

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Kim - sorry about the snooker ball reference! It's similar to pool (although a snooker player would not say so), played on a larger table with smaller pockets, and many more nitnoid rules than pool. I grew up with a pool table in the living room, until my father sold it. I learned both snooker and pool from my brothers when I was so small that I had to stand on a footstool to see the table. :) Real snooker balls are smaller than pool balls, as well, thus the reference.

    I learned to play pool when I was in my early 20s and watched sometimes Snooker on TV (I was working a 3 pm - 11 pm shift so my after-work TV choices were rather limited). After a bit my then-husband took me to a place with a Snooker table and I learned to play Snooker, a bit. I found the larger table a little difficult to work with.

    Machka in Oz
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Allie, the lift that my mom and dad had was easily operated by one person. It had to be as it was only them at home most of the time. Too bad about the rules of the trust. I get it, but that sure makes it hard on family who, perhaps, just don't have it in them to take care of the person. I know I couldn't do what you have done with your FIL or with Faith. I am not a natural caregiver!
    Still at work, so this post is going to be short!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Barbara: Columbia County begins phase 2 on Saturday. I wonder what will change. I haven’t seen any details. :ohwell:

    Lisa: I am also gallbladder free. I had surgery several years ago. I had one enormous gall stone, about the size of an old fashioned “shooter” marble. :star:

    I am scheduled for a colonoscopy soon, but they’ve set things up to be as impossible as they can. DH is contacting our primary care doctor and trying to get some better results. At this point, I can go into the doctor’s office alone. There is no place where DH can sit, rest, or get to the bathroom. The nearest parking is not close enough and this whole thing is stressful for both of us. It is a no-win situation.

    I am NOT a happy camper.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Don't you have a state page for all your COVID-19 details? This is Tasmania's page: https://coronavirus.tas.gov.au/

    And can you wait another month or two for the colonoscopy? We don't have them here in Australia unless our bowel test kits indicate something. I guess I should really do the bowel kit thing at some point.

    It's the same here with doctors. When we went to see the specialist for my husband's up-coming hernia surgery, there was no waiting in the wait room, however, they told us it would be about half an hour and got my number to ring to let us know when we'd be next. So we walked about half a block down the street, got take-away coffees and sat in the little park drinking them until his appointment.

    Is that a possibility?

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    :)Machka, Congratulations on your successful completion.

    Thank you. :)

    Thank you all!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Regarding ...

    Meatballs - I've never liked purchased meatballs. The ones I've had have been very fatty and chewy and really horrible. I'd rather make them myself.

    Gnocchi - I'm not overly fond of it, but this I will buy now and then because it's not expensive and there are several varieties ... have a look over this grocery store page: https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/browse/dairy-eggs-fridge/fresh-pasta-sauces

    Valerian - I use it to sleep through the night. I got onto it because I was falling asleep all right but then waking up about 2 hours later and then tossing and turning for the next few hours. I take it shortly before going to bed, and it did seem to help. Now I take it for a few weeks, then not for a while, and again for a few weeks, etc.

    My Month Off from Uni - I will still be somewhat busy. I will continue working of course. But then both my husband and I have surgeries. He's got a hernia surgery and I've got my deviated septum. Plus there is a lot of paperwork to catch up on.

    I am, however, hoping to spend a bit more time exercising!! At least until my surgery.

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    total cal 607
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: T’ai Chi, Post Office, Farmers’ Market, Grocery Outlet,
    Bonus: started learning “Larger than Life”
    Get to do: Chiropractor, coffee stroll with Barb, Freddie’s, print, sign, return, annuity docs, invest 10 mins cleaning Dining Rm, carry over 30 mins cleaning Master Bath, 10 mins cleaning Guest Bth call car dealer to find out if still have an oil change left on extended warranty, find out how to amend firehouse articles of incorporation/contacts, mat work, BB&B, practice new dances (Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right, Quarter after one, Half Past Tipsy, Senorita, Dance Monkey; next week final? Follow up call for Joe’s Dr. appointment, bottle return, transplant parsley, pineapple, rose geranium, Stinky; make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; call stove repair guy to adjust kitchen flame and assess Aunt Elsie’s Stove to determine if finish cleaning and start de-rusting feasible; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine,
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments.

