June 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @marisap2010 I don't think I could run with a mask on either! Hope you can get out to do your runs in the cooler part of the day. Just take it slower and hydrate!

    But most of us DO run in a mask, in the cold months. What would kill me is how hot it would be on in the summer! I mean in 20F I have to pull the mask down to cool off a bit, never mind 90F!!!! :o

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @hamsterwheel6 glad the vest is working out for you!

    @ContraryMaryMary Cute kid!

    @quilteryoyo love the driveway pics and "race report!"
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Half an hour down 2 hours 18 left.

    Back to doing half an hour running in a row with no breaks. Hoping to keep that up.

    Hey! Great! Congrats!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,035 Member
    Great race report @Teresa502! Sounds like it was well organized and went smoothly.
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @marisap2010 I don't think I could run with a mask on either! Hope you can get out to do your runs in the cooler part of the day. Just take it slower and hydrate!

    But most of us DO run in a mask, in the cold months. What would kill me is how hot it would be on in the summer! I mean in 20F I have to pull the mask down to cool off a bit, never mind 90F!!!! :o

    Yeah, I don’t think I would care as much in the winter! Even in my gym, the track runs partially over the heated pool, so it can get quite warm. It was hot, wet with sweat, and stuck to my face, which is not helpful for breathing. 😓
  • marisap2010
    marisap2010 Posts: 909 Member
    @Teresa502, sounds like a great race, even with the modifications!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    @marisap2010 I don't think I could run with a mask on either! Hope you can get out to do your runs in the cooler part of the day. Just take it slower and hydrate!

    But most of us DO run in a mask, in the cold months. What would kill me is how hot it would be on in the summer! I mean in 20F I have to pull the mask down to cool off a bit, never mind 90F!!!! :o

    Yeah, I don’t think I would care as much in the winter! Even in my gym, the track runs partially over the heated pool, so it can get quite warm. It was hot, wet with sweat, and stuck to my face, which is not helpful for breathing. 😓

    Running outside is way safer in this pandemic than any indoor activity really so go for it :) Just remember sun screen!
  • Tramboman
    Tramboman Posts: 2,482 Member
    edited June 2020
    6-1 7k moderate
    6-2 7k moderate
    6-3 7k easy
    6-4 7k moderately easy
    6-5 7k easily moderate
    6-6 7k slow
    6-7 7k moderate
    6-8 rest
    6-9 7k moderately easy
    6-10 7k easy
    6-11 7k easy
    6-12 7k moderate
    6-13 7k thresholdy
    6-14 7k moderate
    6-15 rest

    June Total: 91k
    June Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k
    April Total: 191k
    May Total: 200k

    2020 Total through May: 900k

    Rest day today. Golf instead of running.

    @quilteryoyo It's fine. One more song rattling around in there won't make much of a difference.
    Do you know "Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed" or "The Ants Go Marching One by One"? One's good for a quick pace, and one's better for a slower pace.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020k in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    9-19 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson, OH
    10-11 Haunted Hustle 5k, Aurora, OH
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited June 2020
    i was hoping to get out more but i did manage to get 6.5 in on sunday. and it was hard. it was beautiful out. a little humid but not too bad. but the moraines. hill after hill after hill. i committed to run the downhills where possible. walked the uphills. didn't see too many people. some of the trail was single track, some grassy, some wide and easy. parts of it were unrunnable for me. most of my trail runs are not particularly technical.
    speed demon got tired pretty fast. i was hoping for a few more miles but i was really ok turning around at 3.2. but somehow the garmin only recorded 6.2.
    i've got to retie my hierros. they are a little loose and got a couple of blisters.

    no but seriously, the hills.

    i was on the sherwood segment of the ice age trail in whitewater. i hope to explore more parts of it but since we were going out in the afternoon, i was looking for a quieter segment and made the 40 min drive

    speed demon photos


  • Teresa502
    Teresa502 Posts: 1,751 Member
    Goal: 130 miles
    06/01/20 - 7.16
    06/02/20 - 4.02
    06/03/20 - 7.02
    06/04/20 - 3.71
    06/06/20 – 15.35
    06/08/20 – 5.28
    06/09/20 – 5.13
    06/11/20 – 5.51
    06/13/20 – 13.23
    06/15/20 – 5.17
    Total – 71.58 miles

    I was supposed to go hiking with friends yesterday but the weather forecast was for afternoon storms so we cancelled the hike. It was sunny and beautiful when I woke up so I decided to load my bike up and take a ride before the weather moved in. I rode a 23 mile route that I’ve ridden several times before. Traffic wasn’t bad but apparently everyone lets their dogs out early on Sunday mornings to run free. I was chased by several but luckily no biters got me.

    This morning I headed out around 6:00 am and ran 5 miles. Rain is in the forecast for most of the day but it wasn’t raining when I got up so I decided to head out while it was nice. It was an uneventful run. I think one guy in a truck passed me during the entire run. Other than that, no human sightings.

    @quilteryoyo – I love your driveway! It looks so shady. You’re going to be so strong from running those hills!

    @katharmonic – Congrats on your 180-day run streak!

    @ContraryMaryMary – Any suggestions on how to engage the glutes more? I tried to focus on using mine this morning but I think they just basically were back there tagging along for the ride.

    @PastorVincent – I always enjoy seeing how you deviate from your training plan – lol! Did you have trouble coloring inside the lines as a child?

    @mbaker566 – Speed Demon looks so happy out there on the trails. I had to google the word moraine – thanks for expanding my vocabulary! Makes sense it’s called the Ice Age Trail.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Wow, busy weekend everyone!

    I do run in a mask in the winter (on the coldest days), but I don't like it very much. I haven't run in a mask in the summer and I feel like it would be challenging for me.

    6/1: 1.75m
    6/2: 5.5m
    6/3: 6m
    6/4: 5m
    6/5: 2m
    6/6: 6.5m, 4m
    6/7: 11.75m
    6/8: 1.75m, 1.25m
    6/9: 4m
    6/10: 2.25m
    6/11: 4m
    6/12: 2m
    6/13: 3m
    6/14: 8m
    6/15: 1.5m
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,127 Member
    edited June 2020
    @Tramboman I do know those songs. I don't recall all of the words to "The Ants Go Marching One By One," but I can make them up like I do when I add verses to "Wheels on the Bus."

    @mbaker566 Looks like a nice place to run/hike. Speed Demon is adorable.

    @Teresa502 Thanks. I do like the shady driveway and running on the hills makes me wonder what I could do on a flat route. I'm glad you didn't get bitten. I love dogs, but not ones that chase me acting like they are going to bite. My neighbor has one that used to love me. She had puppies that they gave away about the time I changed cars. I don't know if that is it or not, but she now seems to hate me and has even nipped at me when I go to visit. She hasn't been over there the last few times I've gone - stays at a neighbor's house most of the time. I usually call before I visit and ask if Cujo is there. LOL

    @skippygirlsmom This weather is great! Glad Champ enjoys the trail and is so well behaved.
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    06/01/2020: 4.15 miles
    06/03/2020: 4.17 miles
    06/06/2020: 6.01 miles
    06/08/2020: 4.02 miles
    06/10/2020: 4.15 miles
    06/12/2020: 6.03 miles
    06/15/2020: 4.59 miles

    June Total: 33.15/60 Miles

    Half way to goal!