August 2021 - Daily or Weekly Check-In



  • Lavoisier61
    Lavoisier61 Posts: 255 Member
    8/01 - 219.8 lb
    8/02 - 217.8 lb
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  • slimmergirl2015
    slimmergirl2015 Posts: 127 Member
    August goal:
    • Exercise 3 times a week
    • Lose 2kg

    April: 67.6
    May: 65.0
    June: 63.5
    July: 64.0


    1/8 -
    2/8 64.0

  • slimmergirl2015
    slimmergirl2015 Posts: 127 Member
    edited August 2021
    July was a difficult month, poor eating habits and lack of accountability.

    Hoping to take things a day at a time this month, and try to choose healthier options.

    Also I have bad acid reflux and need to manage my diet inorder to avoid sleepless nights.

    Exercise in the past has also motivated me to keep positive and disciplined so am going to push for that more than ever this month.

    Wish you all the best!
  • BambooBrain
    BambooBrain Posts: 3 Member
    Hey. I'm Boo. Really grateful to have this thread for accountability this month.

    My goals:

    ▪︎Gym minimum 2 × week
    ▪︎Consistently log meals

    Starting Weight: 207lb
    August Goal: 199lb
  • Lilylady3k
    Lilylady3k Posts: 3,960 Member
    August Starting Weight - 205.4 (7/31)
    August Goal - <202

    Adding my Happy Scale Trend because these fluctuations are messing with my head. The trend gives me a better view of my overall progress. Happy Scale Smoothing based on change over previous 14 days
    Date - Daily WI / 14 day TREND
    8/1 – 205.6 / 205.2
    8/2 - 205.6 / 205.3
  • BittersweetVita
    BittersweetVita Posts: 745 Member
    Hi there! I am a 5'3" female in my mid-forties. As a two-time cancer survivor, I have had several injuries, illnesses, and stress eating that has brought me back to square one, but I'm not giving up on myself to find health and fitness.

    08/01 - 186 3 - I walked and rode my bike today.
    08/02 - 183.9 - Good on cals and carbs but need to drink more water.
  • TinaLeigh67
    TinaLeigh67 Posts: 669 Member
    My name is Tina, Height: 5'6" Age: 54
    MFP starting weight: 149.2 (3/30/21)
    July results: 1 pound loss
    August starting weight: 134.8
    August goal weight: 130
    Ultimate goal: 128

    Goals for this month are to get back into regular exercising, better sleep habits and more protein.

    8/01 - DNW out of town, no scale
    8/02 - 134.8 Up almost 2 pounds from end of July. A weekend of no control. I was hungry constantly and didn't choose wisely. Time to kick it into gear and meet my goals this month.
  • Snapy15
    Snapy15 Posts: 26 Member
    My name is Sarah, I've always struggled with my weight and had an ED. I'm trying to do this the slow healthy way this time.

    Height: 5'1" Age: 30
    MFP starting weight: 268 Lbs (July 1st)
    July results: 10 lbs lost
    August starting weight: 257.8
    August goal weight: 250
    Ultimate goal: 140

    Goals for this month are to get back into the gym, commit to working out, and eat healthier.

    8/01 - 257.8
    8/02 - 255.8
  • Chalmation
    Chalmation Posts: 2,625 Member
    August Starting Weight: 136.6
    August Goal Weight: 132.6

    8/1: 136.6
    8/2: 138
    My sister had lunch for everyone yesterday. I was fine until she brought out the brownies and pie. This is mostly sodium weight and should be mostly gone by tomorrow.
  • dawnbgethealthy
    dawnbgethealthy Posts: 7,812 Member
    Hi all
    I am Dawn, 60, 5'2"
    I gained a bit of weight in both June and July, so my aim is to get that off and beyond.
    Before that I averaged a 1 pound weight loss each month throughout this journey.
    MFP start weight October 2018: 191
    UGW 112-ish

    Best of luck to everyone, and big thanks to @nikkit321 for providing this space to us and keeping us going.

    Sunday 8/01 - 132.9
    8/02 - 133.3
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  • nikkit321
    nikkit321 Posts: 1,485 Member
    Nikki - 52, 5'5.5"
    UGW 140
    August goal - for the high spikes and the low drops to both get lower

    8/1 - 189.0
    8/2 - 192.0 yikes! ugly sodium weight and a weekend of looser choices. Planning a run today.
    8/3 -
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  • adrianna_c
    adrianna_c Posts: 58 Member
    I'm Anna Height: 5'4" Age: 40
    Aug 1 weight: 137.5
    Aug 1 waist (low waist) = 34.75"
    August end goal weight: 134
    August end goal waist = 33.5"
    Ultimate goal: 130

    I'm also tracking my fat loss, since scale weight is only part of the story of body composition. I intend for my goal weight to reflect only fat loss. I also measure my waist to track that as well since that is ultimately what I care about. I plan to get there by hacking my bad habits (reading The Power of Habit), and being mindful of what I eat.

    Aug 1 - 137.5, 34.75" low waist, strength training, 3 mile run, too much snacking
    Aug 2 - 138.5, strength training, 3 mile run