

  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    Allie - I’m so happy for you to have a getaway! Enjoy every second of it.

    Rebecca - I see your mother in you. She looks so young.

    Katla - funnily enough I had a terrible fear of dogs especially German Shepherd’s. Our neighbour had one and he knew me but still barked like mad when anyone came to the door. One time I went to go sledding with the kids and the dog knocked me down and wouldn’t let me up. His teeth were so close to my face! I wouldn’t go near dogs for a long time especially German Shepherd’s. My husbands family had two when I met them for the first time and those two changed my mind on the breed. I’m still quite nervous around all dogs I don’t know though.

    Vicki - how is the hiring situation going?

    Flea - I’m thinking of you often.

    Ginny - hope you are safe from Covid and it’s just a sinus infection or something.

    Michele - I wouldn’t worry about the daycare place. All of them are having the same issues here. It sure is hard to stay away from it.
    I’ve heard the drawer under the oven was for keeping food warm. I always used it for storage.

    Machka - excellent advice. I am always told to just come out and say whatever I’m thinking. I’m so worried about “rocking the boat” it holds me back though.

    Beth - what a great little neighbour you have.

    Barbara - she is a very well trained dog, I was using the wrong code word! 😂. She is told to “sit and wait”. I was just saying come back here, when I found that out she was remarkably different. She sits, bows, does high 5’s, shakes a paw and a couple other things I can’t remember. My daughter was alone with her a lot and wanted a well mannered dog, never having one from a pup before she watched tons of YouTube videos to help them both. Today Ember is 1.
    Her other issue here was that her little lake community is very close so all the dogs greet each other, and get love from everyone. Not so much here. 😂

    Heather - I love your table settings. I would feel special and welcome. Love Bea, she looks like she’s going to go far in life.

    I had a fairly decent work day even though I overslept a bit and was a few minutes late. (Not late for the start time, just late for my usual start time).

    Yesterday I fixed my dishwasher all by myself. It is brand new just go it in March and it wasn’t draining properly for some reason. I looked in underneath it and the hose was kinked a bit. I ran it through and it drained perfectly after I fixed it! I had asked DH if that could be the problem a few weeks ago and he said he didn’t think so. He apologized to me last night and told me I had done a good job. 😂. Glad I didn’t pay someone to come look at it.

    I found out a younger (once upon a time) friend passed away today. We were FB friends now, but didn’t converse a lot. She just had a new grand baby last week that she didn’t get to meet. It took a while for me to find out, but apparently she was waiting for a liver transplant.

    Tracey in Edmonton

    The photo I posted back on page 78? Its of three gals, I am on the left, a longtime family friend (more like a sister), and my eldest sister Pam on the right. But I do look like my momma.💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    Have yet to visit the gym. This week we travel to Seattle for husbands yearly liver transplant appointment. His tests start at 7am , so we start the morning at 4am, leave by 5am to get there by 7. It will be a long day. Hopefully well will be able to have lunch in the University's park area between tests and main appointment.👍💖

    Athena did well, the babysitter informed to my son. With daughter in law working full time, son having to do in class learning for his college classes, they had to get a babysitter. She stated she cried a little bit, but then was able to play and feel better. Its too bad that we don't live closer and I could help them out. Son stated the morning after I left, Athena woke up asking, "Mimi play"? 💖💖
  • Whidislander
    Whidislander Posts: 3,528 Member
    Michele now in FL, it definitely was an awe moment.💖
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :) It's time for September so I've posted the new thread.

    Here is the link:
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    Stats for the day-

    Walk/jog w/family- 1hr 1min 55sec, 4.30ap, .37elev, 115ahr, 162mhr, 4.45mi= 467c
    Strava app = 539
    * walked 2mi going, coming back jogged, sidetracked by helping a lady move her car
    Zwift home spin bike- 1hr 53min 59sec, 319elev, 140aw, 60arpm, 111ahr, 140mhr, 21.11ahr, 40.1 mi= 739c
    Zwift app = 920c

    Total cal 1206
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I've been MIA again. I was at my parents' house on Sunday afternoon, visiting my sister & family who have evacuated from NOLA, when my father fell and broke his clavicle. He had to be transported by ambulance - they couldn't even tell us which hospital because so many were on diversion because of COVID but said they would call us. They would not let anyone go with him and told us the hospital were not allowing visitors, but that someone would call us. Three hours later, I called non-emergency dispatch to ask where they took him. I called the ER to be told one person could be with him and it had to be the same one person for the duration of his stay, so I was elected. CT scan revealed a blood clot in his lung which was more concerning to them than the broken clavicle. I was still in my church clothes, which included SPANX under a short, cotton skirt - not the ideal for spending the night in the hospital, but whatever. Once admitted to the hospital, he was allowed two designated visitors, so Mama came and relieved me Tuesday. I had to be back down today at 7:00, but he got to come home so now my sister can help. He's doing really well now, but Monday was a rough, rough day. My father cannot take Percocet - he started sundowning, trying to hit the nurses, refusing his meals, throwing his breathing treatment mask at the respiratory therapist, accusing one nurse of touching him inappropriately (I was right there; she picked up his leg to put it back in the bed because he was trying to get out.) I asked them to stop Percocet and morphine and to give him Tylenol instead and to put him on oxygen to see if that would help with the dementia. It totally went away with oxygen and no more hard drugs and he was back to his regular gentle self. The nurse wrote a request for him to go home with oxygen so that the insurance would pay for it. He's needed it for a while, but kept resisting. We are telling him it is temporary until he gets over this rough patch.

    A friend and I have signed up for a metabolic reboot program that begins Sept 5. We are hoping it will give us a layer of accountability that is currently missing. The program is limited to 30 people and we will have group coaching Zooms on Tuesday nights. I'm hopeful that this will be just what I need to get off this plateau I've been on for a couple of years.
  • TerriRichardson112
    TerriRichardson112 Posts: 18,336 Member