    Just skimmin’. Lots of frustration accessing mfp from my phone the past couple of days. Laptop works better.

    Katla is your county in Phase I or Phase II?
    Allie “because of the trust [Faith] is not allowed to go into a nursing home but will have home care until she passes.”? Don’t understand how a trust could keep someone out of a skilled nursing facility, especially someone who has fallen so much. OH I see, it was written that way for her protection. Is it the trust that pays the home caregivers? Could your brother and his wife be dependent on that income? Would the trustees, or Hospice, provide a Hoyer lift? When you stay overnight, is there a cot for you in her room? If not, then time for those camera batteries. Why haven’t they replaced, are they expensive or hard to find? Good luck with the music, great idea.
    Karen in VA :love: “mug shots” :lol::love: the Pete the Plumber proper cup of tea story. What are PG tips and where do I get them? Is it loose tea? I won’t use those poisonous little aluminum “tea balls” but don’t have any kind of porcelain strainer for pouring loose tea. Advice welcome. Grandma Hunter got me to drink milk :p by doctoring it with a little tea and sugar. Now that I seem to have outgrown most of my lactase deficiency, might have to try milk in my tea again.
    Michele seems the clean and tidy folk always somehow hitch up with us keep-it-forevers. Jess may not understand consideration for her mom until she has children of her own, that was true for me :{ HOA fined woman for flying her child’s Marine flag? SMH.
    Amber ditto what you said about HOA’s, recipe for the busybodies and the power mad to make the fixed income folk’s lives miserable. Avoid ‘em if at all possible.
    Terri love the tin can stilts, were they easier to manage than the pole style?
    Rita hope you’re feeling better now.
    Pip after not riding to work (just ‘cuz) you hit personal best/fastest time! Must have been a restorative break.
    Evelyn your mother’s lift system sounds brilliant. “HUGS” I am soooo jealous, no close family members to hug, really miss hugging my T’ai Chi and line dance buddies.
    Lisa does chilling the gnocci turn the carbs into resistant starch?
    Heather Brava!
    Machka I’m sooo with you on the typing vs handwriting speed and accuracy, not to mention legibility. ;)
    Katla yes to cast iron. Low and slow is best.
    Kim I like the brown crust that comes from searing meatballs in a (yes Katla) cast iron skillet, then finishing them in the oven or on the sauce. 35+ years ago when I was a veg, I made the tastiest fakes with grated sourdough crumbs, grated parmesan, grated onioni, and a dab of wine. Wish I could remember exactly how I did it and the proportions used…
    @SophieRosiemom Lanette are you ok?

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    May: better than April.
    daily: steps=5401 vits=10 log=10 CI<CO=8 CI<250<CO=6 Tumble & Shadow 5=2 mfp=10 clean 10 mins=4 outside=3 up hill=3
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=2 rx=1 dance=2
    mnthly: board mtg= grant=1 review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=3 play=0 sew=0

    that ride, pushed me a bit. I had y strata on my handle bars so I was seeing how fast I was going so I pushed 2c if I could reach 15.. I need to start taking magnesium pills again
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did a Firm Super Charged Sculpting DVD. Ehhhh…but I’ll keep it for a day when I just don’t have time/inclination for a rough workout. The plan for tomorrow is to do an Extreme Cardio DVD.

    Made more banana bran muffins. Think I’ll go to Aldi this morning. There are some things we need. Update: went, I was in and out

    The clean gym that I go to is opening tomorrow. Evidently the House drafted a bill allowing gyms to open. Unfortunately, so far the Governor hasn’t signed it yet.

    – I never heard that you could purchase a lift like that! That’s wonderful. I do hope Sean and Jean look into it.

    M – you can try sleeping this weekend. You deserve it. Congrats on the completion

    Barbie – I love my IP so much that I really missed it when we went to FL. As a matter of fact, if I can find one (even a small one) at a good price, I’ll pick it up for the condo. Jess kept saying “ma, you’ve got to get one” and I kept saying “Jess, I have a pressure cooker and a slow cooker. What do I need another appliance for?” Then I tried Denise’s. Right then and there it went on my Christmas list. Jess and I went shopping before Christmas and I said to her “if I don’t get this for Christmas, I’m buying it myself”. I did get it.

