

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Good afternoon ladies
    So Jean said that Faith sprained her ankle falling,so we iced it and kept it elevated and she went out and bought a ace bandage.
    She wrapped that and from now on we will have to sit in room with her for 8 hrs and make sure she doesnt get up .. so it will be one on one..i told Jean that i think it might be time to get a hospital bed for her.. and if its going to be 24 /7 they are going to have to change things up a bit..
    All i know is im exhausted from being there all weekend..
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Carol- I got a 12 hard boiled egg 🥚 cooker that plugs🔌 in copper pot brand it self shuts off quick y I can put it out of reach it’s tiny but packs a punch. The IP brand hubby bought doesn’t let me choose a cook time it’s only preset so cook up jasmine rice comes out soggy..only a white y brown rice setting not compatible with my jasmine rice to Cous Cous. It doesn’t have enough room for a big hunk of meats. I find it lacking can’t pop it open to add seasoning or check it .Keep in mind a man bought this not a woman so he did his best doesn’t know what we look for in our appliances. It is good for cooking corn in or steaming veggies that you want to be soggy. My cousins insta pot does better than mine. I gave up on it. I cook my potatoes in the airfryer y microwave depending if it’s a baked potatoes or cut up.
    I got soup pots so usually use them for my soups.

    Amber Tx

    Covid- Beginning learning how to care for our families was important to know where we are. Now we know how to properly clean it all y where to get masks or make them. Now it’s just the norm don’t think anymore it’s second nature to wipe down y wash laundry 🧺 y pop a mask on to go out.

    Relaxing with JR had a good baby soak for eczema now resting.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,826 Member
    Okie- no i am not insured and i am working for Faith as the other caregiver is free and clear..
    I have a feeling that something will happen where a professional will come in..be ith Hospice or Dr or something..
    Jean said oh she can still get on her knees and get up ,but for a 86 yr old person that has no muscle strength in her legs ahe is bound to fall,and twice in 2 days even with me standing right there..good luck having physical therapy come in i think the damage is done already..
    They used to be able to leave for an hour or so..not now..
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Karen: I can’t imagine going through any harassment from the police. I’ve never been in a situation that was troubling. The police behavior you described in your comments was outrageous, to put it mildly. Was this recent?

    (((Allie))) I hope you are able to get some rest. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • Anniesquats100
    Anniesquats100 Posts: 3,121 Member
    I had a short walk with less leg pain, yay! This time it felt like normal muscle tiredness, so much better than the weird shooting pains. The only thing different was maybe more hydration. I really need to do this walking. My cardio system is so sluggish from staying home all day and being so sedentary.
    Annie in Delaware
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited June 2020
    Suzi - I agree, with you about in it for the long haul. I think that the “stay home when unwell” is the number one thing we need to do. Unfortunately so many cannot afford to stay home when sick. Employers expect people to work through colds and flus and I think that is where the governments need to step in and legislate some parameters. I remember being sick and expected to go in so many times in my last 20 years.

    I agree. It's pretty good here. I know at my work they've had signs up for years telling us that if we're sick we need to go home. But if we're sick more than a day or two, eyebrows are raised.

    So with the increase in intensity and duration of the flus in recent years, my work colleagues and I will take a day or two off when the symptoms are really bad, then we'll drag ourselves into work for a few days where we sneeze and cough all over everything and are largely unproductive, then we have to take another couple days off because we've made ourselves worse ... and on and on for about 2 months each winter. I've come to dread mid-July to mid-September.

    I'm hoping that now, if we're sick we'll be told to go home for 14 days. Maybe do some work from home if we can, but not come into the office. And maybe we'll just be sick for those 14 days instead of 2 months.

    Regarding chairs ... as I mentioned, we've got a set similar to the ones you have, and I like them.
    But I sat in one like this in an outdoor cafe just before the shutdown and loved it! So I'd like to get a couple of them. Unfortunately, the store chain that advertises them is "out of stock" in our local area.


