

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning!
    Karen- lol Like Heather, I noticed the beautiful smocking on the outfit right after I noticed the beautiful Lilly Belle! I was "Awwww! Ooooooh!" My next thought was, "That child has a drinking problem! " lol

    <3 to all. The rest of my brain is fuzzy this morning. So...ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Evelyn- yes they used one for my FIL its called a Hoyer lift.. and at least in nursing homes it takes 2 people to use it..
    With the trust that was written before Jeans dad passed it was put in there that Faith would not be put in nursing home.. she is end stage alzheimers and i dont think either of them,my brother included want to realize that there are things that can be done to make things easier.. Hospice included.
    But unless i sit in her room thr whole.time im there ,until they get the batteries for the cameras ,im bringing my laptop to see if i can get her interested in a musical.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all...

    Karen - LOVE those mug shots... babies bring such joy just by their existence.

    JanetR - Sending hugs, hope things are well.

    Rori - Ditto.

    Slept like that proverbial baby last night, eight hours straight. I feel amazing this morning, and the scale shows it, which is always a lift.

    Really cooked last night for the first time in a long, long time, and tried something I've never tried - gnocchi and meatballs alfredo, with baby bellas. It was fun, but lots of moving parts, and massive amounts of calories. I had eaten very little all day, so eating a small amount of it was no big deal. It was incredibly rich, however, and had I eaten even one serving size, it would have been 1200 calories. :) I counted my calories at 2/3 of one serving, but actually ate far less than half--had to account for the tasting of that sinful alfredo. Cheated on the alfredo and used cream cheese instead of heavy cream, easiest alfredo I've ever made. Could have made it skinnier with Neufchatel, skim milk, and quite a bit less butter, but wanted to try it the first time as it was written. Corey ate everything I didn't... and will burn it off in his first hour of work this morning.

    Gnocchi (if you haven't made it) is a pain in the tuckus. If I did it again, I'd simply leave out some flour and make it a potato pancake instead. Had two large baking potatoes, and enough gnocchi for the two of us still left me with 2/3 of what I made bagged up in the freezer. Probably to be roundly discarded a few months from now. :smiley:

    I had forgotten that I actually enjoy cooking--it's quite creative in its own way--but I have to have TIME in order to genuinely enjoy that process. If I don't have time to doodle with a recipe, like yesterday, where the gnocchi needed to chill in the refrigerator for an hour prior to cooking them, I get frustrated. Plus any complex recipe means there are just too many decisions to make when you've been making decisions all day long. But when the biggest decision is whether to bring the sheets in off the clothesline now or after dinner, it's a lot easier. :smiley:

    Heather - this is all your fault. I'm beginning to understand after yesterday how you deal with cooking well for you and Johnny (and yes, I know much of that is the exercise levels you maintain). But if you cook something amazing and delicious, a reasonable amount of it is quite satisfying.

    Tonight is avocado grilled chicken - he gets chicken with the avocado, I just get chicken. Avocados taste like gasoline to me. :wink:

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Relieved. I've just managed to write 700 words. About how I chose to lose my virginity. Not sure why I found it so difficult to write about as it was very much a cold blooded, voluntary decision of mine, but I kept putting it off and now it's done. Moving on. I even had a mini binge last night. :s
    Done. :)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    Well done!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    Well i am up here with Faith she is still sleeping thank goodness..
    We shall see what today brings.. i am watching Joyce Meyer,i used to watch every morning and fell off the wagon.. have to hop back on..
    It is going to be a muggy thunderstormy day
    And here is hoping our girl stays on her feet..
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :) Up early to walk the dogs early to go to the grocery store early. My shopping list is all planned. Jake and I went over it at bedtime to make sure there's nothing missing.

    :)Allie, glad you're back to watching Joyce. I know how good that always was for you. My morning includes several "spiritual" readings that get my day off to a good start.

    :)Lisa, cooking can be a fun hobby when you have time for it.

    :)Heather, congrats on getting back to your writing.

    :) Jake has been watching YouTube videos about the the Instant Pot and the Ninja and is trying to decide if he wants one for a Father's Day gift.

