
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    BETH agree with you. It’s great to get to know everyone and their thoughts and beliefs help to understand them I often learn something new and it can give a different perspective on things.

    Welcome newbies
    I am
    Proud woman
    Knitter and sewer
    Animal lover except slugs
    Enough already 😀

    Looking at the list and knowing I could add more reminds me of my my main fault (enthusiasms which I adopt for a while then jump to something else and back again) I like to think this helps keep my body and brain active 😀 maybe kidding myself

    I have stuck at my marriage (55 years on Friday) so not all bad

    Shops here reopened yesterday lots of queues, not for me at the moment

    Stay safe

    Kate UK ❤️
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Heather, France was not much better than UK in terms of COVID reaction.

    @Machka i did talk to psychiatrist who prescribed it (told her i used it 2 days and results) and she's the one who said it wasn't worth it for me in regards to results. Maybe incorrectly, but what can you do?

    @ChrissyChickie I got invisalign as an adult and it's not bad. I really recommend finding someone word of mouth and an orthodontists. All dentists can do invisalign after a very short training. I think you can find out online if they have done a certain amount of cases (less than 10 per year). It works best for straightening front teeth. Changing the overall arch is very iffy. for example if one has a major overbite it can be worked on a little but not totally like when young, (though some testimonies say the opposite). But straightening out the front teeth is rather quick and there is even a "short version" just for the front teeth. you have to wear a retainer sometimes (or inside wire) for life at night because teeth go back to snaggly little by little.

    I didn't really like it but it was manageable, and i like the results. it was worth it for me.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @Barbara, you win the prize for maximum number of spoilers in 1 post! 6 spoilers!
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,788 Member
    Contextual identity: I could easily have doubled my list, but was conscious of the ‘....in a few words.’ 😂 (No false modesty in my makeup!!! 😂)
    I think most of us don’t give ourselves credit for all our diverse abilities. It’s good for us to stop and focus on all the things we do without realising how awesome we actually are.

    Keep on being your wonderful self!!!
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited June 2020
    It seems like spoilers are used in many ways.
    -many post cute personal photos and funny stories photos in spoilers, but others post photos in main post
    Some post statistics, (calories, exercise,etc), but others put the statistics in main posts.
    some put sensitive info in spoilers (heart wrenching stories) and others in main posts
    Some put thoughts on covid in spoilers and others in main posts.
    Some put rants and vents in spoilers and others in main posts....
    Some cite their previous posts in spoilers and others in main posts...

    I find covid just part of what we are experiencing. In a few years it'll be something else.

    I get it that some (many?) people feel bored by some posts and disturbed by others and want help from the posters, in avoiding having to read the upsetting or boring.

    It doesn't make any difference to me whether it's in spoilers or not. I figure most readers don't read all, skim and that most who do will read all will read most spoilers. i wonder if the spoiler feature doesn't make it more compelling : "oh something hidden, to discover!" I'm more of the mind that the poster can choose how to use the spoiler or not, (creative tool) but that point of view may not be shared by all.

    I guess if it's become official collective rule it could appear in the DAY 1 first welcoming post.
    Something like in this thread the rule is that we post all covid-related, x, y and z type posts in spoilers.

    That way it's clear for all!
    What do you think?
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    spikeyhair wrote: »
    I have stuck at my marriage (55 years on Friday) so not all bad

    Kate UK ❤️

    Happy Anniversary!

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited June 2020
    @beth and @Terri that looks very tongue and cheek putting only the word
    in a spoiler as part of a sentence! I agree, with those of you who wrote that people are very good at scrolling past.

    I teach students about "how to skim an article". Internet is skimming territory par excellence.
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I am a(n)
    sometimes meditater
    plant waterer
    sometimes writer

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    Contextual identity: I could easily have doubled my list, but was conscious of the ‘....in a few words.’ 😂 (No false modesty in my makeup!!! 😂)
    I think most of us don’t give ourselves credit for all our diverse abilities. It’s good for us to stop and focus on all the things we do without realising how awesome we actually are.

    Keep on being your wonderful self!!!

    Nicely put and definitely something to think about! :) I wonder how many things I could actually list.

    I'm enjoying these long lists. :heart:

    M in Oz
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,788 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Contextual identity: I could easily have doubled my list, but was conscious of the ‘....in a few words.’ 😂 (No false modesty in my makeup!!! 😂)
    I think most of us don’t give ourselves credit for all our diverse abilities. It’s good for us to stop and focus on all the things we do without realising how awesome we actually are.

    Keep on being your wonderful self!!!

    Nicely put and definitely something to think about! :)I wonder how many things I could actually list.

