GIFt us your lifts! (or other achievements!)



  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    edited January 17
    ___Tams___ wrote: »
    You all impress me here 💪🏼
    No gif but today I used the assisted pull up for the first time ever. 5 x 5 on 27kg
    I weigh 67kg. Slowly but surely lol

    That's awesome!!! :smiley:

    (And TOTALLY GIF worthy)
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    I assume you mean the one where you kneel on a sled which moves with you. Have you considered looping a resistance band around the bar and stepping into it to assist you?
  • itchmyTwitch
    itchmyTwitch Posts: 4,019 Member
    ___Tams___ wrote: »
    You all impress me here 💪🏼
    No gif but today I used the assisted pull up for the first time ever. 5 x 5 on 27kg
    I weigh 67kg. Slowly but surely lol

    This is very cool. I was doing banded pull-ups last night. I am definitely feeling it today.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    ___Tams___ wrote: »
    You all impress me here 💪🏼
    No gif but today I used the assisted pull up for the first time ever. 5 x 5 on 27kg
    I weigh 67kg. Slowly but surely lol

    This is very cool. I was doing banded pull-ups last night. I am definitely feeling it today.

    They're excellent exercises! HARD, but excellent.
    Funny enough, I find that Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns are about equivalent for me to using the assisted pull up machine (i.e. the weight moved and reps are about equal).

    Banded pullups are much harder, but probably because I weigh so much (200lb), they don't offset the weight near enough for my strength (even if I double up the bands). I'm only able to get about 6 reps the first time and it goes downhill from there lol

    Either way, when I do them (no matter which ones), I always feel like a badass LOL

  • itchmyTwitch
    itchmyTwitch Posts: 4,019 Member
    ___Tams___ wrote: »
    You all impress me here 💪🏼
    No gif but today I used the assisted pull up for the first time ever. 5 x 5 on 27kg
    I weigh 67kg. Slowly but surely lol

    This is very cool. I was doing banded pull-ups last night. I am definitely feeling it today.

    They're excellent exercises! HARD, but excellent.
    Funny enough, I find that Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns are about equivalent for me to using the assisted pull up machine (i.e. the weight moved and reps are about equal).

    Banded pullups are much harder, but probably because I weigh so much (200lb), they don't offset the weight near enough for my strength (even if I double up the bands). I'm only able to get about 6 reps the first time and it goes downhill from there lol

    Either way, when I do them (no matter which ones), I always feel like a badass LOL

    Yes, I make a note of which bands (color) I use so I can track my progress by going down in how much support I need.

    I used to be able to do unassisted & i think I’ll get there again this year. Knock wood
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    edited January 17
    ___Tams___ wrote: »
    You all impress me here 💪🏼
    No gif but today I used the assisted pull up for the first time ever. 5 x 5 on 27kg
    I weigh 67kg. Slowly but surely lol

    This is very cool. I was doing banded pull-ups last night. I am definitely feeling it today.

    They're excellent exercises! HARD, but excellent.
    Funny enough, I find that Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns are about equivalent for me to using the assisted pull up machine (i.e. the weight moved and reps are about equal).

    Banded pullups are much harder, but probably because I weigh so much (200lb), they don't offset the weight near enough for my strength (even if I double up the bands). I'm only able to get about 6 reps the first time and it goes downhill from there lol

    Either way, when I do them (no matter which ones), I always feel like a badass LOL

    Yes, I make a note of which bands (color) I use so I can track my progress by going down in how much support I need.

    I used to be able to do unassisted & i think I’ll get there again this year. Knock wood

    That is awesome! I look forward to seeing your progress. My best ever was like... 2 and a half. LOL. And that was when I was attacking them like crazy. I just find them REALLY hard. (And now I'm another 15lb heavier sigh)
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,405 Member
    ___Tams___ wrote: »
    You all impress me here 💪🏼
    No gif but today I used the assisted pull up for the first time ever. 5 x 5 on 27kg
    I weigh 67kg. Slowly but surely lol

    This is very cool. I was doing banded pull-ups last night. I am definitely feeling it today.

