

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    Thanks for starting us off Barbie.
    I forgot it was a new month and just posted this in May. (Same post)

    @Sharon Monkey mind is "unsettled; restless; capricious; whimsical; fanciful; inconstant; confused; indecisive; uncontrollable".https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monkey_mind I had more of the anxiety and the other woman alone said she couldn't stop her thoughts was always busy busy in thought even when alone in confinement.

    @Margaretturk I'm so sorry you and your son had to go through that with the police. That seems horrible to me. When I was a teen lived in a working class mostly white neighbourhood and it was known that the police would often beat up and possibly worse, working class white teens they caught drinking beer. People said most of the police were trouble makers when teens and just went to the other side of fighting. Here I have a friend who's s.o, is a policeman from the West Indies. I think it was probably just one option of job for someone not into school. he's very kind and was able to take early retirement at around 55, and now drives a van for handicapped people. he seems to be very good at this more caring profession and is glad not to deal w the stress of being a cop.

    @Machka and @Suzi I would not do a phd at this point if not working in higher ed or some other specific goal. it's stressful. and a lot of work. and in a few decades we'll no longer be there. there is something to be said to be moving up the ladder to become director (thus a possibly interest in phd for you), women are often hesitant to do so, but then if you are introverted I wonder if that would make you happy. I have most definitely heard that phd is not seen as a plus for some jobs. I have a friend who's an artist and cameraman for weddings etc, and she does NOT put her phd in her cameraman CV/resumé. also in sciences it can make person look more abstract and less pragmatic, (im told) and in arts also it can make artist look like researcher and not artist (I'm told by artist w phd who's a tenured teacher). Like what famous visual artist has a phd? (writers, surely there are many; and people in all sorts of sciences including political sciences). I have some friends who have said their Phds had not served them at all. I'm not sure if it's so black and white. funnily enough we don't use the phd letters and I'm a bit adverse to that. definitely ill at ease, about resentment from family about me having a higher degree

    @Heather thanks for understanding how hard it is for solos (or some of us) at present. I have a couple of solo friends who love the confinement, one is introverted and often tired and has too much travel at her work and is intending to change jobs soon ; and the other is big into meditation so loves the sort of more introverted situation of most everyone. She regrets the move to partial deconfinement, but she is 65, has been retired since before 40 (sold jewellery and then retired very early) spends weeks in hermitages and things like that.

    bumps/rash, I'm thinking it might be spider or other little bug bites. I live in a 500 sq meters on 6th floor w long balcony and wall of 2/3 window-doors giving onto the balcony. I keep them open very much of the time, so with a few plants inside and outside it's quite conceivable and probable that some bugs get in. it doesn't seem to be spreading like a rash usually does. Also I went to parks 2x this weekend, on Sunday I lay on the grass. I'll keep an eye on its development. since I had bumps during confinement and my GP thought it could be serious and I had an online appointment with dermatolist at her suggestion who prescribed medication (3x a day for a week, but have to start very fast for effectiveness) in a rush for shingles and then lab test of bump showed it not to be shingles....I'm hesitant to run to the dr again. When older there is always this or that to check out. I'll keep an eye for now.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Sharon actually I did procrastinate yesterday! :s I realised today (Monday) is a holiday here and thought maybe it's not necessary to send doc for this morning. in fact it's sort of a semi holiday here: optional. Today is another day.

    A friend told me about a tongue and cheek book that talks half jokingly half seriously about the pros of procrastination (learning about stuff while surfing on wikipedia, etc).

    Yesterday I went to the park, read, walked a bit, bought a pastry, went to on AWESOME online buddhism class. I was feeling: it's Sunday, I need to kick back.

    I went to 3 of the tiny nearby neighborhood parks. usually you would have mostly more working class people there: the more middle class people and wealthy will be away for weekend, or in a museum or a class, or in country house, or visiting friends or in a restaurant or café. I LOVED the diversity: clearly all sorts of people were in the parks. I am pretty sure local outdoor life will have increased after confinement. previously you would very rarely see people sitting on a bench in the street chatting. now it's normal (since cafés are closed and parks were closed for several weeks in phase 1). I love that. I went to Italy some decades ago and people would be sitting on benches till late (10pm at least), even little old ladies, just chatting together. Before the parks opened many people took too finding the comfortable curb, step, etc, to sit on on quiet greenish sidestreets which became like mini-parks. people were still using them yesterday even if the parks were open.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    QUESTION: do you track all your food every day? Exercise ? weight ?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    QUESTION: do you track all your food every day? Exercise ? weight ?

    Exercise ... yep!

    Every single day I have exercised since April 29, 1990. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Happy June to all. The flower you asked about is a Clematis vine. Here is another one,diff color like we had for many years at our old house.What a show stopper it was,as it tried to go over the roof.

    BETH IN BUFFALO,nice to see you too. It ‘s been too long.
    Hope all goes well with your son’s drive to Nashville.

