

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Beth- Me too meatballs y meatloaf upset my stomach.Only had a few times in life like school but ugghh sicker than a dog after

    Amber Tx
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    oh my ladies, I have the next two weeks meals planned and no meatballs in the round up - but all this meatball chat and they'll be in week 3 !

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,551 Member
    Amber in TX Um what is this heat you speak of?? Lol Whidbey didn't get the memo its summer!

    Lanette, thanks for the nice words! It will be some time until I can do a proper face to face friday! My scale had decided to go up 3 lbs! But physically I feel better.👍

    Thanks everyone on the nice hair comments! I need to shave my neck better! It goes catywompus to how I hold my razer!
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,551 Member
    Rebecca What wonderful hair you have! The new cut is great, but your hair is luxurious!

    I have never had "luxurious" and my "hair" used in the same sentence! Love you! Its gotten fairly thin since I frolicked thru mentalpause, and my eating style probably hasn't helped. I have the temple thinning deal going on.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,232 Member
    edited June 2020
    Tasmania -- we have no active cases of COVID-19 and have had no new cases in about 28 days.

    So ... they're planning to move Stage 3 up from July 13 to June 26. :(:(

    I know it's good for the economy but I don't want to go back to work in the office!!!!

    And I'm perfectly happy not going to the hairdresser, restaurants, etc., and limiting my time at stores. I don't want the university to change its mind and decide to have in-person classes next semester.

    I want to stay in shutdown!!

    Maybe another case will pop up from somewhere.

    Meanwhile, today is the first day in ages that I've actually got a day off. Completely off. No work. No university!

    Maybe part of my crankiness about opening up has to do with being so incredibly busy throughout the shutdown. I wasn't bored ... didn't have time to be bored. I didn't have time to rest either.

    Machka in Oz
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an extreme cardio DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Power Yoga DVD.

    – welcome back! Glad to hear that you’ve been keeping yourself busy

    The pump on our a/c went last night. Vince cleaned it out early in the evening and it ran for a bit but then stopped. So he’s going to Lowes Hardware today to get a new one and install it. Update: no store has what we need so he ordered it online. Oh, I think a store has it for something like $79. He ordered it for something like $49. The downside is it'll be here Tues. But in the meantime he's jury-rigged something so at least we have some a/c. This does mean that he empties a bucket. We'll just get the house cold tonight so he doesn't have to get up to empty it in the night.

    Need to go to Food Lion (or WalMart) after the soup kitchen for milk for Vince. update: went to both since WalMart didn't have some of the things I needed.

    Ran to Shoe Carnival yesterday. I had these nice thick shoes for wearing by the pool but they started to come apart. So I really needed a new pair. Fortunately, they had some. They’re crocks so we shall see if they fit better than the Nike’s that I had.

    Think I finished stringing the popcorn for this year. Now what can I do after going in the pool? I am working on a shawl for a friend. Wonder if the crochet hook will get too hot in the sun? Guess we shall find out

    Vince just said that we need to cut the grass tomorrow. He’s right (unfortunately)

    Momlady – welcome back!

    Store bought meatballs – mostly I don’t like them. I admit that I HAVE used them but I really prefer not to for the main reason that drkatie stated – the ingredients

    Katla – what sausages do you buy? Vince doesn’t like anything with much spice at all. I’m thinking that with your hubby’s tummy you probably don’t get spicy, either. I just tried Butterball breakfast sausage, and he thought they were too spicy.

    – your haircut reminded me of a pic I saw. There was this “lady of the night” leaning on a car saying in a very seductive way “I’ll do anything for $50”. The guy says to her “great, can you cut hair?” Great new hairdo

    Michele NC
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,523 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: T’ai Chi, Post Office, Grocery Outlet (again), typed hymns for Sunday,
    Bonus: Lone Ranch beach with Joe and the dogs.
    Get to do: invest 10 mins cleaning Dining Rm, carry over 30 mins cleaning Master Bath, 10 mins cleaning Guest Bth find out how to amend firehouse articles of incorporation/contacts, mat work, BB&B, practice new dances (Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right, Quarter after one, Half Past Tipsy, Senorita, Dance Monkey; next week final? Follow up call for Joe’s Dr. appointment, bottle return, transplant parsley, pineapple, rose geranium, Stinky; make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; call stove repair guy to adjust kitchen flame and assess Aunt Elsie’s Stove to determine if finish cleaning and start de-rusting feasible; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine,
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments.

