

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Pip find a bee keeper. They would love to have this hive. Please do not exterminate we need all the bees we can get. This is normal behavior for bees.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    I have a friend who is a bee keeper in Minnesota and she posted to be on the look out for something like you have and to contact a local beekeeper in your area to take them.
  • sh0tzz99
    sh0tzz99 Posts: 963 Member
    Hi. I'm 52, so I guess I belong here! Anyone in this group ever get braces for their teeth this late in life? I have an appointment this week to see about fixing my teeth and am contemplating getting the clear kind or the real metal ones.

    Hi. Welcome. My mother got them in her 50s I think. I have two other friends in their 50s who have the invisiline type. They did it through Smile Direct, I think. They recommended going in and having them laser scan so they fit better. They liked them.

    Tina in CA
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Rebecca ill be 60 on the 30th.. no big parties because of quarantine.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    View from my window FB:


  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
    COVID spoilers
    The reason I try to remember to put C-19 talk in a spoiler is because we lost so many wonderful contributers to this thread in March when we all lost our minds and posted about almost nothing but C-19. I really miss those women; there were several long-time contributors who have not been back, and may never be. We all have our 'delicate flower' issues, and C-19 is a toxic virus that is here to stay, at least until it mutates or we all get immunized against it. I don't mind using spoilers for the time being about this topic out of consideration to those who are feeling vulnerable and weary of the talk.

    Karen in Virginia

    This was why I started using spoilers, too. Also, it does save space on the feed.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2020
    Tina: I got braces in my 4O’s but not the full-scale works. I have four lower middle teeth that have been linked with permanent “retainer” on the back side. They ended up supporting my upper teeth and it improved my bite. They’ve been doing many amazing things since back then. :star:

    Allie: Happy upcoming 60th birthday! :star::heart: :star: :heart;:

    Beans—I planted more seeds beside the damaged plants. I hope they sprout and grow healthy. In other good news, I don’t have to go into Portland for a medical procedure. That possibility was a huge stressor and I’m glad it is not going to happen in the foreseeable future.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
    Jelly: 👍🏻 on the grant.
    Tracey: Your chairs look the same as the ones we got over 15 years ago. They are very comfortable and have adjustable backs. They still look good and are going strong.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    edited June 2020
    Did Michelle Dozois Pure Strength DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do the Dressed Up Drills DVD.

    Amber – I’m so sorry that your IP is so terrible for you. I don’t know if you will be able to open any of them while you are cooking since they’re under pressure (for the most part, I don’t think yogurt is) and as a safety feature you can’t open it when it’s under pressure

    Lynette – I guess we’ve had those chairs for about 10 years, but it started doing that about a year or two after we got them. Each year it just got worse. It’s not so bad now but I think that’s because all the “stuff” that come off already came off. Not sure why this happened

    Letti UK – welcome

    Heather – I didn’t know you don’t need a ring for yogurt! I’m still in the process of learning it. I wish I could find a recipe book with BASIC recipes, like just meat and things. I need to learn and experiment before I get on to things like a whole dinner in the IP

    Barbara - I must have misunderstood, too, because I didn’t find any post to be divisive. Really, about the only tofu that I like is the silken because you really can’t taste it at all. I tried putting the firm in the food process with a little water thinking it might come out like silken, but it didn’t.

    SuziQ – like I’ve said, the minute I got my IP, my pressure cooker went to the Salvation Army. I kept my crock pots, not that I really care for using them, but they come in handy if you need to take a food somewhere and need to keep it warm. I have two slow cookers, but I’m thinking about getting rid of the bigger one since I really don’t use it. Oh, trust me, I’ve already said that there are things in those boxes that Jess may want like her college diploma. She needs to make the judgment if something should be kept or not. I guess if worse comes to worse, I’ll just put them in the closet after she leaves. I know she won’t be happy, but that’s tough. I don’t want them sitting out. I think Jess spoke to Vince separate from me hoping (and succeeding in her mind) to pit mom against dad. Yes, this is a 13-year-old’s thinking. But I guess part of her wanted what she wanted, and tried this way. Only it didn’t work. Oh, I didn’t realize that Broward county is behind Brevard. I’ve found people being more relaxed here, too. But I still do see a lot of elderly people with masks/gloves. But for the most part only the elderly. I used to see younger people with gloves, not so much now. Actually, for the first time in a long time Jess came out of her room last night and was watching TV with me.

