

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    auntiebk wrote: »
    Machka champagne taste! Love the lines of the Armani. Would washable wool or velvet be too itchy? Alas none of these are sleeveless, nor do they have the princess seams: https://www.landsend.com/products/womens-washable-wool-piped-sheath-dress/id_341813?attributes=8063,43307,43324,44256,44967
    The 2020 christmas tree craft took me a moment… ;)
    Barbara, the Southern Oregon Coastie AHMOD

    They're lovely!

    But they would be a little warm for December. I have trouble with wool and I'm not sure about velvet.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Talking about things I'd "rather not see", I have a problem with men in shorts. I'm fine with it by the beach, but keep your horrible hairy legs to yourself. Yuk! Especially on public transport. :o Shorts and cities do not go together. Even women in short shorts. But I can’t bear men parading their hairy legs around town, or sitting next to me on an aeroplane. :sad:

    So much of what we wear depends on our climate and the local customs. When I lived in the countryside I wouldn't go out in public in leggings, apart from a jog. Certainly not to the shops. Here, by the sea, with a very active population, it is normal. Our climate is mild, most of the year, so even in winter, you can run around in exercise clothes, except on cold days.
    I really miss getting scrubbed up and going out. Smart casual is my default look and I only have a rare chance to bother nowadays. Sometimes I don't go out for a few days, or just around the corner to the local shops. I enjoy looking good, with makeup on, but that is my social face, not my home face. I count the local shops as "home". They all know my naked face, or nowadays, my masked face. B)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    edited November 2020
    Machka9 wrote: »
    New Ways November

    "Covid is restricting our lives, but we can find new ways to keep making progress. Trying out new things can actually boost our well-being. When we open up to new ideas, it helps us stay curious and engaged. It can also bring a sense of accomplishment and help to boost our self-confidence and resilience. There are so many ways to learn new things and this month we're encouraging everyone to find new and creative ways to overcome our frustrating situations."


    Tuesday 6 November

    Give yourself a boost. Try a new way of being physically active.

    Getting back into walking, cycling, running, stair climbing, etc. :)

    Tuesday 7 November

    Be creative. Cook, draw, write, paint, make or inspire./b]

    Tuesday 11 November

    Be curious. Learn about a new topic or an inspiring idea.

    Doing a little bit of that with our patio.

    Tuesday 8 November

    Find out something new about someone you care about.

    Tuesday 14 November

    Find a new way to help or support a cause you care about.


    Tuesday 9 November

    Plan a new activity or idea you want to try out this week.

    Catching up on ... everything?

    Tuesday 10 November

    When you feel you can't do something, add the word "yet".

    Cycling longer distances again ... yet!

    Tuesday 12 November

    Overcome a frustration by trying out a new approach.

    I'm playing "teacher" with the RTW girl. Marking her attempts and sending them back. :lol:

    Tuesday 13 November

    Choose a different route and see what you notice on the way.

    This is something I did when we were in shutdown. I found a really nice new route to walk to the beach. Instead of just walking the same way all the time, I explored options.

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Talking about things I'd "rather not see", I have a problem with men in shorts. I'm fine with it by the beach, but keep your horrible hairy legs to yourself. Yuk! Especially on public transport. :o Shorts and cities do not go together. Even women in short shorts. But I can’t bear men parading their hairy legs around town, or sitting next to me on an aeroplane. :sad:

    So much of what we wear depends on our climate and the local customs. When I lived in the countryside I wouldn't go out in public in leggings, apart from a jog. Certainly not to the shops. Here, by the sea, with a very active population, it is normal. Our climate is mild, most of the year, so even in winter, you can run around in exercise clothes, except on cold days.
    I really miss getting scrubbed up and going out. Smart casual is my default look and I only have a rare chance to bother nowadays. Sometimes I don't go out for a few days, or just around the corner to the local shops. I enjoy looking good, with makeup on, but that is my social face, not my home face. I count the local shops as "home". They all know my naked face, or nowadays, my masked face. B)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx

    In Australia a lot of men ... possibly most men ... wear shorts, and wear them most of the year.

    Random photo of typical Aussie tradies ... :)

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    Regarding running out of stuff and future shutdown preparations ...

    I stocked up quite a bit for the first shutdown, and have continued to buy products just about each week, so I've still got quite a few cleaning products etc.

