

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    mrsbfe wrote: »
    I was reading the MFP article "23 easy Ways to Cut up to 500 Calories," and this one made me laugh out loud:
    "Swap Bacon for Berries - Saves 100 calories"

    Now I love berries, and would happily have berries WITH my bacon, but if my brain wants bacon, berries ain't gonna cut it!

    Yeah, I agree. If I substitute, it's got to be with something reasonably comparable.

    For example, I used to eat potato chips after work because I crave salt. I substituted with 100 grams of salted cottage cheese and pickles so I got my salt at significantly fewer calories.

    We've got into a habit of having a bit of chocolate after dinner. I'd like to substitute that with something low cal. When I started all this in 2015, I had low cal yogurt but I ate low cal yogurt so much for the next 3 years I'm just not keen on it anymore.

    In our area, there isn't a lot of low cal food on offer so my options are limited.

    Machka in Oz
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    mrsbfe wrote: »
    I was reading the MFP article "23 easy Ways to Cut up to 500 Calories," and this one made me laugh out loud:
    "Swap Bacon for Berries - Saves 100 calories"

    Now I love berries, and would happily have berries WITH my bacon, but if my brain wants bacon, berries ain't gonna cut it!

    Yeah, I agree. If I substitute, it's got to be with something reasonably comparable.

    For example, I used to eat potato chips after work because I crave salt. I substituted with 100 grams of salted cottage cheese and pickles so I got my salt at significantly fewer calories.

    We've got into a habit of having a bit of chocolate after dinner. I'd like to substitute that with something low cal. When I started all this in 2015, I had low cal yogurt but I ate low cal yogurt so much for the next 3 years I'm just not keen on it anymore.

    In our area, there isn't a lot of low cal food on offer so my options are limited.

    Machka in Oz

    when I want something sweet and low cal, I make "ice cream sandwiches" - PB2 powder, a small amount of cocoa mix mixed in Cool whip, Put in side graham crackers, wrap and freeze. They are so good. Even husband and son really liked them.If you are not a choc/peanutbutter fan, mix other flavors into the Cool whip.

    Napa Valley, CA
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,034 Member
    worked on the Christmas tree wall hanging for my former mother in law- Just need to do a little finishing work(attach the skirt to the tree and make a spot for the battery pack in the tree trunk.
    I hope she likes it. I will send it next week so she can enjoy it a little longer. They are back on lock down at the assisted living home she is at.


    Napa Valley, CA
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    evie1958 wrote: »
    Machka, I have been talking to a co-worker who has been diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Her specialist calls it central hypersensitivity as it hypersensitivity of the central nervous system. Why am I telling you this, you may well ask! I remember you saying you were very sensitive to the feel of clothing and a lot of it felt very rough. This is apparently one of the "signs" of whatever you want to refer to the condition as (fibromyalgia or CH). Anyway, thought I might give you something to do/think about now that you have all that free time!
    Not nearly caught up, but at work, so mustn't dally here! Hugs to those who need them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, on dark, dreary Vancouver Island (and windy!!)

    I was fine with all textures for years and years. I've got all sorts of scratchy wool tops I used to wear ... all of which I will likely get rid of in my upcoming purge.

    Then in August 2016 I had the measles (or something very similar) and since then, my skin has been super sensitive.

    The photos in the spoiler are me during the measles episode. I had that rash everywhere, except the palms of my hands, soles of my feet and face. It was absolutely everywhere else ... even using the toilet was a bit of a nightmare. And even with the palms of my hands, soles of my feet, and face, it wrapped around and was on the edges of those areas. It hurt and itched at the same time so badly for one day that I could not wear clothing or sit or lie down. I spent one night standing. The next day I put on a couple pieces of ultra smooth clothing and my husband took me to a walk-in where I was prescribed strong meds which kept me more or less asleep for 3 days until the rash started to subside.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    mrsbfe wrote: »
    I was reading the MFP article "23 easy Ways to Cut up to 500 Calories," and this one made me laugh out loud:
    "Swap Bacon for Berries - Saves 100 calories"

    Now I love berries, and would happily have berries WITH my bacon, but if my brain wants bacon, berries ain't gonna cut it!

