GIFt us your lifts! (or other achievements!)



  • kinetixtrainer2
    kinetixtrainer2 Posts: 9,221 Member
    So yesterday my new gym gear arrived, a lifting belt and straps (oh and new socks, because adding that extra made it that it have no shipping cost)

    Today was my deadlift day on my last week of my cycle.
    So 95% of 1RM. And 4 sets of 2

    Here was my last set. I still definatly need to get used to a belt, but it did make it a lot easier for me to brace and keep that brace from bottem to top and back to bottem.


    After that first rep in this clip, something happened, dunno what exactly, but had to catch my breath again, so that's why there is a little more time between the 2 reps.

    Looks like a good solid lift to me Gus. 💪🏼
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    ...and without the use of the wrist straps! Grip looked like it held just fine, my friend.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    Opted to do an impromptu de-load leg day today. Last week I hammered the squats at 365, and over the weekend my knee was rather grumpy. Maybe a coincidence (I do have bad knees), maybe not. Tuesday's leg session didn't really test the knee between rack pulls and hip thrusts, so was able to use full weights that day. But my knee still pokes me in the shoulder some times when I twist just wrong, so I told myself going into my squat session today that I would listen to my knee, and the moment it started to object, I'd stop increasing weight, and if it started to holler I'd stop completely.

    No hollering, but the objection came when I hit 225, so I cut my warmup short at that point and did my 4x15 working sets at this much lower warmup weight, really concentrating on form to prevent any wrong angles turning an objecting knee into something worse. Got through the sets, and the rest of my workout went without a hitch using full weights, though admittedly my knee was plenty warmed up by then.

    Here's hoping this lighter workout, getting the blood flowing, will help speed up the recovery and allow me to get back to where I want to be next week.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Opted to do an impromptu de-load leg day today. Last week I hammered the squats at 365, and over the weekend my knee was rather grumpy. Maybe a coincidence (I do have bad knees), maybe not. Tuesday's leg session didn't really test the knee between rack pulls and hip thrusts, so was able to use full weights that day. But my knee still pokes me in the shoulder some times when I twist just wrong, so I told myself going into my squat session today that I would listen to my knee, and the moment it started to object, I'd stop increasing weight, and if it started to holler I'd stop completely.

    No hollering, but the objection came when I hit 225, so I cut my warmup short at that point and did my 4x15 working sets at this much lower warmup weight, really concentrating on form to prevent any wrong angles turning an objecting knee into something worse. Got through the sets, and the rest of my workout went without a hitch using full weights, though admittedly my knee was plenty warmed up by then.

    Here's hoping this lighter workout, getting the blood flowing, will help speed up the recovery and allow me to get back to where I want to be next week.

    Smart call! Sucks to feel pain but really smart to listen to your body.

    I am going to have to do the same, I think. I recently added machine assisted Dips to my routine and now my right shoulder injury is acting up. 😔. I don't know why my shoulder hates dips so much, but it does. Not sure if I need to lessen the ROM, lighten the weight, or drop them entirely. Sigh.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    My shoulder also hates dips, so I gave them up completely years ago and never looked back.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    Today was upper body power day, and successfully raised my bench to 260x5,5,4,4,5. One step closer to that 315 goal. Maybe by my birthday in June? Though in the effort to avoid injury, I won't try it until the computer model says my 1RM is actually closer to 330, give me a buffer. So it may take the entire year instead of the next 5 months, but I'll get there, no worries.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Today was upper body power day, and successfully raised my bench to 260x5,5,4,4,5. One step closer to that 315 goal. Maybe by my birthday in June? Though in the effort to avoid injury, I won't try it until the computer model says my 1RM is actually closer to 330, give me a buffer. So it may take the entire year instead of the next 5 months, but I'll get there, no worries.

    That's awesome!
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    I really wasn't in the mood tonight, but I went anyways.

    I am sooooo glad I went! This was such an awesome session! Lifts were solid and moved nicely. Deadlifts went better than expected and my leg press was awesome!

