Less Alcohol - DECEMBER 2020 - One Day At A Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,602 Member

    Thanks for introducing us to Jack : - )

    Thanks for the glitter bomb, I think you touched lots of people's Monday.
    I shall have to keep glitter in my mind during not so great moments.
    Lake ice is usually a little bumpy, but mostly smooth and glittery this year so far : - )

    I think a few people are joining you on your "break" including @mainelylisa
    Day 12 for you already!! Good going!
  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,557 Member
    @Samand303 the power of suggestion with your holiday mug sent me directly to my holiday mug last night to be filled with cocoa to. Lurk all you want that is why we are an open thread and not set up as a private group, we cant help those who can not reach.😊

    @mainelylisa what was your choice of HIIT workout yesterday? I am on month 3 of Chalene Extreme working with weights.keep that wine devil away from your door.

    @CMB44512 tread that thin ice lightly with your GF. That is me speaking from experience from both sides of the drinking fence. What happened was you were quietly being influenced by your pals. You may have even lost track of how many drinks you had. We always have new days here to offer up and get a fresh start. Hope things went smoothly with your GF

  • MissMay
    MissMay Posts: 3,557 Member
    Saw this while driving slow and gawking around out of town today. Definitely grabbed my attention with this name.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,814 Member
    Tonight my sister was pouring so I'm going to call it 3 glasses of wine. She does deep pours.

    Dec accountability: 1/10 days AF