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Wrong answers ONLY!



  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    @cmsienk, common sense might have told me, had I used it, that @generic_excuse was answering @corinasue1143's question and not yours.
    But to add to Cat's answer, I I would suggest taking a ton of old Beatles vinyl records. I bet the Brits aren't aware of this group so popular in the United States in the '60s. You could probably sell those records at a very handsome profit, The money which you could then spend seeing all the sites of London.

    Who else has some ideas for @cmsienk?

    I think if you will be driving while in London, you should definitely take a boatload of signs that say “keep right”. You are a guest in their country. A good host country would go out of their way to make you feel comfortable. Feel free to demand it.
    It's certainly only a matter of opinion, but whose opinion matters the most? In my experience, it's my opinion that matters the most, because I'm always right and never wrong. I thought I made a mistake once in the last century, but I was mistaken in thinking that. Not sure whether that should or shouldn't count as having been wrong once.

    Speaking of experience, as the philosopher/comedian Steven Wright has observed:
    “Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.”

    What can we do to rectify this problem?

    Move to the international date line. Any time you make a mistake, yell “do-over”, step across the line, do it again with the wisdom gained by experience.

    While trying to eat within my macro and nutritional goals, I usually come near most of them, but ALWAYS go over on fat. What should I do?

  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,087 Member
    well paperpudding's question of how much stupidity we should tolerate on the internet didnt get answered either - but I think indirectly it did in self evident form :D:D

    Re experience - reading is the key to understanding - and now we have google and the big wide web, if you refine your search sufficiently you could read up on any situation and have the understanding of how to deal with it beforehand
    If you are still not sure you could practice via those reality games things - there must be one whereby you can set your own scenario and role play against aliens or sims families or suchlike.
    Pretend your Mother-in-law is an alien and role play how to deal with unwanted visitors!!

    (apologies MIL's -in fact I am one myself ;) )

    How does one deal with unwanted visitors? The sort that drop in and just stay and stay.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    While trying to eat within my macro and nutritional goals, I usually come near most of them, but ALWAYS go over on fat. What should I do?

    Raise your standards. You must be setting your fat goals too low if you keep going over. Figure out what your average has been the last two weeks, add 10%, and that's your new goal. Once you reach that higher number, add another 10% and keep going.
    How does one deal with unwanted visitors? The sort that drop in and just stay and stay.

    I've been asking myself this question for the past 21 years. (On a completely unrelated note, my son is now 21 years old, can you believe that?) Usually, I've just spent more time at work to earn money to pay for all the food and other consumables used up by my visitors. I figure eventually I'll come home from work and discover my house is empty, and then I can stop spending so much time at work.


    How is it we had two pages' of responses to this thread this weekend, while some weeks there may be a single response all week?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    Our social lives are just so busy, especially during the pandemic. And we are all so busy preparing for our social lives. You know, hair, makeup, shopping for perfect clothes, going out to movies, stores. We just don’t have time.

    Will we ever dress up for work again? Or have we gotten so used to working in pajamas that we’ll never recover?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    It's not the people who wear pajamas who need to be concerned. My daughter's worn pajamas to school for years now. It's the people who prefer to sleep au naturel who should be worried, because then they run the risk of experiencing the real-life version of the naked-school-dream everybody remembers. Though in some cases, it'd be hard to tell who would be more traumatized: the naked coworker, or all the poor souls who have to SEE the naked coworker who may never recover.

    Different societies have different ideas of beauty. In one, being overweight is a sign of a lazy glutton; in another, the fat person is respected for having the wealth to afford indulging. A century ago, women's swimsuits covered the body neck to ankle; today.... If YOU could decide for the world one single standard of beauty, what would you recommend?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Kindness and compassion
    What's more beautiful than that?

    Oops... I meant that the standard should be that we all should make ourselves perfect and please others even if it takes some plastic surgery to accomplish that perfection.

    Why is society so judgemental on our looks rather than focusing on who we are on the inside?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    Because those stupid X-ray glasses sold from the back cover of magazines don't bloody work, that's why! (Not that I've actually tried those magazine X-ray glasses. I mean, what possible use could a normal, red-blooded male have for such a thing anyway? Am I right?)

