

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,026 Member
    Help! I woke up this morning with vertigo!! I have had it before and tried the Epley maneuver and that really intensified the dizziness and made me extremely sick! I laid in bed this morning until the spinning stopped and I am moving very gingerly! I think I know what the trigger for it is. I went on a long bike ride the day before yesterday and my ears were extremely cold from the wind. Then last night I had ringing in my ear. It’s my left ear. Hopefully it will go away!! Any tips would be appreciated!

    <3 Sarah

    You might have a look at this website: https://vestibular.org/understanding-vestibular-disorder

    That's where I went first to find out more about my husband's issues.

    Also, you might see if there is someone in your area who specialises in vestibular disorder. It is best to get a proper diagnosis and be treated by someone who knows what they are looking for and doing. I've been so impressed by my husband's physiotherapist. She has taken all sorts of training, in addition to basic physiotherapy, in vestibular disorders.

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,026 Member
    What I do know that many don't realize is that the virus laced droplets do not turn corners. If someone coughs away from you, they won't reverse and hunt you down as many fear. Also from what I learned from a neurologist is that coronaviruses mainly spread by hand. It is more important to sanitize your hands when entering a store and when you leave than it is wearing a mask. I wear one too get along and make others feel at ease, but when I see 2 out of 10 sanitizing their hands entering and leaving a grocery store, I have no doubt why the virus is spreading. I avoid any place that doesn't offer hand sanitizer. The mask may slow the virus but hand sanitizing by everyone will stop it.

    Also if someone infected coughs in your face and you are not wearing glasses or goggles, but wearing a mask over nose and mouth, then your eyes will absorb it. I make my own super sanitizer from Everclear and clear aloe vera. I mix a 10 to 1 ratio. 1/10 aloe and 9/10 Everclear. I bought some witch hazel which is great for wiping the face. I am not sure a hasty hand washing kills the virus, so rub soap for several minutes before rinsing. Out East in the state for awhile helping an old friend install handrails and other safety guards.

    Faye - wishing all a great day or night.
    Be safe ladies, the world needs us.

    Tasmania's Ongoing Advice ... happily it also helps prevent flu! :)


  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Rebecca It is interesting how many other problems can trigger inner ear problems. The liver can really play heck with other organs and can cause endolymph surges. Old age can also cause endolymph surges and imbalance as our inner ear balance mechanisms deteriorate. Your hubs sound like a tough guy that has been through a lot. If vertigo and vomiting ever return, once he can get to bed have him lay elevated at 35-40 degrees with his head looking up at the ceiling and hold it still and apply a folded cold wet rag to his forehead and over his eyes and keep it refreshed for hours if necessary. It is a slice of heaven that my old neighbor a retired paramedic did for me when he saw me have a drop attack on my patio and once the vomiting stopped and my head felt like it would explode, applied this simple therapy and stayed until a friend could arrive. Another great thing I learned from him was don't go to the toilet to vomit, use a large zip lock bag wipe your mouth and put in the tissue and zip it up, once full put it in another bag like plastic grocery bag and tie it up and dispose of it. No mess no smell no big clean up like using a wastebasket. Also easy to sit up and get back down without leaving the bed. I pass these tips along in hopes of helping someone as I was helped. Enjoy that precious great-grandchild. I love holding babies and making funny sounds to make them laugh.

    Faye winding down nearing
    time for a sleepy lullaby
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Vince decided to cut the grass today since it’s so nice out and not real humid or hot. Tomorrow supposedly there is going to be rain.

    Cut the grass and used the weedwacker. I don’t know what it is, but I am soooo tired. Normally, I don’t feel this way.

    Karen – ROTF

    Sarah – a washer from a watch?????

    – I almost never use the weight machines at the gym. To me, they isolate the muscle too much. They are good for rehab, tho. The one machine I think is pretty good at the gym is the dip machine. On that you’re using multiple muscles. On the others you’re basically sitting or lying down which is why I almost never use them. I go to the gym mainly to use the equipment like the elliptical, treadmill, stationary bike. That way I don't have them at home taking up room

    Michele NC
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,026 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    Welcome Freya Clair Noland! My first newborn great grandchild.

    She is definitely the target of many masked figures, but kidnap is NOT on their minds. Really. Well, I’d consider it, but my grandson Joey and his lady, Aaliyah seem pretty attached.