    :'( My walking friend leaves today for her trip and visit with her daughters. She'll quarantine from us for 14 days after she gets back so I have a big supply of audio books and podcasts to listen to since I won't have her to talk to. The dogs will especially miss her and won't understand why she's not with us.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,203 Member
    I am finished my courses for this semester ... and I talk about them here ...
    Wrote my exam today. I think I did all right in the course with the exam. My in-course marks have been reasonable and the exam seemed all right. We did the exam at home ... at a certain time we logged on and typed like mad for the next 2.5 hours or so. All the other exams I've done have been hand-written at the university. Big difference! I write at ... I don't know, I've never timed it but it wouldn't be above 20 wpm. I type up to 70 wpm. This is one of the few exams I actually finished with quite a bit of time to spare and went back through my answers several times. I chalk it up to just simply being able to type the answers instead of write. But when I finished it was kind of weird. I'm used to some degree of ceremony involved in the whole exam thing and even though I rarely talk to anyone in my classes, there's something about all moving out of the exam room en masse and, for me, the walk up to the bus.

    This time there was none of that. I clicked submit and that was that.

    As for my other course, the one without the exam, I think that one will be touch-and-go with the mark. I did not do well in one assignment which kind of puts a dent in things. I have to wait and see about my mark on my final assignment and that will be a while. Fortunately, because of COVID-19, the university has agreed to let us retake our courses (if necessary) free of charge. But I really hope I don't need to do that. I don't care if I pass with 50%, I just want to pass! Wait and see.

    Funny thing is, about 2 weeks after I finished the bad assignment, my work installed software on my work computer that would have been a huge help with it! Oh well, I guess if I do have to do that course again, I've got the software now.

    So now that I'm finished these courses, I have about a month till the next semester starts.

    I had not thought beyond the exam so when I finished, I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself. After about an hour, I decided to go for a walk.

    Tomorrow I'm back at work ... I worked Wednesday but took Thursday off for the exam, and back at work again tomorrow (Friday). But then I've got a weekend ... a whole entire weekend with no work and no university! What on earth am I going to do???

    Walked 5.35 km in 1 hour.



    My Tasmania in Winter 2020 photo album: https://www.flickr.com/photos/machka-bb/albums/72157714538003193

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,369 Member
    edited June 2020
    Well, Lisa , trust you to pick just about the most fattening dish on the earth! I have never made gnocchi. Too much work. Nor alfredo. Far too calorific and, I would think, very 'moreish', as my mother would say. :D I have made meatballs though. :D If you ever fish the gnocchi out of the freezer, you can cook them from frozen, and serve with just a bit of pesto and parmesan cheese. Crispy bacon?
    I'm a very lazy cook. I would never attempt to cook gnocchi and meatballs from scratch together, or perhaps you bought the meatballs.? In Italy gnocchi are a starter, before the meat or fish, and usually served on their own with just butter and parmesan. I would have loved to come over and taste them. Well done you! I would serve meatballs with homemade tomato sauce over spaghetti with parmesan. I would serve alfredo sauce with tagliatelle on it's own. All three dishes at once is a LOT of work. :bigsmile: DH always insists on a green vegetable, but I prefer a green salad with any one of those three. So basically you cooked three separate dishes in one go. :p:D No wonder you were knackered!
    One of my favourite things is homemade meatballs, but I rarely do it because it's a lot of work. Plus the frying takes ages and it is messy.

    Tonight we are having salmon baked with cherry tomatoes and lemon. Served with half a packet of ready cooked wheatberries, freekeh, red rice, quinoa. (You just put it in the microwave) To cheer that up I'm sauteing a zucchini, onion, garlic, cherry tomatoes, peas and mixing it all together with the grains with olive oil. Ten minutes work max. Told you I was lazy! Normally I get all my prep done in the early afternoon, because I'm not in the mood at 6 pm. Today I was soooooo tired I went to bed for a nap! Now I've got to get my rowing done. :| I'll be watching the Big Bake Off, The Professionals. Oh my word! Professional pastry chefs and all their show stoppers! Extraordinary. I'm not tempted to emulate them.

    Lots of love, Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited June 2020
    Heather: Congrats on writing difficult material for your memoir! :flowerforyou:

    Barbie & Lisa: DH wanted an instant pot and bought one in 2017. He has enjoyed it. He seems to use it most in the fall & uses it for soups and stews. He made a delicious lentil stew with it for a Super Bowl dinner the first year we had it. We have also cooked beef and turkey in it. Our neighbor, Joe, bought one just before DH bought his. Both devices are primarily used by the men in the house. I prefer to cook roasts and stews in cast iron. :star:

    Machka: Congrats on completing your courses!!! :bigsmile:

    There was no new bean leaf damage this morning. I hope it marks the beginning of a good bean crop for our use. I’m planning to tuck in a few bean seeds near the most damaged plants. :bigsmile:

    We had a zoom call from our daughter yesterday and we were able to see their farm animals. They're raising turkeys this year and have had some predation by foxes. They're trying to work out a fox proof pen for their turkeys. I hope they succeed. My daughter seemed relaxed and happy. I am delighted. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi Gals,

    Lisa – loving to hear about the cooking… I tried to make gnocchi once and did something wrong, I put them in the boiling water to cook and EVERY one broke apart or dissolved I had a huge pot of watery potato soup…. Grr!

