

  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,801 Member
    Heather - Happy anniversary, that sounds like a perfect walk on the beach.

    Allie - Good luck! Although with the time difference you're probably done already.

    Machka- I love all of your photos of summer, I won't share what you are missing here in Alberta.

    Lisa - Your description makes me laugh, not the situation but your description. I hope you are right and the bacteria is finally leaving your body.

    I was up over an hour early this morning, I have swept and made sure nothing is within chewing reach for when Ember arrives while I'm at work today. I'm glad my daughter is getting this little visit in with her friend now because I'm pretty sure we'll be going into lockdown again soon.

    Have a great day ladies.
    Tracey in Edmonton
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did Amy Dixon’s Breathless Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jillian Michael’s Killer Cardio DVD

    – thanks for keeping us informed. So glad that you are getting such good care

    - <tears for you and your family>

    Beth – What was done to your son breaks my heart. Is it possible to find another home for him?

    – Last year we didn’t travel to Denise’s. Vince is very much into decorating. We can’t leave the computers on for extended periods in case something happens. We can’t leave the controllers outside for extended periods. Oh, we can go out around here for a few hours and leave the decorations on, but not for days on end. I honestly can’t see why Denise can’t come down here once/year, but if she doesn’t…she doesn’t. Plus…we’re going to Iowa for Thanksgiving. Plus….to be honest, Denise’s place isn’t all that big, especially now that PJ is needing more and more. I don’t think there’s that much contact driving somewhere. The most will be from the person whom you are ordering your food from. We know that if we want to eat indoors, we have to go to a truckstop. All the fast food places are pick-up only. I don’t think we want to eat in the car when the weather is very cold outside. I’ll (as I always have done) will probably bring my own food with me.

    Katla – one of my concerns is that the child in the daycare who tested positive, even tho he/she didn’t have much in the way of symptoms, could have passed it on to the teacher who passed it on to someone else who passed it on to Denise even without her knowing it.

    – I think of you often. Please let us know how you are.

    Barbara – I have no idea how I hurt my foot. Vince thinks it’s my exercising. He would think something like that! It will take us 2 days to drive to Iowa. Trust me, I’m going to be extra careful. What do your peeps have to say about Idaho (in other words, how worried should I be?) Terrible to say, but in one way I’m glad Denise isn’t going to come down. If she’s been exposed, I have no desire to possibly also be exposed. Yes, I would love to see PJ, but my life is worth a lot more. Like I said, I was surprised Jess’ school is starting back up 1/19. But she said that her school is exempt from a lot of the restrictions in Iowa because they have had so few cases of C-19. I’m wondering if people being home for the holidays might bring it back with them and then will the school have to go back to only on-line learning? Well, we shall see. I guess the only people we’ll come into contact with are the people who serve food (only Vince will be with them, I’ll bring my own food), the people at the hotels(s), people at Menard’s (I definitely want to go there), that’s all I can think of.

    While exercising tried not to bend the top of the foot. Didn’t do lunges, didn’t do any jumping. Now have the boot back on. I’m thinking that whenever I have to drive somewhere, I’ll take the boot off and put on a sandal I have. When I get to where I’m going, I’ll put the boot back on. I figure until I can get to the MD, I’ll wear it. That’s probably what he’d recommend anyway.

    Cleaned the microwave and decorated the small tree in the kitchen. Off to the soup kitchen, then Vince asked me to pick up a prescription for him and then I go to the hosp for my prolia.

    Michele NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,684 Member
    Oregonmother I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your poacher. I have been through that experience 5 times with my kids, I feel your pain
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,349 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,341 Member
    Ever since we went on our walk in glorious sunshine, it has been raining! Good call this morning!

    Lisa - I think i have the smelliest f...s of anyone. Some nights, if I've had a lot of lentils, I have to sleep alone. ;)

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited November 2020
    Michele: We’re in Covid round two. I don’t know how many rounds there may be. We are staying home. The gym is closed, and we’re not going to fly anywhere in the foreseeable future. :ohwell:

    Allie: It appears that you’re being well cared for. I am sending good thoughts for a safe trip to Yale and an excellent outcome from the surgery there. :heart:

    Beth: The CoVID pandemic has impacted us all. Our state recently had to close gyms and limit restaurants to curbside pick-up. I feel that mask wearing is one of the ways I can protect myself and others. It has been made mandatory again. Thank goodness that allows me to shop in the stores if I want, and confidence that everyone is following safety rules. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Happy Anniversary!!!

    Barbara: I am noticing the shorter days and crave more light. We replaced most of the lights in our house with daylight temperature lights. Two good things about them are the quality of light and reduced energy requirements. If we crank it all up at once we could probably perfrom surgery in here. That won’t happen. We have adequate light-but no surgical skills. :noway: :wink:

    Machka: The spring/summer photos are a delight! :star:

    Lisa: I hope the lab tests for kidney function show an improvement and you feel better day by day. :heart:

    Michele: Your observations about the risks for children in daycare are valid. Many families must work outside the home, and their children need care. It is a difficult time for them. Good providers are out there and doing their best to keep the daycare children and their own families safe. Their service is a vital help to us all. :heart:

    Michele’s comments about child care remind me of Kelly. I haven’t seen her posting lately. Has anyone heard from her? :huh: Elder care is also vital. I think of Tracey in Alberta. Both women are heroes in my opinion. :heart: :star::heart:

    Regarding the upcoming holiday season: Our tradition is to start putting up Christmas decorations while Macy’s has its Thanksgiving Parade. We put things up a bit at a time. Lots of tiny artificial trees and shelf ornaments can come out during the parade. Our primary Christmas tree is a living Alberta Spruce and will spend a limited amount of time indoors. It will be brought in to the garage for a week to transition to warmer house temperatures. It will come indoors for a couple of weeks, and then taken out in to the garage to gradually transition back outside.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,577 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Allie ... so glad to see you posting. You have good heart; praying that it is made better.