    Getting used to things being "out of stock" is another side-effect of the C19 situation. We're an island and our borders are closed. They are allowing some stock to be delivered but a lot of things are "out of stock" and we have to make do with what they've got ... or just be patient and wait until such time as when stock might arrive.

    M in Oz
  • ginnytez
    ginnytez Posts: 1,361 Member
    Have home office nearly set up completely. Decided to order a relatively cheap console table to put work files on. After I got computers arranged yesterday afternoon, discovered top plug for the outlet wasn't working, but bottom one was. I do not do electricity, but that didn't seem safe to me. Called one of our good friends (he showed me how to tile kitchen backsplash). He came over. I admit I was nervous about having someone in house who has teenaged kids (triplets no less!). He looked at my mask and said "Oh, I don't have one." I have disposables and gave him one--told him that's just how I'm handling things and he said no problem. Replaced outlet for me. I know replacing a receptacle is easy, but it just scares me, so that is one job I will always call for help. It was good to see him and visit for a bit. He had heart surgery right before the shutdowns started but has recovered very quickly (a strange valve thing-otherwise his heart is excellent, no need for any medications).

    Worked on getting all work stuff out of dining area and put a bunch of stuff away and then got lazy>

    Karen-the kitchen storage shelf you showed--I had a wood two tiered lazy susan type thing put in the corner of the bottom cabinet when I had kitchen redone. It holds crock pots, iron skillets, and other such things. It may be one of the best organization ideas I have ever had. My kitchen is not overly large and it greatly added valuable storage space.

    Nothing very exciting here. One cat has taken to catching rabbits and bringing them into garage. Last night she brought home her 4th in the past week. I don't like her killing them, but not sure how to stop her.

    Outdoor chairs--I bought some of the canvas collapsable types to have on hand to use outside for company and to have something to take with me to events. Have a smallish paver patio but really don't want to mess with a full table setup out there.

    Off to bed. Work tomorrow in new office set up. Hope it works as well as I think it will.

    Take care all,

    Ginny in Ohio
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did a Leslie Sansone Walk and Kick DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Michelle Dozois Pure Strength DVD.

    Oh, I had a box of these M&M ice cream cookies that I wanted to have for when Steve is here because I know he likes them. So I had them in the freezer. Now Vince knew that I was saving them, I knew, yet I saw them out of the big freezer into the refrigerator freezer and one eaten. Jess must have. She didn’t finish her dinner last night, she has it in the refrigerator. I feel so so bad for her. Vince mentioned something about the pool yesterday, that he was surprised she didn’t go in it. She said she didn’t have a bathing suit. I know what she means is that she doesn’t have a bathing suit that fits her. She has the day off from work today. I mentioned to her yesterday that maybe we should go thru the boxes since she has the day off. I got a “ahhh…no. The more you ask me the more I’m inclined not to do it”. I’m going to ask Vince to mention that he has some video tapes she needs to go thru and since she has the day off from work, this might be a good time to do it and see what he says. Update: he didn't

    M – the reason I got the Coppertone sunscreen is because I need to be careful that the sunscreen doesn’t contain coconut oil. I know, I think it is, Banana Boat does. Not sure about the Nutrogena. I just stopped looking at the ingredients once I found the Coppertone. See, the greasy feel doesn’t bother me at all.

    Loumarberts – welcome back

    Tracey – lovely chairs. One thing…I hope this doesn’t happen to you. We have a set of chairs like yours. Well, actually we have two sets. Now one set, and please don’t ask me to explain this, the seats are “wearing thru” with the sun. They’re still sturdy to sit in, they just don’t look great. Now the other set of chairs is no problem. They must be made by the same manufacturer since they match and we got both sets at Lowe’s Hardware. I don’t know if you can see very well in this picture how the seat is wearing away.

    Yea Lisa!