    Plan today is no TV,seeing a dermatologist,visiting DD.....on her porch,staying 6’ apart,
    starting a paper back I don’t remember having,no TV,maybe a nap &
    Just enjoying this day of no TV.

    Someone mentioned not getting masks they ordered. Same here.
    The co says things are so busy etc,etc.
    Why are they still taking orders when they can’t fill orders now?
    Thinking my money is now their money,boo!
    So many scams out there........Still it’s a beautiful,sunny day! Enjoy

    Pat in Oh

  • okiewoman510
    okiewoman510 Posts: 1,294 Member
    Thanks for giving us a fresh start again this month Barbie!

    Okie in the TX Hill Country
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    I made jam this evening!!

    Some of you may recall that I was debating what to do with the multitude of apples we have ... well, I decided to make jam. :)

    I used this recipe, but I added a bit of brown sugar too because it was quite sour. The apples from our tree didn't sweeten like I had hoped they might.

    It made 2 jars which are currently sitting on the counter and cooling. Later tonight I'll pop them in the freezer and quite possibly on the weekend I'll give one a try. But they are setting up nicely.

    We did not use all the apples (my husband helped me core and peel them), but did use at least a third of them. So if the jam is nice, I might make more.

    At least with jam, I only use a bit at a time on toast etc. ... unlike an apple crisp of which I would eat a much larger quantity.


    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    @lkds68 - Laura-Missouri
    @2016goalreached - Meghan - Denver, CO

    And any other newcomers ...


    Just join into the conversations wherever you feel comfortable.

    Machka in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Happy First Day of Winter!!

    Fortunately it's actually quite a nice day with blue skies and light winds. If all goes well, we'll go for a little bicycle ride shortly.

    We did!

    10.8 km in a neighbouring town. :)

    It ended up being a bit cooler and windier than we had hoped.

    M in Oz
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,324 Member
    edited June 2020
    Karen - You must be that orthopedist 's worst nightmare. >:) You go girl!
    My friend with the sliced tendon in her toe had a similar catalogue of problems. Grrrrrr! She was a senior midwife uni teacher, so was able to give them a hard time. She didn't want money, just to give them feedback and get them to improve.

    Duck legs tonight with roasted cauliflower. My Tricolore salad was HEAVENLY. :pB):D One of my favourite things.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Logging - Yes, I have logged every day apart from on the cruises. I log my regular morning exercise as Copy Yesterday, , but not my bonus. I log all my food, but often use the Add Calories option and add up ingredients in my head. I take those shortcuts as otherwise it would be too complicated. I don't track macros as I know I'm eating well.
    I eat the same breakfast, same dessert every day, so that's easy copy.
    If I don't log it all goes to h..l in a hand cart. :o

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,403 Member
    Barbie - thanks! Can't believe it's June already!

    Nothing to report for last month other than onward and upward. B)

    Glitter stuff - appears to be good news, but please skip if overwhelmed by the past several crazy months:

    Welcome new ladies! Let's make it a fabulous week! <3

    Sunny SW WA State

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,107 Member
    @Machka and @Suzi I would not do a phd at this point if not working in higher ed or some other specific goal. it's stressful. and a lot of work. and in a few decades we'll no longer be there. there is something to be said to be moving up the ladder to become director (thus a possibly interest in phd for you), women are often hesitant to do so ...

    3 of the 5 directors I've had in the last 6.5 years have been women with a doctorate and most higher-ups in my overall Department are doctors of the PhD variety or of the medical variety.

    And in asking around it seems like just about everyone else on my floor has a Master's degree and has had since their 20s or 30s.

    However, in my immediate area of 8 people, when I get the Master's I think I'll have the highest level of education!!

    As I mentioned, first I'll finish my Master's ... then I'll rest from all education ... then, when the time is right, I'll focus on skills. But I've got a lot to do after I finish my Master's and I want to get on top of things before I take on anything else. I've been putting things off for a long time.

    Machka in Oz
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,781 Member
    Morning ladies
    I cant tell you how wonderful it feels to sleep in my own bed.
    Its a chilly day here for the first day of June and i am just relaxing and having my tea
    Then i will get up and get moving.but enjoying tea ahhhhh
    Im not taking care of Faith for 4th of July as they are worried about how it will be taking her up north ..
    My birthday is the 30th of the month and yes I will be 60..
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Thanks Barbie for the new month, can't believe we are into June already. B)

    I've not logged my food for months, I really should start again. Had a Tuna salad for lunch today, quite enjoyed it. I'm not a big salad lover to be honest, so many things I don't like - tomatoes, cucumber, peppers (good job I like lettuce :) )

    Challenging myself to log all food for the whole of June. Let's see if I can do it.

    So sad about the troubles in the states :( Keep safe those of you in the trouble spots.

    Things are slowly moving here, I'm a little concerned it may be too soon, but we'll see. I know some of the schools have re-opened today and some shops are opening too. Vulnerable people have been advised to keep to the lockdown until the end of the month at least.

    Welcome newbies :)

    Take care and love to all <3
    Viv UK