    We've still got antibacterial soaps at each sink and hand sanitisers, and wash our hands regularly.

    Are you making any preparations for your next shutdown?

    Like for example, I've purchased several more books, movies and CDs. We haven't signed up for netflix, spotify, etc. ... we're a little old school. :) But I could be entertained for quite some time with what we've got.

    I've got a decent set of home exercise equipment to keep in shape.

    Are you collecting craft supplies? Puzzles? Games?

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,208 Member
    I also wear these sorts of "leggings" when I'm cycling ...


    And running leggings or 3/4s when I'm running ...


    But those are different from "dress" leggings. :)

    M in Oz
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    No, vinegar would not be acceptable for me to use in the church facility ... it's a large campus with multiple buildings. I do have enough commercial and CDC accepted disinfectants. Paper products, however, are hard to come by! So instead of ordering from the distributor, I've been buying 1 package at a time from local grocers! We won't need any of this, of course, in lockdown as churches will be closed.
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    edited November 2020
    All the talk about leggings and shorts reminds me of all the People of Walmart. Gross!

    My husband and son have always worn knee length shorts and it doesn't bother me. I've noticed that most men lose hair on their legs as they get older. Guess the socks wear it off.

    My heart goes out to your nephew. I know that this must be an awful situation for his family and my prayers go out to them.

    As far as I know, there are no new notices of shutdowns in Atlanta. But, I must say that if you go out in public here you will not be going into any stores without a masks. We have been wearing mask since last march. We have not been to any activities other than dr appointments and grocery shopping. We stocked up on TP and paper goods at the first of the pandemic so I am not worrying about that. All of the grocery stores around here are stocked up on meats more so than I can ever remember.

    Carol in Georgia
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,098 Member
    Barbara yes that is why we say bless you. I don't know why it was considered rude in Germany when I went through there years ago.

    Right now because of tracing the lockdown for us is bars and restaurant have to shut down at 10. Here they think it is the 18-35 gatherings and small group gatherings that are spreading it.

    Even in our now colder weather getting Drew out 4 times a day.

    I did finally report pit bull behind sons house. I was sweeping out his garage because we finally sold his car. She got loose again and was threatening me in the alley. I had to put the broom in front of me and back away from her and shut my garage. When the neighbor got her. The pit bull standing right nest to her lunged at me and was jumping sis feet in the air and her head was at the top of the fence I have at the back of our yard. Three feet retaining wall and three foot fence. She just said I am sorry and did nothing to correct her dog. The dog is in enclosed fenced yard. Unfortunately at least 4-6 times a day people go through that yard to get to the home. The gate is not self latching and they let the pit bull run loose in the yard and do not muzzle her. I told the owner her dog makes me feel unsafe.

    I really debated weather to report her dog, but then I decided because the risk of her getting loose again is just too high. This is a dog who could easily kill Drew and that was the tipping point for me. The other neighbors are upset about the pit bull too. She bullies their dogs through the fence when they try to let their dogs out.

    These owners are not even supposed to have a dog like her. The rent and as part of their lease they are not allowed to have an aggressive breed. Pit bull are responsible for 65% of the deaths by dogs. There is also a small child living next to me and my other neighbor next to me has a small dog also at risk.

    :heart: Margaret

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,993 Member
    :) Our life has been in shutdown mode since March. I get books electronically from the library and well as in person so if the library shuts down, I still have electronic ones available. We have stocked up on food and supplies and have been shopping infrequently with a well planned list. We are in contact with others via Zoom, phone, email, and text. My neighborhood has wide streets and not a lot of walkers so my friend and I can walk safely at any time of day. Nothing will change for us.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Ummmm...Machka?? Not sure why you felt the need to put that pic of tradesmen in a spoiler... ;)

    Heather- I don't have a problem with men in shorts sitting next to me, it is men in tank tops sitting next to me or standing close (especially if they are sweaty). The thought of touching sweaty skin (or sweaty people being too close) gives me the heebee-geebees. :# But, a picture of nice looking men in shorts and tanks; I have absolutely no problem with. Alas, Michigan tradesmen are always in pants and usually long sleeves (sometimes short sleeves if the temps are over 80). They also tend to look like homeless people.

