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  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    edited June 2022
    cmsienk wrote: »

    Taking off for London now. Those track balls came in. (You thought I was kidding, didn't you.) When I leave London at the end of the week, I'll have extra space in my luggage. What should I bring back with me?

    Damn @cmsienk we gotta stop meeting like this 😭🤣
    Everything you can fit from the hotel of course. Notice I didn't just mention hotel room. No thats amateur hour. I talking anything not glued down around the hotel itself too...

    I used to tan easily when I was a kid. Why is it now I just burn then it peels and I'm pale white again?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Might you have Irish skin like me and have to use 100 SPF and a hat? Maybe you should live underground and avoid the sun altogether?

    Why did my last answer post so late after many other posts?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,081 Member
    There are gremlins in cyber space and they have fun holding back posts on the internet, electronic pays, emails to relatives etc etc so they can laugh at humans getting upset by their posts not being posted, their letter at relatives not arriving, their pay not being in their account....

    Nice day here, I should be in my garden doing some weeding - but such a boring tedious task. How can I make it more fun and/or speed it up?
  • sandejones
    sandejones Posts: 1,840 Member
    edited June 2022
    I have read this suggestion on another site so the answer really isn't mine. Do you know anyone in prison? Can you get them to call you and loudly tell you to stay out of the garden and not dig it whatso ever. That is where the bodies or millions are buried. The police/ FBI will arrive and do all the work for you. Or failing that if you don't know anyone. Let it turn back into nature. Tell everyone your saving the planet but encouraging bees.

    I've recently had an operation on my mouth . All teeth had to be taken out.
    I am so over eating only soups and eggs but soft food for the next three months. . What else can I do to encourage my appetite ?

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    (My buddy had all the teeth in his jaw removed a couple years ago. With few exceptions, he's able to eat today everything he used to before, so hang in there.)

    You think you asked just a single question, when really you asked two: How can I encourage my hands to put food into my mouth, and once there how can I encourage my mouth to swallow it? I'll let somebody else answer the first question, but for the second part, the answer is simple: hot sauce. I'm not talking about simple Tabasco; we're talking industrial strength, military-grade hot sauce, where ghost peppers are merely the appetizer. The hotter the food, the less time it'll spend in your mouth, as you won't be able to swallow it fast enough!

    Now, somebody else answer the first half of @sandejones question: How can she encourage her hands to place boring, unappetizing food into her mouth?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    I saw a video of someone using a large rubber band to strap a cookie to their nose as they ate a salad. Maybe it's all about tricking the senses? Or if she means that they need that satisfaction of the crunch in their mouth maybe pop rocks would be a close sensation to that? I mean I guess it's worth the try.

    Why does it seem like things always go wrong at once? It's never just "oh my air fryer died" it's "oh great my air fryer died, my oven temp gauge stopped working, and my dishwasher started leaking". Sometimes it truly feels like a Truman Show situation, where things are being controlled to make me go crazy!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    (LOVE the Truman Show!)

    You are experiencing the real-life equivalent to a thorough workout. When you exercise you typically don't just work a single muscle, but multiple, either at once or in close-timed sequence. Net result is your entire body becomes stronger. So when multiple life events happen together, it's the world giving you a different type of workout, where you get the chance to improve your patience, resiliency, checkbook discipline, time discipline, vocabulary and more, all at the same time! Rejoice in these moments, because you will come out the other side stronger and better prepared to enjoy life! (Either that or you'll be broke and broken, but we take that same risk at the gym, and it doesn't stop us from going there now, does it?)

    So often when you hire a contractor to come to your house, or visit a doctor's office, you have to wait for them to be ready to help you, and that's on top of the days/weeks you had to wait for an appointment to open up. Yet when the bill comes in the mail, they expect immediate payment. If I have to wait for them, I figure they should have to wait for me. How long is appropriate to delay payment if I had to, for example, wait 3 weeks for an appointment and then sat in the waiting room for 90 minutes?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    What if instead of having to delay payment to them but also before you pay them you were to make up your own invoice for having to work around their schedule? I mean it seems only fair. Then your bill to them would essentially be deducted for your bill and everyone wins, right? Genius idea if you ask me!

