

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Machka))): I hope you are able o get some needed rest. Three cheers for the sofa! :star:

    Barbie: Our Kitchen Aid mixer is on the kitchen counter. The mixer is used mostly for making meatloaf. We typically eat one and put the rest into the freezer for future use. Four are currently in the freezer. The Instant Pot has space in a kitchen cupboard. It is used less frequently. Fall is its busy season. Both of these appliances were bought by DH. :ohwell:

    Karen in VA: Your cookware shelf looks excellent. :smiley:

    Rita: We bought a similar sewing machine as a Christmas present for our granddaughter a couple of years ago. I have no idea whether she uses it. :noway:

    Kate UK: Congrats on your weight loss!!!! :star:

    I am home after a nice outing with horse friends. We were clearing trails in a county park to make them more accessable. Lots of blackberries grow in the area and choke out hiking and riding trails if left alone.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Boiling chicken then using the stock to make potatoes for me also. Might make stuffing as well if you bought stock.Hubby of course is watching JR (Junior but we pronounce it J./R. Because like all Latino families we have a lot of Juniors). JR giving him a run for his money but he knows the story of mom age 4 turning a huge soup stock pot of boiling pasta water for a family of 6 on herself having to be hospitalized as a child. Was grandma 1st child on the spectrum the last of 4sisters so she never imagined that happening as it boiled she was peeling potatoes for dinners British dish roasted potatoes. JR always trying to grab a pot so I spend more time disciplining y burning food than making a meal without help

    Amber Tx
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,830 Member
    Nighty night
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did a power yoga DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds DVD

    Made two batches of lemon bars for when Steve comes this weekend along with a cake for a gal we used to play mahjongg with who moved to, I think, the Winston Salem area. She’s spending the night near here with a friend and on her way home she’s going to stop in here. I do hope Jess isn’t working. Also iced another portion of a chocolate cake. See, I make it and then freeze it in portions so Vince has fresh cake.

    The number of c-19 cases in our county is continuing to climb. Admitted the amount of testing is also increasing so the number of positive results is increasing. But still….I think it would be nice to go back to phase 1 or at least stay at phase 2. At least until we get a better handle on all this.

    – I see you get as romantic an anniversary gift as we get. One year we got a microwave. Yes, this was many years ago. Another year we got air conditioning. Happy day, anyway (early). Glad you can celebrate it the way you want

    Terri – congrats to you grandson

    Lanette – in our 3rd house, I don’t know who designed the kitchen. The oven was right next to the table! And the refrigerator was at the end of the kitchen. The spice rack was right next to the stove. You’re right, the designers never used a kitchen for anything other than heating up a pizza.

    Beth – one reason I’m not crazy about having bangs is because I’d have to constantly cut them. At something like $5 a trim, I can’t see spending that money so I’d do it myself. Only they wouldn’t be straight. So right now I don’t have bangs, but I would like to have some. How do you trim yours?

    M – Vince had a blood clot many many year ago (probably about 30). He’s still on Warfarin. They keep suggesting that new drug where you don’t have to constantly go for the blood test, but it’s so new that he doesn’t want it until they know the long-term effects of the drug. Warfarin has been around forever. So he’ll stay on it.

    Off to go cut the grass, that is, *after* I put on my sunscreen. I know Vince feels “yuk, that’s so greasy”. But I WILL NOT go out without it. This is one of those “if you don’t like it…tough” situations.

    Cut the grass,went into the pool (what else?) ran to Food Lion for one item, getting dinner ready right now.

    Rita – love your sewing setup. You certainly do epitomize “necessity is the mother of invention”

    The gal who does the newsletter for Newcomers really is hard up for finding something. There are no activities. I sent her the link about the happiness calendar and *I’m* thinking that we should take a pic of Vince in the hot tub me in the pool and say “we’ve been practicing social distancing”. She asked for people to send her what they’ve been doing, either written or a picture. Vince doesn’t think this is a good idea. What do you all think?

