Why do we as humans have a tendency to dislike fat people?



  • UrbanLotus
    UrbanLotus Posts: 1,163 Member
    oh and I saw the arranged marriage thing..Really???? That is like so 16th century ..me thinks this is troll thread....

    Some of you really need to get out more.

    OP - sorry you're dealing with this, I don't know if you're desi but this sounds like a typical Indian thing - don't let it get to you, some people are just idiots. Unfortunately in a straight up arranged marriage like this appearances (not just physical, but how you appear to the outside world - your education, manners, career, etc) are all that matters since there aren't really feelings involved, the family wants to show the girl off to the community. Its stupid and looking at your ticker you don't even have all that much to lose, so don't let this stupidity get to you. Lose weight for yourself if you want, and even if you are doing the arranged thing, you deserve much more than someone who is just "ok with you."
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    and it's not true that pin-ups and popular actresses in the Forties and Fifties were "chubby". They were hourglass-shaped, yes, but generally they were not fat in any way (although some of course would be considered on the heavy side in our plastic Hollywood-subjugated culture, see Marilyn Monroe at some points of her life).

    I'm going to have to object to using Marilyn as an example of heavy or chubby. She was overweight for maybe three months while filming "Some Like It Hot," and the reason for her full figure at that time was her pregnancy (she miscarried). I know that wasn't your main point, but it is such a common misconception about her. Her measurements were @36-24-34...hardly plus size.

    Also, to the OP...most people don't hate fat people. Many fat people hate themselves, and it shows. Personally, I have never been thin, not even at my lowest weight, and yet the only time I had trouble attracting male attention or making friends was when I had a really sh*tty attitude in high school. Surprise, surprise. It's all in your attitude. Work on that first, the rest will follow. :flowerforyou:
  • soldier4242
    soldier4242 Posts: 1,368 Member
    It's a cultural thing, and not a "human" thing. In previous times, chubbiness was prized. It represented wealth and fertility and the ability to endure during famine. In today's world, it is more extreme, and there is a cultural bias against people with more fat. But it is a culture thing, and not a human thing.

    However, it sounds like you have some self-worth issues to look at. It's how you feel about yourself that matters,and just from your post I get the impression you undervalue yourself. Those feelings you have about yourself may be sending out signals to others that you don't value yourself and therefore, they don't find value in you, either. Change your attitude about yourself. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
    This is the answer. Thank you for typing it out for me so that I didn't have to do it. I am feeling lazy today.
  • Anonymous199616
    Hi I haven't read all the comments and I don't hate fat people or anything but I think attractiveness wise it can be partly due to the caveman sort of days where they'd be attracted to someone healthy, so anyone malnourished or overweight wouldn't be as healthy. I know plenty of overweight people who work out and are happy being larger.
    Also don't forget about those men who pay to watch BBW s eat.