Less Alcohol - DECEMBER 2020 - One Day At A Time



  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    Take-aways from my online readings about dopamine:

    1. drinkers crave drinks because they run low on dopamine
    2. tyrosine, found in protein foods and seeds, makes dopamine in the body
    3. diet rich in tyrosine resulted in higher dopamine levels in alcoholics and addicts
    4. this diet helped stabilize their moods, reduce sugar cravings and have better self control

    Food for thought!

    Thank you very interesting
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    @dawnbgethealthy just for you
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,632 Member
    And we are learning from you @NovusDies
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,632 Member
    MissMay wrote: »
    @dawnbgethealthy just for you

    Thank you :):):):)
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,632 Member
    New home for the thread, but the same goals for me, 16-20 AF days per month.

    Friday December 11 - AF - Felt like having a brandy when I came in from skating on a lake, but I had drinks yesterday, so thought better of it.
    Saturday December 12 - Drinks after skating.
    Sunday December 13 - AF - Felt like having drinks after skating. I usually feel like having drinks actually, sometimes more than others. Planning AF tomorrow too.
    Monday December 14 - AF - Kind of a low energy day for me today. Early morning and long day tomorrow, so best to be AF.
    Tuesday December 15 - Drinks. My guitar player from Kimberley came into my town to skate a lake with me at 9am, which mitigated my work day : - ) Drank a bunch of water after my few drinks tonight. I will get 2 AF days in a row after this, as taught by @NovusDies

    Rolling total: 11AF days out of 15 days
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    @globalhiker - We used a very large upside down round metal coke sign as our sled ... nothing to hang on to but the rim and it could spin if you we're careful. We ran into stands of baby pine trees to slow down before stopping at the lake's edge (that was not frozen). My little brother once ran into a bigger tree riding by himself ... I still remember explaining to my mom and she was not happy ... he was spitting up blood.

    Currently I live where there are no hills or snow ... Houston. Miss those fun activities too!

    DH & I are both AF this evening. I had book club over Zoom and drank water in my festive Christmas wine glass.

    Dec accountability: 3/16 days AF
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,560 Member
    8 more AF days to Christmas Eve countdown...you know what I miss about being a kid at Christmas?
    Sledding...we used to have a basic sled and race other kids going down a steep hill in our neighborhood. Of course we often crashed into one another too. What fun it was.....

    As adults, I think we just don't play enough. Leisure time is way, way too focused on restaurants and drinking to get one's "happy" going. We could benefit from more games and outdoor activities in our lives, in my opinion.

    Such an excellent point about how adults TRY to get their happy going👍👍👍
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,632 Member
    I don't know which part of the country you are in. Do you get snow? Could you go sledding?
    We have ice on the lakes here now, but no snow so far to try sledding on : - )
    I got new (to me) x-country skis at the very end of the season last year, I had a broken ski prior to that so didn't get out at all to the trails. I imagine we will get some snow eventually, there are lots of great places to get to once we do.
    Wholeheartedly agree on the benefits of outdoor activity.
    Having said that, sometimes I am triggered to have wintry adult beverages after coming in from said activities.
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,522 Member
    I'm in the Phoenix Metro area but live at only 1800 ft altitude, hence no snow at home! But we have 2 main ski resorts, both at altitudes over 10,000 feet, about 2-3 hrs drive. And we have Rim Country at 8000 ft only 1.5 hrs away where there is snow, a large ponderosa pine forest. I've never really skiied!

    Well, except for the time I was at Garibaldi park in B.C. and went down 8 snowy steep hills with no apparatus, only tennis shoes. It was a blast.

    I would love to see where there are places here to cross-country ski. Maybe one can just go anywhere with snow I guess, no need to go to formal costly ski park....

    More playtime, less drinking.....7 more AF days to go.....!
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,632 Member
    You are doing so great with the AF.
    More playtime is a good plan : - )

    Speaking of which, I have been in Phoenix twice, for 2 weeks each time.
    They have year round ice skating, which we don't even have in Canada for kitten's sake. Sort of just north of Scottsdale.
    I skated there lots. I especially enjoyed the disco Friday nights which was mostly like 12 year olds giggling and getting very excited when a Justin Bieber song came on. Disco ball and everything!! Super fun : - )
    I went to a bunch of NHL games, and Baseball training camp/exhibition play at Talking Stick.
    I know that there is some sort of Holiday ice rink downtown too, but I have never been there at Christmas time.
    Great city!

    It is so fun that we are all spread out : - )
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,632 Member
    edited December 2020
    New home for the thread, but the same goals for me, 16-20 AF days per month.

    Wednesday December 16 - AF
    Thursday December 17 - AF - Felt like drinks, but wanted to get my 2AF in a row.

    Rolling total: 12AF days out of 17 days