

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2020
    Carol- I suggest a short cut so you don’t have to go back as soon.

    Amber Tx

    Was looking into cold 🥶 Frappuccino makers to make my own with low cal ingredients but my goodness could by a new oven for the price
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,551 Member
    Sighs, and yes when I smile 99% of the time my tongue is sticking out thru my teeth a wee bit! What's that about????
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,551 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Karen VA, your petunia is gorgeous! And it reminded me, I meant to post the picture last night. Corey and I were strolling around the yard close to the house last night and I took this - there were two massive clumps of lilies that we saved last year as we were going through clearing the small trees and underbrush that had overgrown the pasture beside the house. This is one of them. Corey is quite happy that he has a couple baby peaches on his peach tree, and the birds ate the cherries before they could even really get going, but that's OK. I'm finding out he really doesn't want to harm or even scare away a single animal out there...

    That said, when I took the tarp off the walk-behind trimmer this morning, a number of little mousies scampered. I do not like mousies, Sam I Am. I think I will introduce Egg to the old stable and see if she can do a little mousie hunting.


    When you typed scampered, I shivered!😕😲😁
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :)Carol, I don't care what anyone says, I won't be getting my hair cut or eating at a restaurant for a very long time. People are still getting the virus and I don't want to be the next one. I can live with weird hair and take out or home cooked food.

    :)Rebecca, great hair cut.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rebecca: You look great! Your DH may have found a new career in hair cutting. :smley:

    I have two dead bean plants that have evidently not survived the deer. These were plants that were limping along and evidently gave up. :sad: I’m soaking some new beans and hope to plant them tomorrow or the next day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,551 Member
    I was hesitant asking him to shave the back of my head, but it was like #6 on the attachment, so not too close to my scalp.👍. He was a rough cutter though, not gentle like I was to his scalp!😁
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,437 Member
    Well I had husband use our new pair of clippers to the back of my head, and I did the top, sides and ears. What do y'all think? Its short! Its nice to step outta the shower, throw some "dipity do" like product, and not need to blow dry! The downside is that when I wake up its all sticking straight up! I have to wet it every morning!

    Rebecca - very stylish haircut, great job!! And, I can see your progress with your OMAD IF - your face is definitely thinner and I think you've taken off about 10 years! Face to Face Friday? <3

    Lanette B)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Rebecca What wonderful hair you have! The new cut is great, but your hair is luxurious!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Rebecca, we must have posted at the same time! Had to go back and see your new do! I love it...
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Barbie – thanks for saying that it will be a while before you eat out again – our county is between phase 1 and 2, almost all stores are allowed to have curbside pickup, a few more to be fully open. No restaurants or bars yet for anything but take out, and you can not order when you get there the order must be placed ahead. Our neighboring counties are ahead of us. But our county had a 1000 new cases this week. I have a older neighbor who takes me to breakfast once a month as a trade for checking on her via text each day. She knows every thing is closed and we are not to leave the county. And that I have been VERY clear that both I am trying to follow the rules and that I do not mind that I have been checking with her each day without my monthly breakfast. But she has started pressuring me to drive to another county she will take me to breakfast. No is my for now answer.

    Rebecca – it looks great

    Kim from N. California
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,446 Member
    edited June 2020
    The things we do to ourselves!!! Suffering severe self-inflicted bellyache caused by nocturnal nibblefest!!! Ate back most of my exercise calories. No sympathy, please! That would only encourage the beastly boggart!

    Karen VA: 😍Crazytunias
    Rebecca: Nice haircut. I also have to wet mine down each morning. On the up side, I can now put my hair up into bunches. DH says it makes me look younger. 😂
    Barbie: We seldom eat out at the best of times, so unlikely to do so at present. And I rather fancy the idea of having longer hair.

    Kim: Our local assembly have lifted restrictions on all shops. As from today they can open with social distancing in place. They have also said we can meet with up to 10 people with social distancing and can bubble with one other household. I will leave it until I see how things are going before I venture the shops, even though I sorely need to replace my summer footwear. I have had a visit with one of my friends last week in the garden. The whole of Northern Ireland has had only 2 new cases in the last week, but they were both yesterday! Hoping they weren't caused by the loosening up in restrictions last week.

    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    stats for the day:

    matched fastest time to work again!
    also fast pace in running! I was on steroids today....