    Have you ever purchased something based on a recommendation, then were disappointed with the actual results?
  • Cat0703a
    Cat0703a Posts: 17,562 Member
    Yes, a diet program. I paid a lot and only my wallet came out lighter in the end.

    I interviewed two terrific candidates today either of which would be great team members. HR says I can only choose one. How do I decide?
  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    The better looking one of course! 😋

    Isn't it silly, the world today how sometimes our experience and expertise are no longer enough and some companies do focus on appearance and youth and will hire based on those traits rather than someone who should be chosen but maybe a bit older or not as attractive?

    If you were a CEO of a large company whose employees deal with the public daily would you rather hire someone who is very attractive, but dumber than a doornail, or someone very experienced, intelligent and professional, but maybe in their fifties and somewhat Nerdy?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,452 Member
    edited June 2022
    beat me to it....
    Cat0703a wrote: »
    I interviewed two terrific candidates today either of which would be great team members. HR says I can only choose one. How do I decide?
    You don't need to decide. You just need to put them together in a "combat arena" (you can devise your own if the Roman Coliseum isn't available). Tell them they must battle one another, with nerf bats, not to the death, but until one is bloody and ready to surrender. This way, you'll know who most wants to join your team.

    If you were a CEO of a large company whose employees deal with the public daily would you rather hire someone who is very attractive, but dumber than a doornail, or someone very experienced, intelligent and professional, but maybe in their fifties and somewhat Nerdy?
    As a CEO, it is always best to hire the person who is dumber than a doornail, or dumber. Otherwise, you risk the danger of that person vying for your own position. How humiliating would it be to hire someone who is better at your job than you are? No, no... much safer to hire the doornob/doornail.
    I am sick with a cold. I've tried several remedies:
    • held my breath for 2 minutes
    • drank a glass of water while standing on my head
    • had several people scare me half out of my wits
    • ate two pints of Haagen Dazs ice cream, and I'm about to eat a third
    So far, none of these home remedies has done any good, although I must say, I think it's too soon to abandon the ice cream treatment. Is there some other cure that I should be trying?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,356 Member
    edited June 2022
    You don't need to cure your cold - you just need to catch the hiccups. Then try those first three "cures" again; you'll be so pleased when one of them works. Keep eating the ice cream though. It won't hurt either your cold or your hiccups.

    My client has asked me to procure four track balls to bring to London, so now I have to hope my Amazon order is delivered when they say it will be (first thing tomorrow morning). My real dilemma is I'm not sure I'll have room in my luggage for everything. Should I plan on bringing a second small bag, or should I try to pare down what I'm bringing? (I could leave behind my workout clothes or tennis shoes.) Thoughts? Suggestions?
  • frankwbrown
    frankwbrown Posts: 12,452 Member
    edited June 2022
    If I'm not mistaken, London has a warm sunny climate, much like many areas of the Mediterranean. So the first thing you can do is ditch any rain parka or umbrella you were intending to bring. Secondly, due to the stable moderate temperature, you only need one light summer outfit, or possibly a second outfit just for a change. Alternatively, don't bring any extra clothes at all, and buy them once you arrive. Since you won't be returning with the track balls, you'll have plenty of room in your luggage.

    I'm trying to catch the hiccups. Are they contagious? Is there a trick to catching them when you're all by yourself?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    Hiccups are caused when a muscle in the chest called the diaphragm begins to twitch uncontrollably, often caused by a jolt to the stomach cavity or sudden intake of air due to being frightened. This leads to two obvious methods:
    • Give yourself the Heimlich maneuver by walking into the corner of the kitchen counter, or...
    • Scare yourself silly. The easiest method is to look at your bank account statement to see what the balance of your checking account reads. (At least it works for me... YMMV.)
    Speaking of checking accounts, they got that name from people being able to write physical checks to cash against it. The days of using actual checks is almost over, yet the account itself remains. What should we rename this account to be more hip with the modern economic system?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    I think we should keep it checking account on the premise I have to apparently keep checking it to make sure the bank employees aren't screwing up. Had a $500+ charge taken out twice due to an employee entering a the wrong acct number in (hitting a 2 instead of a 5) and most recently Ive had charges of mine not coming out until weeks later. Might as well go back to keeping a register book at this point so I know what really going on in my acct.

