

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    Lanette sounds like your friend may need medical help. Is she seeing a doctor encourage her to go.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    edited June 2020
    Joyful June Calendar ...


    1. Look for what's good ... lots of things!!

    Cycling outside

    Things I've liked since being at home from the end of March ...

    Being home all day with my husband. I've got a better understanding of how his day goes.
    Spending time with Rhody, getting to know him and getting him settled into our home.
    Being able to go outside to walk, run or cycle in daylight, despite the fact that the daylight hours are getting shorter.
    Having the energy to exercise regularly.
    Seeing more people outside exercising. :)
    Being able to sleep at least half an hour more each night than I was.
    Being able to go for a nap in the afternoon occasionally.
    Not having to spend 9-10 hours a week commuting!!!
    Spending my days with a 180° view of the bay and trees and outside instead of a wall.
    Being in an environment that rarely gives me sore, itchy eyes, sore throat, cough, and the sneezes.
    Being able to clean this and that.
    Wearing casual, comfy clothes.
    Not having as much stuff vying for my time.
    More time to work on my two courses at uni.
    Working remotely at my own pace ... which might lead to continued remote work ... maybe ... hopefully!
    Being able to attend church online.
    Feeling much more relaxed and less stressed!

    Just to name a few. :)

    2. Reframe a worry and try to find a positive ...

    A worry?
    Well, one of my many worries is that I won't pass my courses. So I'll use that as motivation to start studying for my final exam tonight!! :)

    3. Think of 3 Things to be Grateful For

    The COVID-19 shutdown.
    Working from home.
    I could go on and on!

    4. Show Appreciation to Those Who are Helping Others

    I think of people like Rori, Tracey, Allie and the others here who are caregivers and especially caregivers to those with brain-related issues. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    Also, co-incidentally, June 2 was Thank A First Responder day. My husband and I have been fortunate to be able to thank those who have helped him. Wonderful people!

    5. Smile and be friendly, even when you're social distancing.

    That's something I've really enjoyed about all this. When I'm out walking, running or cycling, we exchange waves, nods and smiles with other people. It's nice. :) We can still be friendly, even with a road in between us.

    6. Notice the upsides during the lockdown, however small.

    There are so many upsides!! See the list I made for June 1 above!

    7. Find a joyful way to be physically active (indoors or out)

    For me, being active is joyful. I love being active.

    I love walking, running, hiking, cycling, canoeing, rowing, splashing around in water (my version of swimming), cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, etc. etc. Give me an individual or partner activity (preferably not a group activity) and I'll most likely try it. I've given body boarding a try. I've given both individual and dual kayaking a try, and tennis, badminton, golf ... and I've got archery and dance on my list.

    As I mentioned I am studying for my final exam. The course is about the interaction between technology and humans, and this actually ties into the lecture I'm currently watching (I'm watching the Q&A section after the lecture right now) as well as the talks I watched earlier today in that technology taking something away from our sense of place.

    The talks have hinted at it, but haven't come right out and said it ... balance. I like technology. I like being able to go online to work, to attend university, to communicate with people. But I also like setting it aside for periods of time, going outside and doing something.

    8. Write a letter to thank someone for what they did.

    I'm not one for writing letters anymore. I used to have a set of penpals and used to spend quite a bit of time writing, writing and writing but I stopped doing that in my late 20s. Now if I write, it's by email.

    However, I did thank my husband for Thursday when I wrote my exam. He was very quiet!

    9. Find the joy in music today: sing, play, dance or listen.

    I have ABC Classic FM on during the day and that has been great! I love having that sort of music on in the background when I work, and my husband and I are both also enjoying the small bit of commentary explaining some of the background to the pieces and bringing them to life. :)

    If I have to go back to work at the office, I'm going to have to figure out how to "listen live" there.

    10. Take a photo of something that brings you joy and share it.

    Rhody, relaxing in one of his favourite spots!!

    11. Say positive things in your conversations with others today.

    On Thursday the 11th, there wasn't much conversation. Most of my time was spent studying, then doing my exam, then going into a semi-vegetative state. But I'm usually pretty positive with my husband. :)

    And I hope you all have a great day today!! :)

    12. Make a plan with friends to do something fun together.

    Um ... even if we're starting to be allowed to do that, we're not doing that. We like the shutdown, staying away from people, staying home most of the time, and not socialising. :smiley:

    But if all goes well, we'll get outside for a bicycle ride tomorrow.

    I was thinking of cycling or running today but I'm just really, really tired.

