June 2020 Monthly Running Challenge



  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Yay! Well done @rheddmobile
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    edited June 2020
    Awesome run and photos @rheddmobile !
    @skippygirlsmom You guys too! And a real race...that’s cool these days lol.

    I love dogs, but didn’t used too, because I too was bit as a kid. You did the right things @Avidkeo . I would have too.
    So yesterday went for my long run. Wanted to start by 8, to beat heat, humidity and storms coming in. Well that didn’t happen. Started at 9 cause I kept hitting snooze. Sigh.
    Ok still not bad...cloudy, and about 67 but 86% humidity. Got my stuff ready, and headed out. Realized then that my garmin was dead. Ugh! Battery went out overnight.
    So that totally changed my mindset on the run. Since I had no watch, I could just run, not worry about pace , time etc.I do use Strava on my phone, but it is always overestimating pace and distance, so it gives me an idea, but not really lol.
    I did 10.7 miles according to the route planner..Strava said 11.3! Mile 6-7 had a lot of walking as there are killer climbs and I just didn’t want to run them plus humidity decided that too.
    Still ended up at about 11.2 pace so not bad.
    Also used my new aftershokz for the first time. Love them. Only issue I have is my right ear I slightly deformed so resting on that ear plus my glasses will need getting used to.

    Anyway Happy Fathers Day to the dads here!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    Just did 1.8 miles tonight, and it was intervals because I brought my husband along. I didnt mind having to walk with him. I was happy for his company. I did let him run ahead of me and the dogs, though, and with them trying to chase him, I had to work twice as hard to keep my pace slower and got some nasty Braxton Hicks from it. So I think next time he joins me, either I will take the lead with them, or they can stay home.
    Only ten more miles till goal for this month.
    We got our pictures done earlier this week. Only 9 more weeks until we meet our little man!


  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @pastorvincent - you can connect Alexa to your Spotify account too. I have many playlists set up in Spotify now and while I also have Amazon music at no cost, I rarely if ever, use it.

    Yes, there is a level of Amazon music included with Prime, but it only gets you part of their catalog. If you want all the music (which you do not need since you pay for Spotify) you have to pay extra.

    If your curious, you can read about it here: Amazon Music Unlimited

    I use Amazon unlimited, works well
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    @Teresa502 I love that you called my lunch soup beans. That's what I always call them, but figured most wouldn't know what I was talking about. I'm really looking forward to them.

    @Avidkeo Sorry about those dogs. I think you handled the situation admirably.

    @brittanystebbins95 Love your pictures! You are doing great and look wonderful!

    @noblsheep Glad your fall wasn't worse. It's funny that you didn't want to ick the lady out.

    @rheddmobile Great race report and great running, especially after having food poisoning/tummy issues. Love the crows chasing the fox and you channeling your inner fox for the finish.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    @Tramboman I hope your back is feeling better!

    @hamsterwheel6 Sounds like a great run, even with all of the difficulties. Can't wait to get my Aftershokz.

  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @pastorvincent - you can connect Alexa to your Spotify account too. I have many playlists set up in Spotify now and while I also have Amazon music at no cost, I rarely if ever, use it.

    Yes, there is a level of Amazon music included with Prime, but it only gets you part of their catalog. If you want all the music (which you do not need since you pay for Spotify) you have to pay extra.

    If your curious, you can read about it here: Amazon Music Unlimited

    I use Amazon unlimited, works well

    It honestly works the best for me so far. I was really disappointed with Apple Music. The quality of the recordings is much better, but the searching/etc is inferior. It would be a great service if you make up your own playlists, or whatever, but for discovery, "play more like" and other features, it fails.

    Pandora took a massive dive years ago and never recovered and I did recently check it again. I know several people on this thread like Spotify and I have not used it in a long while, so I might try it again someday.
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,414 Member
    @noblsheep - hope you aren't too stiff or sore from your fall!
    @rheddmobile - Great job on your virtual race! Would love to know what was going on with the fox and the crows.
    Funny/interesting crow story - my DD was having issues with crows at her house dive bombing her and her dog whenever they would venture outside. Her first reaction was maybe to keep some small stones handy to throw at them. First she looked online though and found that that is the worst thing to do because crows are very smart and recognize faces, etc. So she followed what they suggested, leaving the crows 'gifts' of food and it worked. The crows started leaving her gifts back and no longer chase after them.