    They're excellent exercises! HARD, but excellent.
    Funny enough, I find that Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns are about equivalent for me to using the assisted pull up machine (i.e. the weight moved and reps are about equal).

    Banded pullups are much harder, but probably because I weigh so much (200lb), they don't offset the weight near enough for my strength (even if I double up the bands). I'm only able to get about 6 reps the first time and it goes downhill from there lol

    Either way, when I do them (no matter which ones), I always feel like a badass LOL

    Even if i used all the bands in the gym, it would not be support enough for my upper body strenght with my bodyweight (almost 250lbs)
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    No way do you weigh that much! They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but I would swear from your videos that you weigh less than you self-report. (That applies equally to both @KickassAmazon76 as well as @Minion_training_program.)
  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,405 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    No way do you weigh that much! They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but I would swear from your videos that you weigh less than you self-report. (That applies equally to both @KickassAmazon76 as well as @Minion_training_program.)

    I am a tall guy, almost 2 meter (6'5ish i believe) and most of my weight is on the gut. I have pretty big upper legs as well, but thankfully lots of muscles there (proud of the progress there).
    So i guess it looks different on me than if i would be under 6 feet

    But yeah weighing almost 250 lbs makes it very hard to do bodyweight workouts
    Push-ups, pull-ups, dips
    Altough i can do 10 push ups and 5 clean dips
  • steveko89
    steveko89 Posts: 2,217 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    No way do you weigh that much! They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but I would swear from your videos that you weigh less than you self-report. (That applies equally to both @KickassAmazon76 as well as @Minion_training_program.)

    I am a tall guy, almost 2 meter (6'5ish i believe) and most of my weight is on the gut. I have pretty big upper legs as well, but thankfully lots of muscles there (proud of the progress there).
    So i guess it looks different on me than if i would be under 6 feet

    But yeah weighing almost 250 lbs makes it very hard to do bodyweight workouts
    Push-ups, pull-ups, dips
    Altough i can do 10 push ups and 5 clean dips

    I've found that even a few extra pounds makes a difference for pull-ups. I've been massing since around Thanksgiving and up ~9 lbs (currently 180lbs at 6'1" aka 81.6 kg and 1.85m), can absolutely tell a difference when I do pull-ups
  • cowsfan12
    cowsfan12 Posts: 6,063 Member
    steveko89 wrote: »
    nossmf wrote: »
    No way do you weigh that much! They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but I would swear from your videos that you weigh less than you self-report. (That applies equally to both @KickassAmazon76 as well as @Minion_training_program.)

    I am a tall guy, almost 2 meter (6'5ish i believe) and most of my weight is on the gut. I have pretty big upper legs as well, but thankfully lots of muscles there (proud of the progress there).
    So i guess it looks different on me than if i would be under 6 feet

    But yeah weighing almost 250 lbs makes it very hard to do bodyweight workouts
    Push-ups, pull-ups, dips
    Altough i can do 10 push ups and 5 clean dips

    I've found that even a few extra pounds makes a difference for pull-ups. I've been massing since around Thanksgiving and up ~9 lbs (currently 180lbs at 6'1" aka 81.6 kg and 1.85m), can absolutely tell a difference when I do pull-ups

    Agreed - put in 20lbs since last March - can eek maybe 2 unassisted chin ups right now - was doing 3 sets of 6-7 back then
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    It's amazing how much a small difference in weight can affect pullups. Back in my military days, I was routinely banging out sets of 20-25 pullups. I was really impressed by guys who added weight via a weight belt and still banged out reps, so I asked if I could try. Dude said sure, but warned me off of starting with the multiple 45's he was using, said just use 10 to start. Thought he was punking me, but figured I'd go along with it and show him how good I was.

