

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,356 Member
    edited August 2021
    My son has cancelled the bike ride for tomorrow. I don't know if that's because they don't trust me on my own, or they've just decided to have a rest. They only arrived home today from Mallorca.
    They said they will come over to visit tomorrow instead in the afternoon. :D
    I said I will makes scones (biscuits) in their honour! Might even look for some cream, but that might be difficult on a bank holiday.
    We also want to discuss my elder son's visit next weekend. He has just confirmed he is coming. <3

    I had a productive day. I decided that I have always wanted to write a song, so I decided to give it a go. I sang a line :o then found three first lines for verses. Then I looked up how to voice record on my phone. Hooray! I can work on it bit by bit.
    I can't read or write music , but I can warble and experiment. :p

    Then I decided to play with an idea for the cover of my memoir. Downloaded a photo app and just riffed a bit. Came up with this. It would have a large banner title across the bottom.


    Feedback welcome.

    Interesting day.

    Much love Heather UK xxxxxx
  • dlfk202000
    dlfk202000 Posts: 3,026 Member
    I tried to read and catch up last night ,all I have missed since Friday morning, but my eyes were too tired.
    The little family reunion was great- too short of course but enjoyed every minute of it.
    My cousin and I went in and helped mom at the food bank/food program- up at 5 was a little rough but was fun to have more time with Erin.
    The only rough part was I heard from my cousin then my husband(but mom hasn't told me) that she has decided to have a friend move in with her. When I was up there last time she said that JoAnn was going to get a tiny house and move it on the property which I was fine with that. Now, with JoAnn moving in the house, I will not have a room when I go up to help or just visit my mom. JoAnn talks loud and non stop when I have been around her. Dad was always glad when she went home. I will be sleeping on the couch and have no time with just mom and I. No clue where we would sleep if dh and son also went up or if any other family went to visit mom.
    I know, I am being selfish but it was just a shock. I had planned on being up there a lot more than I have and eventually be there half the time. That won't happen if she moves in.
    She is moving in because the place she has been living the owner's kids are going to sell it- she lived and worked on the property but then the owner died and then her husband died. She has no kids.
    She is good company for mom and drives her to shop when she wants. Mom can still drive but JoAnn prefers to drive.
    I don't know when or even if this is happening but was just a shock. I had finally been able to have time just one on one with mom and now that is going to be gone. Her choice and I just have to go with it.

    Going to church in a bit- don't think DH is going with me- he is tired plus he doesn't like that no one wears masks,even though in that town it is mandatory.
    After that, if it isn't too hot, I will do a little gardening- I did water last night- everything was dry- 105 on our drive home yesterday afternoon. Not supposed to be quite as hot today but we will see.

    On a good note, beings we weren't here to put more cat food out Friday night(they got fed at noon), looks like the coon family have moved on. Maybe lack of free meal or the two pit bulls in the yard behind them that chased them up the trees a few times that helped- just glad they are gone.

    Ok- time to catch up on reading here while having my tea then get ready for church. Just over 40 min til I have to leave

    Napa Valley,CA
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • Snowflake1968
    Snowflake1968 Posts: 6,810 Member
    Machka - I love your table.

    Beth - hope you get to a doctor soon. Your son will come through for both of you I bet.

    Debbie - It’s a shame you won’t have a place to sleep but I bet it will be a great thing for your Mom. Maybe you can go for drives or something to have some alone time with her when you visit.

    We have the Grandpup (Ember) here since daughter and son in law were both in the wedding party yesterday.
    Ember will be 1 tomorrow and is still a pup and very energetic. We have been throwing a ball in the house for her because when we take her outside she tries to greet all of the dogs that walk by and defend our neighbours when they have a visitor. The problem is, the dogs she is normally around in her little lake village are all familiar to one another and here the neighbourhood dogs are all small or like to scrap.
    Our neighbours visitor yesterday was terrified by her. She doesn’t understand yet that not everyone thinks she is adorable and it confused her. She doesn’t even bark just goes up then with her tongue hanging out looking for love.


    I think I’ll be lazy today, once she goes home and Rodger goes to work I plan on doing some tidying and then maybe have a nap. I also need to design some decorations for the hippie dance party coming up.

    Tracey in Edmonton

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,959 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    RV Rita – It is lucky that you avoided having a fire. That melted electric cord seems like a potential disaster. I’m feeling like I could use a dose of Pip’s Boot today, too. I tripped on the stairs from the parking lot last night. I didn’t bonk my head this time, but my knee got banged & it has a scab. :grumble:

    Katla in NW Oregon

    Lol! Sounds like Pip’s boot got you on the stairs! Hope you heal fast!


  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    Heather interesting cover.. Like that is in black and white yet people are distorted. Does the blue ribbon have meaning?

    Pip darling baby picture of brother.