    Bike ride home 2 sumner station- 53.03min, 15amph, 164mhr, 13.24mi= 574c (hrm wouldn't work, since i matched same mph and time, using same calorie burn)
    apple watch- 487c
    jog sta 2 wrk- 5.05min, 153mhr, 9.48min mi, .51mi= hrm didn't work
    apple watch- 57c
    jog wrk 2 sta- 4.06min, 8.15min mi, 153mhr, .45mi= 89c
    apple watch- 80c
    Bike ride dome 2 hm, windy- 16.56min, 9.1amph, 151mhhr, 2.56mi= 196c
    apple watch- 151c

    total cal 916
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,999 Member
    :)Kim,members of my line dance class have been pressuring me to return to teaching as soon as the facility is available again. I won't be ready to go out in a group for a long time so I'm hoping that the facility won't open soon due to some remodeling that they are doing. It is a challenge for me to say "No" but my health and my husband's health are more important than pleasing people.

    :* My walking friend is traveling to pick up her daughter north of Seattle and then across Washington to visit her other daughter in Idaho for the weekend. She has agreed to not visit our house or walk with the dogs and me for 14 days after she gets back. We'll miss her but health is more important.

    <3 Barbie
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,363 Member
    Finally caught up again. Haven't been spending as much time on her--work and house stuff keeping me busy. Made it to gym three days this week-I was the only one in there. Nice getting back to that routine. Got a nice walk in outside tonight after dinner.

    Cases keep rising in my county--our county is hotspot now. Went in to office for short period a couple of times this week--had to have in person meetings, but we kept spaced out and wore masks. The staff who are on site appear to be following precautions. No reports of any staff testing positive for COVID, so that is good. Figure it is only a matter of time (or we have some who had it but had no symptoms). A bit concerned about my kids and grandkids in Arizona-it has really taken off there. However, they are staying close to home as much as possible and son is careful at work.

    Seems like everyone is developing their own rhythm of moving forward. We all have different comfort levels and I think it is important for us to move at our own pace and be careful. I don't really understand those who think it is no big deal, but I just try to stay away from them and do what is right for me.

    Hoping to have productive day tomorrow. Finish setting up home office and rake back yard. Maybe isn't exciting but those I two things I need to get done so I will feel sense of accomplishment.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2020
    Rebecca-Love it looks cool for the heat out lately.
    We’re cutting our own hair until the pandemic is over.My Dad going to a barber 💈 he a wee bit tired of wearing a mask I can’t convince him to wear it to church ⛪️. Oh well I can o my do so much. Hubby wearing his mask being careful he knows my immune systems bad he fears me getting it which would mean JR would have it also (JRs attached to my hip 24/7 I forget what it’s like to have privacy anymore).Begore the virus 🦠 When I’m in any home with my Dad,Daughter,y JR all 3 come in I can swear I locked the darn door! Find out My Dad popped it open because JR was crying 😭 (Got an adult man out there he’s not alone!) . Hubby rarely barges in usually to tell JR to leave mommy alone she doesn’t need you in there too! Lol 😂.JR says yes mommy need me. Why she need you? She could falls in!!! He really serious about it. Swear having kids privacy out the door the second you have your 1st DR exam spread eagle 🦅 folks piled in to see the screen 📺 hoping to glance at the baby.

    Amber Tx

    Not eating out only 2 restaurants we trust y 3 grocery stores y Home Depot. Trying to minimize contact.

    My city having a boom of cases again
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Carol and Barbie and Kim ... I'm still being cautious ... washing groceries and the likes. Only in the last few days have I decided to do some of my own grocery shopping and, frankly, I'm probably going back to delivery for a while for some of the stores I shopped. I do need a haircut though and not sure how I'm going to manage that. My hairdresser rented a chair at a local retirement home. She's been told she's not allowed back in until at least December!! I can't go that long.

    Meatballs ... too many ingredients in any of the frozen meatballs in our area ... digestive upset every time I eat them.

    Lisa ... I have a potato gnocchi with chicken and spinach soup recipe that I absolutely love. Uses half and half. But it is so rich! I can only eat a small bit of it at one sitting.

    Allie ... Among multiple types of lift equipment, I have a Hoyer lift here at home that I'm using while my son is with us during this virus thing. It only takes one person. Nursing homes often use two people as a safety precaution, but they're designed for one person to use. My son is only 5'5" and about 145 pounds, but I couldn't manage him (dead lift) without the lift equipment.

    My eating is off the rails and I need to get that under control. Weight is up. Medical appointments have been good so far, but waiting on the results of a Sono the GYN asked me to have. I'm not having any new problems but she routinely orders them. Both my sons had tele-visits for routine appointments. None of my doctors were interested in doing that. Wearing masks during visits has been a pain in the patootie. I did find a phone app called "Ears" that tries to transcribe what a speaker is saying to me. Kind of like tv captioning. It's doing a so-so job. Fortunately, my practitioners have been willing to talk into it while wearing their masks ...

    Beth near Buffalo