    Turns out the dude was right. By adding a mere 10 pounds, my pullups dropped from 20-25 reps to 8, and when I tried using 25 pounds I eked out 3. Whole new level of respect for the dude after that, doing sets of 10 with an added 90 pounds.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    No way do you weigh that much! They say the camera adds 10 pounds, but I would swear from your videos that you weigh less than you self-report. (That applies equally to both @KickassAmazon76 as well as @Minion_training_program.)

    I am a tall guy, almost 2 meter (6'5ish i believe) and most of my weight is on the gut. I have pretty big upper legs as well, but thankfully lots of muscles there (proud of the progress there).
    So i guess it looks different on me than if i would be under 6 feet

    But yeah weighing almost 250 lbs makes it very hard to do bodyweight workouts
    Push-ups, pull-ups, dips
    Altough i can do 10 push ups and 5 clean dips

    You're too kind @nossmf :smile: . I too am tall (6'1), so I hide the weight pretty well, but my scale confirmed this morning that I am indeed 201lbs.

  • Minion_training_program
    Minion_training_program Posts: 13,405 Member
    When i was at my lowest back in 2015 i did not do much lifting, i was doing cardio a lot, and light weight dumbells and cable station work.
    But i was able to do 3 sets of 8 unassisted pullups with 10kg plate
    But i was around 185 lbs i think
    Yes i am stronger now than i was back then, but also a lot heavier and bodyweight workouts just suck at my weight

    At 185 i was also able to do 50 push-ups in a row
  • itchmyTwitch
    itchmyTwitch Posts: 4,019 Member
    About the pullups thing: I agree with everyone everyone here. For me, losing the ability to do them has more to do with gaining fat than losing strength. I still have another 20 pounds or so to lose before I feel like myself which is why I think it’s going to take most of the year before I can do pull ups again. I’m still training them, so maybe I’ll surprise myself.
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member

    Versus five and a quarter years ago when it was all I could do to walk a mile.
  • KickassAmazon76
    KickassAmazon76 Posts: 4,650 Member

    Versus five and a quarter years ago when it was all I could do to walk a mile.

    That is incredible! What were you doing to burn all that!?!
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member

    Versus five and a quarter years ago when it was all I could do to walk a mile.

    That is incredible! What were you doing to burn all that!?!

    It wasn’t planned.

    Walked the dog a mile

    Gym session (not recorded)

    Muscle Madness Cardio class

    An hour swimming laps and practicing my 1-2-3 breaths (hardest of anything I do!)

    Walked the dog a mile and a half

    Walked three miles RT to the doctors’ office

    Walked the dog a mile
    (this dog has very high expectations)

    Aquafit “sampler” demonstrating a new cardio program they want to implement

    Swam a couple laps to kill time before blowing that off and ran mouth instead

    Full aquafit class

    Did needlework and tried to consume calories. At that point the “move ring” was buzzing along on its own and didn’t require much prodding.

    It’s always a puzzle how when you have no calories left over there’s tons of interesting and tempting things to eat, but when you have too many, you’re scrambling to get them in.

    It was def a unicorn of a day.
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,847 Member
    I just burned 500 calories simply READING about that day! lol
  • springlering62
    springlering62 Posts: 7,913 Member
    I had a really good training session this morning. 👍🏻

    Am loving the VersaGripps gloves someone - maybe @nossmf ? - recommended. They are so grippy and take so much stress off my wrists (which are often a bit tender from arm balances) that I was able to go up on weights on several things.

    Better grip also helps take it out of my shoulders some, too.

    I also tried them in an Aerial silks class, out of curiosity, and really liked them for that, but was afraid the grips and especially the strong Velcro would tear up the silks, and those silks are not cheap. Maybe if and when I’m not such a total newb I’d try them again there.

    Anyway, fwiw from a weaker, non-power lifter, total thumbs up from me after a couple weeks now with the VersaGripps.