

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    In other news ...

    Mon Jun 15th, 2020 is Nature Photography Day!

    "One of the best ways of being able to admire and experience the supreme magnificence of the natural world is to capture it on film."

    So let's see some nature photography of your local area. :):)

    A path that's part of my run, when I run.

    Sometimes I see "hoppies" in here. Pademelons, probably, they look a bit small for wallabies. Speaking of which, we saw heaps of "hoppies" on our drive yesterday!! Wallabies and pademelons and one or more of bettongs, potoroos, bandicoots (it's a bit hard to tell the difference when they hop/dash across in your headlights).


    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    edited June 2020
    'Instant Pot' is a brand name. All other brands are called electric pressure cookers. I agree, Amber, men don't always quite understand that one brand is totally different to another. :D
    Carol - You don't need a ring at all for yoghurt as it's not done under pressure. I use a glass lid. I have two 'inners', one non stick, and I use that for yoghurt. I don't like the smell that the rings give off, but I've got used to it. I do have a spare, but I haven't used it in the three years I've had the pot. The cheesecake came out fine. :D It was Double Chocolate. :o I made it for DH's daughter and boyfriend and got them to take the remains home with them, just leaving DH an extra slice. I had a tiny portion. :D It was heaven! I will make it again some day, but we haven't had any guests recently! The base was made with crushed Oreos. DH didn't even know what they were.
    I spent probably two months thinking, breathing, doing nothing but IP while I was learning about it. That's how I work. I'm an enthusiastic learner. I get obsessed. Now it's just an extremely useful part of the furniture. I make a lot of stews/curries.

    We have a corner turntable. It was here when we moved in and it is FANTASTIC! I do have a lot of saucepans. :o They are all perfectly to hand, with their lids on, no crowding, stacking etc.

    Bananas - I'm still watching Hugo Decrypte every day. He's very sweet and I'm understanding most of it as I'm getting used to the delivery. Thank goodness for the occasional graphic. :) Thanks for that pointer.
    For my Spanish I'm watching a weird Mexican woman who talks about Minimalism. 30 days to declutter your life. It's not the content that I like, but the fact that she speaks slowly! :p She has a very dreamy delivery.
    When I've finished the Norwegian Duolingo I'm going back to German, which I attempt every few years and give up. It is very annoying with its agreements etc. Grrrrrr!

    We are watching a box set of Wallander, the Swedish version. We've seen all the others twice, but the 1-7 was hard to get. So we are watching those now. I find Swedish easier than Norwegian because they don't swallow their consonants so much. Grrrrrr! :laugh:

    Did I ever say I LOVE my languages! :bigsmile:

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Just to add, the best French course I have found on YouTube is 'Français avec Pierre'. Anyone who wants to take 5 minutes to brush up their French would enjoy him. He has all levels, so there's something for every level and he is very personable. He has a sidekick, a woman, who is also great.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Storm moving in ... Severe Weather Warning for Damaging Winds averaging 60 to 70 km/h with peak gusts in excess of 100 km/h are possible ...

    Today was overcast, bit windy and misty ... tomorrow the trampolines will take flight.

    So I walked indoors this evening. :) I'm trying to increase my exercise during this time off university.

    Distance: 5.65km
    Moving Time: 1:04:48
    Elapsed Time: 1:04:46
    Pace: 11:27/km
    Calories: 190


    Machka in Oz
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: church, board meeting reminder, McKays for baking stuff
    Bonus: one load of laundry.
    Get to do: Post Office to pick up Joe’s toy, invest 40 mins cleaning Master Bath, carry over 10 mins cleaning Kitchen/Laundry, Dining Rm, Guest Bth find out how to amend firehouse articles of incorporation/contacts, mat work, BB&B, practice new dances (Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right, Quarter after one, Half Past Tipsy, Senorita, Dance Monkey; next week final? Follow up call for Joe’s Dr. appointment, bottle return, transplant pineapples, make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; follow up call to schedule stove repair guy to adjust kitchen flame and assess Aunt Elsie’s Stove to determine if finish cleaning and start de-rusting feasible; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine,
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments.

