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Wrong answers ONLY!



  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    One does not choose how many dogs to have, dogs choose them and only psychos (or people with legit allergies/phobias) say no to a puppy.

    Everyday this week starting Sun night I have thought it was the day ahead so Sun Evening= Monday Evening, Mon = Tues, Tues = Wed and Wed, today, I have caught myself twice now thinking it's Thurs. Why does this happen sometimes? And once it affects one day how come my brain won't self calibrate to fix the issue?
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 30,269 Member
    edited May 2022
    The problem is that too many days end with a 'Y'. The UN is currently drafting legislation to ban use of the English words for the days of the week, and start using another language. Problem is that many of the other major languages also use words for days of the week that all end in the same letter, so that wouldn't fix much by selecting them. So there will probably be a committee set-up to select the language to use. We can expect a decision by around the year 2745.

    Why does it take democratic governments so long to do something to fix a problem, and then when they do something, it often just screws up other things that were already working just fine?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    Because they fail to do the one thing which would solve all decision making permanently: ask my teenage daughter. She is the smartest person on the planet, she knows EVERYTHING; just ask her, she'll tell you how often I'm wrong on any subject under the sun. If the governments simply asked her, she'd be able to tell them an answer in two seconds, and life would be perfect across the globe.

    Speaking of my teenage daughter, she's my youngest, and she just finished middle school and will begin high school in the fall. All too soon, all my kids will be grown and moved away, leaving just my wife and I together. What is the best way to adapt to a world suddenly gone quiet, where food placed in the fridge doesn't disappear overnight, and we actually have money in our wallets?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Because they fail to do the one thing which would solve all decision making permanently: ask my teenage daughter. She is the smartest person on the planet, she knows EVERYTHING; just ask her, she'll tell you how often I'm wrong on any subject under the sun. If the governments simply asked her, she'd be able to tell them an answer in two seconds, and life would be perfect across the globe.

    Speaking of my teenage daughter, she's my youngest, and she just finished middle school and will begin high school in the fall. All too soon, all my kids will be grown and moved away, leaving just my wife and I together. What is the best way to adapt to a world suddenly gone quiet, where food placed in the fridge doesn't disappear overnight, and we actually have money in our wallets?

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    I have bad news for you nossmf - children moving out doesn't always mean they stay out - you just get used to being empty nesters when one of them has change in circumstances and I might move back in with you for a while, Mum :*
    they also find ways to drain your wallet from afar - can you help me buy x, loan me money for y, then they have children so you want to spend money on your grandchildren....

    oops this isnt even a wrong answer, its what really happened ;)

    I have Covid, my husband just had Covid - we are getting bored in isolation.

    What can we do to pass the time quicker?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Since you're both exposed to one another and all alone with no one to disturb you 😉 Hubba hubba😉😉. Oh yeah ..wrong answers only 🙃
    Pass the time by finding a hobby to enjoy together like knitting or playing hide'n' seek!
    if you don't think my plan A is your thing anymore, you can definitely make it so your husband can't find you! 😝

    My new husband and I are perfectly matched except for one thing... He likes spending money and I'm sort of a Tight Wad, cheapskate, penny pincher, (I'm just frugal ok??!!) This seems to be the only issue we butt heads on. How might we find a middle ground when we are both very stubborn people and refuse to give in?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    oh FFF you made me laugh :D:D

    Reminds me of a few years ago when we had a long electrical outage and DH made a similar suggestion to you.

    Umm I dont think so buddy, our electrical shutters are stuck in fully open position and our neighbours across the road are having carport party by car light- I'm sure they don't want full on view of their middle aged neighbours engaging in 'no electricity required' activity :oB)
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,562 Member
    He suggested learning to knit?? 😆

    My new husband and I are perfectly matched except for one thing... He likes spending money and I'm sort of a Tight Wad, cheapskate, penny pincher, (I'm just frugal ok??!!) This seems to be the only issue we butt heads on. How might we find a middle ground when we are both very stubborn people and refuse to give in?

    Tell him you are saving for a super secret surprise for him. Don’t tell him what it is or when he’s going to get it. He’ll spend less frequently (let’s be honest it won’t stop) and it should bring you to the middle ground you are looking for. Make sure you tuck that extra away. 😉. Alternatively you can just distract him with Plan A all the time. Then he won’t have time to spend!