    @Tramboman - ouch! hope your back feels better!
    @hamsterwheel6 - I actually love to run sometimes without my watch and music. I don't normally do it mindfully, just when something doesn't work but it can be so freeing sometimes. Interesting that Strava is so off from your Garmin. Strava is pretty accurate for me based on other distance calculating route apps that I have used.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    @shanaber That is an interesting crow story. Love that they started leaving gifts for your DD. Animals are so much smarter than we often give them credit for.
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    shanaber wrote: »
    @noblsheep - hope you aren't too stiff or sore from your fall!
    @rheddmobile - Great job on your virtual race! Would love to know what was going on with the fox and the crows.
    Funny/interesting crow story - my DD was having issues with crows at her house dive bombing her and her dog whenever they would venture outside. Her first reaction was maybe to keep some small stones handy to throw at them. First she looked online though and found that that is the worst thing to do because crows are very smart and recognize faces, etc. So she followed what they suggested, leaving the crows 'gifts' of food and it worked. The crows started leaving her gifts back and no longer chase after them.

    @Tramboman - ouch! hope your back feels better!
    @hamsterwheel6 - I actually love to run sometimes without my watch and music. I don't normally do it mindfully, just when something doesn't work but it can be so freeing sometimes. Interesting that Strava is so off from your Garmin. Strava is pretty accurate for me based on other distance calculating route apps that I have used.

    It was actually nice that I wasn’t even thinking about pace at all. Yeah it’s very weird that it is so off, I’m really not sure why.
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    @Tramboman I hope your back is feeling better!

    @hamsterwheel6 Sounds like a great run, even with all of the difficulties. Can't wait to get my Aftershokz.

    I’m pretty sure you will love them!
  • hamsterwheel6
    hamsterwheel6 Posts: 544 Member
    Tramboman wrote: »
    6-1 7k moderate
    6-2 7k moderate
    6-3 7k easy
    6-4 7k moderately easy
    6-5 7k easily moderate
    6-6 7k slow
    6-7 7k moderate
    6-8 rest
    6-9 7k moderately easy
    6-10 7k easy
    6-11 7k easy
    6-12 7k moderate
    6-13 7k thresholdy
    6-14 7k moderate
    6-15 rest
    6-16 7k easy
    6-17 7k easy
    6-18 7k easy
    6-19 7k easy
    6-20 7k moderate
    6-21 forced rest

    June Total: 126k
    June Goal: 170k

    January Total: 161k
    February Total: 167k
    March Total: 181k
    April Total: 191k
    May Total: 200k

    2020 Total through May: 900k

    Tweaked my back doing pre-run stretches, and only made .1 k before I had to stop. May have to skip golf tomorrow as well. Have to wait and see how it responds to actual rest.

    When you pop in here claiming your December 2020 mileage, what accomplishments will you have made?

    Return to a good running weight of 175 lbs
    Run at least 4 5k races
    Get a 5k PR
    Average at least 138k per month, to meet my Run the Year pledge of 1,020 miles
    Stretch goal: If I can average 169k per month, I can run 2020k in 2020

    Run the Year Team: Pavement Pounders

    2020 races:

    9-19 Race for the Parks 5k, Hudson, OH
    10-11 Haunted Hustle 5k, Aurora, OH

    Sorry about your back. Hoping the rest works for you.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    @pfprimo That looks like a really nice place to run. I think I would be afraid of the wild pigs though.
  • quilteryoyo
    quilteryoyo Posts: 6,123 Member
    @Avidkeo Yippee! Glad the injury is healed! You have a great plan going forward.
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    noblsheep wrote: »
    Took a nice tumble tripping over a bump in the road. Somehow managed to not land on my face. Scraped up a bit but injuries are too minor to show off. One nice elderly lady walking her grandson offered to pull me up, but I was super sweaty by then and didn't want to ick her out.

    Boo! Glad to hear you are alright!
  • ABabilonia
    ABabilonia Posts: 622 Member
    06/01-06/20: 50.2
    06/21: 3.2

    Start my 10K training tomorrow. Hopefully by October I will be able to run a 10K.