    I upped my weights/reps on bench, deads and press.


    Way to get after it, Sandy! Happy to hear this session lifted your spirits. Your tenacity and perseverance is more impactful and inspiring than you know.

    I missed this! Thank you Steve! ❤️

  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    edited February 6
    Last night's session went pretty well. I did notice that I have to focus more on keeping my knees from caving when the squat weight gets heavy.

    Bench - it's bench. It's so hard for me to see gains. And yet, I distinctly recall when I could not squeak out 105x5 without damn near dying... so I know I've made progress. Still, I'm pushing toward a goal of 135lb and it feels like it'll never get here.

    "Patience is a virtue, seldom found in men, never found in Sandra"
    ~ quote: my dad


    Hope you all have great sessions today (for all those who are lifting)

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    Great on ya, Sandra! (Your dad sounds like quite a card, lol.)
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    Yesterday I awoke before my alarm, raring to hit the gym. Today was the opposite: really had to drag myself out of bed. My wife's been dealing with a nasty head cold, but I haven't felt any symptoms myself and I do all the right things to prevent getting sick (sleep, eat well, exercise, daily vitamin-C supplement), so I don't think I'm sick at all. It just took a lot of effort to get up and get out. But it's for days like today why we diligently work on developing discipline, to get the job done even when we don't feel like it.

    Took me until the third working set of my heavy rack pulls before I actually felt like I wanted to be there. Glad I did go anyway, as I busted through my barbell hip thrust plateau and get to increase the weight next week.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Yesterday I awoke before my alarm, raring to hit the gym. Today was the opposite: really had to drag myself out of bed. My wife's been dealing with a nasty head cold, but I haven't felt any symptoms myself and I do all the right things to prevent getting sick (sleep, eat well, exercise, daily vitamin-C supplement), so I don't think I'm sick at all. It just took a lot of effort to get up and get out. But it's for days like today why we diligently work on developing discipline, to get the job done even when we don't feel like it.

    Took me until the third working set of my heavy rack pulls before I actually felt like I wanted to be there. Glad I did go anyway, as I busted through my barbell hip thrust plateau and get to increase the weight next week.

    I get this TOTALLY. I was like that last night. I didn't want to get ready for the gym. Didn't want to go. Put on my jacket wanting to stay home. Sat in the changeroom wanting to GO home. Lol.

    On the treadmill (warmup) didn't feel it. Prepping for squats... didn't feel it. But once I got through that first warm up set... I was like... OK, I am glad I'm here. HAHA

    It's not about being motivated all the time... it's about discipline and commitment. Kudos to you for pushing through and getting there to get it done!

    As for my dad... ohhh yeah. He is pretty awesome!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    @psulemon, when you did your 500lb BB hip thrust, was that a single rep with the actual weight? Based on doing 465x6 today, online calculators claim I should be able to knock out 540 once, but I've not tried hitting anything above 465 yet. Next week I'll try 5x5 at 475, so it may be just a matter of time before actually trying 500.

    May have to figure out a better padding system, though. To date I've been folding up a yoga mat between my hips and the bar, but today I actually felt the bar for the first time in a while, and figure it'll only get worse as the weight goes up.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    @psulemon, when you did your 500lb BB hip thrust, was that a single rep with the actual weight? Based on doing 465x6 today, online calculators claim I should be able to knock out 540 once, but I've not tried hitting anything above 465 yet. Next week I'll try 5x5 at 475, so it may be just a matter of time before actually trying 500.

    May have to figure out a better padding system, though. To date I've been folding up a yoga mat between my hips and the bar, but today I actually felt the bar for the first time in a while, and figure it'll only get worse as the weight goes up.

    I got a bar pad off temu for like 15 bucks. It's great. I also used to use a pool noodle cut to length and then slit up the middle. Worked pretty well too. haha
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    edited February 7
    nossmf wrote: »
    @psulemon, when you did your 500lb BB hip thrust, was that a single rep with the actual weight? Based on doing 465x6 today, online calculators claim I should be able to knock out 540 once, but I've not tried hitting anything above 465 yet. Next week I'll try 5x5 at 475, so it may be just a matter of time before actually trying 500.

