
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did Leslie Sansone 5 Day Fit Walk then took a walk. The plan for tomorrow is to do a Gilad Strength in Motion DVD

    Well, I went to Food Lion and gave my notice. Fortunately, the one really nice manager was there and I spoke to her. I feel so relieved. I really didn’t need that. I do feel sorry for the customers who looked for me and I feel sorry for the workers who depend on the hours to put food on their table. I really like helping people, and I want to think positively, maybe this is my ultimate way to help someone. By my not having hours, maybe someone who really needs them will get them.

    Allie – you might be on to something mentioning how that guy at Food Lion might be a video gamer. Whenever I talked to him, he almost never looked at me. Usually, when someone is speaking to you, you look at them. He always looked out into space. I was talking to Vince and he was saying that unfortunately, a lot of kids today text and really don’t have social skills. He would never talk to me unless I talked to him first (“good morning”). That might very well be why. And if he stays up late playing video games, of course he’d be tired.

    Very cloudy and overcast today.

    Went to Aldi. Got some of the things that I need. I do need to go to WalMart in the next day or two

    Lisa – I one time bought a card for a friend and it said “Get well soon, because at our age replacement parts are hard to come by”

    Deb – (((HUG)))

    Went to food Lion and quit, took my morning walk, got dinner ready to microwave, made biscuits for Vince to have (I’ll freeze them), went in the pool, now getting breakfast for tomorrow made

    Kim – (((HUG)))

    Went to ceramics tonight. The gal who put the hashtags on Dopey's patches forgot to do one patch so she's redoing it and refiring it, so I should be able to pick it up Monday. Then I'll post a picture of it for you all.

    Michele NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,130 Member
    :) Took the dogs to grooming this morning on the way to line dance. When Jake picked me up after class we went for our first restaurant meal since February 2020. It was a Mexican restaurant across the street from the groomer so it would be easy to pick up the dogs after we ate. The restaurant is large with big spaces between tables so we felt comfortable.

    <3 Barbie in NW WA
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    M My dad suffered a severve concussion in his later 40's my mom did say it changed his personality.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited July 2021
    M My dad suffered a severve concussion in his later 40's my mom did say it changed his personality.

    And there are a lot of people out there with some level of brain injury

    Get the Facts About TBI

    "There were about 61,000 TBI-related deaths in the United States in 2019.3 That’s about 166 TBI-related deaths every day."

    That's deaths ... many more survive the injury but may have lasting effects. In my course, I've learned that people with a mild concussion will likely recover in 2-4 weeks, but repeated concussions or more severe concussions can result in long-term, perhaps even life-long changes.

    Traumatic Brain Injury-related Hospitalizations and Deaths by Age Group, Sex, and Mechanism of Injury

    "Approximately 227,000 TBI-related hospitalizations occurred in 2016 but counts decreased to
    almost 224,000 in 2017."
    -- that's US data only and if you read the Limitations in that article, the count would be much higher.

    And there are other things which affect our brains like strokes, tumors, drugs & alcohol, dementia, etc. It's no wonder people are a bit "weird" sometimes!

    Machka in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    snacker127 wrote: »
    Hi everyone,
    Kylia in Ohio, your brother lives about 30 miles straight north up the highway from me. :)
    Lots of discussion around being exhausted. I think it's life (unless it's medical). Life is hard and messy, and if you live it, it makes you tired. That and getting up to pee at night, but you know what I mean.
    Lots of wonderful suggestions for managing stress. Just wanted to add journaling. I keep a digital journal on my phone. When my brain keeps insisting I remember every little thing, I can trust the journal to do it for me. Lets my brain relax a little. My daughter journals to write positive affirmations. You can do whatever works for you. My other suggestion is a little yoga thing. "Release your tongue, relax your jaw." In other words, you may not realize it, but we often hold our tongue pressed hard against the roof of our mouths, if you just release it, and relax your jaw, your whole face feels better.
    Have a good night.

    I depend heavily on my online calendars. I can't remember everything, but I can remember to put things in my calendar when they occur. :)

    M in Oz
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,689 Member
    trucker743 wrote: »
    Kelly, now I have a bit of puppy fever. I don’t want a large dog either. My best bet would be a long haired dachshund or a mini corgi. I’ll have to watch the rescues around me, I guess. I’m glad you had a good visit with your friends. I like the natural long hair photo the best. It accentuates the right things about your face.

    JustkeepTrying, what a rotten thing to do. It’s unfair especially to coworkers who have to fill the unexpected gaps.

    Rebecca, did Oak Harbor do their usual fireworks?