    So what the heck did I do all day? It certainly wasn’t cleaning. :{ Today looks like it will be rainy, good day to stay in and tackle that Master Bath.

    Machka Will the hospital let him stay overnight in your room? If not, is there anywhere nearby where your husband could stay? If no hotel/motel accommodations, does the hospital have a recommendation? Here in the US some hospitals have apartments for families of those in care, usually short term not overnight, but it’s worth asking. If no luck, would any of your bicycling acquaintances, TBI contacts or the nearby churches have some option to offer? Or would the trauma of staying in a strange place be more worrying than his travelling alone? Hope I misunderstood the reminders, I did not find either Katla’s spoiler or Karen in VA’s response divisive.
    Beth thankful for your good news. Dread hearing about your son’s return to the Nashville refrigerator :sick:
    Tracey and Okie your advice to Allie is spot on. Enjoy your walking!
    Rita I’ve lost an inch, but two inches seems a lot. Envy your good bones. ;)
    Karen in VA, thanks for the link to the poodle in the van post.
    Rebecca :love: your take on those ‘glorious ears’
    Annie in DE good for you for walking and figuring out the water issue. Keep up the good work!
    Ginny in OH how about a pic of your new home office? So with you about electricity, strongly prefer professional help there.
    Michele I admire your bravery with tofu. I’ve tried every trick I’ve read about (pressing, freezing, breading, marinating, grilling, stir frying, crumbling, baking) and still would rather eat rubber bands. That chair looks more bum-than sun-damaged to me. ;)
    Amber honey, that doesn’t look like an Insta Pot or any kind of pressure cooker to me, just a rice cooker like the one Joe bought and uses for white rice every week. He’ll sometimes steam veggies in it too but like you I find them too soggy.
    Welcome @Schabram Letti in UK!
    Heather thank you for Francais avec Pierre, just signed up for the beginner course. I’m in awe of your languages!

    Finally sleepy.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    June: better than May.
    daily: steps=4080 vits=14 log=14 CI<CO=12 CI<250<CO=8 Tumble & Shadow 5=4 mfp=14 clean 10 mins=4 outside=6 up hill=8
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=4 rx=2 dance=2
    mnthly: board mtg= grant=1 review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=8 play=0 sew=0
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited June 2020
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka Will the hospital let him stay overnight in your room? If not, is there anywhere nearby where your husband could stay? If no hotel/motel accommodations, does the hospital have a recommendation? Here in the US some hospitals have apartments for families of those in care, usually short term not overnight, but it’s worth asking. If no luck, would any of your bicycling acquaintances, TBI contacts or the nearby churches have some option to offer? Or would the trauma of staying in a strange place be more worrying than his travelling alone? Hope I misunderstood the reminders, I did not find either Katla’s spoiler or Karen in VA’s response divisive.

    I'll be checking into options for my husband, however, I doubt he could stay at the hospital or that the hospital would have accommodation. Plus he'd want to be home with Rhody.

    And no, I wasn't referring to anyone in particular ... I just don't want to see the discussion heading in that direction over either the politics of C19 or race. After all, that would be disrespectful to Barbie and this thread. :heart:

    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Welcome to everyone who is on this journey with me. A friendly supportive community is especially important now.

    :) We share about many parts of our lives but stay away from topics that are controversial. I come here for support, not for agitation.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA

    But I do find it funny that when I refer to the Community Guidelines of MyFitnessPal, someone disagrees with me. :lol: This thread is only here because MFP allows it to be here as long as it complies with the Community Guidelines.
  • SuziQ113
    SuziQ113 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Hello everyone.

    Monday, fun day as I like to say. It is the start of the workweek and although I have not read my work To Do list I know it is very long. I am contemplating taking Friday off. I will think about it this morning. If I do take it off I want it to be a productive day; not just to use up vacation.

    Lanette – Thank you for your honesty. I know sometimes I can be a bull in a China cabinet. I am so sorry this has been a tough time for you and many others. I also purchased the resin type chairs because they are much easier to dry, clean, and they stack. I do not have a garage so if and when a hurricane may be approaching I have to move everything in to the house.