    Just read that the cartoon Elmer Fudd is no longer going to have a gun. How is he ever going to catch that rascally rabbit???

    Off to the pool now

    Kristin – I miss my water aerobics class, but so glad we have the pool so I can use it and get somewhat of a workout

    Went in the pool and spa after dinner.

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Machka- I hope you enjoy your time with no university.

    Kim - I make meatballs like you, I have never cooked them before hand. I don’t make spaghetti and meatballs though. I make sweet and sour meatballs with usually rice.

    Evelyn - I am not a natural caregiver either. I just can’t do it. When my Dad was sick he chose to go into palliative care at the hospital as he didn’t want Mom or I doing it. I spent a lot of time with him but the nurses did his care.

    I did read and know there was more to comment on but I lost the note I was writing somehow.


    My Mom never threatened me with this but I like the sentiment!

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,372 Member
    Yes Karen they are Merchant Gourmet. My DDIL would not approve as it generates too much waste to have individual packets, but I think they are great and I swallow my guilt. >:) We are having the other half tonight with the same veg as yesterday, plus some broad beans, as it was delicious. Tandoori Chicken with it.
    I used to cook a lentil, quinoa and brown rice mix in the IP, which was very nice. Should do that again. I bagged and froze it in portions. However, I am a lazy cook. ;)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
    MFP is a major pain this morning.
    Grrr! 👻👻👻
    Both newsfeed and profile pages are not loading, and I know several other friends are experiencing the same problems.
    Also, edit facility on Community hasn’t been working for several days.

    I know it’s free, but it’s not rocket science to fix bugs.

    I have reported the problems and they’re ‘working on it!!!’ 🤦🏼‍♀️
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
    @auntiebk: Tin can stilts were very stable to walk on, and balancing in them was easy.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: Chiropractor, Library, Post Office, Freddie’s, printed, signed, scanned and emailed 7 of 23 pages of annuity docs, called car dealer made appointment for oil change and 3 hours of deferred maintenance.
    Bonus: coffee stroll with Barb and Pegi, went round the circuit twice including up hills ;)
    Get to do: invest 10 mins cleaning Dining Rm, carry over 30 mins cleaning Master Bath, 10 mins cleaning Guest Bth find out how to amend firehouse articles of incorporation/contacts, mat work, BB&B, practice new dances (Larger than Life, Here I Go Again/Mama Mia, Real Deal, Get it Right, Quarter after one, Half Past Tipsy, Senorita, Dance Monkey; next week final? Follow up call for Joe’s Dr. appointment, bottle return, transplant parsley, pineapple, rose geranium, Stinky; make garlic almonds for Barb and Dan; prep raised bed for carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes; finish weeding drive, continue weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; call stove repair guy to adjust kitchen flame and assess Aunt Elsie’s Stove to determine if finish cleaning and start de-rusting feasible; Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine,
    Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments.

    Called nearest Ford Dealer (in Coos Bay 2 hrs north). Learned needs more maintenance than just an oil change. Fortunately car still covered by extended warranty (‘til august 2021 hooray!). Appointment for 1pm June 24, will take approx. 3 hrs, but alas, the waiting room is closed for the duration. Will walk to the farmers’ market, then when it closes will find somewhere to sit and nosh from 3-4pm.

    Machka con VERY grats! Enjoy your well-deserved break. Hope the cycling brings much joy.
    Amber sending good thoughts for your Dad’s test results.
    Katla for us Phase 2 meant larger gatherings at church ok (up to 50), restaurants can stay open til midnight instead of 10. Other details available at https://govstatus.egov.com/OR-OHA-COVID-19 but honestly they’re kinda hard to decipher. Playgrounds closed, sports courts open but not for bodily contact sports (so we can dance on basketball courts, and kids can shoot baskets, but can’t play a game of basketball.) Looks like movie theatres could reopen subject to capacity reduction, maintaining physical distance but ours is still closed. Heard a drive-in theater was opening in the Rogue Valley, I’d love to see a return of the drive in movie!
    @kristingjertsen how I envy your access to a pool!
    Cathy good to hear from you, glad you are taking precautions. IMHO TX is rushing to open too fast, witness those spikes.
    Heather no way are you a lazy cook!
    Terri thanks for reporting the bugs, I just get mad and poke poke poke the phone screen.