    Pip! I’m so glad to see your usual stat-heavy posts. It somehow satisfies my heart to know someone else is as compulsive about a set of numbers as I am. I log every bite and sip when I’m on my game and go back and try to check every nutrient and value.

    Tracey in Edmonton, what is it with this group and unappreciative bosses? Seems we have another sort of pandemic on our hands. Or is it just that we became so needy that we’d accept that sort of treatment gladly for the attention, and now we’re waking up?

    Lisa in AR, hang in there. I’m no stranger to what you’re going through. Baby steps are still progress, even if we wobble from time to time. It’s when I’m feeling a waddle rather than a wobble that I know I’m headed into bad places.

    R in indiana, it’s funny how we get down on ourselves for what others would say is progress. Keep on doing the right thing as best you can. For me, I deduct NO exercise calories. That way the only thing I can get wrong is calories. I actually measure most of my food now and don’t go on guesstimates. I’m not good at them.

    Diane in Tenn, welcome. This IS a busy thread, but so many people here who have reached goal and are maintaining, and willing to share their experience, strength and hope.

    Sharon Near Seattle

    Yes! On our street we were sandwiched between two groups of neighbors lighting some pretty powerful fireworks! We just had to get a chair out! They started at 8:30 pm and went until 2:00am. We could see the fireworks that the city put on, but we could feel the ones in our neighborhood! Hugs!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Pip. - I really like the idea of putting can lights in the garage. So much better than the fluourescents we have installed. It looks great.

    KJ. - Happy anniversary, friend.

    Karen in Virginia
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    edited July 2021
    I had to laugh because this popped up in my "Memories" today.

    I think I'm on the spectrum somewhere so I could relate to it and when I first posted it, I said:

    "And for some reason people get really uncomfortable when, in an attempt to make some eye contact, you stare intently at both pupils within the eyes of the other person."


    Machka in Oz
  • trucker743
    trucker743 Posts: 394 Member
    Katla, im so glad you get to ride thanks to your good friend! Many of my local friends have horses and really miss their time with them when they’re busy. It’s not like a dog or cat who greets you when you get home. Most folks have them stabled somewhere else. I’d find that hard, like having a child away at camp or boarding school.

    Oh Rebecca! your food picture and ingredient list spark all my nom nom buttons!

    Liz in North Florida, first of all, I hope the nasty weather misses you! How does one find out they woke up in ketosis? I’m on a high protein food regime because I’ve had gastric bypass surgery. I have to be careful I don’t get to burning protein (muscle) instead of staying even or burning fats. I never am quite sure I’ve got enough protein percentage for my size. Knowing I was in ketosis would help.

    Pip, isn’t body dysmorphia a bear? I’m at my goal range of 135-155 ( I allow a 10lb swing from 145 either way), but still sit gingerly in those plastic chairs, I’m so sure they’d break. And I cover my lower belly area careful because I’m so sure I’m fat. I KNOW better, I just have trouble thinking better.

    ”Hi” to Erin from Northern California! glad to meet you. I’m near Seattle but love northern CA Eureka would be a place I’d really consider living if it weren’t too pricey. You’ve set some terrific guidelines for this month. Running should help those pounds melt - especially with no candy and no alcohol. Healthy snacks will help you stay on track. Think hummus and veggies or meat sticks.

    Snacker, is that a habit you have, or does it just describe your eating habit? The folks I know who eat 5-6 tiny meals (snacks to me!) seem to do quite well. I’m trying my best to emulate them for most of the day. Keep on posting so we get to know you.

    Michelle, by mahjong do you mean the tile matching game in various shapes or the actual game of mahjong as played by the women in Amy Tan’s books? I think I’d like to learn the real game, but I’d prefer to play the computer at first.

    Barbie in NW WA, it seems like we talk about so much besides food. Friends, spouses, co-workers, repairs, animals we share our lives here, and that’s what keeps it real for me. I’m so glad for your very acute analysis o things and your ever-so-logical solutions to problems.

    Barbie AHMOD, cougars scare me more too. I love my cats, but see in them the likeness to big cats every day. They are focused on the silent stalk and pounce to kill. Even in play-fighting with each other I see how it could be deadly in an instant. They have learned cat manners well from their mothers and know when to quit. Strangely, my orange tabby girl, who is almost exactly half the size of her Siamese sparring partner is the dominant cat. She was here first and makes sure Andromeda knows it.

    On a terrible fudge I binge. My philosophy today was “eat it up, then buy no more”, so it’s gone but so is any thought of ketosis or weight loss for today. Oh well. As Scarlet said, “Tomorrow’s another day!” I can’t take that attitude often, though. Just today.

    Sharon Near Seattle
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member