    Machka – Rhody is one handsome feline and seems to have taken over the house. Smokey uses more of the house than I do – I have always thought this but with remote working it has now been confirmed. Now I know I am paying the house bills for him – LOL! Your roses are beautiful.

    Allie – The family has to be brought up to reality. And, like Okie, I am nervous if something were to happen while you or the other gal is on duty either one will be blamed for the accident. That said in almost every at-home-care situation I am aware of there was a day person and a night person. People need downtime and how is one to cook, shower, etc. when sitting in the same room 24-xx days? Yes, Faith takes naps but patients have been known to “fake” sleeping so they can get in to trouble. And, I have to question why the family will not buy batteries for the camera…..the trust should pay for those types of things.

    KJ – Congratulations on your grant! WTG!!

    Heather – I will now be on a mission to find pistachio oil. One of my favorites is truffle oil as it allows me to experience the essence of truffles without spending too much. The next time I am at one of the more gourmet grocery stores I will see if they carry it.

    Lisa – Cut on his finger? I rolled my eyes too! Oh, dear.

    Barbie – I hear Alexa can be a blessing and a curse! She hears way too much. I am glad the present is bridging the gap with DH’s daughter.

    Barbara – It seems homelessness is a growing issue everywhere. It is so sad one cannot go to the post office lobby because it is locked up to keep the homeless out. It is another situation where we tend to correct the result and not the cause.

    Katla – Wow, censured. Well, the spoilers are a form of censuring too, but at least it is self-decided. When it came time to scatter my MIL’s ashes the location informed me they would not allow it. They considered ashes a hazardous material.

    InstaPot and other kitchen gadgets – Since I am in downsizing mode and have been for quite some time I have sworn off the purchasing of any kitchen gadget for which I have something else in the kitchen that can do the job. I also do not buy clothes unless I either donate or get rid of the same type of clothing.

    Ginny – Like you there are a lot of things I will fix, but electrical is one thing I stay away from. It’s natural for felines to hunt and she’s bringing home presents for the family. It is something you will not be able to change.

    Michelle – We keep hearing about the “boxes” you have been asking family members to cull through. I think it’s time to say you have until xyz to go through them and if not I will place them in the trash. And, just do it. I think many times were are our own enemies, we say things but do not stick to our guns. If things are bothering us – just have the family conversation. When I ask xyz and it does not get done, it makes me feel abc. I also question why Jess is spoken to separately. You and your husband should be a united front…..united we stand….divide we fall……

    Sunscreens – Most of the ones listed in previous conversations contain oxybezone or octinoxate both of which are non-biodegradable. Both are horrible for the oceans and sea life. I have found a more environment-friendly one. Of course, 5 years down the road it may be found to be harmful too, but I feel better using it than the others.

    General Work & Life Rant with Covid-19 Undertones
    I am completely on board with putting covid-19 related conversations in a spoiler. I am sick of hearing it 24-7 and have limited my TV news time to 30 minutes per day. The balance of my news is read where I can pick and choose. And, yes many of our conversations touch on the political which is hard to avoid.

    When we mention Zoom, masks, lack of travel, non-essential businesses opening up, lack of haircuts, handling certain things like repairs etc. we are talking about covid-19 and our new normal. And, most of us are not spoiling these conversations. So I guess I am at a point where I am attempting to find the “line” where something gets spoiled and when it does not.

    For those of us missing people who have dropped from the group, has anyone PM’d the gals? I have with a few. Limited responses received and most were due to life changes; not so much information overload. But, that could just be the general response.

    Our first days back to work determined by corporate two weeks ago was to be June 15th. The day after I had the conversation with my VP and was told my days were Tuesday and Thursday another email came from corporate and it was decided we will not be going back to the office. When we received the original notification I was taken aback because the cases in that location were on the rise. And, it’s one of those states where most live an hour or so away from the city due to high living costs. So, I questioned the decision. Why bring people who live in remote areas in to a city where there was more of a chance to be exposed? I guess the greater minds realized it was not the smartest decision made and then retracted it. The original email stated with the new software put in place people needed to be physically there to fix the issues (again, terrible project). To me – software is software and if the project was successful there would be no “need” to have people physically there. And, why not just have those project leaders come in to the office – it’s not like we did not warn them of the issues? I just shake my head – does anyone realize while attempting to appear to be “employee first” they are just showing their cards? Oh, how I am counting down the days (actually years – but they are flying by).

