Less Alcohol ~ JUNE 2021 ~ One Day At A Time



  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,979 Member
    I wish that there was a "love" button for @Lilylady3k 's photos!
  • globalhiker
    globalhiker Posts: 1,789 Member
    @Lilylady3k, what enjoyment....how interesting. I thought one of the pix was either a frog or crustacean-type creature since it seemed to have arms and legs.
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 4,026 Member
    @Lilylady3k, what enjoyment....how interesting. I thought one of the pix was either a frog or crustacean-type creature since it seemed to have arms and legs.
    @globalhiker - fried soft shell crab stuffed with crabmeat speared with a steak knife to keep it up right on top of the fried green tomatoes. They called it Godzilla!

  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,979 Member
    Hi : - )

    My goal is 16-20 AF days per month.
    Diary Style.

    Tuesday June 01 - AF
    Wednesday June 02 - AF - I might have drinks tomorrow eve.
    Thursday June 03 - 2 drinks. Quite enjoyed them.
    Friday June 04 - AF - It has been very hot here all week, by mid-afternoon I had to stop walking around doing Census. I will get at it again early in the morning tomorrow before it heats up. I got some garden stuff planted this morning before going out to work for StatsCan (can't knock on people's doors earlier than 9am, that would just be rude). Garden pics to come
    Saturday June 05 - 3 drinks. Census only for Sunday, no restaurant or merch jobs.
    Sunday June 06 - AF - 3 went from a record breaking heat wave to really chilly. I had to have a hot bath this evening after being out knocking on doors all day. A brandy would have been nice, but I resisted.
    Monday June 07 - AF - Planned drinks for Friday

    Rolling Total - 5AF day out of 8 days.
  • lmlmrn
    lmlmrn Posts: 788 Member
    6/1 - AF, 9 miles
    6/2 - AF, 3.9 miles
    6/3 - AF, 3.5 miles
    6/4 - 4 drinks, 3.85 miles
    6/5 - 1 drink, 3.5 miles
    6/6 - 2 drinks, 1.7 miles
    6/7 - AF, 4.2 miles

    Weekly total: 7 drinks, 4 AF days, 29.65 miles

    Was AF last night because I was supposed to be, but I wasn't happy about it. Last week I got told that this project I've been working on for two years might get cancelled and to hold off doing any work on it. Yesterday at the end of the day I got told that it is indeed still happening, but that means I have to cram three days' worth of work into one day before I go on vacation. Right before I left the office I went to print something out, and it took me 30 minutes to get a printer to work because no one's been maintaining them during the pandemic. Got home in THE WORST mood, and despite husband's best efforts to cheer me up and an hour-long walk to destress, I couldn't shake the mood. And I was SO HUNGRY, but felt like I had to stick to my salad for dinner since I skipped the gym again and settled for a walk. Fell asleep with my stomach rumbling. Despite eating low-cal and not drinking, I'm still up another lb this morning, back to my starting weight for this month. Logic-brain knows fluctuations happen and that this is more related to the weather and needing to poop than anything I'm doing, but emotionally it just sucks. I feel like I'm spinning my wheels, and I'm extremely off-pace for hitting a weight I'm happy with by February.

    Today, instead of being excited for my vacation, I'm really stressed out. I'm staring down a mountain of work. I'm wondering if I should only eat salads for the rest of the month. I haven't taken care of a bunch of personal things, like organizing the paperwork to file my appeal to my insurance company. I've running on very little sleep because I keep having nightmares. And I'm still so frickin hungry. Send me some good vibes, y'all.

    <3<3 good vibes coming your way.....I hope it gets better for you