    May have to figure out a better padding system, though. To date I've been folding up a yoga mat between my hips and the bar, but today I actually felt the bar for the first time in a while, and figure it'll only get worse as the weight goes up.

    My current 1RM is 525lb for 1 with a pause at the top. I was doing reps of 465x5x3. I recently switched blocks from a power to hypertrophy block, so i am doing 3 sets of 10-12. Unfortunately, i had a small tweak in my hamstring, so i didn't do well last week. But previously, my working sets were 365.

    I have a hip thrust pad. I try to find one that is higher foam density at these weights. Although, one of the girls my wife trains with, uses a square foam pad.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    @KickassAmazon76 i love your dad quote.

    I got a new PB on leg press 360x10, and could have done more but in a pinch for time, figure 4 leg press upped over 50% too, heel/toe raises on press up 50% as well, and some machine I’ve discovered recently that’s a rear kick machine. I just kept adding weight til I ran out of time. I love that thing. It helps relieve the yoga butt.

    Went straight to Muacle Madness and killed it.

    Was feeling super cocky until I went to the pool last night and the leg and ankle cramps kicked in lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    @KickassAmazon76 i love your dad quote.

    I got a new PB on leg press 360x10, and could have done more but in a pinch for time, figure 4 leg press upped over 50% too, heel/toe raises on press up 50% as well, and some machine I’ve discovered recently that’s a rear kick machine. I just kept adding weight til I ran out of time. I love that thing. It helps relieve the yoga butt.

    Went straight to Muacle Madness and killed it.

    Was feeling super cocky until I went to the pool last night and the leg and ankle cramps kicked in lol. 🤷🏻‍♀️

    YOU ARE A BEAST! You are such an inspiration to me! Way to go on the PBs!!!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    Nice, @springlering62! I also love the leg press machine, and used to love loading up the sled. However, it got to the point of being ridiculous how many plates I was using, so I shifted to doing one-leg versions instead, figuring with half the legs I'd just use half the plates. Yeah, not so much. I was doing 12 large plates per side for sets of 10-15 with both legs, but now I'm doing 4 plates per side for sets of 5 with a single leg. Trifle humbling the first time, but I've grown to accept it and embrace it. Probably could go heavier, but I've been really working on increasing my range of motion, which I'm not satisfied with yet. Something about doing it one-legged causes my leg to lock up at a higher point than when I work in pairs.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    Nice, @springlering62! I also love the leg press machine, and used to love loading up the sled. However, it got to the point of being ridiculous how many plates I was using, so I shifted to doing one-leg versions instead, figuring with half the legs I'd just use half the plates. Yeah, not so much. I was doing 12 large plates per side for sets of 10-15 with both legs, but now I'm doing 4 plates per side for sets of 5 with a single leg. Trifle humbling the first time, but I've grown to accept it and embrace it. Probably could go heavier, but I've been really working on increasing my range of motion, which I'm not satisfied with yet. Something about doing it one-legged causes my leg to lock up at a higher point than when I work in pairs.

    lol I am stoked about trying for 4 plates a side using BOTH legs, tomorrow. You were doing that much one leg at a time? #faints
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,871 Member
    *grins* My legs have always been my strongest feature, far outstripping the rest of me. Whenever I look at various "lifting standards" online, my upper body is typically in the "intermediate" category, where my legs are always either "advanced" or "elite".

    (Except deadlift, where I'm stuck at intermediate. Or was, before I swapped deadlifts for rack pulls.)

    It's one of the reasons I always enjoy leg day, it's such an ego boost to have warmup sets far heavier than my 1RM on upper body days. (I refuse to allow my thoughts to go the other direction, that my upper body is so pathetic I can't even lift warmup weights, lol.)