    I will be going in to the office tomorrow. We are allowed to go in but only on “our” days. There are quite a few things I need to print. I also left snacks in my desk drawer that need to be tossed. I will be improving our covid-19 sanitation station. My co-workers and I set one up way before anyone thought about it. Now that we are finding supplies I want to be sure my teams have the proper gear and sanitation products, if needed. Oh, but our employer bought a temperature reader and is paying for a nurse to sit and monitor temperatures.....but put in sanitation products - oh, no......LOL!

    Michelle – If you have been reading the news most of Florida is moving in to phase 3 but I am in Broward County. Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade counties are behind the rest of the State since we were Florida’s epicenter. Cases are increasing all over the State since things have been opening up. It seems as things open up people are also forgetting or just going back to their old normal, no face masks, lack of good hand hygiene, touching faces, etc. While I have been out and about I have noticed people are becoming more relaxed which is not a good thing. If anything we need to be more vigilant with our safety measures because more people are out.

    If you made it this far – thank you for reading. I think I have a lot more on my mind being and living the single life. It will be good to get back in to the office. One of my favorite co-workers is also on “Tuesday/Thursday” and she will be in the office too. It will be good to see her and take our walking breaks around the office buildings.

    Well, it is off to the races for me. Hugs to all and prayers for those in need.
    SuziQ – SFL
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »
    « hide previous quotes
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka Hope I misunderstood the reminders, I did not find either Katla’s spoiler or Karen in VA’s response divisive.

    ...And no, I wasn't referring to anyone in particular ... I just don't want to see the discussion heading in that direction over either the politics of C19 or race. After all, that would be disrespectful to Barbie and this thread. :heart:

    « hide previous quotes
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :) Welcome to everyone who is on this journey with me. A friendly supportive community is especially important now.

    :) We share about many parts of our lives but stay away from topics that are controversial. I come here for support, not for agitation.

    <3 Barbie from NW WA

    But I do find it funny that when I refer to the Community Guidelines of MyFitnessPal, someone disagrees with me. :lol: This thread is only here because MFP allows it to be here as long as it complies with the Community Guidelines.

    That is kind of silly. Sometimes people mean to 'Like' or 'Hug' and hit Disagree by mistake. :D

    Karen in Virginia

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    I put my covid discussion in a spoiler because it was quite a technical, political rant about the UK and numbers. Generally I think we are up for anything as long as we respect others and don't get missionary about issues. I'm happy with keeping politics and religion out of it.

    I'm sorry for those who are having a hard time for any reason. Life just seems to throw curve balls at different times in our lives and they are often unpredictable. All any of us can do is be our best selves, but sometimes that is no use whatsoever. <3 I still think about the time when I was so nearly run over about 18 months ago. If I had survived, I would still be recovering. I am so grateful that DH stopped me from stepping into disaster.

    Barbara - I'm so happy that you are going to join Pierre! :D He is the best online teacher I have ever found.

    Did my writing this morning. Hooray! My 15th birthday party. That was some party. My town talked about it for years!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited June 2020
    SuziQ113 wrote: »
    General Work & Life Rant with Covid-19 Undertones
    I am completely on board with putting covid-19 related conversations in a spoiler. I am sick of hearing it 24-7 and have limited my TV news time to 30 minutes per day. The balance of my news is read where I can pick and choose. And, yes many of our conversations touch on the political which is hard to avoid.

    When we mention Zoom, masks, lack of travel, non-essential businesses opening up, lack of haircuts, handling certain things like repairs etc. we are talking about covid-19 and our new normal. And, most of us are not spoiling these conversations. So I guess I am at a point where I am attempting to find the “line” where something gets spoiled and when it does not.