    The quarantine my son was placed under on Saturday was lifted. Turned out his exposure was not really exposure and was not something he should have been quarantined for. Not sure what that was all about. However, his house ... all the houses under his agency's care ... are going back on lockdown tomorrow due to the outbreak in Western New York. He can come home for Thanksgiving if he stays home for a minimum of 6 days and is tested for covid on the 4th day. That's assuming of course the we take him back.

    We did not get to see my son on Sunday due to the imposed quarantine mentioned above that was then lifted. He asked to FaceTime with me in the evening. What he shared with his dad and I left us very disturbed. Long story short. The weekend staff is below sub-par. The weekend before, I may have shared that he went to the ER for acute urinary retention due, in part, because he had been left lying in bed for over 12-13 hours without an opportunity to urinate and developed painful spasms. He shared that he had been left in bed again this weekend, even after we had gone over all the problems of doing so the weekend before. In fact the woman who took him to the ER was the one who left him lay in bed again, 14 hours this time. After his choking incident in August, and a subsequent investigation, protocols were put in place to prevent him from choking again. On Sunday, every protocol was ignored by this aide along with another person. When he asked the aide to feed him dinner because it was late and his muscle control was poor, something everyone agreed to and he has been encouraged by the agency to request ... he was told "no, I'm busy, feed yourself." A second aide sat on the couch, overheard the conversation, and also refused him. Because he had not been fed all day and was hungry, he fed himself and then called me. Refusing to feed someone when asked, essentially humiliating him, and repeatedly leave a person laying in bed is abusive in nature. We made this very clear to the agency and those in charge. Consequently, two new investigations are being conducted by the Justice Center and "emergency protocols" are in place while those investigations are occurring. The two aides in question are still working there, and by the way, take their masks off and have told my son they are useless. I told him to call the police the next time they remove their masks. The simple thing would be to bring him home and forget the whole idea of a group home. But this wouldn't solve the long-term problem of finding care for him. We have made it clear that their response to this mistreatment will determine our next steps. Which, as you can guess, will be legal action. I suspect that it will take a lawsuit to finally convince the agency and the state to make needed changes. Sad. Just very sad.

    Covid Crap
    Our community is now in the "orange zone," Gov. Cuomo's micro cluster designations ...so church services can only be 33% capacity or 25 people, whichever is less. We will be back to online services only. The church staff is considering how we'll celebrate Christmas if we can't have church services. It is only a matter of days until I am furloughed again when we hit "red zone" and I expect that after Thanksgiving. Schools are closed as of tomorrow and only delivery/curbside for restaurants unless they do outdoor dining... which is sort of difficult in the northeast in the late fall and winter. I did the last of my in-person shopping on Tuesday. Until this peaks in our area, I'll only do delivery or curbside pick-up. Too many people in the stores and they're getting crazy. There are metrics, of course, that would allow activities to begin again, but no one seems to think that is going to happen anytime soon.

    Beth near Buffalo.

    This is horrible, Beth. I am so sorry you and your son are going through this. I hope he gets justice and adequate treatment.

    Willamette Valley, OR
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,020 Member
    Debbie the floaters I noticed were caused by the bleeding a torn retina causes. They did go away. I know I still have floaters but my eye has adjusted to them and I don't noticed them. Vision was just as good after repair. Your eye doctor should send you to a retinologist to do the repair. I am surprised he did not send you immediately. My mom had a detached retina so I knew how serious my eye problem was. If what looks like a black curtain comes down in that eye immediately go to an emergency room that means retiana detached and the outcome for that eye depends how quickly it becomes fixed. It is a medical emergency if this happens. I was told fixing the retina 1-20 chance still of detached retina without fix 1-3. Until this is fixed be careful with anything that adds pressure to your eye like bending over, do not lift anything heavy, and what isn't a problem right now flying. Your doctor should have told you these things. I think what caused mine was age, antibiotics, and a bad fall. I had not had cataract surgery, but that also is a risk factor in this.

    Thank you for all that information- I will be making my appointment to have them check it. She said it is very small but she wants me to go get it checked. She has the new scan machine which found it- didn't dialate my eyes this time which was nice- mine stay dialated for so long after. We think it happened at least 6 months ago(can't remember how long it has been since I started seeing the floaters- maybe a year ago. The tear is very small and not affecting my vision where it is, other than the floaters.

    Thanks again
    Napa Valley,CA
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,942 Member
    Catch up later. Finished of 60

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,086 Member
    Debbie I noticed I said he for the doctors who helped me were men. Having a women is great too!
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,414 Member
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,814 Member
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE <3
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Regarding Doctors: Our primary care doctor is the best doctor either of us have had. We’re lucky to have found her. I had a different female doctor that wasn’t a good match. I tagged along with DH when he met Doctor D. She was so good at that first meeting that I asked to transfer to her and I have not regretted it. Medical expertise and communication skills do not always coexist in one doctor. Dr D does very well in both. We are lucky to have found her. 🌹
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,532 Member
    Happy Anniversary Heather and J. <3!
    Beth (((((hugs)))))
    Allie (((((hugs))))
    Flea ((((hugs))))

    group hugs!!! (((((((( <3)))))))
    Its a tough time for all of us, but we are so strong. I admire each and every one of you <3!
    (ate the rest of my Hollandaise sauce heavenly meal, and some grapefruit.)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    (((Allie:))) Good news that you’ve arrived at Yale and are tucked in and comfortable. :flowerforyou:

    Rebecca: Thank for your good thoughts for all of us. We are strong, & you are a strong woman, yourself. :star:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon