So this is a Cyber Cafe What'll be?



  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Some more chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwiches, please, Viktor. I can’t wait to have leftover meatloaf sandwiches for breakfast. Hm, maybe I’ll make some meatloaf for real tomorrow.

    I bet getting rid of all the cardboard feels good, Zzyyggy. I ordered new sneakers online from Hoka. My podiatrist recommended them. They are terribly expensive. My daughter-in-law had me try hers on and I think they just might work out. Maybe I’ll be able to go for walks, too. I have terrible foot pain, but I’m hoping it’s better than it has been.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, I know about foot pain. That's why I like swimming. After my walks my feet would just ache. I wear the Kisiks that you can slip into and out of without tieing any shoe laces. I love them. Since I've been walking more I noticed the aching feet are back. I may have to talk to my doctor about that. For dinner tonight I'm going to have a big bowl of spaghetti and meatballs with crust garlic bread and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some klondike bars and an iced mocha. I can't wait for summer I miss my real iced mochas.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Zzyyggy, there’s a shoe store in town that has a certified pedorthist, who fits shoes with orthotics. They do a fantastic job fitting you and making sure you’re not having pain anymore. Of course, I haven’t been for awhile. Sigh.

    I’m having my meatloaf sandwich tonight. Francois (and Sweetie) made meatloaf. I could have meatloaf with macaroni and cheese. Hmm. Viktor has the ice cream fridge loaded with Klondike Bars and Magnum Bars—I like the double caramel Magnum Bars. Iced mochas all around, please, Viktor.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, we have the same kind of store. Got fitted for a good shoe but I can't bend down to tie them so ordered the same measurements with the kisik, and boy are they comfortable. I'm starving tonight, and tired. I'm going to have a big ole bacon cheeseburger with french fries and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some of those klondike bars and an iced mocha. I got my couch, well it's on order, and it's a comfortable day bed. I'll get it delivered and set up in about 3 weeks yeah. I went to Ashley furniture with my sister after she measured the space where I want it, the doorway, and the elevator. We looked at 4 different couches and settled on the day bed, and I'm looking forward to lounging on it. I just have a lazy boy chair which is hard to get out of, and my bed to take a nap on.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Viktor, I’ll have the deluxe nacho platter, please. Thanks for the pitcher of iced tea. Those brownies iced with vanilla buttercream look yummy. I’ll have that for dessert.

    Hi, Zzyyggy. I’d love a new couch and chairs. Mine are 39 years old. Gee, I didn’t realize they were that old. Glad you found something you like—it’s not easy to do.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, wow that's a lot of living in a piece of furniture. I have a table that belonged to my mother and her mother before her, and a bureau that belonged to my stepmother that's probably that old. She had it for the longest time well before she married my father. That kind of furniture is priceless. For dinner tonight I think I'll have the fried chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy, dinner rolls, and corn on the cob with lots of butter. A coca cola to wash all those non calories down. For dessert I'll have a slice of blueberry pie, and an iced mocha. I think I'll hang out on the terrace and enjoy the warm tropical sunshine.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hi Zzyyggy. It’s nice and toasty out here on the terrace even though the sun has already gone down. I asked Viktor for a slice of lemon curd tart and an iced tea on my way through the cafe. I’m sure he’ll be along any minute with my order and another iced mocha for you, as well.I think I’ll spend the rest of the evening out relaxing here.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, I love those nice warm evenings on the terrace. How about another one. We had a really chilly day outside today. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the fried seafood platter: a mixture of fried clams, scallops, shrimp, and haddock. French fries of course with all that, and a coca cola. Lots of tarter sauce. For dessert I'm going to go for some double chocolate klondike bars, and an iced mocha. So which should we have an ocean view sunset or a mountain view?. Lets go with the mountain view, and a kazillion stars popping out later.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Viktor, I’ll have what she’s having, please! Except for dessert I’ll have Dewey’s triple ginger cookies with butter pecan ice cream. Don’t forget the fudge sauce and whipped cream sprinkled generously with chocolate covered espresso beans.

    Nice view, Zzyyggy. It was 84 degrees in Charlotte today and there was a gentle breeze. The humidity was low. It was glorious. Almost as nice as being at the cybercafe.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, Wow perfect weather for me. Today was blah here in the North East. Just plain blah. So I'm staying in the cyber cafe, and enjoying a swim in the pool before dinner. Francois I'll have the New York strip steak grilled with a baked potato and salad. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have some of Betty's chocolate lovers cup cakes with an iced mocha. Aaaah life at the cyber cafe.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Zzyyggy, I saw Betty’s cupcakes, too. I want at least one of each different kind. They all looked yummy. We had another beautiful day after a bit of rain this morning. It windy out right now, but it’s 75 degrees and I wish we had days like this during the summer. Tomorrow it’s su to rain. I’ll have to plan on spending the day at the cybercafe.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, I'm pooped today. Did a bunch of laundry and then went for a walk. I'm also starving. I'm going to have the prime rib dinner with baked potato, salad and a coca cola. Lots of butter with that baked potato and full calorie salad dressing. For dessert I'll have some apple crisp with vanilla ice cream and an iced mocha. I think I'll go for a swim in the cyber pool first and then enjoy dinner on the terrace. I could really use a full day of sunshine in the real world.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    I’m glad I ordered what you ordered Zzyyggy. It’s so good. I asked Viktor to drizzle caramel sauce over my apple crisp and ice cream. Yum!

