
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Michele The bowling app takes a lot of patience to figure out. I find it best to control the ball with the side controls. They are the white balls that appear after you throw the ball. You can make your ball hook either way. I started with the control where you lean the screen, but that was too crazy for me. I have also found that I get the best results if I keep my finger on the ball and follow through just like real bowling. I just bought a new ball. After some practice, you need to get into the league play to build tickets and gold pins to buy things. The starting red ball I couldn't get enough speed. I have the "Wild Thing" ball that is a bit faster, but I must place in a lot more league play to earn more points and get a faster and better control ball.

    Fae known as "The Little Nasty" on PBA bowling app
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member

    Welcome! Your goals sound very doable and I know you will meet them. Good luck1


    Do you live with your parents in order to help them out? I've been wondering why as it seems like they are determined to do their own thing regardless of your own wishes.


    I too have too high Ferritin test levels and am getting more blood work next week. As you said, it could be attributed to arthritis or because I drink too much wine or obesity. Hope it can be fixed as I have read it can lead to diabetes and liver/kidney disease.

    Carol in GA

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Hello and thank you Barbie. I'm new to posting but not to myfitnesspal. I've reached the point where I need accountability with my food and tracking. I've got a consistent workout routine and I'm thankful for that. My food is a challenge or should I say my proportions. Any helpful tips would be greatly appreciated. I'm always willing to learn and hear advice.

    About me:
    I'm 53, 5'8" and currently 185.8
    My goal is 150 (Recommended by my dr.)
    I'm from Oklahoma where comfort food is a food group. :smile:
    I LOVE beer. (no joke) But I've made a commitment to indulge just a couple times a month instead of 2 or 3 times/week. My husband has also made this commitment with me so I'm thankful we can keep each other accountable on this.
    I have learned to love exercising in the last 8 years and I'm pretty consistent with a boot camp at my gym and some kind of cardio at least 2-3 times a week. If it wasn't for this, I'd probably be 250 by now.

    I'm not looking for a quick diet just want to eat healthier and to control my proportions. I was at 160 about 3 years ago and stopped writing down my food and slowly have gained 25lbs back. Even though I'm still exercising regularly, I'm tired all the time and just do not feel good.

    So Sunday, November 8th, I made a decision (which maybe the 100th time) but it is a new day and new goal. I've reached many exercising goals and I'm putting the same mindset to tracking what I put in my mouth. I have a new goal of 150 before May 1st which is an obtainable goal for me.

    Thank you for hearing me out and please feel free to give me any of your tips.

    Happy New Goals!

    Your goals and experiences sound like me! I love beer too and know this is where my problem lies. I have changed my way of eating and lost 60 pounds initially 3 yeasts ago but have put 10 back on with stress eating and drinking. Need to drop 20 and know it’s the beer/ alcohol that is stopping me! Feel free to friend me for mutual support!

    RvRita (kevrit) 64 YO in Roswell NM
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Katla,had the flu shot..didnt think about pneumonia..but ive been feeling like this for months ,just seems to be getting worse.
    No fever,no cough,still have sense of smell and taste just very tired and cant go far without shortness of breath..
    Made a call aroun 9:45 and the Drs supposed to call will be waiting on that for awhile :|

    Allie, have you had your thyroid tested? How about sugar levels?

    RV Rita
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,219 Member
    Up to page 29, catch up later.

    RV Rita
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I seem to have a lot of stuff on my computer and it has gotten “stuffed up.” I’m in the process of dumping things that are old and unimportant. Oh well. . .
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s

    Debbie oh Angwin, Mama used to take me there to shop for my vegetarian fake meat. What a beautiful place. Hope the fire damage was minimal.

    Finally sleepy.
    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    November: better than October.
    daily: sit with Joe: 10, weigh: 10, steps>5491=5635 vits=10 log=10 CI<CO=9 CI<250<CO=6 Tumble & Shadow 5=11 mfp=10 outside=9 up hill=9
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=0 rx=2 dance=1 clean 30 mins=3.75
    mnthly: board mtg=0 grant=0 20for20=0
    bonus: AF=5 play=0 sew=0

    I will have to put Angwin and the road to Santa Rosa from Calistoga both on my list of things to do- Angwin is another place I have never been. I drive up and back but very rarely go off the main road. We need to start taking time to do things like that.
    Do you remember the Candle Factory that used to be on that road in St.Helena- that used to be a destination for us. That and go into Calistoga and watch the gliders taking off and coming in. Loved doing that on a Saturday when I was a kid.
    Napa Valley,CA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,166 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Today was beautifully hot ... 33°C = 91°F. It could be that 6 months of the year for me!!

    I didn't get much of a walk in at lunch so I went for a 5 km walk to the beach, and along the beach after work. Then we had dinner in our pergola patio. :)

    I need to get out there (in the pergola patio) and put up my twinkle lights. I was thinking of doing that this evening, but a storm started moving in so I decided to wait.