    I was thinking the other day….one of the good points of this whole c-19 stuff is that I don’t have to deal with Miss Sourpuss at the soup kitchen….lol

    Oh, we got a Rooba last night. We still need to map where the boundaries for the rooms are. Vince is having a great time with the technology. Personally, I’ll probably run it a lot in the kitchen where there are lot of crumbs, etc. And maybe only once a week or so in the living and dining room since we aren’t in those rooms all that much.

    – Jess is working for a few more weeks at Banfield (associated with PetSmart). She was saying that they came to her college and what she’s doing is basically shadowing the vet there. I suspect she’s doing things under his supervision.

    – good for you not letting Kirby take that beehive out. It’s really big. He could get stung so easily.

    – happy birthday!

    Stopped at PetSmart since Vince wanted to see if they had a certain cat food. Their website said they did but it wasn't in the store. Then went to JoAnn's Fabric so I could use my 40% off coupon and get some yarn that I need, then WalMart since Vince needed a wire. See, we needed a new acid pump for the pool. It came today but the cord is shorter and wouldn't reach the outlet. So he had to use the cord from Rover for it and needed a new cord for Rover. A new condenser pump for the a/c will be here tomorrow and Vince will install it. The a/c hasn't run at all today it's so cool. The pool is down to 79 (boo). It was 86 yesterday.

    Michele NC
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
    Terri is an/a ...
    Wife, lover, secretary, nurse
    sister, mother, grandmother, friend, aunt, cousin, orphan
    Poet, Crafter, needlewoman, dancer
    Teacher, pupil, confidant, counsellor
    Accountant, Gardener, chef,
    Miracle in progress!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :)Katla, I am so happy to hear that you don't have to go to Portland for that medical procedure. I'm glad it could be put off until later.

    :)Allie, Happy Birthday. When the time is right you can have a great celebration.

    :'( It is so cold and damp and drizzly outside that there's no way I'm going to do the week pulling that I want to do. I've had to content myself with staying in the house riding the exercise bike and listening to podcasts.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Michele- Mine cannot make yogurt wish it could. The lid unlock feature is to sauté foods won’t work with the lid on. They sell a glass lid for using this feature on the IP I want. Video on it https://youtu.be/dRKfFzhSauA
    Article on it https://www.cnet.com/how-to/ways-youre-using-your-instapot-wrong/
    Amber Tx

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2020
    Barbie: Thank you for your kind words. I am so happy that I don’t have to go into Portland for the medical procedure. The drive and stress of going there was becoming a nightmare. I’m so relieved I won’t have to do it. :heart: Portland is a much more likely place to catch Covid 19 than here in Columbia County. There have been a very few cases here, mostly in people who work in Portland or Beaverton. :cry:

    Allie: Happy Birthday! You sweet young thing!!! Three Cheers!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Today’s weather is overcast, but no actual rain at this point. We’ve seen birds fishing, but not people. I think that fishing is closed for people today. Parts of my bean row are a big mess. I planted new beans there. I’ll be disappointed if they don’t do well. I know I can buy beans at the store, but it isn’t as satisfying as growing my own. :noway:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
    Rebecca: Happy Birthday
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Schabram wrote: »
    Today has been tough, I felt really hungry all day for some reason. I managed to keep under 1400kcals and 30g net Carbs. No exercise though.
    I'm enjoying reading everyone's posts.
    Letti UK

    That's one of the reasons I exercise ... so I can eat a little bit more. :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Today making french toast, and sausage patties for my birthday dinner. I am not eating it!😁. I have decided to "gift" myself a day of fasting, it might even be longer. The feeling of knowing my body is choosing to use fat as fuel, instead of glucose well it is exhilarating. To realize my body has the capability to heal itself, its an untapped blueprint, that neither the medical community or the pharmaceutical companies want you to know about. I still love my glorious meal between the hours of noon and 4 pm, but today I love myself more.💖

    Happy Birthday!

    I don't think I could make french toast ... and then not eat it!

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    And for everyone here ...

    Contextual Identity is something we covered in one of my courses recently. Contextual identity is who you are in different situations ... like wife, employee, etc.

    So tell us in a few words that would describe YOU in different contexts.

    I'll start ... to give you an idea what I mean ...

    Machka is a ...


    M in Oz

    Thanks Lisa and Terri!

    Keep them coming ... especially for our newcomers here to help get to know us. :)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    I have crossed into religion once or twice on this thread ... but only as to my own spirituality ... not to convert anyone else. "Loves Jesus" ... one of my "contextual identities" Machka. That probably should have been in a spoiler. >:)

    Me too. :)