    (((Beth))) agree if leg feels hot get immediate treatment.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    edited August 2021
    Laundry done folded and put away ,and dishes done. And will get Alfies food as he is hopping all over me to get fed lol.
    I have always loved the place im going and so looking forward to going without any drama lol.
    Just saw pictures of it , so i already told Trudy she could have the bed because there is one either full or queen bed and a couch and Ill take the couch..
  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    dlfk202000 wrote: »
    I tried to read and catch up last night ,all I have missed since Friday morning, but my eyes were too tired.
    The little family reunion was great- too short of course but enjoyed every minute of it.
    My cousin and I went in and helped mom at the food bank/food program- up at 5 was a little rough but was fun to have more time with Erin.
    The only rough part was I heard from my cousin then my husband(but mom hasn't told me) that she has decided to have a friend move in with her. When I was up there last time she said that JoAnn was going to get a tiny house and move it on the property which I was fine with that. Now, with JoAnn moving in the house, I will not have a room when I go up to help or just visit my mom. JoAnn talks loud and non stop when I have been around her. Dad was always glad when she went home. I will be sleeping on the couch and have no time with just mom and I. No clue where we would sleep if dh and son also went up or if any other family went to visit mom.
    I know, I am being selfish but it was just a shock. I had planned on being up there a lot more than I have and eventually be there half the time. That won't happen if she moves in.
    She is moving in because the place she has been living the owner's kids are going to sell it- she lived and worked on the property but then the owner died and then her husband died. She has no kids.
    She is good company for mom and drives her to shop when she wants. Mom can still drive but JoAnn prefers to drive.
    I don't know when or even if this is happening but was just a shock. I had finally been able to have time just one on one with mom and now that is going to be gone. Her choice and I just have to go with it.

    Going to church in a bit- don't think DH is going with me- he is tired plus he doesn't like that no one wears masks,even though in that town it is mandatory.
    After that, if it isn't too hot, I will do a little gardening- I did water last night- everything was dry- 105 on our drive home yesterday afternoon. Not supposed to be quite as hot today but we will see.

    On a good note, beings we weren't here to put more cat food out Friday night(they got fed at noon), looks like the coon family have moved on. Maybe lack of free meal or the two pit bulls in the yard behind them that chased them up the trees a few times that helped- just glad they are gone.

    Ok- time to catch up on reading here while having my tea then get ready for church. Just over 40 min til I have to leave

    Napa Valley,CA

    I'm sorry about that. I guess you could tell your mom how you feel. maybe there are ways you can work out one on one time with your mom. It's not quite the same but my dad remarried quite late and I never felt I could have a non-surveyed conversation with him with his 2nd wife. I was finally able to negotiate going out for coffee or meals or something with him, until quite late in his life. it became harder and harder as he got older. I felt quite comfortable spending time with my dad and talking with him but not so when he was with 2nd wife...

    if she is good company for your mom with no down side ---- that seems ok, for your mom - it must be hard to be alone. I'm sure it was good for my dad to have someone to love and who loved him for the last 20 years of his life even if she was not really my cup of tea and if I didn't feel that comfortable with him. but I only visited 1x a year (since I live on another continent). I surely would have stayed over and visited more had I felt comfortable at his place like before - my siblings too. if you really had plans to be there half time -- that won't happen. - it might be worth speaking to your mom about that...

    if the room is unused, it's understandable that they choose to make use of it. but if they have means to build a tiny house - and you intend to be there half - time -- that is all worth discussing. these are important things to look at together.

  • bananasandoranges
    bananasandoranges Posts: 2,410 Member
    edited August 2021
    My sister still doesn't want to get vaccinated but she did listen to me about not isolating and is seeing a few friends (who accept to see her despite her non-max position and situation).
    I am not so worried about her non-vax position as she is totally rural, but more about her possibleisolation, after retirement, a major accident, covid, and now rejection or distancing by many of her vaxed friends and family...
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    Stat for the day-

    Housecleaning, dusting, vacuum, sweep patio, etc- 2hrs 47min 26sec, = 766c

    Taking a day off from riding, so far still in 2nd place
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,714 Member
    kevrit wrote: »
    Katla49 wrote: »
    RV Rita – It is lucky that you avoided having a fire. That melted electric cord seems like a potential disaster. I’m feeling like I could use a dose of Pip’s Boot today, too. I tripped on the stairs from the parking lot last night. I didn’t bonk my head this time, but my knee got banged & it has a scab. :grumble:

    Katla in NW Oregon

    Lol! Sounds like Pip’s boot got you on the stairs! Hope you heal fast!


    Ha to laugh when I read this
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Allie What a great plan to go somewhere for a few days with no drama. Too bad Alfie can't go with you. That would be perfect
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,538 Member
    Ok nice to know my Rueben sandwiches ARE better than Arbys! Love the German sauerkraut and plan to have it most days to help my gut health. Very low calorie and adds a zing to my meal! Melted my slice of farm style thick pepper jack cheese on sweet dark rye, smeared on a TBLSP of thousand Island dressing with warmed corn beef. Marvelous!
    Will have 2 eggs over easy with a slice of toast at 3pm. Had two fig Newton's and smoked almonds for snacks. All came to below 1200 calories. I added 200+ calories to make the my fitness pal app happy.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Barbie- unfortunately no pets. Tom said of course to having Alfie over thank goodness.
    That whole area of the seacoast is my old stompin grounds
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited August 2021
    Pip - Your brother was a very cute baby. :bigsmile:

    Heather – I like the artwork for your memoir. I think you’ve made a very good selection. :star:

    Rebecca - Thanks for your sympathy. I’ll do my best to be nice to myself today. I hope for no more scabby knees anytime soon. I put DMSO on my wound early this morning and it has made the knee feel better. I think it is doing a good job of reducing pain and healing the wound. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in NW Oregon
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member