    In the Spring we frequently have rainy mornings and lovely sunny afternoons. That was today’s weather and yesterday’s, as well. I guess Spring is here to stay now. My azaleas are blooming again. I thought the buds would freeze when it got cold again, but no, the plants seem happy enough. The grass is really green and I hear more lawn mowers and leaf blowers every day.
  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi Linda, I wish it would warm up around here. We did have sunshine today and some warmth, but then it turned cloudy again and chilly. For dinner tonight I think I'll have a bowl of the french onion soup with lots of bread and butter, and a coca cola. For dessert I'll have some klondike bars and an iced mocha. Had the real thing today. Took the city bus up to Scout and Company on upper North Avenue to check the place out. The ride wasn't that much fun it was full of high school kids, but the place was cool, and the ice mochas were good. I had two. It's too far for me to walk. I may have to go earlier, they open at 7:00 or later.
  • rebecca_livinghealthy
    *silently steps in & sits in the most comfortable seat ever* to myself: it's been years of uncertainty as to whether to visit or to keep idly passing by ... unsure, except for a want of the best water ever to be had *a glass of the clearest, cleanest water appears* to myself: how did that happen *takes a look around, notices a few people ... takes a sip, then a big drink & downs it entirely* to myself: that is truly the best ... so smooth ... hmm, maybe I could just sit here for a bit ... so relaxing (💤)
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    Good evening @rebecca_livinghealthy! Oh, sleeping. I’ll just tiptoe over here and have a glass of water. I’m so impressionable, although I also ordered a bowl of watermelon and cantaloupe fruit salad. Why I’m craving this, I have no idea. I’m awake—insomnia strikes again.

    Zzyyggy, there’s no coffee shop you can walk to? That’s frustrating. There’s no way to easily walk to the store from where I live. The main road, even the state highway has no shoulder and there’s drainage ditches on the sides of the roads. While I do occasionally see people walking, it’s very dangerous
  • rebecca_livinghealthy
    Such a restful sleep. Glad I stopped by. Hmm, seems someone was about & had some yummy fruit ... sounds good & will go perfectly with my soup later today -- I love brunch.

    It's a lovely day, think maybe I will go for a walk & take in some of the sights around here. Maybe meet a few locals, too, and get myself more pulled together. I think this will be a good place to call home for awhile ...
  • rebecca_livinghealthy
    Took a nice walk, extended it a bit. Noticed the vast gardens here, I think my brunch each day will be the "Soup of the Day" ... can't go wrong there, also some of the specialty bread and seasonal fruit will be a nice addition. Thanks for the suggested side dish of fruit as an accompaniment @LindaK125 sorry for your insomnia, not pleasant

    I did visit around & noticed a couple groups/meetings of potential interest to assist in my goals. This cafe will definitely hold my heart & keep me centered. Oh speaking of, I did check on a room & turns out one had already been reserved for my stay ... it is so lovely, as well as, comfortable & comforting.

    A nap sure sounds nice, however errands beckon. Hope y'all have an enjoyable day. Nice to meet you, Linda. In time hope to meet @Zzyyggy Take care y'all

  • Zzyyggy
    Zzyyggy Posts: 1,046 Member
    Hi ladies, Rebecca-livinghealthy welcome to the cyber cafe. Yes we do have the best water ever here, and you're welcome to stop by anytime. Linda there is a bagel shop nearby which I haven't checked out but I hear it's pretty good. Maybe tomorrow. For dinner tonight I'm going to have the meatloaf platter with mashed potatoes, gravy, peas, and some parker house rolls. My taste of Home email had a recipe for them, and they looked good. A coca cola with that please. For dessert I'll have some apple pie and an iced mocha. I'm pooped tonight from all my swimming and may just hang out on the terrace and watch the sunset.
  • LindaK125
    LindaK125 Posts: 1,202 Member
    edited March 2023
    Dinner out on the terrace tonight. @rebecca_livinghealthy, the cafe’s chef, Francois, makes delicious soup. I’ve been eating soup everyday lately. It must be the weather and the fact that Sweetie, my husband, is the one making the soup. My plan for this evening was to order Francois’ chicken vegetable soup and have Viktor bring another bread basket to our table. Zzyyggy, Viktor promised to bring more Parker House rolls, too. We can even have Sunset dessert. Zzyyggy, you absolutely must stay awake for dessert, especially since you swam for 80 minutes (!!) this afternoon and can affect the extra calories. After dessert I think I’ll head on over to the Club Room. Igor is sure to have a fire going and I can sit in my recliner and read or nap. Useless (one of the cybercafe’s cats) will probably join me because Viktor always makes sure there’s a good supply of tuna treats.

    Zzyyggy, I’m glad you have a shop you can walk to. Hopefully they make good iced mochas. Gee, I almost forgot to order dessert. Francois has some nice Parmigiana Reggiano and I’ll have some paper thin slices of that with grapes, dates, apples, and pears. A glass of a late harvest Riesling would be nice with that.

    Sweetie went shopping today and came home with these huge green grapes that are wonderfully sweet. Plus, I really do have a nice piece of Parmigiana Reggiano. Of course, my drink of choice at home is water or chamomile tea. Although I admit that I still haven’t given up my cup of coffee in the morning, Zzyyggy. That’s so difficult to do.