Women 200lb+, Let's Be Unafraid This August!!!



  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    Definitely use pads for your wrists too, I found them helpful for catching myself. Done many kinds of skating, and I tell you what.. pebbles are real! They can get in your wheels and trip you up, way better to be prepared.
  • 57pattycake
    57pattycake Posts: 29 Member
    @ThickMama1988 girl.. with 6 kids I'm surprised you have any hair on your head - this group is a kind motivating bunch with lots of knowledge and little judgement. Make sure you log in September first and start the monthly accountability posting. It's comforting to see most everyone have the same struggles, breakthroughs and losses - maybe not in that order sometimes!
  • azalea4175
    azalea4175 Posts: 290 Member
    I just started back doing My Fitness Pal early this month, and I just found this group. Hello, I am Billie. My age is 23, though I will be 24 in September. My weight is 224.6, but I started out this month at 235. I am 5' even last time I checked at eighteen years old, and I am trying to eat less and exercise more. I live with my grandparents of 80 and 85 years old and my disabled brain injured aunt. She's find for the most part; just has trouble walking sometimes and with her thinking and temper. I help them out with cleaning and taking care of the house. My grandma cooks with my help, and I take out the trash most often unless I forget before dark and my grandpa does it. But I don't like him to to so because of his age and try to do it more often. It was these chores that got me realizing how out of shape I am. I was drinking up to 5 Dr. Peppers a day, now I am down to one. I have been eating less and drinking more water. Plus I have been exercising. I also take apple cider vinegar one tsp a day in 8 ounces of water without food. But I hope to have some moral support as I am ADHD and Bipolar and prone to moods.

    Welcome, this is a great group. Non judgemental and very supportive and informative!
  • justanotherloser007
    justanotherloser007 Posts: 578 Member
    Welcome Billie, it sounds like you having a great month! It is very important for caregivers to take care of their physical and mental well being. It isn't necessarily the easiest thing to do either, just because it is easy to think that their needs are greater than your needs.

    This morning I got up with the hubby at 5:30 am and went to the (world's most masculine gym with all the "rare" equipment) and even with rehabbing my lower back and hips found I could do the elliptical! Then I remembered, I think they originally made these for the broken people back in the day. Boy am I glad! Sometimes even walking is difficult, so I was happily surprised!
  • goal06082021
    goal06082021 Posts: 2,130 Member
    @sandielewis2001 awesome progress, I'm glad you had a nice time! I really like the reframing of "I do things that make me happy and I treat my body well" - that's a good way to approach this. I am also part of the Exercise Before Sunrise crew, and twice now this week I've chosen sleep instead (although in both cases I still got in my planned exercise, just not at 6:30 AM like normal - "treating my body well" means getting both enough rest and enough movement, after all).

    @justanotherloser007 I'm glad you found something that works for you! The elliptical is kind of hit-or-miss for me; sometimes my knees cooperate and it's fine, other times they're just weirdly out of alignment somehow and I can't find a comfortable stride, and after a while my toes eventually go numb (but that's just the nature of the beast - since you don't usually pick your foot all the way up off the platform, you're compressing it more and for a longer period than you would in the course of normal walking).
  • girlinkaz
    girlinkaz Posts: 90 Member
    @justanotherloser007 I really understand you! I still look at small spaces and think “I don’t think I can fit through there” even though that is not true anymore!
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    @sandielewis2001 glad you had a great vacation! You’re so close to Onederland!

    @justanotherloser007 I can just imagine your panic. You must have been so relieved!

    @girlinkaz I love your new hair color!

    Welcome to all the new people!

  • swimmom_1
    swimmom_1 Posts: 1,302 Member
    Its amazing what a new co!or can do for you! I've been there myself awhile back. I had a before and after picture and people thought I applied makeup for the after picture. Not sure if you did but the hair color has changed your complexion. More color in your cheeks and all. Not as pale. As Billy Crystal would save, "You look Mavelous!"
  • girlinkaz
    girlinkaz Posts: 90 Member
    @swimmom_1 Thanks!! You’re right, there’s no difference in makeup, so it’s the weight loss + new color that really helps pull my “look” together!
  • pamelar25
    pamelar25 Posts: 197 Member
    I can totally relate @justanotherloser007. I have to keep telling myself I can do so much more then I could 3 months ago. I can go take a long walk in the woods without knowing if there's a place for me to sit and rest half way through. I'm about 44lbs from onederland myself and probably will for along time still see myself at 286lb because I was that size for 15+years.
  • Jem594
    Jem594 Posts: 72 Member
    edited August 2021
    Talk to yourself like you would talk to someone you really love great advice!
  • patriciafoley1
    patriciafoley1 Posts: 137 Member
    Age 65
    Height 5.4

    SW 6/1/21 212

    8/1 189.8
    8/6 186.8
    8/7 186.4
    8/8 185.4
    8/21 184.6 Finally after ten days of plateau, had a small loss
    8/23 182.6 And finally the big loss after two weeks of plateau
    8/27 181.6

    total weight loss since 8/1 8.2
    total weight loss since 6/1 30.4

    I was hoping to get under 180 by the end of the month Don't expect to make it, but I am pretty happy with what I have lost, even if I miss the ten pound goal.

    I also went from BMI "obese" to "over" even if just barely tipping that line. That's an accomplishment
    Hope to be 150 by Jan 1st!
  • jazzadesigns
    jazzadesigns Posts: 476 Member
    @healthymumlife great affirmations!

    @patriciafoley1 8.2 lbs is fabulous! Congrats on being just overweight! 🎉👏🏻👏🏻🍾
  • patriciafoley1
    patriciafoley1 Posts: 137 Member
    @jazzdesigns ha-ha about being happy and getting congrats for being "overweight" - but it is a great thing when it means stepping down (even if just barely) from obese

    Boiling eggs for a tuna salad for dinner tonight - yum
  • pamelar25
    pamelar25 Posts: 197 Member
    edited August 2021
    Aug. Start weight 253.0
    Aug. 23rd 248.3
    Aug. 27th 246.0
    I'm on vacation this week and bumped up my calories a little and I'm still loosing so I'm happy. Spent the first part of the month not loosing a lot, but feeling really good about ending the month with a little over a 7lb loss with four more days until the end of this month and my next weigh in being Monday.