

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Carol, I got two emails today, supposedly from Amazon, saying that the refund I requested had failed to process because of an error in my card info. Well, too bad scammers, I haven't ordered from Amazon, so of course there is no refund! Slimy little weasels are out there!
    Tracey, the dog's stocking looks amazing! lol I would be rolling my eyes at myself for making a pet stocking too!
    Lisa, so glad you are starting to feel like your old self. Wise move re: Thanksgiving cooking! Playing with the grands sounds like way more fun than sweating over food prep!
    Allie, I sure hope the dr can figure out what's going on with you. Happy to hear that the tick had not imbedded itself yet so that you were able to get rid of it easily!
    Vicki, yay for no hives for a month! So sorry to hear about your SIL, so young.....
    The weather here has taken an abrupt turn to chilly and there is talk of snow. As we are so close to the ocean, we don't always get snow, but every now and then it does happen. Unfortunately, because we don't get it often, our city is very unprepared, individually and municipally. By that I mean that the city doesn't have a lot of snow moving equipment and people often don't have adequate tires. I will be taking care of the tire situation for us next Monday. We didn't bother with snow tires last year, and only got into trouble once, but it was a royal pain in the "you know" and so we decided this year to bite the (expensive!) bullet this year and deal with it. Hubby went online and found some at a local store, he said they weren't the cheapest, but he didn't recognize the name of the cheaper ones, so went with Dunlop as they do have a good reputation. When I phoned to make the appointment, the guy said they were a good choice. I suppose there is a chance he says that to everyone, but I felt comforted. lol (it's the little things!)
    I have a core strength class this morning at the Y. They have asked us to wear a mask while in the common areas, but we are able to take the masks off while in the class. The instructor has mild COPD and there are taped X's on the floor and we have to make sure we are on the X. She puts mats out and has everyone spaced out well. We have to pre register for the class on a phone app, so she always knows how many to expect. I feel safe in there, but our numbers here on the island are still fairly low.
    Totally different subject. I play a few games online, one is a word game based on Scrabble. It's called Word Chums. You play in real time against a real person. There is an option to play against the computer (which I prefer) but you have to "buy" tickets to do that. In order to pay for these tickets you can, of course, use a credit card or you can earn "coins" by playing against real people. I have, somewhat reluctantly, started playing against real people. Most of the ones I have played against are pretty good, I've been up front with them about why I'm choosing this option (there is a "chat" button) and so most don't bother chatting too much. I have played several games against the same people and there is no chat, just play. A few days ago, I started playing against someone, still not sure if they are male or female (name is Bucky so I'm guessing male, but don't want to presume) and this person was very inquisitive. My answers were very general ie I live on the west coast of Canada. It's a fairly large area so I feel comfortable saying that. Anyway, yesterday I was asked if I used "hagout", I thought about it for a bit, then realized they probably meant "Hangout", but I asked "am I on what?". Sure enough, it's hangout, which I don't use and told this person that I had no interest in it. They ended the game and said something along the lines of "your choice". You better believe it's my choice! I was not sad that they ended the game! I'm not worried as while my first name is on there, my last name is not and my profile picture is of a cat. And I really did not give out much info. I don't have a problem giving out more info here for several reasons. The major one is that I am not on here in a one-to-one situation. I've also been here for a while, so am quite comfortable letting you ladies know more specifically where I live. I'm still not going to be posting my address or phone number or anything like that, but......well, I'm sure you get it!
    Anyway, my apologies for the novel. Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Bless him, my husband (who works for a landscaping company) just snagged me a half dozen white roses in pots. They were throwing away a few dozen, but he figured six was enough for now. They throw away whatever's not been used during the season, so we can get more next year if we like. The pink ones he dragged home earlier are blooming like mad still here in mid-November, and there are now a half dozen of those, as well. Will post a picture later.

    Disassembled my old sewing cabinet this morning, and used the jigsaw to detach the three drawers to have more storage. The rest will go out to burn, and I've kept all the usable hardware. Busy morning. :)

    - they definitely need to find out what's going on with you~

    Vicki - Good to see you!

    Off to get my test done.

