Question for the ladies....NO MEN!!! :)



  • zedgt87
    zedgt87 Posts: 379 Member
    do it
  • 5n0wbal1
    5n0wbal1 Posts: 429 Member
    Age hasn't been much of a barrier for me, but I've typically gone older versus younger. I'm 23 and my husband is 31. I was dating a 31-year-old at 18. Kinda yuck when I think about it now, but as a former poster said, love chooses you. I think I'd have more in common with someone my age, but if I loved someone younger than me and enjoyed his company (and I was single, of course; not doing it now, being married), why not?
  • Stary714
    Stary714 Posts: 110 Member
    "Mature men" . . . kind of an oxymoron . . . hee-hee!

    ^^love that :P

    I don't think I could date a younger man... I like a man thats taller and a least a little bit older than me
  • chancock6
    Maybe. Depends on the guy. I rather like older men. They have it more together. My boyfriend is 9 years ahead of me.
  • luv2garnets
  • tlwall1972
    WOW! Lot of interesting

    Thanks :tongue:
  • kittenful
    kittenful Posts: 318 Member
    If the man interests you, why not?

    Do what makes you happy. I know I did, though I'm in the opposite camp. My husband is 8 years older than I am.
  • _KrisMarie_
    If we liked each other, I don't see why not...
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Am 55. Have tried it. Cannot get on with them at all. Nothing in common. Cultural references too different. Values, current place we're in in life, goals, outlook, philosophy, life history and experiences, all just too different and so there is just no common ground whatever.

    Also, I've put in the years and learned the lessons and reached a certain level of emotional maturity -- they haven't, and nurse-maiding them isn't what I want in a proper man-woman emotional relationship. Often they still want lots of dramas, display lots of immaturity etc.

    So do you mean a relationship or do you mean just having sex with them? If the latter, still not a great match, in my experience.

    They are only interested in older women because of porn. They seek a MILF, they think we can "teach them" all about sex. They think we WANT to teach them what to do, that we don't want a man who already knows.... HUH! They think that what an older woman really wants is a nervous, inexperienced, clumsy bloke who has to be taught what to do.

    They also most have not learned any sort of impulse control. They nag for sex on the selfish grounds that THEY want a release - and hold you responsible for keeping them happy at all times.

    If you do happen to be "lucky" enough to meet one who isn't any of the above, then he'll break your heart by leaving you for a woman he can have kids with.

    So I guess it is a lose-lose situation all round.

    I think your experience has more to do with the men you selected than their ages.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    "Mature men" . . . kind of an oxymoron . . . hee-hee!

    Hah! Like "logical women"!
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Probably not. I've always gone for older. Though now I would be willing to go maybe up to three or four years younger, which is a change from how I used to be. Untested, though, as I've been attached for a long time and he's older.
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    I prefer an older man or at least someone around my age. But, if there is a real connection, then why not. Honestly though I don't know if I could date anyone younger than 25, and even that is pushing it for me. It could be the fact that I am a single mom of 3 young kids and men that age might not be ready for that kind of commitment. I could be wrong though.
  • Mother_Superior
    Mother_Superior Posts: 1,624 Member
    "Mature men" . . . kind of an oxymoron . . . hee-hee!

    Hah! Like "logical women"!

  • LaserOctopus
    LaserOctopus Posts: 121 Member
    I'm 41. I've occasionally dated younger men (and older men, though less frequently). Sometimes it's great - as has been mentioned, age is not necessarily equal to maturity/intelligence/et cetera. They can be a lot of fun, and they can be every bit as compatible, personality-wise and in sex-wise, as men in the same age group. Depending on the life they've lived, they may well be your equal in life experience, too.

    That being said, men in the same age group are more likely to have similar life experiences, due to having grown up during the same time period. For some people, this is important.

    I figure once you hit about 25 or so age is mostly irrelevant. Once a person has been out in the world completely on their own for at least five years (which *can* happen well before 25, it certainly did for me), they will grow up and change and adapt quite a bit. The difference in a person between 25 and 30 is much, much less than, say, 20 and 25. Or 15 and 20.

    Personally, I like them freakishly tall (I'm 5'10), but I usually end up with the intelligent, nerdy, slightly goofy ones ( <3 ). And usually +/- 5 years in age.
  • scottaworley
    scottaworley Posts: 871 Member
    I can't help responding to a women only thread
    Me neither
  • talk2mk
    talk2mk Posts: 2 Member
    I am 55 and currently dating a man who's 46 really is not a big difference in age, but enought to be fun. So yes, do it, enjoy the time you are together, just like you would with any man, and see where it takes you.....Carpe Diem sister!
  • Miss_Meliss86
    Miss_Meliss86 Posts: 372 Member
    In for finding out who the cougars on this site are and the names of females to give out when feminists call me a pig for going out with a much younger women.

    *waves* hi Taunto!

    Don't feel like I am at this point yet...but age is just a number once you reach your late 20s. Well, to a certain extent...I'd have a hard time going any younger than 10 years I think, but that's just my personal preference.

    As it stands now I like 'em older...about 2 years preferably :tongue:
  • tlwall1972
    I am 55 and currently dating a man who's 46 really is not a big difference in age, but enought to be fun. So yes, do it, enjoy the time you are together, just like you would with any man, and see where it takes you.....Carpe Diem sister!

    Love your attitude!!!! :bigsmile:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    "Mature men" . . . kind of an oxymoron . . . hee-hee!

    Hah! Like "logical women"!

    I'm starting to think that the illogical women and the immature men often find each other. Cleans it up for everyone else I suppose.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Current boyfriend is 4 years younger and far more mature than men I have met my age and older.