    Yeah, I agree. If I substitute, it's got to be with something reasonably comparable.

    For example, I used to eat potato chips after work because I crave salt. I substituted with 100 grams of salted cottage cheese and pickles so I got my salt at significantly fewer calories.

    We've got into a habit of having a bit of chocolate after dinner. I'd like to substitute that with something low cal. When I started all this in 2015, I had low cal yogurt but I ate low cal yogurt so much for the next 3 years I'm just not keen on it anymore.

    In our area, there isn't a lot of low cal food on offer so my options are limited.

    Machka in Oz

    when I want something sweet and low cal, I make "ice cream sandwiches" - PB2 powder, a small amount of cocoa mix mixed in Cool whip, Put in side graham crackers, wrap and freeze. They are so good. Even husband and son really liked them.If you are not a choc/peanutbutter fan, mix other flavors into the Cool whip.

    Napa Valley, CA

    Unfortunately we don't have PB2 powder, Cool whip or graham crackers here. :(

    I do miss the variety of foods I had access to in Canada.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    kymarai wrote: »
    Just missing y'all! Crazy busy and probably depressed, but I am still around. I will post more soon, but wanted to let you know I am still around and carrying y'all with me.

    Kylia still in Ohio

    Welcome back! :)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,726 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk w/family- 2hrs 15min 57sec, 3.67ap, 181elev, 101ahr, 164mhr, 8.35mi= 790c
    Strava app = 1011c
    Zwift bike trainer- 31.02min, 18.4amph, 676elev, 139ahr, 166mhr, 9.53mi= 340c
    Strava app = 305c
    Walk 2 dinner w/family- 1hr 30min 21sec, 3.02ap, 95ahr, 118mhr, 4.90mi= 462c
    Strava app = 594c