    I tried freezing some tofu that I had and now I’m making brownies for Jess. Instead of water, I’ll use milk. And instead of the oil I’ll use tofu. If she says that they taste “different”, I’ll just tell her that it must be the milk instead of the water. I just won’t conveniently mention the tofu in them. Update: I don’t care for the consistency that the frozen tofu gives them. You can still taste small pieces although you can’t see them. Well, actually, tofu takes on the flavor. What can I say it is? Update: I added mini-chocolate chips so any change in consistency will be due to the chips. But there goes the health benefit. I know that she wants to lose weight, but until she’s really committed it’s not going to happen. It’s just sad to see it.

    I think Jess is still mad at us because we didn’t feel comfortable with Colby staying an extra week. Why Vince wasn’t honest and tell her that he wasn’t comfortable with another week is beyond me. From what he said “a few things have to change” of course Jess thought “as long as we make those changes, daddy is OK with it”. I knew he wasn’t and he told me so. But he didn’t tell Jess. The other day he talked to her but knowing Vince who doesn’t like to admit that he was wrong probably didn’t convey to Jess that he never was comfortable with it. He just let me be the bad guy. And that’s continuing

    SuziQ – I thought FL was in phase 3. I know the Y down in Titusville is open.

    KJ – so glad you received the money. You deserve it. Congrats on the group home! So happy for you

    Allie – so sorry you found Faith like that. Do you think having a baby monitor would help? If she fell, would she call you? Please take care of yourself lifting Faith. I really don’t want you to hurt your back

    Personally, I really don’t care if the c-19 stuff is in a spoiler or not. Many times I just read the first line and just skip the rest. Sometimes I don’t even read the first line. I, too, am tired of all this c-19 talk all the time. There are other things in life. I like that we discuss other things here. So I just ignore those things if I’m not in the mood to hear any more about c-19

    M – do you have anyone, maybe a neighbor, who can stay with/help you dh?

    Beth – what good news the sonogram came out stable

    Amber, Amber, Amber – if I could find an IP at a good price, I’d grab it for the condo. And you just put yours away. I love mine, and will probably use it even more in the winter when you really can’t grill as well.

    Carol – I’ve never made a cheesecake in my IP, but I’ve made yogurt many times. What I do is I have two of the sealing rings, one for things like soup with cabbage in it, barbecue short ribs, things that have a strong odor. Then I have another for things like my yogurt. Oh, yes, hard boiled eggs are da bomb, they peel so easily, even real fresh eggs. When I first heard this I thought to myself “yea, right” but they do!!!!

    Michele NC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    ! forgot the picture!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,736 Member
    No workout, working on the house
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    M – the reason I got the Coppertone sunscreen is because I need to be careful that the sunscreen doesn’t contain coconut oil. I know, I think it is, Banana Boat does. Not sure about the Nutrogena. I just stopped looking at the ingredients once I found the Coppertone. See, the greasy feel doesn’t bother me at all.

    Michele NC

    I found my skin broke out (pimples) and I would get wicked heat rash, or something that looked like heat rash, when I used the greasy sunscreens. Plus, as with all lotions I can feel on my skin, about a minute after having them on, I want to wash them off.

    So when I moved to Australia, I knew I needed to get something that would work. and the Neutrogena Dry Touch was perfect! No more break outs, no more rashes, no more urge to wash it off. Within seconds after putting it on, my skin feels nice and dry.

    I've also found that Natio is pretty good ... not quite as dry as the Neutrogena, but close.

    My husband uses Cancer Council and I will if I haven't got my Neutrogena or Natio with me. It's OK, not too greasy, but I prefer the others.

    I don't think any of them have coconut oil.

    M in Oz

  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    Michele- I’ll probably buy a better IP later on mine was the type when they were just coming out has little to offer. Mines terrible they don’t even sell this model anymore (could be because it was an exspensive flawed version of the better ones). Mine was a real disappointment! My brand they discontinued like I said probably a sign had no way to adjust the cooking time.If it burns at 6minutes you can’t open it or adjust down to 5minutes it’s useless. Mine is useless like that. It has 1 soup button but hit it cheese soups turn to hardened cheese . I tried different button to lessen the time but same outcome. It works okay on my mushroom soup tho, but not cheese soups or tortilla soups . I just got a bad one tried everything to make it work time to toss in the towel. Bought it at Sam’s Club. Aroma brand first model that came out hubby bought it stores it surprised me way later so was not returnable. The new ones same company has a more button y features wish mine had those feature! Only had a few buttons mainly for rice 🍚. White rice,brown rice,soup, Steam. The cookbook to it doesn’t have much info for cooking varieties at all.