    I'm enjoying these long lists. :heart:

    M in Oz

    I would imagine that, for most of us, once we started, the list would just keep growing! 😂
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    edited June 2020
    Tuesday - Cold, rainy, windy day. Nice to be at home and not out waiting for a bus.
    • Zoom meeting with my husband's brain injury peer group.
    • Work.
    • Brisk walk on the treadmill with Zwift.
    • And now ... grocery shopping from the comfort of my chair and whatever's next on my list.

    The Zoom meeting was interesting because they arranged to have a nutritionist talk about nutrition for the brain.

    Brisk Walk:
    Distance: 6.36km
    Moving Time: 1:09:38
    Elapsed Time: 1:10:33
    Pace: 10:57/km
    Calories: 214


    Not sure if I'm working on a kidney stone or two these days. Almost feels like it ...

    Machka in Oz


    2020 Goals

    It is difficult to make goals because I'm not sure what's going to happen one day to the next. I plan, God laughs ... or something like that. The last couple years have been a lesson in patience and flexibility and giving up a lot of what I would like to do in the interests of what needs to be done.

    However, I do have some goals I'd like to accomplish, if possible ...

    How to Set SMART Goals for 2020
    SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Timely.

    Interestingly, he talks about 7 significant areas ...

    Financial Goals: Start saving for retirement, get out of debt, or use a monthly zero-based budget.
    Spiritual Goals: Pick up a new devotional, start a daily journal, or plug in to a group at your church.
    Fitness Goals: Hit the gym more often, take the stairs, and remember to eat your veggies.
    Educational Goals: Go back to finish your degree, get your MBA, or read a good book every month.
    Family Goals: Plan one-on-one dates with your kids, have a standing date night with your spouse, or make it a point to call your mom and dad on Sunday nights.
    Career Goals: Work toward a promotion or raise, learn something new about your line of work, or polish up and send out resumés if you’re looking for a new career path.
    Social Goals: Say yes when someone invites you out to lunch or a social gathering—or, for some of us, say no more often.

    I've modified this slightly ...

    Organisation/Financial Goals -- Getting our taxes done and other paperwork in order.

    Spiritual Goals -- I'd like to start attending church a bit more regularly. I'll also include relaxation and recreation in here. Down time. I get very little of that at the moment and need more. For me that might be sleep and photography. :)

    Fitness Goals -- Exercise, Eating, Sleeping -- Working up to running 5 km at least a couple times a month. Working up to cycling 50 km at least once a month.

    Educational Goals -- Uni! I would like to finish my Master's degree in 2020.

    Family/Medical Goals -- Husband -- Never-ending stream of medical appointments + projects with 2 or 3 different organisations. And me! A goal is to get me into healthy shape again!

    Career Goals -- One of the main things my area is planning to work on is streamlining the processes a bit. Meanwhile I need to learn a lot more SQL and as much about what 2 different people I work/worked with did. I'm also on the board of two organisations now. Both interest me a lot, but I'm also hoping that taking on leadership roles might help advance my career a little.

    Social Goals -- Cycling Club. I've made a detailed list of what I need to do, which helps.
    -- My Personal Website -- I have started working on this. I'd post it here, but not sure if I can: machka . net This has a social aspect in that we go to Wordpress meetings now and then.

    'Organisation/Financial Goals -- Getting our taxes done and other paperwork in order.'

    "My Love List" ... about getting affairs in order ...

    Also, from a USA perspective: https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/getting-your-affairs-order

    And from an Australian perspective: https://www.agedcare101.com.au/aged-care/get-set/“putting-your-affairs-order” and https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/life-events-and-you/life-events/money-musts-before-you-die and https://yourlifeassist.com.au/information-assistance/put-your-affairs-in-order/

    Just a little bit of background ... in March 2018 I was suddenly thrown into the position of not knowing if my husband was going to live or die when he had a workplace accident which resulted in a severe traumatic brain injury, and if he lived, not knowing whether he'd ever return to a place where he could recognise what was going on around him and be able to talk, make decisions, etc.

    When I was with my first husband, I handled everything ... but I didn't mind a bit when my current husband handled everything. It was a break for me. Until all of a sudden I didn't know what bills needed to be paid, or how to pay them ... and I discovered I didn't have access to all the accounts ... and that if he died without a will, I could potentially lose half of our money to his previous family ...

    I spent weeks digging through files on his computers and paper files, and going to banks, and ringing banks etc. etc. trying to put it all together.

    I kept thinking ... "they never mention this on TV murder mystery shows when someone dies. Usually the surviving family appears mildly upset and then seems to carry on with their lives. They don't show the surviving wife weeping over a file box because she can't find information and is coming close to having the power turned off or losing the house because the rent isn't paid."

    So, now that my husband can participate again (not 100% but better than expected), we are working on getting things in order. And I worry about what would happen to him if I passed away.