    I have to attend a conference today but didn’t have the best sleep. What tips do you have for staying awake while seated in a meeting space all day? It’s a hybrid model so the room is constantly on camera to those participating remotely.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    During military basic training, we were perpetually short of sleep, working hard physically, so the few times they had us sit down to listen to a lecture it was a challenge to stay awake. We developed the practice of elbowing our neighbor in the ribs, hard, at random intervals. Either the pain kept you awake, or the anticipation of it, plus the hope to be able to be the one to deliver it to a dozing partner. (True story, but not socially acceptable, so up to you to decide if this fits the criteria of "wrong answer".)

    Why is it when my car gets rained upon, it's sometimes MORE dirty after the rain than before?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Purple rain.

    The dumbest person I know is my neighbor. He watered his small front lawn for about 6 hours Sunday. Weatherman said 30% chance of rain Sunday night, 40% chance Monday, 90% chance Monday night. It started raining Sunday night and rained almost constantly through Wednesday night. Flood warnings in several parts of the state—not our city or county.
    This is not unusual behavior for him, just the latest.
    Who is the dumbest person you know? Explain.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    Before I answer your question, have you considered your neighbor was simply guaranteeing the rain to fall? When my wife wants it to rain at our house, my son washes his car, which is a guaranteed way to ensure it rains on his nicely waxed car. Watering his lawn may be your neighbor's version of the same logic. And since it worked, was he really making a poor decision after all?

    Now, you ask who is the dumbest person I know. According to Webster's, a person who is dumb cannot speak. So the dumbest person I know is my coworker's infant daughter. The entire time meeting her, she didn't say a single word. Not one.

    My favorite candy is Reese's Pieces. I can go months without eating it, not even think about it, but then one day I'll get a random craving and BAM, I consume three helpings at once. Why is that?
  • MagpieFlame
    MagpieFlame Posts: 20 Member
    edited May 2022
    @nossmf I LOVE Reese's Pieces. I think the "three helpings at once" thing is because they are delicious, and tiny--so over-indulging on them can sneak up on you. Also, because the peanut-buttery part makes you thirsty, but the candy-shell part stimulates saliva-production, so it's more "comfortable" for your mouth to eat more than it is to stop eating them. So if you wanna break the cycle, drink water while you're eating them, and then pop in some gum. As for why you can go months without eating them, it's because your brain thinks they JUST taste like peanut butter, and you're like, "I know what peanut butter tastes like, I don't need Reese's Pieces," and you forget how much you like them. (Actually, that all sounds pretty plausible, so I'm not sure if that really qualifies as "wrong answers only.)

    My question is: The state flower of Maine is a pinecone. A freakin' pinecone. And Maryland has an official state cat--which is the calico, because "it looks like the Maryland state flag, in cat form." What are some other ridiculous Official State Whatevers?
  • s1im62
    s1im62 Posts: 30,269 Member
    Reese's Pieces is actually a required nutrient for many of us whose genetic code was modified when we saw the movie "E.T." for the first time. So you can't go entirely without it. The best thing to do is get one of those dog food dispensers, and fill it with Reese's Pieces that get dispensed at a reasonable rate. That way your body gets the necessary nutrient and eases the craving, and you don't pig out when your body gets desperate.

    There is entirely too much food shown in TV and movies, that makes us fitness people want to overeat, or eat the wrong things. I'm working on some new A.I. image filtering and modification glasses that will change the food scenes to something disgusting so you won't want to eat anything for several hours afterwards. I'm looking for other marketing opportunities that can be pursued with minor modifications to the software. What other things need to be filtered out to help us live better and happier lives?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    Goodie! I get a two-for-one questions to answer!
    What are some other ridiculous Official State Whatevers?

    How about Delaware proclaiming itself the Official First State to Ratify the Constitution? What's up with that? Is it a race? Did you win a prize for being first? This hyper-competitive nature just serves to divide the country into two factions: those who insist on being first, and those who actually understand what the word "ratify" means. Can't we all just get along? Shouldn't all the states which ratified the Constitution get a participation trophy and go home to have ice cream without bragging they are somehow better than all the others? Shame, shame.
    s1im62 wrote: »
    What other things need to be filtered out to help us live better and happier lives?