    Well, it is off to the races for me. Hugs to all and prayers for those in need.
    SuziQ – SFL

    To me, talking about what we're doing now and what changes we have had to make is all right. It's just life. Life changes ... frequently for me! And maybe sometimes we might be able to offer some good suggestions or advice for dealing with more challenging aspects of life changes. :)

    Talking about our travel restrictions is no different than me telling you that my husband and can't travel because of his worker's comp situation ... oh, and also we can't travel now because of the virus. But hilariously, just as borders were closing, my husband's RTW coordinator told us that the insurers would buy my husband a cushion to make him more comfortable if he wanted to take a short trip somewhere ... but we couldn't go anywhere. :lol::lol:

    Talking about masks, for example, is no different than me posting a photo of what I look like shortly after my nose surgery in a few weeks. Although if I look particularly horrible, I might not post a photo!!! :open_mouth:

    And as for handling aspects of life ... I decided to go with online grocery shopping when my husband came out of the hospital almost 2 years ago because it was just easier and more convenient. Recently, I've purchased other things online because it's easier and more convenient.

    Like I say ... it's just life. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Machka - after looking up the images of quite a few of your named critters, I can see why you call them "hoppies." I thought there were only kangaroos and wallabies (the ones that end up in zoos in the U.S.) but the biodiversity in your neck of the woods is far beyond what we were taught in school.

    I was surprised too, when I moved here. In fact the first time I heard the words pademelon and potoroo, I wondered if someone was making things up. But nope. They're real!

    I've heard others refer to them all as "hoppies" and I just picked it up. It can be really hard to tell which is which when you catch a glimpse of one in the ditch, so it's easier to just call out "Hoppy!" to warn the driver. And let me tell you, on that little drive yesterday, we saw something in the neighbourhood of 2 or 3 dozen hoppies of various sorts!

    LisaInAR wrote: »
    And, Machka, on your "contextual identity" question, I had to combine it with the people in my life, and in fact a few of these are the chapter titles of my autobiography. That was because the single word "daughter" doesn't begin to cover the fact that I was a very different daughter to my mother than my father, for instance.

    My contextual identities:
    • My mother's daughter.
    • My father's eventual comeuppance.
    • My best friend's best friend that doesn't live in the same state.
    • My brother's combatant sister.
    • My sister's uncooperative sister.
    • My first husband's neglected wife.
    • My current and final husband's beloved.
    • My employers' discombobulator.

    Each has its own story, and most of them end happily (so far).

    Love y'all,

    That's an interesting way to look at contextual identities. :) And I had to laugh at the last one. :grin:

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited June 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Machka - after looking up the images of quite a few of your named critters, I can see why you call them "hoppies." I thought there were only kangaroos and wallabies (the ones that end up in zoos in the U.S.) but the biodiversity in your neck of the woods is far beyond what we were taught in school.

    I was surprised too, when I moved here. In fact the first time I heard the words pademelon and potoroo, I wondered if someone was making things up. But nope. They're real!

    I've heard others refer to them all as "hoppies" and I just picked it up. It can be really hard to tell which is which when you catch a glimpse of one in the ditch, so it's easier to just call out "Hoppy!" to warn the driver. And let me tell you, on that little drive yesterday, we saw something in the neighbourhood of 2 or 3 dozen hoppies of various sorts!

    Machka in Oz

    I know you looked them up, Lisa, but here's a bit about macropods. :)

    "​There are five species of macropod family (which includes kangaroos, wallabies, bettongs and potoroos). The species found in Tasmania are:

    Forester Kangaroo: https://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/wildlife-management/fauna-of-tasmania/mammals/possums-kangaroos-and-wombats/macropods/forester-kangaroo
    Bennetts Wallaby: https://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/wildlife-management/fauna-of-tasmania/mammals/possums-kangaroos-and-wombats/macropods/bennetts-wallaby
    Pademelon: https://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/wildlife-management/fauna-of-tasmania/mammals/possums-kangaroos-and-wombats/macropods/rufous-bellied-pademelon
    Bettong: https://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/wildlife-management/fauna-of-tasmania/mammals/possums-kangaroos-and-wombats/macropods/eastern-bettong
    Potoroo: https://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/wildlife-management/fauna-of-tasmania/mammals/possums-kangaroos-and-wombats/macropods/long-nosed-potoroo

    The term 'macropod' is derived from the Greek, which means 'large footed'. Members of this group -- the kangaroos and wallabies -- are characterised by their large hind legs and usually move around by hopping. Over 50 species of macropod occur in Australia, and its biogeographic relative, New Guinea."