    Make things easier on yourselves by ...

    -- making sure all affairs are in order. 2 names on all accounts, enduring power of attorney, bills, wills, taxes, paperwork, whatever it takes.

    -- making sure you're fit and healthy. Being fit and healthy improves the odds. Also could you actually support and lower your partner to the ground, should he/she collapse? Do you know first aid?

    -- making sure your house well set up. Are there stairs? Tight corners? Difficult showers?

    -- having a look at options around you. What would you do for groceries? What if you couldn't drive? If you have never used public transportation, try it now while you're still able. What about things like doctor's offices? Hospitals? All the stuff you use? Is it scattered around and difficult to get to or quite convenient?

    --making sure you've got resources. Do you have people who can offer assistance? Knowledge of who to call if you've got problems with the house? Do you know about services in your area which can help?

    Also some tips to spring clean your computer!


    With bushfire season right around the corner, Red Cross has their Preparing for emergencies site:

  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,578 Member
    Good morning!

    Pip - I wonder if that swarm will move on their own or is that a hollow tree of some type where they can set up housekeeping. What a thrill! Better than the bald faced hornets we have gotten here in past years that make the huge paper nests. I haven't seen any this year - they can be fierce to people but are so good in keeping other nasty insects at bay, so we normally just leave them alone unless they are too close for comfort.

    SuziQ - OK, now I have to put Florida on my bucket list to get a feel for your growing season. Our tomatoes around here might be coming on by July if we get a good run of warmer weather. I bought a bunch of celery a month or so ago, intending to use some and then plant the cut end like Rita does. Well, that little bugger decided to hide in my crisper so when I ran across him, too late.

    That reminds me, one of the nurseries in town has lemongrass plants - need to pick one up.

    Do any of you remember the book "Following Atticus" by Tom Ryan that we talked about in this group a year or so ago? (Briefly - it's a memoir, Tom gets a little mini schnauzer - Atticus - and they take hikes up to many peaks in New Hampshire. I'm re-reading it.) Tom now has a blog if anyone is interested: Tomryan.substack.com. Atticus has since passed. Tom had many health problems - stroke, heart attack to name a few. So he has new dogs and is back walking and has completely changed his diet to vegan and is regaining his health. I really like his writing style.

    Have a great day! <3

    SW WA State
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,444 Member
    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Karma pooped on my head this morning, the immediate reaction after I got snarky about son's excuse for not coming down to help. :) My husband keeps our knives razor sharp, and I sliced off part of the pad on my middle finger, (of course!) while I was cleaning the cleaver. :) I wear gloves with most things I do outside anyway... but it's going to be interesting to see how much it stings when my hands start sweating on the elliptical!

    I may have to name my next cat Karma, and then we'll have Karma and Egg. Don't know why that appeals to me, but it does.

    Years and years ago I cut the pad almost entirely off my left index finger while making a salad. We didn't eat that salad ... and I've still got the scar. My fingerprint definitely changed! It also took ages for the feeling to come back to that part of my finger.

    I hope yours heals quickly.

    Karma and Egg does have a certain ring to it.

    On a completely different topic ... but sort of vaguely related ... here in Tassie one of the bays not too far away is called Eggs and Bacon Bay ... :grin:


    LisaInAR wrote: »
    Machka - hope it's not a kidney stone.

    Me too. About a decade ago I had one large one surgically removed and I've had several small ones since. But I've been having flank pain, particularly on the left side.

    LisaInAR wrote: »
    So the question is out there for everyone that wants to answer... in terms of housework and domestic work in general, what's the one appliance you just can't live without?

    The dishwasher, I think. I didn't get my first dishwasher until 2013. We had just returned from our round the world trip and were house sitting for my supervisor ... and she had a dishwasher. I hadn't realised till then how wonderful they were! We don't use enough dishes to run ours every day ... probably every other day. But it's great to just load the thing and the kitchen looks clean. :)

    I would also have to say vacuum is very important now as we currently have w-w carpeting throughout most of this house. Ideally, I'd have hardwood and the vacuum would be less important.

    I have a washer which is pretty important too, however if it came to it I could use a laundromat. But I don't have a dryer ... I've hung my clothes for years.

    A self-cleaning shower would be nice. :)

    Machka in Oz
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    Good morning!

    Pip - I wonder if that swarm will move on their own or is that a hollow tree of some type where they can set up housekeeping. What a thrill! Better than the bald faced hornets we have gotten here in past years that make the huge paper nests. I haven't seen any this year - they can be fierce to people but are so good in keeping other nasty insects at bay, so we normally just leave them alone unless they are too close for comfort.

    Have a great day! <3

    SW WA State

    they are not in a hollow tree. i can't leave them alone, we're selling the house, gotta have them relocated