GIFt us your lifts! (or other achievements!)



  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,644 Member
    Been a tough week. My son has been struggling and I've been up till almost 2:00 in the morning every night this week with him. My eldest is also been in the middle of a huge pain flare and is needed more help with food and such.

    Still I managed to make it to the gym and did bench, deadlifts and leg press. (cut the rest of the sesh off, got home for 1030 and was up til 2 again).

    All that said...
    It feels really REALLY GOOD to be able to do multiple sets and reps at 285 lb, when my one rep maximum was 275 for almost 3 years. It makes me feel almost giddy with excitement!

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,780 Member
    My little girl (ok, she's 16 and a high school junior, so maybe not so little anymore) has been dealing with knee pain for several years now, impacting her ability to fully commit to her school sports teams. Various therapies and medications never solved the issue, so we finally got an MRI done. Her doctor saw some growths and extra fat deposits sitting behind the kneecap causing pressure, figured that was what was causing the pain, so today was arthroscopic surgery to remove all the junk and look around for anything else which may be to blame. Everything went perfectly, my daughter's been more bothered by the stiffness of the bandages than any residual pain from the procedure, but I'm the one troubled... Doc said she found signs of an old ACL partial tear which had mostly healed, if a bit off since it was natural not surgical. Her date estimates put it back to when my daughter was running track, and I do recall her complaining about knee pain then, but being a track veteran myself I never imagined an ACL tear from simply running, not even jumping or hurdling. Now I feel guilty that I didn't pursue this more strongly before when she was younger, perhaps saved her years of pain.