    If I get a new one some day this is the one I want it can open while cooking!! Mine cannot. Lots of buttons for variety plus can adjust settings makes yogurt! Comes with a meat accessory. Can adjust the pressure to time. Mine has 1 temperature that’s it. Mine does have the keep warm feature at least. You can cook cheesy items since it can open during cooking you can stir! Mine doesn’t it locks until the only few buttons for time are finished so no stirring or checking it just pray it’s okay..usually isn’t. Everyone was getting theirs so excited I didn’t announce I got one too because mine was a disappointment . None that Ive seen looks like mine at all. Got us through JRs worst phase tho no one wanted 2nds of anything from it...especially not hubby he’d choke it down tho if I said tossing it at first ,now he tosses the rice for me. As you can see I’m not the only one with the exact same complaints as me with these couple models they made..seem to be still selling in Amazon. Was the first models rice maker with extra IP settings. Mine locks I struggle to unlock it always. One of these days it will lock for good.
    Amber Tx
  • JRsLateInLifeMom
    JRsLateInLifeMom Posts: 2,275 Member
    edited June 2020
    I also have issues can’t use the blender he bought.It leaks at the bottom so before it’s done mixing half’s on the floor.Not sure why. The drink blender you fill up then turn upside down onto the blender... that is just dumping it out or picking up a heavy blender upside down to screw it on . Then struggle to turn upside down unscrew. He falls for product hypes doesn’t check online reviews. More exspensive does not always mean better.

    Amber Tx

    Don’t worry got a mini $5 food processor I use it a lot y a hand mixer they do the job this blender won’t.

    This is why hubby lets me purchase my own kitchen appliances now unless it’s a fridge he’s great at that. I chose my stove wall y counter top one love them dearly! I want a new blender tho the one we got was during the diet drink crazes! He buys pots y pans their always good ones that last.
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited June 2020
    Katla49 wrote: »
    Karen: I can’t imagine going through any harassment from the police. I’ve never been in a situation that was troubling. The police behavior you described in your comments was outrageous, to put it mildly. Was this recent?

    (((Allie))) I hope you are able to get some rest. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    The blogger (Cynthia Franks) is an award-winning playwright and children's television writer. In 2011 she moved back to Michigan after living in New York City for 15 years. Her dad had a leg amputated due to complications from diabetes and she moved back to be near him. The police stopped her 5 times that year, mistaking her poodle Merlin, whose silhouette they could see in the car, for a black man. The stops were bogus. The police in Michigan that stopped said they were stopping her for impeding traffic, which she wasn't doing. They never issued her a ticket. They saw an Afro (poodle) silhouette and were spoiling for trouble. That's what happened. It should outrage everyone.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,815 Member
    Michele - How long have you had those chairs? I figure if they last a couple of years it will have been worth it.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    It's a funny time of year here ... early winter.

    A few of our roses are still blooming. The camellias are well in bud but haven't started flowering yet (they are a winter flow). And we've got a daffodil blooming!



    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    A reminder ... especially 2 and 12.


    Also, we do have a Group if you feel the need to vent, rant or post divisive (point 12 in the Community Guidelines) topics.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Welcome to the newcomers here. Please feel free to join into the conversations wherever you feel comfortable. Tell us a bit about yourselves. :)


    And for everyone here ...

    Contextual Identity is something we covered in one of my courses recently. Contextual identity is who you are in different situations ... like wife, employee, etc.

    So tell us in a few words that would describe YOU in different contexts.

    I'll start ... to give you an idea what I mean ...

    Machka is a ...


    M in Oz