    Why do some men who body build wear super tight shirts? I've never understood this. I mean they work hard for their muscles and perhaps want to show them off, that I get. But the super tight shirts look terribly uncomfortable... that's all I see when I see them, a walking case of claustrophobia. It always looks like if they drop something they might split their shirt picking it up.
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited June 2022
    It's not their fault. They cannot find shirts to accommodate their rippling muscles. I hadn't realized it until you pointed it out, but this poor group of humans is being discriminated against by the clothing industry, and we need to rectify this immediately. I'll start working on the first benefit fundraiser; perhaps one of you would like to organize the million muscles march on the capitol.

    The coffee here is horrendous. What's a good substitute morning drink? So far I've tried orange juice and water, but neither one is a good coffee replacement.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    Have you heard how wine improves in taste simply by sitting around for a while, with some of the best wines in the world having been bottled decades ago? Did you know the same principle applies to coffee? Your mistake is trying to drink the coffee immediately after it's brewed. Sometimes you can get away with this; other times, you must let the coffee breathe and age a little to enhance the flavor. I recommend brewing the coffee the night before, let it sit overnight, and then when you drink it in the morning it should be better. If this is not an option because the coffee is brewed by the hotel itself, not in your room, then consider making it Irish Coffee by adding a bit of whiskey before you chug.

    Walking by the break room, I noticed a commercial on the television advertising breakfast items. I immediately could smell the food, taste the food, wanted the food, simply because I saw the food. How is this possible, since the food is obviously not here?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited June 2022
    Ooh, I'm so jealous; your company obviously invested in a Smell-O-Vision system!
    What is Smell-O-Vision?
    Smell-O-Vision was the first “serious attempt” to incorporate smells into films… The creators were Mike Todd Jr and Hans Laube, the system allowed to activate smells at certain moments in the film.

    Its creators thought that there could be nothing more realistic than being able to remember Hollywood stars by the smell of their perfume or deodorant. Bringing smell into cinemas opened up a world of new possibilities for moviegoers. The smell-o-vision system was first shown to the public at the New York World’s Fair in 1939.hhfyxlcflkzn.jpg

    I'm contemplating drinking Irish Coffee before tomorrow morning's 6am meeting (and the ramifications of that). Why do they call it Irish Coffee?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,440 Member
    Little known fact: contrary to popular opinion, coffee actually originated in Ireland. The drink was produced by filtering Irish whiskey through the ground coffee. Irish sailors used to take some of their plants on their ships when out at sea. They left some of these plants in Ethiopia once when they had too large a load of goods to transport back to Ireland. The local Ethiopians cultivated these plants so they could make their own coffee drinks. Since they had no Irish whiskey, they resorted to filtering the ground beans with water, which resulted in a drink that was not as good but better than nothing (side note: this is the origin of the expression "watered down"). Through trial and error, they learned that hot water worked better than cold water, or ice.

    During the Irish potato famine of 1845, the same fungus that destroyed the potatoes also destroyed all the coffee plants. Over time, the idea that coffee originated in Ethiopia grew widespread - hence the name coffea arabica. Eventually, coffee found it's way back to Ireland, from Ethiopia, but due to changes in the DNA of coffee, you could no longer get good results filtering with whiskey. But the Irish, ever a proud people, would add a shot of whiskey to their coffee (now brewed with water), as a nod to the true origin of the drink. Now you know.

    Is it true that you can learn a foreign language by eating the food of that culture?
    • learn Gaelic by drinking Irish coffee and eating Haggis
    • learn French by eating escargot
    • learn German by eating sauerkraut
    • learn Chinese by eating cha siu bao

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    I don't know about eating food imparting language ability, but I can testify that the last time I overindulged drinking imported beer, I was speaking in tongues which nobody else could understand. My friends said it was gibberish, but I'm pretty sure it was a combination of Dutch, German and Spanish, based upon the selection of drinks I'd tasted during the course of that evening.

    In 23+ years of working in/with the military, I've met a large number of people born in foreign countries who told me that learning English as a second/third language was hard. Why not learn English first, wouldn't that be easier?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,440 Member
    I'm sorry, I don't understand the question. I know 23 languages, but English is not one of them.