    In reading your post and Heather’s I have learned that you can buy meatballs…. Doesn’t really surprise me but I have never looked for them. Homemade meatballs is part of making spaghetti sauce (marinara sauce) my mom (and I) make the sauce up and sit it on the back of the stove on low and about 3-4 hours in the raw meatballs (little ones, about 1 inch in diameter) are put in to simmer for 4-6 more hours before serving at dinner time. No frying needed. I have made and fried them, but only done a few not the 2-3 pounds I do with marinara.

    Meatballs have come up in other discussions recently too they are sounding good.

    Machka - Isn’t interesting how much a change like taking the test at home has so many impacts.

    Kim from N. California
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited June 2020
    Machka - well done for finishing, and I have a feeling you'll be on a bike this weekend if you can. :)

    Kim/Heather - The meatballs were left over from some Corey made earlier, yes - they freeze wonderfully. He combines ground beef and italian sausage plus the usual suspects, bread crumbs, spices, a little milk, an egg, and then pops them on a cookie sheet into the oven. Much easier than messing with frying them on the stove top. Then he makes the marinara separately. I had just seen your way yesterday on America's Test Kitchen, Kim, where the raw meatballs go in the marinara in a dutch oven, then into the oven for four hours or so - and they were about the size of a snooker ball when they went in the sauce, and quite a bit smaller when finished. Don't they make the marinara greasy?

    But, with last night's dinner, the meatballs were to comfort my husband, who believes if you haven't had chicken, pork or beef, you haven't had dinner. I can very, very occasionally get him to eat fish, but he grew up on it (South Alaska) and isn't too happy about cooking it or eating it at home - he will eat catfish when we're out, but only deep fried. Fish is quite expensive at the grocery store here, and you can only get it frozen or thawed from frozen. The hazard of living right in the middle of an immense country. Anyway, when I told him I was making mushroom and gnocchi with alfredo, he asked for the meatballs to be added. :p

    Having some gut issues this morning. It's just vaguely possible that even the small amount I ate (plus tasting while cooking) triggered both my lactose intolerance and my inability to deal with high fat, as my gall bladder was evicted about 12 years ago now. Not fun, but passed now, hopefully.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in AR
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,659 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Oh gals you are working on my vocabulary today – first “moreish” means you want to eat more of that food and now snooker – what the ell is a snooker? It’s a ball about 2.7 inches in diameter…. I did not look up what you do with the ball.

    So my sauce has no oil/grease/fat added until the meatballs and they are made of ground (mince) beef the 90% lean, onion, bread crumb and egg. So as they cook in the sauce they add a little bit but it seems to be the right balance. My balls are about 1 inch in diameter going and only very slightly smaller at the end. I think the higher fat meat would add to shrinkage.

    Kim from N. California
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Got hubby y my meals laid out.

    His is Vegan hotdogs. 🍞 bread,vegan brand of hotdogs,ketchup,Dijon mustard,relish,y onions 🧅

    Mine is soup for dinner
    Chicken stock,can of turkey chili, carrots 🥕 y onions 🧅,can of corn with its juices
    A hardy meal It’s my thing I like it.

    Lettuce with tuna salad
    I make lots of different tuna y chicken salad recipe this is different than the last one.
    Onion 🧅, carrots 🥕, red grapes 🍇,cherry tomatoes 🍅, 3packs or 1 family size can tuna,light mayo 35cal mix place in top of mixed lettuce 3cups.

    Corn on cob lightly coated with garlic butter (I get a single pack of the garlic butter with my pizza order used it in 4 pieces of corn so 1/8 butter per 1/2cob).

    A pitcher of Crystal light type lemonade y tea added to 1/2 cup water so I get plenty to drink without using my whole drink budget up. Added lemon juice to it.

    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Diet watching but less exercise hurt back when picking up JR again. Nothing new. Waiting on Dads test results for the growth on his rib.

    Amber Tx