ordered to stay home until their entire community has been tested. All of our projects for July have been cancelled because it's too late to move them online. Schools are closed again - they've only been open for two weeks. I know in my head that it's only a small setback in the grand scheme of things, but emotionally it just feels like *kitten*.

    Well. At least I can still run.

    Hugs @noblsheep. We were all "celebrating" here because we thought we had eliminated it, but then yesterday we all came crashing back to earth because 2 people tested positive - first positive tests in over 24 days - and it turned out they travelled the length of the North Island. So a harsh reality hit I think about just how easy it would be for this to come back. Eating crow comes to mind.

    I know the experts kept predicting a second wave, and it's so hard. I hope you get through.

    What’s maddening @avidkeo is this isn’t a second wave. This is two new arrivals from the UK, let out of quarantine early to go to Wellington as their parent has just died and not tested for Covid until they had driven the length of the North Island. Several balls dropped here. I am beyond angry. The quarantine people had ONE job. How the hell did this happen. I only hope they’re telling the truth when they say they didn’t come into close contact with people.

    Yeah we are all watching it closely at work, we were so so grateful the lockdown worked, if this situation causes an outbreak, we will be beyond pissed, especially as it would mean back to level 4 again.

    Sounds like the duo aren't fully telling the truth, as latest news says they got lost and needed help on their way out of Auckland , including a hug and kiss to the person who helped them. If that's the case, how likely is it they didn't stop for fuel and food.

    Beyond angry, verging on crying.

    And why would you let them drive from Auckland to Wellington on the promise they wouldn’t come into contact with anyone? It’s a nine hour drive at the best of times. Of course they’re going to stop.

    I’m living on the hope that we’ve caught it in time. Would like to see the pair fined and deported if it turns out they did interact with people, and several people fired over this. Bloody incompetents.
  • Avidkeo
    Avidkeo Posts: 3,190 Member
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    Avidkeo wrote: »
    noblsheep wrote: »
    So was looking through my stats for the past few runs, and noticed that ever since I've started intensive strength training last week, my pace has been inching up. The runs certainly didn't feel any harder, and I would've thought I'd be slower since I've been so sore from the sessions. (My trainer is evil, I'm sure of it.) Feeling a bit stoked right now. Perhaps there will be some progress this year after all.

    C-related stuff because I have to vent - you have been warned.
    Beijing is dealing with a second wave, 137 cases in the last few days. It's entirely normal and to be expected since we are a city with 20 million people and tons of unpluggable holes where things can go wrong. But I think the timing just gets to me - we've only gone down to a Level 3 10 days ago, and now we're back to Level 2. It's not devastating any more, just maddeningly annoying.

    My best friend is having a baby in another city. Her C-section is scheduled for next week and her husband (who works in Beijing and lives here during the week) had the premonition to skedaddle home yesterday evening - just before they put a soft lockdown on the city. Starting from midnight, anyone who wants to go out needs a negative nucleic acid testing result from the last seven days. Still, he'll have to self-isolate at home for 14 days, which means he can't be at the hospital for the birth, and he won't be able to see the baby until they come home. I was planning to visit too, now I don't know when I'll be able to.

    Several of my colleagues live near the point of origin and have been ordered to stay home until their entire community has been tested. All of our projects for July have been cancelled because it's too late to move them online. Schools are closed again - they've only been open for two weeks. I know in my head that it's only a small setback in the grand scheme of things, but emotionally it just feels like *kitten*.

    Well. At least I can still run.

    Hugs @noblsheep. We were all "celebrating" here because we thought we had eliminated it, but then yesterday we all came crashing back to earth because 2 people tested positive - first positive tests in over 24 days - and it turned out they travelled the length of the North Island. So a harsh reality hit I think about just how easy it would be for this to come back. Eating crow comes to mind.

    I know the experts kept predicting a second wave, and it's so hard. I hope you get through.

    What’s maddening @avidkeo is this isn’t a second wave. This is two new arrivals from the UK, let out of quarantine early to go to Wellington as their parent has just died and not tested for Covid until they had driven the length of the North Island. Several balls dropped here. I am beyond angry. The quarantine people had ONE job. How the hell did this happen. I only hope they’re telling the truth when they say they didn’t come into close contact with people.

    Yeah we are all watching it closely at work, we were so so grateful the lockdown worked, if this situation causes an outbreak, we will be beyond pissed, especially as it would mean back to level 4 again.

    Sounds like the duo aren't fully telling the truth, as latest news says they got lost and needed help on their way out of Auckland , including a hug and kiss to the person who helped them. If that's the case, how likely is it they didn't stop for fuel and food.

    Beyond angry, verging on crying.

    And why would you let them drive from Auckland to Wellington on the promise they wouldn’t come into contact with anyone? It’s a nine hour drive at the best of times. Of course they’re going to stop.

    I’m living on the hope that we’ve caught it in time. Would like to see the pair fined and deported if it turns out they did interact with people, and several people fired over this. Bloody incompetents.

    Yeah seriously. So ridiculous!