    13. Appreciate the joy of nature and the beauty in the world around

    Always do! And thankfully I live in a beautiful place.
    Tasmania in the Winter of 2020: https://www.flickr.com/photos/machka-bb/albums/72157714538003193

    14. Do three things to bring joy to other people today

    Took my husband and I for a bicycle ride. :)

    Took my husband and I for a bit of a drive in the country ... checking out a possible cycling route and an area that we hadn't really ventured into before. I'm not sure how it will work for cycling, but it was interesting to see something a little bit different.

    Told my husband we could eat cake for breakfast?!? He made a white cake so we had it with my apple jam and whipped cream. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »

    Oh and incidentally the sofa in the background is the magical sofa ... the one that lured me over and cast a spell on me so that I was forced to lie down and nap! :grin:

    M in Oz

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2020
    Heather: I am so sorry for the mistakes that have been made with the Covid 19 situation in Great Britain. In the US, each state governor is in charge of their own state. Our governor, Kate Brown, has been doing an excellent job in my opinion. She seems to be working closely with the governors of California and Washington State. :star:

    Allie: You can help Faith while you are there. You are likely right that she shouldn’t be getting out of bed on her own, but she probably still feels like she is as strong and capable has she has been most of her life. This is a tough situation. She is lucky to have a caregiver as alert and sensitive as you. :flowerforyou:

    Snowflake: I like your deck chairs & table. It looks like a lovely place to enjoy a nice day. :star:

    Rebecca: It seems like your son, Owain, resembles his dad. Is that true? :huh:

    Machka: Thanks for the links & Covid table. :star:

    Loumarberts: Welcome! :smiley:

    Lisa: Type 1 diabetes seems to run in our family. DH developed the disease in late high school/early college days. His family veterinarian diagnosed him. He had planned a military career, but the diabetes diagnosis ended the possibility. Our children are not diabetic, but our niece’s son and our grand-daughter are diabetics. It seems clear that the diabetes gene is active in the family. The children with diabetes are doing well. :star:

    SuziQ: I agree that hiding is awkward. I made a post that included political issues and was taken to task for that. I put my comments into a spoiler and the spoiler was deleted by MFP. I am irritated when my freedom of speech is disallowed. I understand that this is an international site and focused on health, not politics. Interference with freedom of speech makes me grumpy. :ohwell:

    Allie: A hospital bed with rails is a good idea. I’ll bet one can be rented. :star:

    We had our 50th anniversary in March. We had plans to bring our kids and grandchildren here to celebrate our 50th and go to the place on the Oregon coast where we were married, but Covid 19 stopped that. We haven't even had a dinner out. Our long-term plan is to have our ashes scattered from the place where we were married when we have both passed. :star:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Zoom was its usual chaotic wonderfulness. :p Right at the end I said to Max, "Tell daddy that we want to meet you all on the beach for an ice cream some time." He said " Yes, but not next Sunday as we are going to see Danny and Bubba. (The other grandparents) They don't care about social distancing, they just walked straight into our house!" He did look a bit outraged. :D

    Then we took ourselves out for a walk in the sunshine. I didn't run, because it was quite warm. I do, however, find walking harder on my back and hips than running! Still, it was lovely and not impossibly crowded. The lagoon has opened up for paddleboarders and water ski.

    Tomorrow our non-essential shops open for the first time. Luckily there is nothing I need or want, as I bought myself some new running shoes online. I'm so lucky that I have my writing to keep my sense of purpose alive. I've been grateful for the time I've had to get on with it.
    I was happy today to put my face on for the Zoom. I miss the act of getting scrubbed up to go out. It does cheer me up, but normally I'm too lazy. I miss being 'seen'. I'm a frustrated performer at heart. I hope to see my friend on Thursday, so I will have to actually put some clothes on instead of running gear. All my other clothes have just been hanging in the closet. I will have to think about what to wear. :o And what delicious picnic to take to the beach. B)
    Actually, I think it might rain.

    Lots of love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,818 Member
    Lisa - my dream is to have a covered porch. We have priced it out and to put a roof on our deck would cost about the same as the deck did. Maybe in a couple years we can add on.

    Congrats on the weight loss, I had started logging again until I hit the same weight that I started my loss at 2 years ago and then I started restricting. The last couple of weeks I also started walking again. So I have gone from 202 to 197.6 over the last couple of weeks. I need to pick up my pace a bit.

    Suzi - I agree, with you about in it for the long haul. I think that the “stay home when unwell” is the number one thing we need to do. Unfortunately so many cannot afford to stay home when sick. Employers expect people to work through colds and flus and I think that is where the governments need to step in and legislate some parameters. I remember being sick and expected to go in so many times in my last 20 years.

    I have a storage box for cushions, but my husband smokes and goes out several times a day. We can have sudden rain here quite frequently, this just seemed like the best option.

    I also cook my bacon in the oven. Have been doing that way since my youngest daughter made breakfast the morning out oldest got married in 2011.

