
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    exermom wrote: »
    Every time I’ve asked him “what’s the matter” the answer was always “I’m just tired”. Maybe there’s something else going on because no one is tired all the time.

    Michele NC

    I had a bit of a chuckle about this ... I can't remember a time when I didn't feel somewhere between tired and utterly exhausted.

    I'm sure I must have felt rested at some point many years ago, but it's faded from memory.

    I'm that tired that last weekend, I slept 11 hours on Friday night, got up Saturday about noon, did a few things in the early afternoon, napped for 1.5 hours, then slept another 11 hours Sunday night, and could have easily slept much more.

    I've increased the time I sleep during the week to 7.5 hours a night, but I still fall asleep on the bus and generally feel half awake during the day.

    The tiredness is why it is a struggle for me to exercise after work. I just don't seem to have the energy anymore.

    Machka in Oz

    Yes, but he isn't taking care of a beloved spouse with a brain injury. To my knowledge, he isn't taking care of ANYONE with a brain injury. Maybe there's something else that I'm unaware of (something happening in the family)

    Michele NC
    exermom wrote: »
    Tracey – I think we’re many times tired because we are grown women, working jobs, raising families, we have more responsibilities. Remember, this is a young kid, unmarried, with none (that I know of) other commitments. To me, sometimes it seems like he doesn’t have anything else to do. Even on his day off he’ll come to the store to buy one item. Doesn’t go to school. I've asked what his hobbies are, what he's interested in and he's said the "just work". Huh?

    Michele NC
    who is, in a sense, dreading giving her notice tomorrow but on the other hand is excited

    Depression also makes people feel tired.



    And many other reasons.


    Most people I know are tired to some extent or another ... especially since early 2020 and the start of the pandemic. For many, they haven't been able to do the things they enjoy and look forward to. I haven't been able to do the things I enjoy and look forward to since 2018. That takes it's toll on people ... we get tired.

    I really don't know of very many people who are truly well-rested and energetic.

    I wonder what it would feel like to be well-rested and energetic.

    Machka in Oz
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Morning ladies
    About the young man working at Food Lion,he might also be a gaming addict ,the kind that play video games hrs and hrs at a time.
    Depression also..
    We had a gullywhomper come through yesterday afternoon and did quite a bit of damage..
    Today im taking my DGD to get a haircut,right now she looks like cousin IT
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,701 Member
    Happy July 7th! It was a crazy weekend here. I had told DH that I needed one day to get some work things done.....that went down the drain....but did have fun! On Saturday, I forgot that friends of DH were in town. We headed over to see them. He hadn't seen them since shortly after HS in the early 80's. We had a great time with all. On Sunday we took the 2008 Shelby GT to a car show north of town. There were over 700 cars! It was hot, but relaxing. We did bring home a trophy which was awesome and unexpected! Stopped by friend's house to show off car on way home. Ended the night watching fireworks in 4 directions from our front yard. I was happy. I love the fireworks, but dislike the traffic trying to leave the closer places. My front yard with another couple was perfect! Adult beverages and bathrooms vs water and a bush ;) Monday our shop was closed for the city's festival. This time we took the new GT500 to the car show. Met with other car friends who won trophies for the first time! Spent the day chatting and reconnecting with folks. Again, stopped by friend's house to show off other car. Then home, shower, off to drop off DH at massage, ran errands while he was occupied, then to a memorial service for my sister in law's brother in law. Ended up staying longer than planned as our nephew really wanted part of his family to be there for the military send off. It was hard! Long Day! Great weekend! Did you hear of any work in there? Me neither!
    Concrete work still going on at our house. I am thankful we have the means to get it done. I know it will be beautiful when completed, but the mess and disruption is awful!

    Machka My DH told me years ago that his original eye injury from impacting his head with a tree in an auto accident also caused brain injury. Your journey has actually helped me have more understanding of that. He shattered the right side of his skull which cut into the optic nerve. Thank you for all the resources and information. It really does help explain several things.