    Total cal 1656
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    This was another day where I didn’t get a lot done. Dividd and replanted some irises and put down mulch. It was so windy I was getting a headache. Watched more Christmas movies because there is nothing good on TV.
    Welcome Rhonda, We are probably pretty close as I live 45 miles SW of Ft Worth. You will enjoy this special group of women
    Allie- I am concerned about you. Have you been tested for the virus? Fluid on the lungs is serious. Take care of you!
    Lisa- so sorry you are having heart issues and hope you receive the best medical care.
    Take care my friends.
    SueBDew in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Machka Then in August 2016 I had the measles (or something very similar) and since then, my skin has been super sensitive. Thanks, I remembered that you had something but couldn't remember what. My co-worker was talking about it, and I thought of you, wondered if you had looked into the possibility. That really is some rash! I can only imagine the discomfort!
    Kylia, so glad you dropped in! Sorry to hear that you are feeling down....
    Allie, CHF is very serious, or it can be! I always thought fluid in the lungs was the start of pneumonia, but I'm no health professional. Sincerest hopes that you get some answers and soon!
    Beth, Oh my! You seem to be lurching from one emergency to another! Sincerest good thoughts to you and yours also!
    Margaret, that pit bull sounds very scary, I sure hope that something can be done about him (her?) before it hurts someone!
    Kelly, sorry to hear that you had such a rough night and then to get up and find out that hubby has made off with the car! grrr.... Hoping you got everything done that you needed too and that you get a good night sleep tonight!
    I get to sleep in a bit tomorrow, so looking forward to it! Going to bed at a more reasonable time might help me too, will have to give it a try! lol
    Ginny, sympathies for you dealing with a UTI, sure hope you can get that under control quickly! Also hope the prolapse can be dealt with in an efficient manner!
    Leggings, I have a few pair, but I also wear them with a longer top. What I tend to live in these days are yoga pants, so comfortable, but not as form fitting as the leggings. I get dressed as soon as I get up, just don't really feel comfortable spending the day in pj's.
    Our province has instituted tougher measures again as Covid numbers climb dramatically. We are very fortunate living where we do, our area numbers have remained low and our provincial higher ups have decided that they are going to place more restrictions in areas where numbers are climbing and let those of us who are behaving ourselves maintain our current level of freedom. We are still under restrictions, or at least recommendations - in home gatherings are discouraged, but we can have what our provincial health officer is calling our "safe six". So we can be a part of a group that involves up to 6 others and we can mingle with them. This means we can have our son, dil and the grands over and we can go over to their place. Now, they can also have a safe six that we aren't a part of, so that's where it gets a bit tricky. We are being careful. my get togethers with other folks are mostly limited to outdoors. I did visit a former co-worker last week, her hubby is immuno compromised so I know they are being careful. Masks are also heavily encouraged and I don't go into a store without one on. The Y has also asked us to mask up while we are in common areas. Once we get to where we are going, we can unmask, which is good because I don't think I could do much cardio while wearing a mask.
    I am sort of stocking up. I'm not going crazy and buying cases of stuff, but every couple weeks I will buy TP, and I'm trying to get some extra food in the freezer and cupboards. I don't really think food supply will be an issue, I think the only issues this spring were because people panic bought, thinking the grocery stores were going to shut also. Well, they didn't and I sincerely doubt they will, so I am once again trying to find balance between "eh" and freaking out "the sky is falling.."
    Okay, time to put this novel (and it's author!) to bed. Hugs for those needing them, congrats to those celebrating and welcome to the newbies!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,520 Member
    "Get to do"s and "chose well"s
    Chose well: BP, watch STAS Day 15, board meeting minutes.
    Bonus: one hour phone chat with T
    Get to do: take BP, watch STAS Day 16, livestream church, car to body shop, submit grant pics and receipts, test Bluetooth speaker so can do BB&B or T’ai Chi from voice recordings, make experimental almond paste, declutter sideboard, practice new dances (I ain’t never gonna love nobody but Cornell Crawford (Alley cat), A Little Less Broken, One margarita, I’m so used to being broke, All Night, Sleeping with the Devil, Nothing but You, Blame it on my beating heart, Homesick); prep potato area and raised beds for beets, carrots, parsley root, parsnips, radishes and sow; weed drive again, finish weeding flower bed, mulch flowerbed; invest another 10 minutes in prepping living trust, Freddie’s for complete series TDAP <$48, get Shingrix vaccine, find and configure a screen time popup, figure out where to plant naked lady bulbs. Next Wednesday minutes to history. Reward: inventory seeds, plan fall cool season garden, order replenishments
    New Ways November
    14: Find a new way to help or support a cause you care about: gathering info for grant writing guy. Our fire protection district really needs a new 4wd brush truck to get down our narrow, overgrown, dirt roads.

    Really pouring down rain. Sounds great but I wimped out both on taking the dogs down the drive and meeting my friend for a stroll.

    Thanks all for the good thoughts for our nephew.

    Heather your comments about men in shorts made me laugh at myself. Men in shorts, no. Men in kilts YES! :laugh:
    Carol our governor has called a two week freeze beginning next Wednesday Nov 18. All inside dining stopped, take out and delivery only. Faith based indoor gatherings limited to 25 people indoors or 50 outdoors. Other social gatherings, max 6 people from no more than two different households, whether indoor or outdoor. Gyms, indoor and outdoor entertainment, closed. Almost but not quite back to the Stay Home lockdown. I’ll be surprised if it’s not extended. Gonna be a long, hard winter.
    Sheri on OH we live on 15 vertical acres in BFE southern Oregon, sorta like your 13 in BFE Ohio without the snow ;)
    Beth prayers for your DH, your son and you.
    Allie hope your telemed appointment gets you some help and soon!
    Michele our local distiller reallocated part of the operation to producing “sanitizer” :laugh: I’ve gotten over most of my tattoo revulsion but piercings? :noway: Yuck.
    Lanette Brava! Did he know there were carrots and broccoli in the cheesy potato soup?
    Welcome @rkhiles Ronda near Ft. Worth. Sounds like you are making good choices. WTG.
    Debbie :love: the Christmas Tree wall hanging.
    Machka what a horrific rash experience! For a little something sweet after dinner, what about splitting a piece of fruit? Oranges and bananas sometimes can fill my sweet tooth.
    Kylia relieved to hear from you, you’ve been missed.
    Speaking of those MIA, SuziQ where are you?
    Evelyn :love: your smile!