    These are only a few of the unique animals we've got here. :)

    I have an album of animals I've seen: https://www.flickr.com/photos/machka-bb/albums/72157623280801300

    But I'll just post one photo from that album ... this is a Potoroo under my bicycle. It's eyes are dark ... that's just "red eye". But that sort of gives you an idea of how big they are. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,434 Member
    Good morning Peeps! <3

    Michele - thanks for the photo of your chair. At our house it would be green from moss in a year. :) Where is Jess working - is she at a Vet's office? I'm sure you mentioned it several times and I missed it.

    I really wish I could take the "way-back" machine and pick up a couple of these guys made in the 50's.... I know similar ones are made these days but I doubt they'd last as long as these used to. My folks had a couple that lasted for a decade when I was a kid.

    SuziQ - I am so impressed with your ability to start more basil with cuttings.

    I am tickled to see basil and amaranth sprouting from seeds I've had around forever. It took them weeks of pooping along in the greenhouse and I'd given up on them sprouting. Since I've let wildflowers take over most of my garden, I'll be potting these up. Our back yard has gone from "House Beautiful" to "Where the wild things grow", lol. And it only took us 12 years. Woo hoo! :D DH never wants to leave here. Every tree and shrub we stuck in the ground tells a story. <3

    DH wasn't able to mow yesterday, the grass stayed too wet. So we have a ton of clover and other little flowering plants (aka weeds) all over - the bumble bees love it. And I love the bumble bees. So it's all good. B)

    I've been reviewing the journal I kept last December when I began fasting. (I'm just talking time restricted eating....not constantly munching from the time I get up until I go to sleep.) Having taken a couple months off, I'm kind of back in the swing but with modifications. I've never been a diary person but I'm so glad I did take notes. I'm happy to say I think the walking I'm doing with the neighbor has kept me still fitting into my "honesty pants", lol. But they are a little snugger than I'd like them to be.

    Regarding groups - putting it into a spoiler here because it's kinda long:

    I'm on a Facebook group dedicated to Fasting. (I see Rebecca there sometimes <3 .) In March, the site creator initially said no virus talk. She soon changed her mind as she realized some people needed to talk about it.

    What's been happening-a few folks are posting about how the virus has impacted them personally. One gal (in our age group) had it and gained a lot of weight fairly quickly, but she's back on track with many folks rooting her on. One lady tripped and broke her arm when her glasses fogged up from wearing a mask, but she's working on staying on track.

    Some folks have switched from their daily time restricted eating to normal eating at their family mealtimes 4 or 5 days a week and cutting way back on calories the other days - ADF (Alternate Day Fasting). They are still getting good health benefits.

    Some who are sharing tips on how they are dealing with being home with kids or grand-kids and now having to cook. It's a very busy group and heavily moderated, but stays very focused and if someone is having a down day for any reason, there are many who immediately post something positive, so its great support.

    I never see any "off-topic" chat about current events or non-health related topics in that group. I spend most of my online time there these days.

    OK, time to get the dogs up and fed - it's a rainy day here, and my new deck chairs are getting thoroughly washed.

    Make it a good week, ladies. <3 Can't believe the month of June is half over.

    SW WA State
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Morning Ladies
    Wow slept wonderfully
    I needed it..
    Jean has been in the medical field for over 30 yrs and thinks she knows it all..and most of it she does. But the reality of it is..her mom now needs 24 hr care and with her working full time and escaping up North for the weekends the trust pays for someone to stay with her..
    But these weekends wear me out..so i will agree to do one weekend a month and thats it
    I texted my brother and told him honestly this is when you get Hospice involved..