    Much love to all of you!
    Sharon Near Seattle

    Congratulations!! :)
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,859 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,611 Member
    Good Wednesday,

    Stick on nip covers are awesome. I use them a lot both summer and winter. I will say a good thing about winter is that I have so many layers on that I am braless most of it (even at work) . Bra required at work in the summer 😞

    So I had a fancy grilled cheese for dinner last night. Something about that meal stole my energy and I was GRUMPY. Walking into my kitchen to find ANTS didn't help, but weren't the cause. I haven't had ants in years. Ugh. Got them before they got too far. Sprayed home defense inside and out.

    I love all the memories that are shared. Y'all are inspiring !

    No doctor appointments today. Just wait on all test results. Shoulder feels better today.

    Hugs to all!
    Encouragement for everyone's journeys!
    Smiles cause they are contagious!

    Kylia in Ohio
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Kylia I am feeling like I have missed out never trying the nip covers. Somehow I felt if had them I would go nuttier than ever, trash all my bras, and join a burlesque group.
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Tracy Your hubs does very nice work. Slabs like that are hard to season without cracking. I love working with wood especially from trees I fell and I sawed myself. My elbows got so bad I had to give it up. I still have my small shop as it was and about the time I had an interest in selling off all the tools and wood, the Chinese had to send us a virus that put the quietus on that. Those bow inserts look awesome and I once did them on purpose when using slabs for furniture. I miss the smell of wood shaving curling up from my mini plane.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,026 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    I'm trying to think of a way to celebrate my husband's 65th birthday.

    (If you want to know a little bit more about him and us, see my About Me spoiler in my first post in this thread ... page 1 I think ).

    He doesn't want to go to a restaurant but I might be able to arrange take away.

    I'm thinking of making Lava cake. One of my specialties.

    I'd kind of like to get him a gift but have no idea what. We usually celebrate these things by traveling, treating ourselves to an event, and cycling but we can't do much of that these days.

    M in Oz

    For a start, I got him a small collection of gardening books I got at a used bookstore - specifically about growing veggies and about growing veggies and things in containers. Most of his garden is a container garden. :)

    M in Oz
    I'm Machka and I am in Tasmania, Australia. :)

    Some of my favourite hobbies/sports/activities include:
    -- cycling
    -- walking
    -- hiking
    -- running
    -- reading
    -- working on my website
    -- photography

    I bake, but don't cook, sew, knit, garden, etc.

    Most of my day is spent working with health data, "attending" university (online now) working toward a Masters in IT, doing homework, and spending time with my husband (who suffered a severe traumatic brain injury 2 years ago) and new kitty, Rhody.

    My husband is not able to work anymore, so one of his main activities is gardening. He works at that at his own pace and we've got quite a lovely garden of flowers, fruit and veggies.

    This is Rhody ... an all black, 10-month old "domestic" who joined us just 3 months ago. :)


    I joined MFP in February 2015 and promptly lost 15 kg, took a 1-month break, then lost another 11 kg. By Christmas 2015, I was down to a weight I hadn't seen in quite a few years ... since my early 30s.

    In 2016, 2017 and the early part of 2018 I maintained while increasing my cycling. My sport, within cycling, is ultradistance cycling: Audax, Randonneuring, 24-hour races, etc.

    Here's me in 2016 in Brisbane, QLD a couple days after cycling a 300 km event in 18 hours including all breaks.


    In late 2017 and early 2018, my husband and I were in great shape and feeling good. We were cycling events and on our own and building up the distances in the hopes of going to France in 2019 to ride the Paris-Brest-Paris 1200 km event. We met on a Paris-Brest-Paris in 2003, and the 2019 one was going to be a bit of an anniversary trip.

    And then on March 22, 2018, my husband had a very bad accident at work ... and life changed. He was in a coma for 3 weeks and post traumatic amnesia for 7 weeks and in hospital for 100 days. Then, a year after the accident, he had a tonic clonic (grand mal) seizure which set him back. He'll never fully recover but he's doing better then they originally predicted.

    He is cycling again but gets very tired so can't cycle consistently or for long distances.

    Because cycling is something we've always done together, this means I'm not cycling the ultra long distances at this point either. In an attempt to boost my exercise we've set up a home gym, and I've got into running again. I hadn't run since I was in my late teens!

    But all the time sitting at the hospital and dealing with the aspects of care for my husband, plus working, plus attending university has taken its toll on my weight and I don't look like that picture above anymore! :open_mouth: This year I have maintained my weight but I'd really like to lose a bit.

    So that's me in a rather large nutshell. :)
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member