    My first two thoughts were to filter out politicians and social media, but that's too obvious an answer. So now I'm thinking I could use a filter in my dreams. Before bed I select the filter version I want for that night, and presto, every dream that night will have one of two results: either the dream passes the filter, or else you see nothing but a big red X with a clock counting down the seconds for the current dream to end and the next to begin. Possible filter settings may include:

    Must include chocolate
    Must NOT include Christmas music
    No math tests, unless the teacher is Mr/Mrs (fill in name here)


    The Golden Rule teaches to treat others as you would have them treat you. Sounds like a way to be good. Meanwhile, the Bible teaches "the love of money is the root of all evil." But if gold is money, and money is evil, then the golden rule is evil. (Morality can be so confusing.) What other sayings seem like good advice on the surface, but are actually very confusing or even mean the opposite when you dig deeper?
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member

    "A stitch in time saves nine" is very confusing when you don't do any sewing

    "look before you leap" is very confusing if you don't do any leaping

    "Kill 2 birds with one stone" is very confusing - why would you want to kill any birds??

    "Its a piece of cake" is very confusing when the thing is obviously not a cake, piece or otherwise

    "to spill the beans' is very confusing - why would you want to spill anything, beans or anything else?

    'to let the cat out of the bag" is very confusing - why would a cat be in a bag in the first place?

    "to break the ice" is very confusing - why would you want to be breaking up ice at a party? and doesnt ice already come in cube size pieces anyway?

    Can you tell paperpudding is getting bored in covid isolation?? :D
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    That's because you didn't listen and engage in my plan A!
    Just sayin'! 🤷🏼‍♀️😋

    Why is it so hard to forgive and not hold a grudge? I really struggle with this and feel guilt as well as condemnation as I've always heard that one must forgive to be forgiven. Are there exceptions to this rule and are there people who just aren't worthy of forgiveness? I know what God would say and expects, however I just have no forgiveness in my heart for a few. 😞
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    Contrary to popular belief, grudges are not about whether or not you have forgiven somebody; it's about whether or not you remember the incident. All these infomercials advertising products to enhance memory have really caused a society where we remember the least insults. If we didn't remember the insult, we'd have no reason to hold a grudge in the first place. So the lesson here is that you need to learn the proper methods of forgetting. There are a few out there, such as drinking or hitting your head repeatedly against a wall, but I prefer using the high school method. Honestly, how much of what you learned in high school do you remember to this day? For most people, precious little. So the next time some memory bubbles to the surface, causing you to start to feel grudging towards another, try to recall a few lessons from your least favorite high school class. Perhaps you can try to recite your multiplication tables, or list the periodic table of elements in order, or break down a billboard advertisement into its component nouns, verbs, adverbs, etc. Soon you'll become frustrated enough to throw your hands into the air and move on, all while having forgotten what it was you had remembered to become angry about!

    My wife and I are going to see a movie tonight, which is a sequel of a movie made thirty-six years ago. With few exceptions, most sequels are not as good as the original, while a third movie typically is back to being good. Why is that?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    edited May 2022
    Because you shouldn't mess with what's already a good thing. Especially remaking it with sub par actors who really just insult the originals with their attempts to live up to the original cast and performance.
    Like Dumb & Dumberer... you can't fill the shoes of such talented actors like Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels (??) I think that's right 🤔🤪

    Am I the only one who really loves all Tom Cruise movies and Angelina Jolie movies but really don't care for the real people they are, only who they portray to be in their films?
    Also, how is it that I've never seen nor was ever interested in watching Top Gun in the 80s or ever for that matter?

  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,356 Member
    edited May 2022
    Yes, you are the only one. Everyone else in the world hates their movies but loves the people they are. Also, I can only guess that although you love all Tom Cruise movies, you didn't realize he was in Top Gun... otherwise you would've run to the theater to see it.

    I was going to stop at the grocery store on my way home from the airport yesterday, but when I was about a mile away, it started raining really hard. There was no way I was getting out of the car in that downpour, so I skipped the grocery store and went home.Now, I"ll have to stop on my way home from work today. You'd think I would just keep an umbrella in my car, right? Why do I never seem to have an umbrella when I need one?
  • BeYourBestSelfDeb
    BeYourBestSelfDeb Posts: 64 Member
    Avocado Smoothy

    If you love that; what is your favorite cuisine?