    Overslept this morning, barely time to brush teeth and dress for T’ai Chi. No time for tea, morning readings, or weigh in. As T’ai Chi was ending, got a surprise call from Joe: “meet me and the dogs at Lone Ranch!” Had the beach almost to ourselves as it was drizzly. Perfect! Had a dreadful headache all morning, even after aspirin and a nap. Finally guessed it might be caffeine withdrawal so indulged in some instant sweet vanilla caramel latte powder made with whole milk instead of water. Headache vanished almost instantly. Magic! I keep a tin of this for my quarterly cro-nut indulgence. It lasts years.

    pip Wowser indeet! But my dear pip, I’m worried about your commute. my nephew is a Fedex driver in Seattle and is having a hard time getting around the protests. Hope you are taking care to travel safely, I feel you’d be vulnerable on your bicycle.
    Lisa thanks for the resistant starch link, I’ll read it tomorrow. Makes me feel a little less guilty about my 54 g portions of sourdough waiting in the freezer for when I just gotta have bread ;) Con VERY grats on your positive feedback cycle.
    Machka I totally forgot about Joyful June this week. Will catch up next week, thanks for the reminder!
    Barbie Had to smile at Jake watching an IP vs Ninja Foodie video while using the microwave to cook lunch ;) If he gets one would you let him keep it on the counter if he relocated/put away two other things from there? ;)
    Rebecca what Karen in VA said about your wonderful hair, and what Lanette said about your taking off 10 years. Brava!
    Ginny in OH “… and do what is right for me.” Yes!
    Beth "sonogram"?
    Amber thanks for the Bathroom memes, made me laugh!
    Michele “… great! Can you cut hair?” :lol::lol: :lol”

    Grocery Outlet had 10 packs of 3 layer disposable masks for $9.99, Joe asked me to pick one up for him. Saw a sign Wednesday at Freddie’s limiting chicken to two packages per customer, but there was plenty of organic chicken on the shelf. Tuna is returning to the shelves (not yet my preferred brand/style) but all the jumbo packs of canned chicken disappeared. Still no ammonia, anywhere. The real good news is our library is reopening, for limited hours, only up to 25 people at a time, masks strongly encouraged, but it will be open! Now to weigh in before the day ends.

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    May: better than April.
    daily: steps=5509 so far vits=12 log=12 CI<CO=10 CI<250<CO=7 Tumble & Shadow 5=3 mfp=12 clean 10 mins=4 outside=5 up hill=8
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=2 rx=1 dance=2
    mnthly: board mtg= grant=1 review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=6 play=0 sew=0
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,818 Member
    So much reading to catch up.

    Our province moved to phase 2 today. Restaurants can have more patrons, theatres, personal services, etc. I think it’s too soon but I guess it has to happen sometime.

    Tomorrow is our 33rd Anniversary, I think we are going to get a couple of different chairs for our deck. We need something that can be easily wiped off if it rains. The cushions are a bit of a pain.

    I have no plans for the weekend yet again. I wish I could visit with the Grands, have a family barbecue. We can our government has said we are able to, but we are still being careful because I work in a nursing home.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,232 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka I totally forgot about Joyful June this week. Will catch up next week, thanks for the reminder!



  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,232 Member
    edited June 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Meanwhile, today is the first day in ages that I've actually got a day off. Completely off. No work. No university!

    Machka in Oz

    I just checked and I had 6 days off uni in February and before that 5 days off uni in October. I worked most of those days, of course, so in the last year I would have had one weekend off in February and one weekend in October.

    No wonder I'm so tired.