    Who knows English and can answer that question?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    To be fair... "to be fair", I learned English as my first language and not to brag I'm pretty okay at it but that didn't help me learn Spanish or German in HS & it didn't even help with ASL in college. So maybe English is the problem. Maybe we need a new language. Some would argue a universal language but we gotta be realistic that would never happen.

    Why only when I am washing dishes, painting, or doing anything were I cannot use my fingers freely does my nose itch?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    You're not looking at this situation in a positive light. You see only inconvenience; what you should be seeing is opportunity! This is the perfect time to practice your physical ambidexterity. No, I'm not talking about use right and left hands equally well; I'm talking use hands and FEET equally well! When your hands are occupied, odds are your feet have nothing better to do than hang around waiting for instructions, so put those suckers to work. You have five toes per foot; that should be more than sufficient to scratch an itch. And don't tell me how you're not flexible enough; babies routinely move their feet up to their mouths all the time. You're a big girl; are you going to suggest there's something a baby can do which you cannot?

    Last night, my son found a video online which he thought would be a good idea for the family to recreate: stand in a circle, take a drink of water but do not swallow, then slap each other across the face with giant tortillas. Last person to still have the water in their mouth (no swallowing/spitting) wins. (True story.) Now, I'm not going to ask my first thought (who thinks of these things?), but instead ask a much more relevant question: WHO THE BLAZES THINKS OF THESE THINGS?!?!?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,319 Member
    edited June 2022
    Before I answer your question, I have what I think is an even better question (or two) to ask: did you do it? If so, is there video evidence you'd care to share?

    Now, as to who thinks of these things, the answer is quite obvious. It's the government. While you all are distracted with tortilla slapping and various challenges (ice bucket, cinnamon, etc.), they're off doing who knows what with your hard earned tax dollars. (Wait - is that too close to the truth to qualify here?)

    I have four different clients who all want to book me for the 3rd week in July? What's so special about July 16-22 and why can't they spread that work around to the rest of the month?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    (Editor's note: yes, I did participate, because my son doesn't often try to involve the entire family in anything team-building, and I wanted to support him. My wife took video, but I can neither confirm nor deny her intentions about uploading said video for distant family to observe, or whether my daughter has vowed to disavow her mother if said video does leave this home.)

    There's nothing inherently special about the third week of July; this activity could just as easily have been scheduled for the second week of August, or the fourth week of February. What's happening is you are being secretly recruited by space aliens who need your particular set of skills to solve a problem on their home world. (I'm a regular reader of their blog, I know these things.) But before they approach you directly with a job offer, they want to see how well you perform under stress. Thus they have been beaming hypnotic suggestions to your clients to all schedule their work at the same time, to test your ability to multitask and remain calm. If you perform all your work to their satisfaction, the aliens will no doubt approach you soon after with their own job request. (We will know you accepted the job if you suddenly stop posting after July 23.) Good luck!

    Today is the 20th anniversary of the day my wife and I exchanged our vows. We are perfectly suited for each other: I can pry open her stuck jars/bottles, she reminds me where I left the keys. Is taking the day off from work to binge watch tv with her showing enough romance, or should I be doing something more to commemorate this day?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Don't forget to watch sports together and bbq ... nothing says romance like watching guys slap each other on the bum, crowds screaming and eating overcooked hamburgers.

    (You'd better come up with something more romantic if you want another 20 "Happy" years!)
    Just an idea...propose again and plan on renewing your vows, she'll LOVE that! ☺️💕

    Why is this year's weather so off? It's either freezing and snow or flipping 100* outside! 🥶🥵

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,747 Member
    Been a while since I took high school science, but it seems to me that's how weather normally works. I wouldn't start worrying until it was freezing snow AND 100 degrees at the same time. That's when you hide in your basement.

    (Editor's note: we went to the carnival, rode rides, played games, ate candy, acted like teenagers as we relived one of our first dates together.)

    Speaking of hiding in your basement when things go wrong, what is it with horror movie stars making all the wrong decisions all the time? Walking alone towards the creepy sounds; running upstairs to a room with no exit but back towards the monster; basically ignoring every lick of common sense. Haven't these horror movie stars ever actually SEEN a horror movie?