Stupid reasons you have been sent to HR

Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
I'll start ....

- Some days I take a 22 minute lunch instead of my full 30 minutes (oh the horror)

- 3 people reported to HR that I was sarcastically/non-enthusiastically clapping at a company meeting after being told that our company is still doing well despite Covid but that the people cut down to part time (myself included) are not going to return to full time until probably April '21


  • Yoshiboobs
    Yoshiboobs Posts: 1,090 Member
    I picked a bad pineapple a whole one time and they tried to get me written up for it. I didn't technically get sent to hr because the manager over my manager wasn't crazy.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I wasn't sent to HR but was reprimanded at one job for wearing a band t-shirt. It was 2008 and I'd worn a fitted Beatles tee underneath a short velvet blazer with trouser jeans and nice heeled boots. On Casual Friday. When others wore team jerseys, ripped jeans, and the sneakers they mowed the lawn in. Okay! :D

    I've gotta admit though I have counseled an employee for always wearing a men's XXL grey zip hoodie over her office clothing. She was a tiny girl in a front facing position and it just wasn't professional enough.
  • hawkeye45_
    hawkeye45_ Posts: 812 Member
  • ReenieHJ
    ReenieHJ Posts: 9,723 Member
    edited October 2020
    These posts have me laughing at all of you. :) Not in a mean way though. Just a SMH how do these things happen kind of a way.
    And being thankful that for 95% of my working life, I was self-employed.
  • brustmannzwei
    brustmannzwei Posts: 1,124 Member
    These things may make some people butt hurt but being sent to HR? Common, it’s not like anyone did anything that would cause the entire company to have to waste 8 hours per year taking stupid not here, not now, not ever sexual harassment and ethics training. Being required to take those really makes me salty.
  • s131951
    s131951 Posts: 3,776 Member
    s131951 wrote: »
    A few jobs ago, we were visited by a mouse. The office manager put some live traps out and a few days later we caught the visitor. I released it in a field down the street. I then put up some missing posters that Chip Chup's mother contracted humans to make as he was a good boy and didn't stay out long. I also created mouse sized posters for Chip Chup's family warning of the danger the traps posed. HR was laughing when they brought me in the following Monday, but they said a coworker thought I was insulting her as she was afraid of rodents. She cursed me out in my absence and I had thought we got along previously. I was told I should apologize, even though they disagreed that I should.

    Good stuff.

    And she wasn’t paraded in before HR to answer to her actions?

    Not at all. Friendship with the owner's wife may help.