    I think I've been calling my neighbor by the wrong name. We get along pretty well and have talked a few times but my oldest just informed me I have been calling her by the wrong name. Then he backed tracked and said maybe her name was the one I've been calling her and he's wrong. My first thought was to never have another interaction with this person ever again but that seems unrealistic. What is the best way to figure out this poor ladies name without further embarrassing myself?
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,787 Member
    Situations like this are why God created Google. Cyberstalking isn't just for thieves and criminals; it's original purpose was for innocent folks who just need a memory jog about names of neighbors, that one song from your favorite rock band, and who is the current President. (Am I the only one who's unsure?) Just remember that Google sometimes doesn't take into account what year it is, and you may discover your neighbor is named Bruce, only to realize belatedly that Bruce moved away 50 years ago when your female neighbor reacts strangely to being called by that name.

    Tomorrow is my birthday. I've become bored with the traditional ways of celebrating (hosting a pizza party, drinking myself into oblivion, rearranging my sock drawer). What are some innovative ways to commemorate turning 45?
  • corinasue1143
    corinasue1143 Posts: 7,467 Member
    edited June 2022
    Call her Ralph. When she corrects you, you’ll know. She’ll also know you’re crazy.

    I need my lawn mowed. I can’t do it. I asked the man mowing my neighbors yard how much he would charge. He said $90 for the front yard only. I figure that’s 10 minutes work. Is that too high? How can I get it done cheaper?

  • FabulousFantasticFifty
    FabulousFantasticFifty Posts: 195,832 Member
    Daaang... What is he a lawn surgeon?!! I think you're better off hiring a real surgeon to take care of those cosmetic flaws you've been debating about...Two birds! 🐦🐦👍

    It's June and freezing outside! The cold, grey weather makes me feel lazy and almost lethargic! What can I do to counteract the grey sky blues and get my booty active during these cold dreery days?
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,356 Member
    edited June 2022
    nossmf wrote: »
    Tomorrow is my birthday. I've become bored with the traditional ways of celebrating (hosting a pizza party, drinking myself into oblivion, rearranging my sock drawer). What are some innovative ways to commemorate turning 45?
    Looks like we skipped over you - and on your almost birthday. I suggest 45 marathons in 45 days to celebrate your 45th. Think how buff you'll be after.
    It's June and freezing outside! The cold, grey weather makes me feel lazy and almost lethargic! What can I do to counteract the grey sky blues and get my booty active during these cold dreery days?
    Please see above 👆

    Taking off for London now. Those track balls came in. (You thought I was kidding, didn't you.)
    When I leave London at the end of the week, I'll have extra space in my luggage. What should I bring back with me?
  • Generic_Excuse
    Generic_Excuse Posts: 607 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Tomorrow is my birthday. I've become bored with the traditional ways of celebrating (hosting a pizza party, drinking myself into oblivion, rearranging my sock drawer). What are some innovative ways to commemorate turning 45?

    Well let's see there's backpacking across the Bad Lands, sailing up/down the Mississippi, paragliding the Sedona Red Rocks, check out one of the deadliest places on Earth like Snake Island, go wandering/missing in a National Park, get abducted by aliens... I mean really the possibilities are endless. Happy Birthday Early 🥳
    It's June and freezing outside! The cold, grey weather makes me feel lazy and almost lethargic! What can I do to counteract the grey sky blues and get my booty active during these cold dreery days?

    Put all the caffeine you have in all the forms (soda, chocolate, coffee, supplements, energy drinks, etc) into a blinder. Mix it all together and no more drowsy, infact you might be up for days even! Think of everything you'll get done. [If this were a commercial this is where that voice comes up and speaks super quickly and slides death in a possible side effect.]
  • cmsienk
    cmsienk Posts: 18,356 Member
    edited June 2022
    Beat you by this much...🤏

    So... taking off for London now. Those track balls came in. (You thought I was kidding, didn't you.)
    When I leave London at the end of the week, I'll have extra space in my luggage (because I am not bringing those track balls back with me). What should I bring back instead?