    I am excited about doing up the pergola patio a bit more so we can use it more often.



    Machka in Oz

    I love your catio- we built one for our cats but not as big or nice as yours.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    My diet has gone downhill again. Yesterday my mom agreed that I would make pork, and we thawed it. Next thing I know she made lamb chops early, and I ate them. Over calories and outside my window, And it's encouraging her. She went shopping this morning before I got up and bought meat that won't fit in any of the freezers.

    It's so frustrating. Even when we make a meal plan she claims she doesn't remember it. I was doing okay for a week eating my stuff at four and cooking for Dad at five. But then we had Mom's birthday cake.

    I know there are a lot of worse problems out there. And I know Mom will get worse. I just can't seem to stay on my own program when she is determined to feed me fried meat every night.

    Annie in Delaware

    Only you can open your mouth :o
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,619 Member
    My old girlfriends were reassuring during my Zoom. Two of them are retired doctors. Carol - Yes, I'm having lots of liver blood tests next week. Definitely made me go AF tonight!
    I'm trying not to worry. The main thing I was complaining about was joint and muscle pain, so inflammation is a possible cause. I hope my liver is OK. ;):/
    Because we are on the phone he can't see me and it's harder to ask questions. He asked my weight and how much I drank. I would like a face to face chat.

    It was nice to see my girlfriends. We were all in a more cheerful mood. But my difficult friend was moaning about her 90+ mother who is still socialising and she wants to form a bubble with her. My friend has co-morbidities. She is going to make an excuse about having to isolate for her MRI. :o

    Waitrose delivery tomorrow. :D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Stephanie in SE Idaho: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. Post often. :star:

    Annie: When I started on MFP I bought a food scale. I was able to eat all the things we have always enjoyed AND keep calories under control by weighing the portions. I also bought, and still use, restaurant style measured scoops. The scale was inexpensive. The restaurant quality dishers(scoops) were more expensive. They’re wonderful and worth the money I spent on them. I always cooked healthy meals but I ate too much. It was a slow and steady process to lose the weight by gradually shrinking my portion sizes. Be patient with yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: We have three primary grocery stores in our area. All of them will take your order and bring it to you in your car. We used this service once. We have gone back to shopping ourselves. I am usually the shopper. DH comes along occasionally but not often. We always wear facemasks and so do the other customers & store employees. It makes a difference.

    I’ve been watching CNN. There has been very little good news.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,092 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Rita- yes have seen endocrinologist ,they want me.to go for genetic testing.. waiting on a call back for codes so i will.know what my out of pocket will be.
    My drs office has not called back yet..but i called.them like i said and told them how unprofessional it was not to get a call back on the day i called and i told them i expected a call .. and that i was moving to another practice..
    Feeling a bit better but by no means 100%
    I do want answers ,dont know when that will be.
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,706 Member
    Hi ladies! Today is my middle veteran son's birthday! Hard to believe he's 26! I had a long chat with him this morning! He's enjoying the cookies I sent him! He seems to be balancing working middays to evenings, dropping Athena off as he heads to work. Then she picks her back up. He is starting University of Washington online classes, after getting his required classes out of the way online. Daughter inlaw finished her nursing assistant courses, and got hired at a Family Practice clinic in Vancouver. So as she winds up her career, son will be taking more schooling on and working part time, instead of full time. They seem to know the dance of life, which I am grateful! Athena got dropped off at daycare the other day, and when the lady came to the car to pick her up, Athena put her arms out for her, and waved bye-bye to Dad. I think she is understanding her role in life:-)! I expressed to my son that because we love them so much, we choose not to visit and chance things. He totally understands. I am sure her momma did not self quarantine herself when she got off the plane, just went straight to their apartment. Anywhoo, it was a nice phone call. <3

    Today we are having the Hormel turkey slices in gravy for dinner, and the whole Thanksgiving thing. A box of dressing, yams, gravy packets, real mashed potatoes (only have a couple) and a packet of instant mashed potatoes, cans of green beans, biscuits, and cranberry sauce. Did I say the whole kittenkabootle!
    Can you say triptophan heaven. (sorry I KNOW I spelled it wrong, I am too lazy to look it up).

    I am mentally full just typing all that. I will have a small plate of each.

    hugs to each and every one of yas.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,008 Member
    Just got a call from drs office and they have me with a video appt with a dr on Monday.. im still going to move to the other drs office
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,208 Member
    Tina I agree with you about getting your bite right. It will start to effect other teeth if you let it go and it is also uncomfortable. When I had a tooth crown a few years ago I had to go back in to get it right and they make the crown right there. I did not have to get a temporary. The only draw back is it makes for a long time in the dentist chair. Last one was from 10-2. The first one cracked and they had to remake it.