    Michele NC
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,818 Member
    Michele - we try to do something on the 5’s and 0’s for our anniversary I think we missed doing something on our 30th though. It sure would have been nice to do something though. It just seemed like an ordinary day.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
    Auntiebk thanks for your concern. I will bob okay. I haven’t seen any protests out my way
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,743 Member
    No workout today, working on the home
  • ChrissyChickie
    ChrissyChickie Posts: 182 Member
    Oh, also, I live in Maryland on the beautiful Chesapeake Bay on Kent Island. Anyone near me?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    UK 611 deaths/million; Ireland 345 deaths/million; USA 346 deaths/million; Sweden 480; Denmark 102; Norway 45. Sweden's economy didn't suffer nearly as much as other countries, but look at the difference when comparing Swedish deaths to those in Norway and Denmark, countries whose economies took a much greater hit. What a trade off. I wonder if the Swedish economy would be looking as good if they had bothered to spend some of that money on saving their elderly vulnerable.

    @cityjaneLondon and others who are interested ...


    When you open the site, scroll down past the Daily New Cases graphs to the big table. You can sort by each column in the table or click on the countries for country-specific information

    You can scroll all the way down to the bottom of that page for more information.

    The links at the top provide more info too.


    This page within that site: https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/coronavirus-age-sex-demographics/ talks about the demographics of the people infected.

    And there is much, much more!!!

    As a data person, I like browsing through sites like this.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    These are the new chairs we bought today.

    We've got something very similar too!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    I think I'm somewhat in the down mood. I saw a psy and she suggested I try meds (something light and low dose).
    I tried 2 days but felt like I was in a bubble and slow and could talk but not think really quick on my feet (needed for my work). I asked if she wanted to try another one but she said it might well give the same effect if I had this effect from such a light one, and it wouldn't be a good trade off. it was her idea, so I figure she knows what she's talking about. she seems very competent.

    You have to give it 1-2 weeks. The first week on anything like that is horrible ... worse than before, and then you settle in. 2 days is nowhere near enough. The info on the medicine should tell you that or talk to your Dr.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,230 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – Vince had a blood clot many many year ago (probably about 30). He’s still on Warfarin. They keep suggesting that new drug where you don’t have to constantly go for the blood test, but it’s so new that he doesn’t want it until they know the long-term effects of the drug. Warfarin has been around forever. So he’ll stay on it.

    Off to go cut the grass, that is, *after* I put on my sunscreen. I know Vince feels “yuk, that’s so greasy”. But I WILL NOT go out without it. This is one of those “if you don’t like it…tough” situations.

    Michele NC

    My blood specialist didn't think I needed to remain on Warfarin past a year. My clots were gone.

    I was diagnosed with a genetic blood disorder called MTHFR with a high homocysteine level so I have a tendency to develop clots therefore, my blood specialist's recommendations were to be active, to get up at least once an hour to walk around, to wear compression stockings if I had to sit or stand for long periods of time, and to use Clexane if I fly or have surgery. I'm also on high folic acid to bring the homocysteine level down.

    But going off Warfarin was wonderful! For a year, I felt like I was walking in a swimming pool ... everything required so much effort. About 10 days or so after I went off Warfarin I felt like I had emerged from the swimming pool and was free! I had energy again! I'd be very reluctant to go in it again and would only if I absolutely needed to.

    Clexane does the same thing to me so when I fly, I have to give myself time after I get there to recover from both jet lag and the Clexane.

    As for sunscreen, I also hate the greasy ones so I found Neutrogena's dry touch sunscreen works well. It's not greasy ... hardly feels like you've got anything on, but works.

    Machka in Oz
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Machka The worldometers website is great. Thanks for the link.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Chrissy on Kent Island Hi, Chrissy, and welcome! I am Karen in Virginia, 65 years old, from the Richmond area. I had Invisalign a couple of years ago and now my teeth are nice and straight for the first time in my life. I have no regrets. No one even knew I had braces. There are several clear brace brands, some are even DIY!

    This is an active, vibrant thread, and we welcome newbies. Hop right in.

    Karen in Virginia