    Way over on calories, barely made step goal, thanks to Terri’s Senior Zumba Youtube.

    Lighter, lovelies!

    f8qt1s098sxm.gifBarbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD
    November: better than October.
    daily: sit with Joe: 14, weigh: 14, steps>5491=5788 vits=14 log=14 CI<CO=12 CI<250<CO=6 Tumble & Shadow 5=14 mfp=14 outside=12 up hill=12
    wkly: T’ai Chi or BB&B x3=0 rx=2 dance=1 clean 30 mins=4.75
    mnthly: board mtg=1 grant=1 20for20=0
    bonus: AF=7 play=0 sew=0

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    edited November 2020
    Morning ladies
    Have been awake since 2:30 am but watching TV.
    Yes in some ways i can feel a bit better but the diuretic is making me feel like the sahara desert.i sucked down 2 bottles of water and have been getting up to hit the potty more often.
    Suebdew- i had a covid test at the same place 3 weeks ago with a negative result..
    Ive been laying low and not going out to much accept to cart my kids back and forth .and up to take care of Faith...
    I wonder how long ive been dealing with it all..when i went to Machu Picchu and had to climb all those stairs i thought i would keel over then..but i have put on close to 40 lbs and havent been eating well..
    So back on track but until there is something in place i have to get some stamina back to be able to lose the weight without vigorous exercise and get my place picked up so i dont look like im living in my dads place.
    I had already left to go over to the walk in before Tom called and said he would watch Alfie..
    I did let him know the outcome and he was very upset and worried actually both of them were..i calmed him down telling him its treatable..we had a dog that had it so i know it is treatable in humans also..
    My dad also had it along with A-Fib and mitral valve prolapse..
    Im not going to tell my kids anything until i see the cardiologist and have the echocardiogram and get whatever protocol is needed in place.
    I will listen to my drs and do what they say ,my dad was on his own agenda..
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,195 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka what a horrific rash experience! For a little something sweet after dinner, what about splitting a piece of fruit? Oranges and bananas sometimes can fill my sweet tooth.

    I eat a piece or two of fruit during the day at work and sometimes something in the evening.

    One of the things I'm doing is trying to go for these rather than something with higher calories. These have 396kJ (94.6 cal) which isn't too bad.


    But I do need to start tracking again.

    Machka in Oz
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    I'm sorry I have not been here much theses past weeks. I've been so busy with classes online (including dealing with glitches). I have 9h of classes in higher ed on Mondays (way too much) in 3 schools. already a heavy load but online is harder (more time consuming, more tiring) by almost all accounts.
    Then the rest of the week feels like catching up.

    It's impossible for me to read back the dozens of pages and answer. I have tried many times and don't manage even close. The only way for me to keep up is to read every day or two.

    Home is ok since the cleaner came on Friday. it's funny but there is always an adjustment time with a new cleaner. After a few sessions, now there is a nice flow.

    I could clean in theory but my moral is low and I don't get to it. Even having the cleaner come makes me tidy a bit before she gets here.

    Papers are way behind.
    Papers are neatly piled up but not dealt with, for the most part.
    I deal with necessary school stuff for the most part, and the odd bit and piece here.

    Weight has been relatively stable since last February.

    I have not been tracking food.
    I have been eating fruit and trying to eat plenty of veggies and some legume and seed based protein (tofu, soy milk, soy yogurt, tahini, hummus...and a bit of canned fish (mackerel or sardines mostly). from time to time, and some occasional GF treats.

    I've been going for a walk most days. Mostly to Montparnasse cemetery, the quietest green space to sit in and the biggest with in a kilometre; It's surely about 30 min round trip, longer if I walk round and round which I occasionally do, mostly if I'm talking on the phone at the same time.