    Later, y'all,
    Love, Lisa

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    No call yet...
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Allie: Great news that you don’t have CoVid. I hope you don’t have pneumonia, either. In our area the flu is going around and some people have been hit hard. There is a flu vaccine available and DH & I have both had ours. I hope you’re feeling better ASAP. It sounds as though you need some medical support. In your situation I’d would contact the doctor’s office for advice & support. :heart:

    Lisa: You did a great job picking out a good husband. Roses are a lovely and thoughtful gift. :flowerforyou:

    I am thinking about contacting family members for a friendly hello. We’ve heard from our son & DDIL recently, and I’m hoping all is still going well for our daughter. She lives a small community that seems to have been recently suffering from CoVid. I hope that DD & her family are healthy & happy. I just heard from DSIL! YAY!.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    My friend Gwendolen was obviously feeling a bit lonely today and wanted a phone chat. I was happy to oblige. She annoyed me by banging around in the kitchen while we were talking, so I told her to sit down. She seems unable to just sit.
    She is also trying to arrange an extra Zoom with my old school friends for tomorrow, but I'm not keen. Fortunately I am expecting a doctor phone call, so I have made my excuses. I could drop in at the end, and may do so, but I don't want to do the whole thing. I feel sorry for her living alone, but my days are full.
    This afternoon I went running with DH. The seafront is very busy during lockdown. I have been having trouble with a pain in my hip,which is worse in the night and early morning. I was able to run with no discomfort and my usual exercises make it feel better. It can be very troubling when it bites.

    My rug is arriving tomorrow! They did say it would be late, but I had an email today. Hope we like it!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    Katla,had the flu shot..didnt think about pneumonia..but ive been feeling like this for months ,just seems to be getting worse.
    No fever,no cough,still have sense of smell and taste just very tired and cant go far without shortness of breath..
    Made a call aroun 9:45 and the Drs supposed to call will be waiting on that for awhile :|
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    So here i get a text from Tracy (DD)kyle cant take her for her surgery on Thursday and wants me to take her but im supposed to work. So asked if Jean would be home but she is going up North until next Monday .so im not leaking information so this has to be between Tracy and Jean.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Allie Have you had your oxygen level tested? My bestie had pneumonia in spring 2018 and the doctors couldn't see pneumonia on the Xrays so they gave her some meds that seemed to work and then one day she couldn't breathe and medics found her oxygen levels dangerously low and she spent two weeks in the hospital. Doctors finally agreed it was pneumonia. She did have a cough, but no fever, or other symptoms besides fatigue. It might be worth going to an urgent care clinic and getting oxygen levels checked.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    Waiting on Drs call still.. Fae depending on what he says then yes Ill go to.walk in..
    Back in jammies
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,641 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 35min 46sec, 204elev, 3.18ap, 91ahr, 120mhr, 8.83mi= 828c
    Strava app = 1070c
    Zwift bike trainer- 33.16min, 21.8amph, 139ahr, 159mhr, 194elev, 12.06mi= 322c
    Strava app = 294c

    Total cal 1150
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Allie))): Feel better soon. Peter Rabbit’s mother recommends Chamomile Tea. I also love & recommend Peppermint Tea. I hope you’re able to get helpful advise from your doctor.
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    edited November 2020
    Will get heart echo results on Thursday morning, but I'm assuming they weren't that good, as they called and scheduled me straight into an EKG after my 7:30 a.m. appointment Thursday... Ah well, can't fix what I can't change. Will just wait it out.

    Later, y'all,
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    I don't have a problem giving out more info here for several reasons. The major one is that I am not on here in a one-to-one situation. I've also been here for a while, so am quite comfortable letting you ladies know more specifically where I live. I'm still not going to be posting my address or phone number or anything like that, but......well, I'm sure you get it!

    Evelyn, Vancouver Island

    You do have to be careful here too ... this is a public forum.

    Copy any sentence you just wrote or anyone here wrote, paste it into Google with quote marks around it ... and you'll find it in Google.

    Most of the time that's OK but if you are talking about specific named people or things, that may interest someone.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,059 Member
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,273 Member
    Vicki: So sorry to hear about your SiL. (((Hugs))) and prayers for you all in the days ahead.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,763 Member
    Well never did get a call back from the Dr.. i am done with that practice,i have been going to then for darn close to 40 years and if they dont have the courtesy to even make a phone call.. will call the other Drs office in town also affiliated with local hospital and make an appointment with them..and hopefully get to the bottom of all this..
    I had a full rest day. And will be busy the next couple of days so gotta do what ya gotta do.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,273 Member
  • CurvyCalorie
    CurvyCalorie Posts: 266 Member
    Wow ladies this is the MOST active group ever. I looked tonight and had 60 notifications!! I can tell I’ll need to check in more often. Haha
    Today I did the bodpod and I am ecstatic with the results! It’s so motivating. My metabolism is fast. Way better than last time! I have lost over 10 pounds of fat and little muscle mass. I went from obesity 1 to overweight. Just so many positives. ❤️ Almost 18 pounds down. Woot woot! My next appointment is next month.
    🥂 Here’s to positive changes!