    So far today I've slept in, had a lovely brunch with waffles and the apple jam I made, and now I'm trying to get up the energy to go for a shower ... but I just feel like going and lying down on the sofa.

    Machka in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    We don't seem to have had any new confirmed cases in Brighton and Hove in the last few days. :) That doesn't mean no one has it, of course. Our shops are opening on Monday, but I won't be rushing down there! Restaurants not open yet, except for takeaway or delivery. I have a hairdresser appointment for the 8th July. Will see what the numbers are then. If they are up I won't go. Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. The risk is the same now as it always was if there are still any cases around. We are still at the same risk because of our age. Young, healthy people can do what they like, we are keeping away, or at a wide distance from the grandchildren. We are Zooming them tomorrow. I'm really ok for me, but I don't want DH to catch it. We will be social distancing for a long time. Until the virus has gone, or there is a vaccine. Luckily I am happy where I am. :D

    Waitrose delivery this morning. Guinea fowl for dinner. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Your haircut is a triumph, Rebecca! B)

    I love really short haircuts on others, but I've always felt the need to hide behind my hair. I don't even put it up, except at home for exercise. When it all fell out through chemo it was the worst thing ever. Worse than the cancer. My hair is me. I've had it more or less the same since my teenage years, though the bob was a bit shorter in my thirties and I've had a fringe (bangs) on and off. In 1984 I had a perm. Never again! I used to be mousey, then chestnut, then more red, then slowly went blonde, more by accident than design. Sticking with the blonde, shoulder length as long as I can.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    edited June 2020
    Machka: That just encapsulates what most of my days can turn out like even when I have a plan of action. Especially so now that all of my volunteer activities are on hold.
    Heather and Tracey: I agree with the sentiment 'just because we can, it doesn't mean we should'. All this loosening of restrictions seems much too premature IMHO! And the spikes in cases/deaths after the various easements serves only to reinforce that opinion. I will continue to do what I believe is best for me, regardless of what becomes available. We have relatively few cases in the province, but one never knows who or where they are specifically.
    Covid rant!
    It seems to me that the powers that be are playing fast and loose with people's lives for political/financial reasons. They seem to regards the loses as acceptable collateral damage. I'm sure that the grieving families would strongly disagree with them on that score.
    U.K. Gov are now talking about reducing the 2m distancing to 1m, against all the scientific evidence that supports the current figure, mainly, it seems, so that pubs and restaurants can open! It's total madness!
    And don't even get me started on the Care Homes debacle! Re hospital discharges and PPE.

    *deep breaths, Terri! Deep breaths!!!* It is what it is!!!

    It's time for me to go to our local supermarket for some essentials, masked and gloved for the protection of others and myself. If I time it right there will be no queues to speak of.

    On a lighter note, my eldest grandson has finished his masters with a virtual on line exam, and awaits his virtual graduation. He has just accepted a job in computer games development after a virtual interview. Welcome to the new normal.

    Felicitations and good wishes to all my virtual friends. Your humour and compassion keep me sane in a crazy world!

    May you enjoy a ✨🌟⭐️Stellar ⭐️🌟✨ Saturday!!!

    💕💖💕 ☘️ Terri
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Tracey Happy Anniversary weekend!


    Beth Is your GYN screening for ovarian cancer with the sonogram? Just curious, since it's not a routine test that all GYNs order. I really wish TVUS (transvaginal ultrasound) with color doppler and CA-125 (a blood test) were approved for ovarian cancer screening in all women over the age of 50; if this were a man's diagnosis, they would be approved, as imperfect as the tests are. As it is, most GYNs would order these tests if requested by a patient, but not all insurance companies will pay for them. Out-of-pocket cost for this combination of tests in the USA ranges from $250-$850, with an average cost of around $500. I haven't had it done, but now that I am 65, I might go ahead despite the cost.


    Time to get out and walk the dogs and start my day!!! Working on drip irrigation again today.