    WE ARE LIMITED TO 1KM movement from home for exercise, 1h per day, forbidden for walking with or sitting with people outside home (though they haven't been checking much of late where I live.

    With self-authorisation many people stretch the hour and some stretch the space (riskier).

    Restaurants, cafés and museums are closed.
    but one can go out and get take away and sit on a bench, alone.

    One of my 3 employers with delay finally gave me a paper that authorised me to go to school where I can teach distance classes from school if I wish to. It's clear across town and dateless so pretty much gives me authorisation to be crossing town at any speed any day the school is open.

    I think I will go on Thursdays possibly by foot. it's a long walk, 1h35. so I'll give myself 2h so I can have a coffee when I arrive or close to the end. (one can buy coffee many places and drink it on a bench).

    Parks are open this time.

    I felt soooo tired yesterday.

    Still working a lot on workers' rights stuff.
    We have a petition signed by 430+ people out of approximately 2000 teachers (maybe more) in 20 schools throughout the country. Many schools we haven't reached so far, and many don't have school addresses. I saw that in my school, 25% + plus didn't have school addresses so I had to look up addresses 1 by 1.
    We met with an awesome lawyer and last week with a senator.

    There are a variety of feelings : excitement when there is movement, and apparent progress, and also wondering if all of this will lead to anything successful in the long run. It's a massive amount of work.

    not much for a single person without family nearby.
    with one café friend we were meeting at bakery (they put 2 tiny tables out for drinking coffee) for a coffee sometimes, at same time. Then suddenly he stopped being available. I don't think it's about me but I think he is seeing or was seeing a neighbour who came by one time. She seemed brisk and distant. Ever since then suddenly he seems to not be free for coffee. He didn't tell me he is or was seeing someone but I kind of feel it. It's no problem for me as, though he seems fine, I don't have a thing for him, but it's nice to have coffee sometimes together as a feeling of normalcy. I don' have any close friends nor work friends who live within 1km from home that I know of.

    After a good week of being blown off I also blew him off yesterday. I find when you are too available some people are not respectful. It seems to be human nature. People seem to like to have to make an effort, otherwise they can think you are lower value if always free.

    It's particular since most of us are mostly at home or within 1 km, so we have more availability. But they are in a long-established group of close geographic neighbours, that's known one another for like 15 years.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    @bwcetc I'm sorry about your husband and I hope your DS escapes COVID.

    @Machka9 that's a terrible rash. For chocolate: 1) I buy unsweetened chocolate bars and take a square or two or 3. since it has no sugar it's less tempting to eat more. 2)my ongoing treat is mixing about 1-2 Tablesspoons of tahini with approximately equal amount of unsweetened nonfat cocoa powder and 1 teaspoon of maple syrup (can be honey, agave syrup, etc). Its like Nutella, but much better, to put on a cracker. definitely fills the chocolate craving;
    Similarly I used to have 1 T cocoa powder and 1t or so maple syrup in soy milk (or other) for very low cal and fairly healthy hot cocoa.

    @kymarai I hope you feel better soon and that busyness lets up. I've been away too.

    @Ginny, I hope your GYN issues go as smoothly as possible. I think saying bless you after sneezing is more polite and friendly that superstitious. (in France they say "to your health"). I never heard of sauerkraut and pork for New Years for luck. is that a midwest thing? (lots of German, Finnish est immigration in the north midwest I believe, right, which would explain the sauerkraut ritual). I tend to avoid walking under stagings too (more frequent than ladders in Paris). When they 1st came out and I was quite young I wore leggings out a bit, but not too long. Now I could wear them to a dance class, otherwise under a skirt or dress. Dressing, going out the door I don't wear sweatpants, cause in the city and people just don't except for jogging etc.

    AMAZON is there an anti-amazon movement anywhere around there? here people tend to sy not to use amazon or not too much as it sort of fattens up the owner (who I have nothing particularly against) and leans down local and regional business (jobs, salaries, etc.)