    Tracey GRRRR! I feel you on the extra hours and compensation!!!! About 5 years ago, my sister in law made a comment about the time I was taking off. I started tracking hours, hers and mine. So far, my extra hours including carry over from previous years is at 494. Just for this year, I am up 263 hours as of the end of June. I would love to not have that many extra hours, but it is hard to get paperwork or training done while waiting on customers and answering phones. I will get there as soon as I figure out more on this business system I hope! I really need a few more employees, but if I found someone to help me at the counter, she would just spend even less time there. I feel you!

    Flea WOW! So glad you didn't get hit with the bat. And my DH tends to "pick" fights just before we head out to something. Really.... it would be nice if they would just be happy that we are happy about something! Prayers continuing.

    @snacker127 - You are from my Home area! In spite of being in Ohio since 1987. I still consider MD< VA< DC home. My brother and his family still live in the Frederick area. I try to visit as often as possible (well before 2020)

    My weight loss journey began over 11 years ago with my BFF. Her death shortly after that derailed me for a short time. I got back on track,then I jump the tracks, then I get back on. The upside is I haven't been back up to my starting weight of 150. After years of being over 130, I have managed to stay below that. I have struggled to get off and maintain that last 10 pounds or so. It wants to hang around the belly. I am 5'2" and small bones. When over 120, it really hurts the hips and knees. I know WHAT to do, I just NEED to DO it! I love the support of this group of ladies for every aspect of my life. Y'all help keep me real and grounded. I learn so much from each and every one of you. Attitude and positive self talk do go a long way! Like many others, I need to learn "to put on my oxygen mask first"

    Have a BLESSED day!
    Make the best choice you can at the moment!
    Kylia in Ohio needing to get ready for work (again)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    Morning ladies
    About the young man working at Food Lion,he might also be a gaming addict ,the kind that play video games hrs and hrs at a time.
    Depression also..

    That was one of my thoughts too. And, from a young man's perspective, how do you explain Assassin's Creed, Call of Duty Warzone, Minecraft, etc. etc. to an older (sorry Michele) woman. He may think you'll just disapprove, Michele.

    M in Oz

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
  • pdd1216
    pdd1216 Posts: 319 Member
    edited July 2021
    pipcd34 wrote: »

    Lmao!!!! We r retired for one. Due to the heat, we start walking yogi early, anywhere from 5-6:30am. I honestly don’t need to be on MFP anymore, have been on the maintaining mode for awhile. As everyone knows it doesn’t take much to gain weight again. I have a 60 mile hilly ride coming up in September in Washington and a 1/2 marathon coming up in September. I have to start getting my legs used to running long distances again, SO THAT in itself will burn cal, along with all the other stuff we do. I still feel like the fat me even though I know to other people I’m skinny.

    That last line struck a chord in me. So many people say this and I felt the same way when I lost a lot of weight before. The mental aspect is soooo hard!
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,695 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    edited July 2021
    Hi all! Just jumping in before I go off to do my afternoon exercise. I've spent most of last night and today reading the book that came yesterday. :o Decided to 'forgive' myself for not doing my editing. I've finished it now and I'm sure it's done me good. :p Luckily, I don’t have to drive heavy machinery.
    Popped out to the shop for the first time in ages.
    D H at last day of cricket . England game tonight. I can find a film to watch.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    I came over with Alfie to get Homer out,i didnt come and take him to my place.. he is almost completely blind now so you have to talk so he knows where you are..
    He still likes to tell stories though and he has alot of them to tell lol
    Lisa- i feel the same way..Tom said his Dr told him with age it comes with the territory
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    KELLY ~ Happy 32nd Anniversary! May there be many more!

    Carol in GA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kelly — Happy 32nd Anniversary!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,990 Member
    Kelly- Happiest of Anniveraries xoxo
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    Kelli - happyyyyy anniiiiii!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member


    Love Heather UK xxxxxx