    Kelly - I’m so happy to see that you will be able to expand your business. You have worked hard for this.

    Allie - they are going to have to do something for Faith. I’m sure the trust meant that they would provide proper care not just keep her out of a home. Proper care requires proper equipment.

    Lanette - I did get them in a big box store, but a Canadian one. I’m sure Walmart has them as well though. Probably cheaper, but I am trying to support Canadian. Walmart here has also stopped cleaning carts, traffic control in the aisles is very stressful so I try to avoid it.

    Barbie - “loving discussions” I love your outlook. I think anything that brings families together is a great thing, I’m happy Jake liked his gift.

    Machka - can you place an ad somewhere to hire someone privately to help with transportation? What about a ride share app?

    Beth - “time to tip the next” love the term, it sounds so loving.

    I haven’t figured out what to do today. I am rather bored and can’t think of anything fascinating to do. I may call my mother in law and chat with her and I should read through some more of my Mom’s diaries. I need to get that done if I plan on getting books written for my girls for Christmas.

    Maybe it will be nice and I can go for a walk later.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,976 Member
    Hula-hoops never was able to do them. Can-stilts I did have. But give me a bike and I’d ride everywhere!

    Sewing I’m waiting for the wind to die down to be able to cut the material for the kitchenette. Think I’ll go into the pavilion to get a start on it and avoid the wind.

    I’m have a difficult time accepting I’ve lost 2 inches off my height! Didn’t believe it the last time my height was measured but now twice I’ve been told I’m 5’ 3”. I was 5’ 5” when I stopped growing until about 10 years ago. I wonder how low I will go? Al least my bones are good. Anyone else losing height like this? I’m going to have to change my weight goal to match my height!.

    RV Rita
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,437 Member
    edited June 2020
    Back again!

    Found a couple deck chairs at Home Depot - the resin type, fairly cheap - $20 each. They also had some that looked like what Tracey bought, no price posted. But I was kind of looking for the ones I got anyhow, very lightweight and stackable, easy to wash off.

    Margaret - appreciate your comment about BFF and medical help - BFF has been to many doctors and clinics on the west coast in the past couple years for her migraines. Most of them have prescribed low-dose anti-anxiety/anti-depressants which she refused to take because someone told her they were addicting and had side effects. :# So she's now into chiropractic, massage, and seeing a Naturopath - her migraines are actually starting to get better. Whether her treatments are working or she's getting closer to menopause so the hormonal impact is dwindling, who knows.

    When I say we are keeping an eye her - I didn't mean to imply she's a threat to herself or others, and she's fully functioning. She's aware that her "evangelism" is turning some of her friends away. She actually reminds me a little of myself at her age (49) who would get on a tear about something, let it become all-consuming, let it burn out a little, then move on. She's always been a loving, generous, and thoughtful person (much more than me!) and that hasn't changed.

    Better close for now. Walking with my neighbor in a bit and need to get some things done around here.

    SW WA State where it's threatening rain and DH is anxious to mow. B)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Lol hubby bought me an IP I got fed up tossed it in a cabinet.I do love my airfryer tho
    I just cook lots at once when hubby can help so I can skip for days
    Amber Tx
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2020
    Beth So happy your tests show you are stable.

    COVID spoilers
    The reason I try to remember to put C-19 talk in a spoiler is because we lost so many wonderful contributers to this thread in March when we all lost our minds and posted about almost nothing but C-19. I really miss those women; there were several long-time contributors who have not been back, and may never be. We all have our 'delicate flower' issues, and C-19 is a toxic virus that is here to stay, at least until it mutates or we all get immunized against it. I don't mind using spoilers for the time being about this topic out of consideration to those who are feeling vulnerable and weary of the talk.

    Karen in Virginia
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Kelly Ahhh! so glad you got your grant and are nearly assured of being able to expand your business the way you want to. So happy for you! You are a marvelous small business owner, and I admire your energy and attitude so much. Your young charges are very, very fortunate to have you in their lives. <3
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Heather What is tricolore salad?
  • 1948Peachy
    1948Peachy Posts: 1,511 Member
    Heather ~ I use my Insta Pot so much as you can see from what I have described to Amber, but have been wondering if you cook yogurt and cheese cake in yours, does it retain the smell of other foods you have cooked? Probably a silly question!

    Amber ~ I love my Insta Pot! I cook pork tenderloin, chicken, lean cuts of beef, rice, potatoes, home made soup, etc. Hard boiled eggs are so easy to peel after their 6 minutes in the IP. You should really give it another try.

    Allie ~ I am so sorry about Faith falling so much. Does she even try to use a walker? I agree with the poster who wondered where did she think she was going.

    Kelly ~ So glad to hear your got your grant and fingers crossed that you will get permission to extend your business.

    Carol in GA