    Signed up for zoom BB&B. My laptop was designed (for security?) to only have microphone capability when docked.
    Thought ok, no internal mic, I can just buy a plug-in external, right? Maybe not. Plugged it in, not detected, doesn’t pick up voice, (even when turned on :} ) and now the internal speaker has stopped playing sounds. Too tired and lazy to figure it out myself. Will take it to the pc guy, maybe Sunday afternoon. Means another zoom chat with former coworkers via phone not laptop. :p

    Lighter, lovelies!
    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    May: better than April.
    daily: steps=9153 ! vits=11 log=11 CI<CO=9 CI<250<CO=6 Tumble & Shadow 5=2 mfp=10 clean 10 mins=4 outside=4 up hill=6
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=2 rx=1 dance=2
    mnthly: board mtg= grant=1 review 20for20=
    bonus: AF=5 play=0 sew=0
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited June 2020
    MFP is a major pain this morning.
    Grrr! 👻👻👻
    Both newsfeed and profile pages are not loading, and I know several other friends are experiencing the same problems.
    Also, edit facility on Community hasn’t been working for several days.

    I know it’s free, but it’s not rocket science to fix bugs.

    I have reported the problems and they’re ‘working on it!!!’ 🤦🏼‍♀️

    So far mine has been fine.

    EDIT: oh you're right ... the newsfeed and profile aren't working. I don't often go there. :smile:
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,435 Member
    Finally getting the rain that the garden was crying out for after an unusually dry, sunny Spring. It does mean that gardening is not as pleasant, but there are still things that need taken care of outside. However, I am choosing to exercise inside today.

    I’m managing to stick to my daily goals, and maintaining below my glass ceiling, despite upping my strength workouts.

    NI Assembly has lifted the closure restrictions on all shops from today, provided that they have social distancing in place. The only shop I might be interested in is my local Pavers, as I need to replace some of my summer footwear. We did successfully visit 2 local garden centres last week, after the initial rush on the first few days of opening, so our summer planters will be colourful after all.

    Meatballs: These are so easy to make at home, it wouldn’t have occurred to me to buy them ready prepared. We seldom have them these days. However, I buy steak and venison burgers from our local Master Butcher, who is the SiL of a family friend. He sources his meat from local organic farms, and the quality’s day taste is excellent.

    Rita: (((Hugs)))

    Chin up! This to shall pas!!!

    ☘️ Terri
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited June 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Rori - It's good to see you. Glad you're looking into long-term care. Your strength continues to awe me, as does Machka's.
    Machka9 wrote: »
    How to Make TeaSo, keeping it lighthearted and not too judgemental :wink: ... how do you make tea? How do you like your tea?

    Machka in Oz

    Apologies ahead of time to any tea drinkers in England and Ireland - I boil water in a kettle, then pour it over a teabag in a mug (Tetley here, can't get PG Tips). Everything's fine up to that point... but then I put a tablespoon of sugar-free vanilla non-dairy creamer and two Splenda in it. :hushed::smiley: Learned to drink tea with milk during the six years I lived in England (Sussex for three years and Berkshire for three years, at RAFB Lakenheath then RAFB Greenham Common, with an eight year gap in between). The ladies I worked with in the military kitchens would have been so disappointed with me!

    What I found funny about the video, Machka, is that Americans are just as whack-a-doodle about coffee as our brethren and sistren from whence we came are about tea... and during the time I was there, never met a British person with a coffee pot - only instant coffee, which makes most Americans shudder. You never hear about that, though, where the hot tea thing is a recognized meme.

    Later y'all,

    In Australia, the coffee is either instant (often at home or in the office), or Italian.

    Machka in Oz

    Regarding instant coffee ...

    I drink it at home and at work.

    At work, we drink this (the department gets it for us) ... and I also get it for my husband at home. Remember, he has no sense of taste or smell so it doesn't really matter.


    I drink this at home ... it's a step up from International Roast.


    But I drink both strong and black ... 2-3 teaspoons per cup.

    Machka in Oz