    Debbie - Those velour leggings! I am pretty sure menopausal me couldn't handle the warmth of those if I were inside the house. HOWEVER, I love the feel of velour and so do my kiddos. lol They would be following me around and rubbing my legs like I was their own personal blankie. lol

    Covid stuff in my area:
    Michigan is back to Phase 2/phase 3 with Covid. All of the businesses that opened over the summer, and the schools that opened in spring, are beginning to shut down and go to take out only or virtual learning/shopping, etc. Many people are angry about that (like my hubby), but I would say the majority of us saw it coming. It does mean that my school aged kiddos will most likely be back with me through the holidays. Which is good, and bad. Good= more income coming my way, and the ability to get a little more advanced with our learning topics; bad= there goes any sort of lunch break for me, as that is when the school aged kids work on homework (because they are only 5/6 years old, that means adult involvement is necessary)

    I am feeling rather ragged this morning. I went to sleep at about 8:30 last night. Tim came in and crawled into bed next to me at about 9:00; and promptly fell asleep. We currently sleep in separate rooms due to him needing legs elevated, heating pads, etc due to his RA, his formerly different sleep schedule, and his snoring. Anyway, he fell asleep, the snoring began, and I was awake. Then the hot flashes hit. I had no "cold spot" to move into, no "cool" side to my pillow as his arm was under it, and I was stunned that the fire that was roasting my back wasn't waking him up. So...I got up and moved to the couch. Ugh. Anyway, I was up until 2:30, trying to fall asleep on the couch; then I heard Tim groaning as he attempted to get out of bed. So...I went in and helped him up and he felt bad that he had fallen asleep and chased me out of my own bed. I finally fell asleep at about 2:45 and slept until 7:00. Couldn't sleep longer because I was worried I wouldn't get everything done that I need to get done today. Tried to sleep longer and began to feel a headache coming on (my guess is stress over sleeping in). lol So...I got up, my grocery list is made, coffee drank and then noticed that Tim was out with our car. :/ He just got home, so now I will head out (a little late) to get my shopping done.

    Today will be my food prep day. Tomorrow is paperwork and outdoor work. Love and hugs to all of you! ttfn xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • mrsbfe
    mrsbfe Posts: 52 Member
    Faetta wrote: »
    Dresses or skirts ...

    Fae in North Central Or

    Dresses or skirts Since I moved to BFE it's all as casual as one can get. Jeans, leggings, t-shirts, etc. My fashion designer mother would be rolling in her grave.

    Do you get dressed if at home all day? Yes because it doesn't take much effort the way I do it. :D

    Superstition None

    Sheri in OH
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Sheri in OH

    Love the photos of the cats and goats!

    Carol in GA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,732 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,814 Member
    Have read and caught up but have no time for comments today. I have to go pack and get ready to go to Kaitlyn’s.

    Tracey in Edmonton
  • Faetta
    Faetta Posts: 1,059 Member
    Sheri in Ohio Are the goats' rescue? They look like a Saanen Nubian mix and all four wethers. Around here a very popular mix for meat goats. I see an increasing number being bought for pets to rescue them from slaughter. Beautiful peaceful looking photo. Very nice looking well cared for cats also.

    Margaret I wouldn't tolerate being harassed by any dog, especially a bulldog for one minute. You are lucky you weren't attacked and severely injured. I have been attacked 3 times by dogs.

    Kelly Sorry to hear your night was disrupted with your hubs snoring. My night was also interrupted by snoring, but I had no one to blame but myself. I hate waking myself up and looking around trying to see who is snoring and finding no one there to blame.

    M in Oz I like your choice of leggings for the different activities.

    Heather I am with you on the guys and shorts and hairy leg thing. What is worse is shirtlessness and a hairy chest or the old A shirt known as the wife-beater shirt. Shirtless old men in boxers is a real gageroonie for me. Also, old farts wearing PJ's in public. I have one neighbor that thinks women love to see him in his flowered multicolored PJ bottoms and hairy dirty chest while out on his front lawn or walking down to get his mail. I told him I had rather see a raw poo smeared baboons butt with boils on it.

    Fae in Or

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,821 Member
    Morning ladies
    Im up with Faith and keeping an eye on her,she can be a scamp...im here for a few more hours and then going to drop Alfie of home and probably go to the walk in. Here is hoping they will see me.