    Karen in Virginia


  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,232 Member
    I really wish TVUS (transvaginal ultrasound) with color doppler and CA-125 (a blood test) were approved for ovarian cancer screening in all women over the age of 50

    Karen in Virginia

    I get those tests about once every 6-12 months ... ordered by my gynaecologic oncologist because of my two precancer situations. I was making plans to see my gynaecologic oncologist again when everything shut down. It'll keep.

    M in Oz
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Re: the virus.

    Read at your own risk - just my commentary on what's happening overall re: the new virus.
    I think there's a point where, as hard as we fight, and have fought, we have to realize that we're not going to go back to pre-covid behaviors anytime soon... (I'm so sorry, Terri) but also note that we will, in the end, add them to the acceptable losses that we choose to ignore on a day-to-day basis.

    In 2017 in the U.S., we lost 40,000 to automobile accidents, 80,000 to influenza and 40,000 to deaths by firearms (60 percent, or 24,000, were suicides).

    There are a number of instances in each of those areas where a concerted effort could diminish the numbers, with everything from clear, regulated and useful drivers' education to suicide prevention to mandates that are going on now for the corona virus, like mandated masks in flu season, or mandated vaccinations. We do few of those things at the federal level, and there is very little chance we will--because we've become inured to acceptable losses as just part of the cost of doing business.

    It feels cold, unfeeling and horrible to anyone who's lost a single person to any of the above causes. That would be because it is. No matter what any public figure says about "even one death is too many," in all reality these things boil down to "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Sorry to channel a little Spock, but nevertheless, it's the truth.

    As a society, we seem to be bothered most about these issues when we're part of "the few," and bothered least when we're part of "the many."

    The hopeful part is that we can affect that process--think about Mothers Against Drunk Driving. There are reasonably good estimates that say they've prevented 350,000 deaths in the United States in the last 40 years since they began. In other words, social pressures have created a different atmosphere. I used to know easily a dozen people who drove drunk on a reasonably regular basis--and I don't know anyone who does it now.

    Just my opinion, and probably worth what you paid for it...

    Philosophizing on a Saturday morning.... don't say I didn't warn ya! :wink:

    Lisa in AR
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,232 Member
    edited June 2020
    Another interesting article about flu ...

    Flu deaths prevented as cases plummet amid coronavirus lockdowns, AMA says

    "Australia's coronavirus lockdown measures have been widely credited with preventing the catastrophic infection rates and death tolls seen in other parts of the world.

    But could they be having an even greater impact than we realise?

    Health authorities say social distancing, travel bans and other guidelines have also led to a dramatic drop in seasonal influenza cases and deaths."

    Read several more paragraphs about this and then ...

    "What could it mean going forward?

    Dr Moy said most people have never experienced a pandemic, and compared aspects of the coronavirus outbreak to the days of polio and smallpox.

    "There was a greater emphasis on general hygiene, for example, and care about the possibility of transmitting viruses and infectious diseases to others," he said.

    "I think that's something that maybe in the community we've kind of forgotten about."

    He said he hopes hand hygiene and other health precautions last long after the pandemic has passed.

    "Making sure you wash your hands, and don't leave influenza on a surface that could be picked up and caught by somebody else is pretty simple — but it's the sort of thing maybe we've forgotten and our grandparents did better than we did," he said."

    I've been saying that last bit for some time. I've noticed that flus seem to be getting worse, lasting longer and that more people are catching them. I've noticed that people have been both complacent about it and at times quite rude. In recent years it has seemed socially OK to sneeze or cough on or near someone. It has seemed all right to go to work with a raging cold or flu and to stand near other people. It has been OK to squeeze up close to total strangers on the bus or in line and even to touch them. It has been all right to let your child lick the bus card and then take it and plonk it down on the sensor ... or for your child to lick the handle on the seat in front the child on the bus.

    And it has been astounding that people have to be told to wash their hands!

    Let's all be clean and keep our distance from each other. :)


    When I saw the above meme, my response was this:

    Yes!! I was getting very tired of people leaning on my backpack, pushing me, and touching my hair!!

    Now I'm free to shout "Back! You disease-ridden mongrel!" to anyone who tries those things on me!

    It's a whole new world. :grin::naughty:

    Machka in Oz